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7227 results found

Embodied surveillance during Covid-19 in India: A feminist perspective
Oct 08, 2020

Embodied surveillance during Covid-19 in India: A feminist perspective

Guidelines on public mobility may be needed to control community transmission. However, when this is carried out in a manner that evokes fear without

EU Summit Focuses on COVID, But No Breakthrough on IPR Waiver
May 10, 2021

EU Summit Focuses on COVID, But No Breakthrough on IPR Waiver

Under WTO rules such a move would require consensus that can only be worked out by extensive negotiations.

Europe in the post-COVID-19 world
May 19, 2021

Europe in the post-COVID-19 world

The European Union response to the pandemic shows that while the crisis has significantly challenged the multilateral system, cooperation and EU co-le

Evolve or perish: Streamlining healthcare delivery to fight Covid19
Mar 24, 2020

Evolve or perish: Streamlining healthcare delivery to fight Covid19

A crisis of these proportions call for a combination of basic practices, innovative measures, and radical thinking.

Evolve or perish: The way forward for India’s fight against Covid19
Mar 23, 2020

Evolve or perish: The way forward for India’s fight against Covid19

Adopting conventional strategies may not work in India given its highly heterogeneous character.

Fractured multilateralism and the search for COVID19 vaccine
Jun 27, 2020

Fractured multilateralism and the search for COVID19 vaccine

The EU’s push for multilateralism on developing a vaccine against COVID-19 comes amidst fraying international relations

G20 and climate action post-Covid
Oct 15, 2020

G20 and climate action post-Covid

India is poised in a unique position to influence the climate action discussion to ensure comprehensive mitigation, adaptation, and restoration.

Global contest for medical equipment amidst the COVID19 pandemic
May 20, 2020

Global contest for medical equipment amidst the COVID19 pandemic

While the coronavirus pandemic continues to stay strong, the demand and supply for crucial medical equipment is highly unlikely to disappear.

Grief in the time of COVID-19
Jan 21, 2022

Grief in the time of COVID-19

The incapability of processing grief after the death of loved ones during COVID-19 has showcased the need to address shortcomings in the mental health

Guiding democracy through Covid19: Poland shows us what not to do
May 07, 2020

Guiding democracy through Covid19: Poland shows us what not to do

Free elections are the backbone of a democracy. But to preserve democracy during a crisis such as this, we may need to cancel, postpone or rethink the

Health Infrastructure Planning Amid COVID-19: The Case of Mumbai
Jan 13, 2021

Health Infrastructure Planning Amid COVID-19: The Case of Mumbai

The COVID-19 pandemic has caused unprecedented stress on India’s urban public health infrastructure, underscoring the need for urban planning to account for increased demand for health amenities during crises. This paper evaluates the city of Mumbai’s 1991 and 2034 development plans and finds inherent infrastructural inadequacies. It calls on urban-policymakers to complement development plans with robust dynamic health strategies that conside

Health security must get the attention it deserves in India’s response to Covid19
Apr 22, 2020

Health security must get the attention it deserves in India’s response to Covid19

India needs to create a robust and inclusive health response system employing an entire-government approach to build the resilience needed to respond

How a changing global order will emerge in the post-Covid world
Apr 15, 2020

How a changing global order will emerge in the post-Covid world

A changing global economic order will make many nations focus on India as a preferred destination for investment over China.

How Covid pandemic has left millions of children without routine vaccines, study shows
Jul 20, 2021

How Covid pandemic has left millions of children without routine vaccines, study shows

There is an urgent need to strengthen routine immunisation to prevent the risk of vaccine-preventable disease in children, according to Lancet.

How COVID19 will affect sustainability and the UNSDGs
Apr 01, 2020

How COVID19 will affect sustainability and the UNSDGs

The pandemic COVID19 doesn’t just come in the way of the UN Sustainable Development Goals, but calls for a rethinking of the timeline.

How fake news is complicating India’s war against COVID-19
May 13, 2020

How fake news is complicating India’s war against COVID-19

Many would not have imagined fake news becoming a major menace in the time of life-threatening pandemic. Yet, this has become business as usual in Ind

How Is COVID-19 reshaping China-India relations?
Apr 04, 2020

How Is COVID-19 reshaping China-India relations?

The global pandemic has hit amid the 70th anniversary mark for relations and affected perceptions and realities in ties.

How PM Modi scored with COVIDiplomacy
Mar 17, 2020

How PM Modi scored with COVIDiplomacy

Disrupting conventional thinking, Prime Minister Modi held a video conference to fight Covid-19 with all SAARC leaders.