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Baloch Shadow Over Wen Jiabao's Visit
Apr 19, 2005

Baloch Shadow Over Wen Jiabao's Visit

The decision by the Pakistani and the Chinese authorities to cancel the programme for the formal inauguration of the newly-constructed Gwadar port by the Chinese Prime Minister Mr Wen Jiabao during his recent visit to Pakistan gave a clear indication of the further deterioration in the situation in Balochistan.

Baloch's silent war
Mar 19, 2015

Baloch's silent war

Several thousand Baloch men and women nationalists are known to have gone missing, and, as usual, the authorities have unleashed sectarian terrorists in Balochistan to discredit the nationalists by injecting their reliable hit men from the ASWJ, the successors to Lashkar-e-Jhangvi. They have repeatedly killed Hazara Shias in Balochistan.

Balochistan : Denials and silences
May 21, 2014

Balochistan : Denials and silences

While there has been considerable commentary in Pakistan about what happened to jounalist Hamid Mir, there is silence about the fast unto death by a young Baloch, Latif Johar who has been seeking the release of Zahid Baloch, Chairman of the Baloch Students' Organisation.

Balochistan Continues to Haunt Musharraf
Dec 29, 2004

Balochistan Continues to Haunt Musharraf

As already pointed out in our earlier articles on this subject, the unrest is, inter alia, due to anger over the suppression of the nationalist aspirations of the Balochs by the Government in Islamabad,

Balochistan: Behind an Iron Curtain
Aug 04, 2010

Balochistan: Behind an Iron Curtain

Awake my Punjab, Pakistan is ebbing away, Baloch poet, philosopher and Left Wing activist lawyer, Habib Jalib wrote, "Our Dreams have faded now, Pakistan is ebbing away, / Sindh, Baluchistan, have been weeping for ages.

Baluchistan on the boil
Jan 04, 2006

Baluchistan on the boil

Pakistan¿s largest province, Baluchistan, is again on the boil. Two rocket firing incidents took place in early December, 2005. The first incident involved firing on a helicopter carrying the Inspector-General of the Frontier Corps. In the second, a rocket was fired at a public meeting addressed by Gen Pervez Musharraf at Kohlu. These incidents appear to have provided an immediate provocation to launch an operation by the Pakistan Army and the F

Bangla MPs hope Modi Govt will take bilateral relations to a different level
Nov 22, 2014

Bangla MPs hope Modi Govt will take bilateral relations to a different level

A delegation of visiting Members of Parliament from Bangladesh, taking part in an interaction with academics, media-persons and ORF faculty, hoped that the new government in India would take the relations between the two countries to a different level.

Bangladesh after elections
Feb 20, 2009

Bangladesh after elections

It would be useful if India adopted a more generous approach towards resolving some of the contentious issues which have hindered a stronger bilateral relationship

Bangladesh elections: Blurred ideologies and lack of idealism
Dec 06, 2018

Bangladesh elections: Blurred ideologies and lack of idealism

Excitement around the elections is intense, but that in no way ignores the issues which have been rearing their heads in these past couple of weeks.

Bangladesh elections: Sheikh Hasina wins a brute majority and loses some democracy
Jan 07, 2019

Bangladesh elections: Sheikh Hasina wins a brute majority and loses some democracy

Its 11th General Elections have in fact left Bangladesh poorer in terms of its democratic processes, diversity and freedoms.

Bangladesh FM calls for Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna Basin Regime
Jul 25, 2013

Bangladesh FM calls for Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna Basin Regime

Delivering the 4th RK Mishra Memorial Lecture, Bangladesh's Foreign Minister, Dr Dipu Moni, called for a Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna Basin Regime, going beyond the boundaries of Bangladesh and India, to address the common realities of our region.

Bangladesh immigration: Modi needs to be careful
May 27, 2014

Bangladesh immigration: Modi needs to be careful

Rather than rushing to deport people, the new Modi government needs to carefully weigh a solution that will benefit all stakeholders. After all, friendly relations with its neighbors is in India's interests.

