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India must adjust to the rise of China
Nov 25, 2014

India must adjust to the rise of China

India's best course is the one that Prime Minister Modi is setting. This seeks to position India as a "swing state". On one hand, India has joined the New Development Bank, the AIIB and resisted American-led efforts to condemn Russia over Ukraine. On the other, it is actively wooing the US and its allies, Japan and Australia, in the Asia Pacific region.

India must employ more women to drive economic recovery
Nov 24, 2020

India must employ more women to drive economic recovery

Monetising the skills of the female workforce will address gender inequality and boost the 'Make in India' campaign.

India must raise its Asian Game
Jun 21, 2013

India must raise its Asian Game

For a decisive role in the region's future, India must accelerate its economic growth, build a stronger security partnership with Washington, contain the boundary dispute with China, and strengthen ties with key Asian middle powers.

India must stay in Afghanistan
Dec 06, 2011

India must stay in Afghanistan

A retreat from Afghanistan now would mean accepting the Chinese game of restricting our role to our national frontiers. The 21st Century belongs to Asia and we are an important part of that new Asia. Let us not choose a destiny that casts us aside.

India must use SDG framework to strengthen developmental diplomacy
Apr 29, 2021

India must use SDG framework to strengthen developmental diplomacy

India’s success in growing at a quick pace while keeping per capita emissions low despite its large population is a potential model for replication

India must watch Chinese plans when opting between BBIM & BCIM
Dec 11, 2015

India must watch Chinese plans when opting between BBIM & BCIM

India is faced with choices of being part of two regional blocs: BBIN and BCIM. In both blocs, India has Bangladesh as a common partner. The prime motives for being a member of the regional blocs are essentially economic, and strategically political.

India need more domestic gas supply and a larger gas grid
Aug 04, 2014

India need more domestic gas supply and a larger gas grid

Having indicated his intention to increase gas pipeline network infrastructure by 15,000 kilometers, making it almost double existing capacity, India's Finance Minister Arun Jaitley has certainly raised an intellectual argument among oil and gas stalwarts: What should be India's priority - gas or gas grid?

India need to be pro-active to strengthen relations with Bangladesh
Apr 05, 2012

India need to be pro-active to strengthen relations with Bangladesh

The fourth India-Bangladesh Security Dialogue, organised by ORF in association with the BEI, Dhaka, stressed on the need for the Indian government to be more proactive in the promotion of its ties with Bangladesh.

India needs a federal foreign policy
Apr 08, 2013

India needs a federal foreign policy

It would be difficult to graft something like the U.S. system on to the Indian system. Yet, clearly the time has come when Mizoram and Nagaland also have a say in India's Myanmar policy, instead of merely having to bear its consequences.

India needs a haircut
Apr 24, 2020

India needs a haircut

COVID-19 is the flash point which can tip us over the edge. But it was always touch and go. India needs a reset towards resilience.

India needs a strong neighbourhood policy: Former MEA secretary
Feb 03, 2014

India needs a strong neighbourhood policy: Former MEA secretary

There is a need for a strong foreign policy, particularly with regard to the India's immediate neighbourhood, according to a former secretary in the Ministry of External Affairs.

India needs climate adaptation strategy
May 06, 2015

India needs climate adaptation strategy

Absence of a national climate change adaptation strategy is hampering India's climate change mitigation efforts, opined experts and stakeholders while speaking at a seminar on 'Supporting Climate Resilient Development in India' in Kolkata on April 23.

India needs enhanced Look East Policy
Feb 10, 2014

India needs enhanced Look East Policy

Mr. Sanjay Bhattacharya, Joint Secretary (South), Ministry of External Affairs, says "the need of the hour is an enhanced Look East Policy that is more in time with the current global setting".

India needs long term solution in procuring defence systems
May 29, 2015

India needs long term solution in procuring defence systems

Security expert Ashley Tellis recommends upgrading India's aircraft carrier with US systems to counter the Chinese in the Indian Ocean. But does India face a credible enough Chinese threat and does it really need new systems?

India needs more banking services
May 05, 2014

India needs more banking services

Banking to be inclusive would require greater financial literacy and gender equality. All banks should include women, especially poorer ones, in their financial services. Perhaps later on, more banking licences would be granted, perhaps even to big industrial groups.

India needs scholars to formulate effective China policy
Sep 20, 2014

India needs scholars to formulate effective China policy

For formulating an effective China policy, India needs scholars well versed in Chinese language and culture who should be able to understand and appreciate the Chinese style of diplomacy to foster better synergy and cooperation between the two countries.

India needs to be a generous neighbour
Sep 08, 2014

India needs to be a generous neighbour

All of our neighbours run huge trade deficits with India which is not good for promoting harmonious relations. Basically, the whole South Asia is India-centric and instead of playing the big brother, India can afford to be generous. It will be beneficial to us in the long run to have peace and prosperity in the region.

