Search: For - Economy

1576 results found

A wasted gift
Aug 10, 2018

A wasted gift

India’s government recently announced a safeguard duty (SGD) on solar cells and modules from China (and Malaysia) starting with 25% in the first year. This decision does not only jeopardise the own renewable energy targets but also harm the own economy. Why not let pay China for India's energy transition?

A ‘Triple T Transition’ to a sustainable recovery
Aug 17, 2020

A ‘Triple T Transition’ to a sustainable recovery

As countries continue to battle the insidious virus, a chorus of voices is rising up to demand fundamental changes in the way governments and industri

Abe leaves behind a formidable legacy
Jul 11, 2022

Abe leaves behind a formidable legacy

The former PM’s vision was focused on reaffirming Japan’s place in the world. He revitalised the economy, fought hard to reverse the nation’s pacifist stance and gave the world the construct of the Indo-Pacific

Accelerating infrastructure development in the post-pandemic era
Jul 13, 2022

Accelerating infrastructure development in the post-pandemic era

The government needs to undertake more targeted policies to ensure that the inflow of investments is adequate to finance infrastructure development.

Afghan peace process must be Afghan-led and Afghan-owned
Apr 07, 2017

Afghan peace process must be Afghan-led and Afghan-owned

Terrorism and criminality are intertwined and fed by an illicit economy that destabilises Afghanistan and undermines regional security.

Afghanistan-Pakistan relation: अफ़ग़ानिस्तान-पाकिस्तान के रिश्ते और अमेरिका की दख़लंदाज़ी!
Jul 26, 2023

Afghanistan-Pakistan relation: अफ़ग़ानिस्तान-पाकिस्तान के रिश्ते और अमेरिका की दख़लंदाज़ी!

लंबे समय तक अमेरिका और पाकिस्तान (US and Pakistan) के लिए एक-दूसरे क�

Africa’s delicate diplomacy in the South China Sea dispute
Jun 13, 2024

Africa’s delicate diplomacy in the South China Sea dispute

The ongoing skirmishes in the South China Sea between China and regional states represent another severe threat to the world economy, directly affecti

Agenda for Economic Reform P. N. DHARI. G. PATELM NARASIMHAMR. N. MALHOTRA
Jun 24, 2021

Agenda for Economic Reform P. N. DHARI. G. PATELM NARASIMHAMR. N. MALHOTRA

ndia was facing a massive balance of payment crisis when the Observer Research Foundation released a document, ‘Agenda for Economic Reform’, on 1 July 1991. The Agenda outlined the reasons for the crisis and recommended a broad strategy to enable the country to overcome it. As India marks 30 years since the start of widespread reforms that opened up the economy, ORF revisits the recommendations outlined in the document.

Agenda for the new Govt: Reform and restructure the national security system
May 19, 2014

Agenda for the new Govt: Reform and restructure the national security system

Across Asia, there is a great demand for India to play a more active role, one befitting its size and interests. But, whenever push comes to shove, we run up against two problems-first, our economy that lacks heft and second, our military which unable to play a role outside our borders.

America’s sectoral sanctions are against the Syrians
Feb 15, 2021

America’s sectoral sanctions are against the Syrians

Since America passed the Caesar Act which threatens sanctions on any third country that invests in Syria, countries have placed their plans to rebuild

Amidst global economic ruin, Indian story will be no different
Jun 09, 2020

Amidst global economic ruin, Indian story will be no different

National lockdown in four consecutive phases is already having a negative multiplier effect on the economy.

An Ambitious Trade Agenda for a Global India
Apr 04, 2023

An Ambitious Trade Agenda for a Global India

India’s desire to reconfigure the global balance of power is predicated on its ability to become an indispensable element in the global economic order. Thus, it is not surprising that the new foreign trade policy seems to shed the reticence of the past.

