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693 results found

God and the ballot: Religion and voting patterns in America
Aug 03, 2015

God and the ballot: Religion and voting patterns in America

The US constitution builds a wall of separation between the church and the state, interpreted as prohibiting the state from meddling into the affairs of the church and vice versa. However, this constitutional provision cannot negate the church's influence in impacting who gets elected as President.

Greek crisis hits the world
May 28, 2012

Greek crisis hits the world

Greece's problems, which started in 2009, are casting a deep shadow on world stock markets. India is also feeling the impact. The BSE Sensex took a deep plunge though it has recovered recently. The rupee has been falling in terms of the dollar during the last few weeks.

Green accounting: Valuing our common future
Sep 29, 2022

Green accounting: Valuing our common future

Incorporating environmental economic accounting can go a long way in achieving net-zero emission targets.

Green Transitions: Catalysing India–EU relations for a green future
Mar 02, 2021

Green Transitions: Catalysing India–EU relations for a green future

Ways to attain growth, create jobs, and meet developmental targets with minimal carbon emissions are priorities for both India and the EU.

Growth with high inflation - Who bothers about the common man?
Aug 17, 2010

Growth with high inflation - Who bothers about the common man?

While the common man or woman has to save for hard times and cut corners on everything, the same is not happening to the budgets of the Central and state governments.

Harnessing the Power of India’s Forests for Climate Change Mitigation
May 12, 2023

Harnessing the Power of India’s Forests for Climate Change Mitigation

Forests help mitigate the impacts of climate change, provide economic benefits for the country, and meet specific facets of India’s sustainable development goals. It is essential, therefore, to revisit India’s forest governance and evaluate the country’s efforts at forest restoration and conservation. This brief examines the current state of India’s forests, explores the effectiveness of forest restoration and conservation measures, and r

Household savings haven’t fallen
May 20, 2024

Household savings haven’t fallen

Household savings have merely moved from financial to physical assets, with an increase over time

How dissent is prosecuted in Bangladesh
Oct 05, 2019

How dissent is prosecuted in Bangladesh

In the last few years, the administration in Dhaka has brought a number of cases against poets, journalists and activists who have taken to social med

How India and the US can lead in the Indo-Pacific
Aug 18, 2017

How India and the US can lead in the Indo-Pacific

The stakes — who gets to construct the legal, economic, and military architecture of an integrated Indo-Pacific region — are enormous.

How US sanctions are fatal to Iran’s COVID19 fight
Apr 09, 2020

How US sanctions are fatal to Iran’s COVID19 fight

More than the inaction of the Iranian government, questions have been raised regarding the role of US sanctions in crippling Iran’s economy, infrast

IBSA and South-South Cooperation: An appraisal
Jun 20, 2018

IBSA and South-South Cooperation: An appraisal

Time and again, leaders from the global South have reaffirmed that people comes first and they should actively participate in the formulation and impl

Implications of LTTE's Air Capability
Jun 03, 2005

Implications of LTTE's Air Capability

Acquisition of air assets by the most successful guerilla outfit and a declared Terrorist organization, LTTE, has alarmed observers around the world.

Imported Coal: Source of Energy Security for India?
Jun 06, 2022

Imported Coal: Source of Energy Security for India?

India's increasing use of imported coal undermines the country's strategy of being "self-reliant" in the energy security sector.

Improving access to Agricultural credit: New perspectives
Jan 08, 2020

Improving access to Agricultural credit: New perspectives

India’s agrarian crisis has deepened in the past several years, contributing to the slowdown of the economy. Amongst the most crucial factors affecting the country’s agricultural sector is financial inclusion. Over the years, India has attempted various measures to narrow the gap in financial inclusion for its farmers, yet the goal continues to elude the country. This paper presents a discussion of these measures, outlining the current state

Improving accountability in management of municipal solid waste
Feb 24, 2014

Improving accountability in management of municipal solid waste

While the civic agencies responsible for daily cleaning of streets and removal of garbage are not demonstrating the desired level of efficiency, many urban residents do not follow any of the waste disposal rules, making waste management increasingly difficult.