Bangladesh is changing; but not enough
May 17, 2012

Bangladesh is changing; but not enough

Bangladesh have witnessed changes in the last eight years, but they were not enough, according to speakers at a conference on India's relationship with Bangladesh.

Bangladesh still struggling to establish fully functional democracy
Nov 12, 2014

Bangladesh still struggling to establish fully functional democracy

Bangladesh's journey of democracy did not have a healthy start and it is still struggling with establishing a fully functioning democracy as is seen by the presence of confrontational politics and the dysfunctional parliament, according to former Bangladesh Major General Muniruzzaman.

Bangladesh's fight against militancy continues
Dec 31, 2010

Bangladesh's fight against militancy continues

Bangladesh needs to be commended for its efforts in fighting the rightwing militancy. The anti-militancy drive initiated by the Awami League Government in 2009 was further intensified in 2010

Bangladesh's web of Jihadi terror
Jun 24, 2015

Bangladesh's web of Jihadi terror

Though the Hasina Government is pursuing an active counter-terrorism programme and has succeeded in controlling the activities of various radical organisations in the real world, it has failed to curb their activities in the virtual world.

Bangladesh-Russia Nuclear Deal
Jun 14, 2010

Bangladesh-Russia Nuclear Deal

Securing Bangladesh's energy supply in the face of its growing needs has been the primary motivation for the country to sign the recent agreement with Russia for cooperation in the peaceful use of nuclear technology.

Bangladesh: A Seeming Crack-Down
Mar 02, 2005

Bangladesh: A Seeming Crack-Down

The so-called crack-down on religious extremist elements ordered by Prime Minister Khaleda Zia of Bangladesh has been selective.

Bangladesh: Chinese port building picking up?
May 30, 2014

Bangladesh: Chinese port building picking up?

Media in Bangladesh recently reported that China is all set to win the contract of the coveted deep-sea port in Sonadia, a small town of 9 sqkm offshore of Cox's Bazaar in Chittagong division.

Bangladesh: COVID-19 badly impacts garment industry
Apr 28, 2020

Bangladesh: COVID-19 badly impacts garment industry

The future of Bangladesh’s RMG sector is intertwined with the resumption of economic activities in Europe and the US, and a surge in demand.

Bangladesh: End of energy politics in the Bay of Bengal
Aug 01, 2014

Bangladesh: End of energy politics in the Bay of Bengal

The settlement of the maritime dispute between India and Bangladesh has ended the energy politics in the Bay of Bengal region. The verdict from The Hague-based Permanent Court of Arbitration (PCA) has removed obstacle for Bangladesh to exploit the rich hydro-carbon reserves in the Bay of Bengal.

Bangladesh: Huji, Al-Qaeda nexus cause for concern
Jul 17, 2015

Bangladesh: Huji, Al-Qaeda nexus cause for concern

Recently security agencies arrested 12 activists of the banned militant organisation Harkatul Jihad in Bangladesh. These arrests revealed that the group was preparing merger with the South Asia chapter of the international militant organisation Al-Qaeda.

Bangladesh: India's Foreign Secretary's visit: An assessment
Jun 17, 2011

Bangladesh: India's Foreign Secretary's visit: An assessment

India-Bangladesh relations got a major boost with Foreign Secretary Nirupama Rao's three-day visit to Bangladesh in June this year. This has also brightened the prospects of visit of Indian Prime Minister Manmonhan Singh to Bangladesh.

Bangladesh: Indian angle in internal politics
Apr 20, 2013

Bangladesh: Indian angle in internal politics

Indian High Commissioner to Bangladesh Pankaj Saran had a narrow escape as his car was attacked in Khulna. Initial investigation showed that the bombs were of low intensity.

Bangladesh: Is political violence reviving instability?
Dec 14, 2012

Bangladesh: Is political violence reviving instability?

