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Who will trust the RBI or government now?
Nov 28, 2016

Who will trust the RBI or government now?

People are going to have a hard time trusting the government or the RBI.

Why Afghanistan will be a new geopolitical pivot
Sep 16, 2021

Why Afghanistan will be a new geopolitical pivot

The Taliban’s return will lead to geopolitical realignment. India’s ties with major powers will also be readjusted to manage terrorism coming from the Af-Pak area

Why Al Qaeda's new wing is likely to fail in India
Sep 08, 2014

Why Al Qaeda's new wing is likely to fail in India

like the ISI, Lashkar-e-Tayyeba or the Indian Mujahideen, the al Qaeda will not meet much success in India because the Indian Muslims are happy with their lot in a secular, democratic country and even al Zawahiri understands that.

Why arms control is doomed to failure
Oct 25, 2018

Why arms control is doomed to failure

By pulling the US out of the INF Treaty, US President Donald Trump is only hastening the inevitable

Why Bihar’s prohibition law failed and what policymakers can learn from it
Jul 18, 2018

Why Bihar’s prohibition law failed and what policymakers can learn from it

Bihar’s policy foundations were erroneous, and in an effort to cover up its rudimentary faults, advocates of this policy have been resorting to othe

Why border dispute will remain a thorn in Sino-India relations
May 07, 2018

Why border dispute will remain a thorn in Sino-India relations

If the two countries want to move ahead along the lines indicated in Wuhan, they need to settle this, not set it aside as they have been doing in recent decades.

Why Brahmos sale to Vietnam is no violation of missile technology control regime commitments
Aug 23, 2017

Why Brahmos sale to Vietnam is no violation of missile technology control regime commitments

India’s potential sale of Brahmos missiles to Vietnam is not in violation of any MTCR rules or any commitments that India made when it became an MTCR member in June 2016.

Why Brazil’s election outcome matters to global democracy
Nov 03, 2022

Why Brazil’s election outcome matters to global democracy

The Brazilian electoral verdict offers a significant check to an accelerated right-wing turn for democracies across the world

Why China’s growing military might in Tibet should worry India
Mar 04, 2020

Why China’s growing military might in Tibet should worry India

The rising tempo of Chinese deployments in Tibet should be of concern to New Delhi.

Why Citizens Grievance Redress Bill needs urgent push?
Dec 21, 2011

Why Citizens Grievance Redress Bill needs urgent push?

The Citizens Grievance Redress Bill, despite its impressive provisions, is fraught with certain inadequacies that might not appreciate the grass-root realities of public grievances - like lack of a holistic interpretation of likely grievances.

Why city master plans fail to materialise
Feb 26, 2024

Why city master plans fail to materialise

Unless urban planning is heavily incentivised with quality men and money, development plans are likely to remain on paper

Why do Syrian refugees find it tough to return even though the military conflict has subsided? 
Apr 05, 2021

Why do Syrian refugees find it tough to return even though the military conflict has subsided? 

Syrians may not be able to return home for a variety of reasons, but in conversations, many of them express a deep longing for their country.

Why do ‘urbanised’ villages resist being labelled as urban local bodies?
Sep 22, 2020

Why do ‘urbanised’ villages resist being labelled as urban local bodies?

‘Urbanised’ rural areas must migrate to regulations that would get urbanisation right.

Why have we failed to create institutes of excellence, like in West?
Dec 11, 2017

Why have we failed to create institutes of excellence, like in West?

There is reluctance in offering absolute autonomy to institutes in something as basic as issuing degrees. When it comes to financial autonomy, it is a

Why India and Nepal are hitting reset on bilateral ties
Apr 09, 2018

Why India and Nepal are hitting reset on bilateral ties

The outcome of PM K.P. Sharma Oli's visit suggests relations between the two countries are in a reboot mode.

Why India Insists on Keeping Gilgit Baltistan Firmly in the Kashmir Equation
Jun 03, 2015

Why India Insists on Keeping Gilgit Baltistan Firmly in the Kashmir Equation

India's objections to Pakistan's plan of holding an election in Gilgit-Baltistan region and New Delhi's protests to Chinese activity there need to seen in the wider context of Sino-Pak nexus.

Why India is key to 21st century multilateralism
Feb 22, 2023

Why India is key to 21st century multilateralism

The G20 — with its mix of developing and developed countries — offers the perfect platform for India to infuse partner nations with foundational ideas

Why India still doesn't have a Pakistan policy
May 25, 2018

Why India still doesn't have a Pakistan policy

Despite 70 years of unremitting and implacable hostility, New Delhi still does not know how to deal with Islamabad.