In a week, China fires two rapid response launch vehicles
Oct 21, 2015

In a week, China fires two rapid response launch vehicles

Within the span of a week last month, China has successfully carried out maiden launches of two of its next generation launch vehicles. Besides validating the rockets for future manned and unmanned space missions, they have also demonstrated China?s strategic capabilities pertaining to outer space.

Inclusive India: The Foreign Trade Policy 2023
Apr 14, 2023

Inclusive India: The Foreign Trade Policy 2023

The new policies ensure that smaller vendors, businesses, and local artisans can access international markets, thus, making them a part of India’s e

Increasing Women’s Economic Productivity: The Case for Gender Lens Investing
Jan 27, 2023

Increasing Women’s Economic Productivity: The Case for Gender Lens Investing

The year 2022 saw the global economic outlook deteriorate amidst high inflation, fiscal tightening, and supply chain uncertainties arising from both the Russia-Ukraine war and the prolonged COVID-19 pandemic. Global Gross Domestic Product (GDP), after expanding by some 5 percent in 2021, contracted in the first half of 2022. This brief makes a case for gender lens investing (GLI) as a means to boost women’s participation in economic act

India and the ASAT Weapon
May 11, 2023

India and the ASAT Weapon

Anti-Satellite (ASAT) technology continues to proliferate in terms of both weapons and dual-use technologies. The three major powers-the US, Russia and China-have proven ASAT capabilities while several other space-faring nations are working on securing such assets. This Paper assesses the implications for India. It argues that ASAT technology will give the country significant asymmetric capabilities and prove to be an effective deterrent against

India Gas Exchange: One Small Step or a Giant Leap?
Jul 28, 2020

India Gas Exchange: One Small Step or a Giant Leap?

An actively traded spot market for natural gas supplemented with progressive regulation can integrate the domestic and global gas markets.

India is — and will remain — a growth story in the foreseeable future
Sep 10, 2018

India is — and will remain — a growth story in the foreseeable future

Standing on the foundations of growth and its future potential, some economies are more vulnerable — and some more valuable — than others. India stands on the valuable stack.

India must take the lead in the AI norms race
Mar 20, 2019

India must take the lead in the AI norms race

As Beijing sets its sights on dominance of the seas, it is also working to enhance its deep sea capabilities through “intelligentised” (智能) mi

India supports Palestine with key interests in mind
Dec 26, 2017

India supports Palestine with key interests in mind

Indian interests in the Persian Gulf region are paramount. That is from where India gets 70% of its oil, and where seven million of Indian citizens labour and send back remittances of around USD 35 billion per annum.

India's 21st century jobs struggle
May 20, 2017

India's 21st century jobs struggle

India still struggles to understand the alchemy by which access to new technologies, processes and markets is converted into increase in productivity.

India's lack of respect for liberty could pave the way to another Emergency
Jun 22, 2015

India's lack of respect for liberty could pave the way to another Emergency

Advani's most memorable quote: "You were asked only to bend, but you crawled" holds good today, as much as it did in 1975. Through the UPA regime, it was manifested in the absence of criticism of Sonia Gandhi, and now it is in the free ride that Narendra Modi gets.

India's strategic autonomy versus Latin America's active non-alignment
Aug 17, 2022

India's strategic autonomy versus Latin America's active non-alignment

India and most of Latin America view the Russia-Ukraine conflict as a ‘regional’ war limited to Europe, but one that has a massive impact on globa

India, China - a new partnership
Jul 26, 2010

India, China - a new partnership

India and China will need each other's markets and labour in the future. With rising wages, India can become an important outsourcing partner for China and more Indian finished goods can be sent to China. It could mean faster poverty reduction in India if growth with equity is the chosen path.