Bangladesh witnessed the worst kind of political violence in the past few weeks following a series of protests called by the Opposition Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP) and its ally Jamaat-e-Islami (JI).

Bangladesh: Political implications of 'upazila' elections
Mar 28, 2014

Bangladesh: Political implications of 'upazila' elections

The ongoing upazila elections in Bangladesh are a move to deepen democracy at the grassroots. Since the election came just after the parliamentary polls that took place in January and was boycotted by main Opposition Bangladesh Nationalist party (BNP),

Bangladesh: Political violence on the rise again
Sep 23, 2011

Bangladesh: Political violence on the rise again

The violent incident on the streets of Dhaka involvingJamaat-e-Islami (JI) activists on September 19 has ignited fear among the people of Bangladesh that the country might again slip into a reign of chaos and unrest.

Bangladesh: Politics of hartal is back
Feb 06, 2015

Bangladesh: Politics of hartal is back

After a year of comparative stability in 2014, politics of hartal (street agitation) is back in Bangladesh. The country is almost paralysed for almost a month following strings of hartal staged by opposition Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP) for its campaign to oust Sheikh Hasina led Awami League government.

Bangladesh: Testing time still ahead
Apr 17, 2015

Bangladesh: Testing time still ahead

Last week Bangladesh celebrated the Bengali New Year, the biggest festival of the country with much fanfare. Celebration of Bengali New Year has special significance for the country as it marks the values for which Bangladesh fought for -- its culture and the liberal values.

Bangladesh: War crimes tribunal - Better late than never
Feb 15, 2013

Bangladesh: War crimes tribunal - Better late than never

In a rare move, the Bangladesh government has taken up the task of correcting the history by trying the 'war criminals' of the 1971 Independence War. In the nine-month-long freedom movement, 2.5-3 million people had died.

Bangladesh: Warming up to the US on all fronts
Jun 08, 2012

Bangladesh: Warming up to the US on all fronts

Bangladesh, once described as 'basket case' by veteran US strategist Henry Kissinger, has gathered new prominence in US' South Asia policy. The visit of US Secretary of State by Hillary Clinton in May this year that resulted in signing of a joint statement

Bangladesh: Warring Begums
Jan 12, 2015

Bangladesh: Warring Begums

The political situation in Bangladesh is reverting to the bad old days of hartals and blockades. Major countries which could influence the Sheikh Hasina government, including India, seem reluctant to pressurise her. India has been clearly backing her for the time being, knowing that the alternative could be worse.

Bangladesh: What city corporation elections indicate
May 01, 2015

Bangladesh: What city corporation elections indicate

The recently-concluded elections to three city corporations of Dhaka North, Dhaka South and Chittagong put forward some interesting trend about the present political situation in the country.

Bangladesh: Which way is politics headed?
Aug 02, 2013

Bangladesh: Which way is politics headed?

With six months left for parliamentary election in Bangladesh, politics is likely to warm up, charting a new course in the process. Opposition Bangladesh Nationalist Party's (BNP) landslide victory in five city corporation elections suggest that the party has gained strength after facing a humiliating defeat in the 2008 parliamentary election.

Bangladesh: Will the new cabinet overcome the political deadlock?
Nov 25, 2013

Bangladesh: Will the new cabinet overcome the political deadlock?

Politics in Bangladesh got a new twist this week following the formation of a new poll time government. The main purpose behind the formation of this government was to ease up the political crisis regarding the nature of government to supervise the general elections.

Bangladesh–India ties: Time to seize the opportunities
Mar 25, 2021

Bangladesh–India ties: Time to seize the opportunities

The window of opportunity opened up through the ongoing initiatives must now be seized through win-win follow-up initiatives.

Banking on BRICS to deliver
Mar 27, 2012

Banking on BRICS to deliver

BRICS is in transition and cannot afford to lose growth momentum. Multilateral institutions such as a BRICS Bank can aid in sustaining directed, equitable and resilient growth.