An Intellectual History of Modern Leftist Politics in the US
Aug 14, 2023

An Intellectual History of Modern Leftist Politics in the US

Left-wing activism amongst young people in the United States is on the rise, in no small part aided by the internet and social media. The generation which demographic researchers refer to as ‘Gen-Z’—or those born between the mid- to late 1990s to the early 2010s—is becoming more politically engaged. This brief offers an intellectual history of modern-day leftist politics in the US, and argues that it is primarily driven by the pur

An Underdeveloped Corporate Bond Market: The Achilles’ Heel of India’s Growth Story
Mar 11, 2023

An Underdeveloped Corporate Bond Market: The Achilles’ Heel of India’s Growth Story

India’s aspirations to become the third largest economy in the world by 2027, and a developed country by 2047, need to be backed by a liquid, deep, and well-functioning debt market—something that the country does not have. Banks in India typically lack the ability to sponsor long-term projects because their liabilities are of a relatively shorter tenure. An efficient Indian corporate bond market with lower costs and faster issuances could pro

Analysing Nepal’s economic crisis
Feb 06, 2023

Analysing Nepal’s economic crisis

The measures adopted by the Nepalese government are not enough to bring the ailing economy back on track

Anchored in Bharat, Budget 2022 exudes confidence, powers India’s growth
Feb 01, 2022

Anchored in Bharat, Budget 2022 exudes confidence, powers India’s growth

Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman budget remains unassuming in grand announcements, matter of fact in its outlook, and deglamorised in form—just t

Angola’s coming elections: A critical appraisal of Lourenço’s governance record
Mar 24, 2022

Angola’s coming elections: A critical appraisal of Lourenço’s governance record

The outcome of the upcoming Presidential elections in Angola will determine the future of the country's governance and its economy.

Angola’s honeymoon with China ends but will that end its woes?
Jul 26, 2022

Angola’s honeymoon with China ends but will that end its woes?

Will Angola be able to develop its economy by improving governance, rooting out corruption, and rebalancing its relationship with China and the West?

Annual Outlook 2023: Warmer Climes Ahead
Jan 23, 2024

Annual Outlook 2023: Warmer Climes Ahead

This report explores the economic and geopolitical impacts of climate change, highlighting the mitigated energy crisis in Europe, inflation trends, and global monetary policies. It discusses investment opportunities in sustainable travel and emerging markets, particularly in Asia, amidst the evolving energy landscape and consumer behaviors post-COVID, in the year 2023.

APEC 2022: Pros and cons of BCG Bangkok model
Dec 15, 2022

APEC 2022: Pros and cons of BCG Bangkok model

Though the BCG model has many positives, it is yet to be seen if it is as sustainable as it claims to be

Approaching sustainable development through an urban lens
May 16, 2019

Approaching sustainable development through an urban lens

Urbanisation is not the problem. It is actually the solution to achieving true sustainability and establishing a closed loop circular economy.

Are megacities the best option for the future?
Dec 22, 2020

Are megacities the best option for the future?

While megacities generate mega economy, they hurtle down the hill on almost all benchmarks of livability — a way must reverse this trend.

Armenia-India relations: Budding partnership benefits New Delhi
Dec 16, 2022

Armenia-India relations: Budding partnership benefits New Delhi

It is in New Delhi’s interest to strengthen its partnership with Yerevan by further deepening its defence ties

Aspirations must be backed by investments for the energy transition
Jan 16, 2024

Aspirations must be backed by investments for the energy transition

To achieve both its development goals and energy transition goals, India needs consistently higher levels of growth in national income to enhance the

Assessing Biden’s Climate Agenda: Bold Promises, Slow Results
Aug 14, 2023

Assessing Biden’s Climate Agenda: Bold Promises, Slow Results

The Biden administration’s climate agenda is a crucial plank to restore American commitments to climate actions and reinstate US leadership globally. However, the agenda has been slow on results. Although the climate fight has been linked to most other federal goals, such as economy, jobs, infrastructure, and procurements, the Biden administration faces both domestic and external challenges that continue to limit how much it can achieve

Assessing Maldives' shifting trade dynamics
Nov 22, 2023

Assessing Maldives' shifting trade dynamics

Although the FTA fosters further economic collaboration between Maldives and China, it can lead to unmanageable debt levels for the former

Assessing RBI's draft disclosure framework on climate-related financial risks
Apr 17, 2024

Assessing RBI's draft disclosure framework on climate-related financial risks

RBI’s draft disclosure framework on Climate-related financial risks is a welcome step, but there are challenges ahead

Asymmetric development geometries and SDGs
Aug 12, 2022

Asymmetric development geometries and SDGs

The global shortages in resources have had skewed effects on the developed and the developing world, with the latter finding it more challenging to

Atithi Devo Bhava?
Sep 13, 2023

Atithi Devo Bhava?