Why India's military isn’t getting the weapons it needs
Aug 06, 2020

Why India's military isn’t getting the weapons it needs

New Delhi's labyrinthine procurement organization is an obstacle to the country's national security. And the external security threats that India confronts, especially that from Beijing, will not miraculously disappear.

Why India’s coastal security project is still a work in progress
Nov 25, 2016

Why India’s coastal security project is still a work in progress

The eighth anniversary of 26/11, the terror strikes in Mumbai, provides a fit opportunity to review the state of the country’s coastal security

Why is coercive diplomacy failing against the Taliban 
Dec 02, 2021

Why is coercive diplomacy failing against the Taliban 

The international community seems to be caught between a rock and a hard place as coercive tactics to reform the Talibann are proving to be ineffectiv

Why is the Indian counter-insurgency failing repeatedly?
Apr 08, 2014

Why is the Indian counter-insurgency failing repeatedly?

The Indian tendency to muddle through is likely to continue when it comes to counter-insurgency. The distance between the Army and its civilian masters is so gaping that advice, however enriched by experience and reflection, is likely to fall on deaf ears.

Why peace will remain elusive in Afghanistan
Feb 15, 2019

Why peace will remain elusive in Afghanistan

History is testament to the fact that no number of guarantees or pledges can deter the Taliban from reneging on promises.

Why Railways land monetisation plan has failed?
Oct 09, 2015

Why Railways land monetisation plan has failed?

Indian Railways remains one of the largest owners of land in the country along with the defence services and the port trusts. And yet, India has been unable to either free up the unutilised land for most part, nor has it been able to monetise it adequately.

Why regulating social media will not solve online hate speech
Aug 16, 2019

Why regulating social media will not solve online hate speech

A violent movement is nourished by the cultural milieu available to it, something that regulating content or fact checks cannot tackle.

Why the Commonwealth should prioritise cyber security, and deepen cooperation in cyber capacity building
Nov 24, 2017

Why the Commonwealth should prioritise cyber security, and deepen cooperation in cyber capacity building

The Global Conference on Cyberspace offers Commonwealth members the opportunity to share expertise and work together to enhance collective capability

Why the outcome of Sheikh Hasina's visit will be closely scrutinised in Bangladesh
Apr 10, 2017

Why the outcome of Sheikh Hasina's visit will be closely scrutinised in Bangladesh

The non-signing of the Teesta agreement has become a point of embarrassment for her government. The treaty was supposed to be signed during former Prime Minister Manmohan Singh’s visit to Bangladesh in 2011 but it was suspended at the last minute due to objection by the West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee.

Why the Philippines needs a robust “Look West” policy
Jan 25, 2024

Why the Philippines needs a robust “Look West” policy

As the Indo-Pacific continues to emerge at the centre of international security discourse, it will be vital for the Philippines to maximise this oppor

Why the trading system needs even more multilateralism today
May 17, 2021

Why the trading system needs even more multilateralism today

Pandemic-induced economic challenges and trade uncertainties are not a threat but an opportunity to ‘multilateralise’ new and deeper trade integra

Why the Ukraine crisis will not derail the Indian economy
Apr 30, 2022

Why the Ukraine crisis will not derail the Indian economy

Despite the prevailing environment of gloom and doom due to the Ukraine crisis, the Indian economy’s ability to resist imported inflation is greater

Why the US will stay on in Iraq
Oct 15, 2003

Why the US will stay on in Iraq

The United States presence in Iraq is going to continue in one way or another, with or without assistance from allies. The reason this assumption can be made forcefully is because of the arguments made before the war and the expectations that arose after victory was declared.

Why the west fails to understand: The new nuclear age
Mar 28, 2019

Why the west fails to understand: The new nuclear age

The West’s failure to understand the New Nuclear Age is the real reason for today’s nuclear pessimism.

Why the west fails to understand: The new nuclear age
Mar 28, 2019

Why the west fails to understand: The new nuclear age

The West’s failure to understand the New Nuclear Age is the real reason for today’s nuclear pessimism.

Why this new year will tell us if it's time for a new world order
Jan 01, 2019

Why this new year will tell us if it's time for a new world order

2019 will be the year when social scientists from across the world will be able to test their hypotheses on predicting new world orders.

Why Uniform Civil Code is at a critical inflection point?
Jun 30, 2022

Why Uniform Civil Code is at a critical inflection point?

Would the establishment of the Uniform Civil Code under the current regime lead to cracks in secular India?

Why will geopolitical and geoeconomic forces shape India’s growth story?
Feb 24, 2023

Why will geopolitical and geoeconomic forces shape India’s growth story?

Though many perceived India’s withdrawal from RCEP as “protectionist” and “conservative”, it seems that India’s withdrawal from the negotiations was a wise move given the imperceptible and unestimated costs that arise on the domestic economic, geoeconomic and geopolitical fronts.