India-Africa partnership for food security: Beyond strategic concerns
Apr 24, 2020

India-Africa partnership for food security: Beyond strategic concerns

India and Africa’s complementary sectoral priorities and similar roles in the evolving global food markets present numerous opportunities for collaboration in the agricultural sector. This paper analyses the potential for India-Africa cooperation towards food security and capacity building. It makes an assessment of Indian partnership with African countries in the areas of agriculture and food security, outlines current initiatives in both regi

India-ASEAN FTA in services: Beneficial for both
Jul 16, 2013

India-ASEAN FTA in services: Beneficial for both

With both the goods FTA and services FTA in place, India is well set on the path of a comprehensive economic partnership with ASEAN. India, whose services sector contributes about 55% to the country's GDP, has been keen to sign the services FTA with ASEAN as it will help the Indian companies tap the ASEAN markets easily.

India-Central Asia: Important to facilitate North-South trade
May 03, 2019

India-Central Asia: Important to facilitate North-South trade

There have been several changes in the political landscape in the geography of Central Asia — with the entry of China as a major player in funding infrastructure projects in the region, and the weakening influence of USA in the markets, along with the independence from Soviet Union.

India-Japan-Australia minilateral: The promise and perils of balancing locally
May 24, 2017

India-Japan-Australia minilateral: The promise and perils of balancing locally

This paper argues that even when the India-Japan-Australia minilateral is inspired by a need to ensure their interests against the current global power transition, it remains limited in its aim: to restrain China from achieving regional hegemony as it may threaten the liberal security order in the region. In the face of China’s rise and the US’ retrenchment, Asia’s regional powers are hedging their bets on a regional security order that is

India-Maldives ties moving forward
Nov 25, 2011

India-Maldives ties moving forward

Despite the deep divisions within the Maldivian polity, which often gets reflected in Parliament, Maldives offered a near-full House when Singh became the first visiting Head of Government to address the People's Majlis (Parliament).

India-Russia economic and energy cooperation: The way ahead
Jun 07, 2017

India-Russia economic and energy cooperation: The way ahead

Economic ties were the cornerstone of Indo-Soviet relations. Even the 1971 Indo-Soviet Treaty of Friendship and Cooperation, which was essentially of a political-security nature, stressed upon “economic, scientific and technological cooperation”.[1] Although the India-Russia ties in general survived the upheavals of the early 1990s, economic relations began to cool in the post-Soviet period. Despite many ambitious targets set during various

India-US relations: Let's get real
Jun 06, 2012

India-US relations: Let's get real

As political India wakes up to a more complex security environment enveloping it, Delhi needs to demonstrate greater pragmatism in enhancing cooperation with Washington.

India-US WTO patch-up: Will the TFA really help India?
Nov 15, 2014

India-US WTO patch-up: Will the TFA really help India?

In spite of some benefits, the TFA is embroiled in controversy. Trade facilitation, according to some scholars, will enhance the developed countries' access to Indian markets and may impact manufacturing growth. Studies have shown India is losing out in competitiveness in all product lines and there has been a 'hollowing out' of industries.

India’s bank crisis is really a power crisis
Aug 03, 2018

India’s bank crisis is really a power crisis

Carbon-intensive assets are a financial time bomb.

India’s bid to kickstart innovation ecosystem in SCO
Jun 15, 2023

India’s bid to kickstart innovation ecosystem in SCO

India has accumulated valuable expertise in navigating complex markets, which can be shared to help startups in SCO countries.

India’s Coal Transition: A Market Case for Decarbonisation
Nov 11, 2021

India’s Coal Transition: A Market Case for Decarbonisation

There are calls for India to declare a net-zero year and offset its carbon emissions by various processes of absorption and removal of greenhouse gases. For India, such calls are irrational; despite international pressure, it has avoided making pledges or setting hard targets beyond its commitments at the Paris climate conference in 2015. This brief argues that “net zero” is not possible with India’s current levels of reliance on coal. Its

India’s COVID-19 Vaccination Campaign: A Marathon, Not a Sprint
Jun 07, 2021

India’s COVID-19 Vaccination Campaign: A Marathon, Not a Sprint

The year 2021 began with hope that the development, manufacture, and deployment of vaccines will soon bring the COVID-19 pandemic to an end. Halfway through the year, vaccination is underway across the world, albeit at a much slower pace for the mostly poorer nations. There is promising news from countries like the United States and Israel – where the vaccination drive has proven to be successful, and where health experts are considerin

India’s e-vehicle drive: Context and challenges
Aug 14, 2019

India’s e-vehicle drive: Context and challenges

There is no doubt in the merits of moving away from fossil-based mobility, but all the efforts must match up to the targets that have been set forth.