This issue brief analyses recent reforms of the Indian tourist visa process, addresses shortcomings and suggests ways in which to make the e-tourist visa effectively benefit the Indian economy.

Australia-China relations: The great unravelling
May 24, 2023

Australia-China relations: The great unravelling

Over the last three decades, Australia and China have established mutually beneficial economic ties. However, Australia’s decision to ask for an independent enquiry into the origins of SARS-CoV-2, which causes COVID-19, has led to a backlash from China. This brief examines the more important developments since 2015 that persuaded Australia to take measures aimed at protecting both its open economy and its democratic polity against China’s sys

Avoid Knee-jerk Reactions to Tackle Inflation
Apr 14, 2008

Avoid Knee-jerk Reactions to Tackle Inflation

With India's annual inflation rate rising to a near four-year high on a point-to-point basis on the back of rising food prices, the search for policies to combat the price rise poses unusual challenges. The nature and causes of the current spiraling inflation in India has become a subject of intense debate, primarily because of the ostensible role of `imported inflation' in driving the domestic prices north. Issues like poor performance of the Pu

Balancing Old and New in Delhi: Modern Delhi’s Perspective on Built Heritage Conservation
Aug 23, 2023

Balancing Old and New in Delhi: Modern Delhi’s Perspective on Built Heritage Conservation

While existing literature provides solid documentation of conservation policy and legislation, coverage of civil society's perceptions and role within conservation schemes is relatively sparse. This paper presents the under-represented perspective of modern Delhi on the policies and realities of heritage conservation.

Bangladesh, India ties: A new neighbourhood model
Oct 30, 2019

Bangladesh, India ties: A new neighbourhood model

Sheikh Hasina has guided her country’s policy wisely and adroitly, making Bangladesh the best performing economy in Asia.

Bangladesh: COVID-19 badly impacts garment industry
Apr 28, 2020

Bangladesh: COVID-19 badly impacts garment industry

The future of Bangladesh’s RMG sector is intertwined with the resumption of economic activities in Europe and the US, and a surge in demand.

Bangladesh: Model for the developing world and an emerging regional connectivity hub
Mar 25, 2021

Bangladesh: Model for the developing world and an emerging regional connectivity hub

Bangladesh is trying to engage in various sub-regional connectivity projects via road, rail, and sea routes with India.

Bangladesh: Reviewing the year 2020
Jan 05, 2021

Bangladesh: Reviewing the year 2020

Bangladesh will continue to enjoy political stability, its economy is expected to grow upwardly. However, securing the health of the population will b

Bangladesh–Australia at 50: Deliberating a maritime future
May 11, 2022

Bangladesh–Australia at 50: Deliberating a maritime future

Both Bangladesh and Australia are willing to enhance their diplomatic and strategic relationship on account of their shared vision of a free, open, an

Behind the sabre rattling: North Korea's motivations and Northeast Asia's concerns
Feb 01, 2024

Behind the sabre rattling: North Korea's motivations and Northeast Asia's concerns

North Korea's decision to abandon its long-term aim of reunification with South Korea presents a complex situation for the Korean Peninsula and also t

Being optimistic about India
Apr 29, 2022

Being optimistic about India

The Ukrainian crisis has negatively impacted the Indian economy, but the rising global demand and domestic fiscal management could help cushion the bl

Better governance for improved air quality
Nov 22, 2022

Better governance for improved air quality

Despite the Delhi government’s efforts to improve the air quality, a thick layer of smog continues to shroud Delhi

Beyond JCPOA — Economics
Jul 21, 2018

Beyond JCPOA — Economics

With the imposition of sanctions on Iran, India is left with two options: either find other avenues of oil imports or risk facing the US sanctions.

Bhutan: Pandemic and economic resilience
Apr 20, 2020

Bhutan: Pandemic and economic resilience

Tourism is the worst hit sector in Bhutan. The livelihood of 50,000 citizens depends on this or allied sectors.