India’s Gender Digital Divide: Women and Politics on Twitter
Oct 29, 2015

India’s Gender Digital Divide: Women and Politics on Twitter

This study explores the spatial politics of Othering and whether women aremarginalized in political conversations online in India. It's methodology consists of an analysis of23,350 tweets over an eight-day period. It shows a significant underrepresentation of women inTwitter's political conversations, which mirrors a real-world marginalization of women in India'spolitical processes.

India’s Growing Energy Insecurity: Volatile crude prices and a tattered road map to reform
Feb 13, 2009

India’s Growing Energy Insecurity: Volatile crude prices and a tattered road map to reform

Over the past few years, there is noticeable amongst India watchers an inescapable feeling of disappointment at what has been seen as a perceptible rolling back of many of the much vaunted reforms that had been the face of the country's efforts to integrate with world energy markets through the turn of the century. With an import dependence of over 70%, and increasing with each passing year, the petroleum sector had been the obvious choice to mov

India’s Lines of Credit, Development Cooperation, and G20 Presidency: A Primer
Aug 17, 2023

India’s Lines of Credit, Development Cooperation, and G20 Presidency: A Primer

Lines of Credit (LOCs) are a widely used instrument in development cooperation, including for India. The projects funded by India’s LOCs attempt to achieve a trinity of objectives: economic benefits; effective project management and completion; and nurturing and enhancing diplomatic relationship and strategic interests with the partner countries. This brief explains how India’s LOCs function, and contextualises the performance of the

India’s Moment in the Geopolitics of Oil
Apr 04, 2023

India’s Moment in the Geopolitics of Oil

Global energy markets have battled continuous uncertainty over the past three years, disrupted first by the Covid-19 pandemic in 2020 and 2021, and by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in 2022. India has been adept at navigating both these disruptions, using economic diplomacy to position itself favourably in the geopolitics of oil. New Delhi’s delicate balancing of its political relationship with both Washington DC and Moscow has been accompanied

India’s UPI Market: Projections for Growth Under Various GDP Scenarios
Sep 08, 2023

India’s UPI Market: Projections for Growth Under Various GDP Scenarios

This paper projects the nationwide and state-wise size of India’s Unified Payments Interface (UPI) market under various GDP growth scenarios. The market sizes under these scenarios are expressed in monetary values at the scale of both sub-national units and the Indian economy as a whole. With the help of transactions and market share data from Phonepe, a UPI company, the paper estimates the national and state-wise base case scenario market volu

India’s water crisis: A permanent problem which needs permanent solutions
Jul 09, 2019

India’s water crisis: A permanent problem which needs permanent solutions

The government has announced an ambitious target of providing piped clean drinking water to all rural households by 2024. Although a worthy goal, it i

India’s ‘Look Far East’: The Vladivostok moment in Indo-Russian relations
May 26, 2020

India’s ‘Look Far East’: The Vladivostok moment in Indo-Russian relations

This paper explains Russian co-option of India into the Eastern Economic Forum (EEF) at a high level of participation in September 2019 and the range of agreements involved. It argues that the co-option was the result of Russian President Vladimir Putin’s dissatisfaction with the economic outcomes so far for the Russian Far East of “northeast Asian regional cooperation.” Moscow related this behaviour to skewed priorities of East Asia’s �

India’s ‘onshoring’ vision with GIFT City
Feb 26, 2024

India’s ‘onshoring’ vision with GIFT City

India’s GIFT City aspires to integrate its economy into the global financial system, ensure capital flow and connectivity with global financial mark