India needs to change its mindset about Myanmar
Apr 12, 2012

India needs to change its mindset about Myanmar

As Myanmar moves forward, there is an opportunity for India to strengthen its traditional links, create new links and increase its presence. But to do this, India should "change its mindset" about Myanmar, says leading journalist Dr. Bharat Bhushan after a visit to the country.

India needs to expand depth and scope of dialogue with Africa: MPs
Mar 21, 2013

India needs to expand depth and scope of dialogue with Africa: MPs

India's economic cooperation with many of the African countries is booming but some parliamentarians from Africa think that to make the cooperation more constructive, India should try to make the local population also stake holders.

India needs to fight recession the way China is doing
Apr 19, 2020

India needs to fight recession the way China is doing

While China may escape recession or experience it in a mild form — India is likely to experience it more harshly.

India needs to increase public spending
Feb 04, 2014

India needs to increase public spending

India, which has experienced a 4.6 per cent growth rate in 2013-14, requires higher public spending on infrastructure. More public services and goods are needed to bring relief to the lower income groups, especially health services, otherwise they are likely to slip into poverty.

India needs to learn how to leverage friendship with US
Jan 27, 2015

India needs to learn how to leverage friendship with US

Being friends with the United States is one thing, but leveraging it to your advantage is quite another. There are lessons that India needs to learn, ironically enough from our two adversaries - China and Pakistan - who have been very successful in using the US connection to their advantage.

India needs to maintain tight security
Oct 21, 2010

India needs to maintain tight security

India should be prepared to face the prospects of unending jihadi attacks not only in Kashmir but also in any part of the country. Eternal vigilance is the price India has to pay.

India needs to prioritise concerns and interests in Neighbourhood
Jan 15, 2014

India needs to prioritise concerns and interests in Neighbourhood

Among other things, India requires its neighbours to 'out-source' its larger geo-strategic security concerns in the shared Indian Ocean Neighbourhood - and otherwise, too.

India needs to refine its position on Internet Governance
Sep 03, 2015

India needs to refine its position on Internet Governance

As ICANN moves towards multi-stakeholder leadership, it must continue its efforts to become more global and more inclusive. In order for India to be a part of this transformation, it needs to refine its position on internet governance and include a wide range of perspectives, say experts.

India needs to review its security measures
Dec 14, 2010

India needs to review its security measures

Following the Wikileaks, now one can draw the conclusion that Pakistan would never give up supporting the terror groups like the LeT and would use them for creating problems for India, at least in Jammu and Kashmir.

India no safer today than it was five years ago
Nov 26, 2013

India no safer today than it was five years ago

On the anniversary of the Mumbai terror attacks of 2008, it is not surprising that the first thoughts that come to mind relate to the safety and security of the country. The obvious question to be posed here is: Are we safer today than we were five years ago? Sadly, the answer will be no.

India not in the game of catching up with China: Senior Govt official
Nov 21, 2013

India not in the game of catching up with China: Senior Govt official

Taking part in an interaction on Prime Minister Manmohan Singh's recent visit to China, Mr. Gautam Bambawale, Joint Secretary (East Asia), Ministry of External Affairs, emphasised that India was not in a game of "catching up" with China vis-a-vis its relationship with other East Asian countries.

India Poll 2013: A revelation for policy makers and strategists
May 20, 2013

India Poll 2013: A revelation for policy makers and strategists

The India Poll 2013, prepared by the Lowy Institute for International Policy in partnership with Australia India Institute at the University of Melbourne, provides stark and surprising insights into what the people of India think about their future and the world.

India remains in S Asian bottle
Dec 28, 2010

India remains in S Asian bottle

The biggest success for China insofar India is to derive maximum advantage from her emerging economy status while at the same time keeping India tied down in sub-continental squabbling. The Wen visit achieved just that.

India reviewing its Defence Procurement Policy
Feb 05, 2012

India reviewing its Defence Procurement Policy

With the year-old Defence Procurement Policy (DPP) not working as expected, the Government of India is planning to come up with a new policy soon. This was revealed by Mr. Amit Cowshish, Financial Advisor (Acquisition) and Additional Secretary, Department of Defence Finance.

India sends the right message to Pakistan
Jan 29, 2013

India sends the right message to Pakistan

After the initial fire and fury at the LoC, there is now a belief that the situation is relatively under control. This assumption may be misleading, unless the dynamics of the LoC and its violations are fully comprehended.

India shining or China? Investment plans say it all
Oct 19, 2013

India shining or China? Investment plans say it all

India's external balance is changing fast with new equations being worked out. We need to set our house in order - refurbish our political apparatus, rebuild the crumbling state of our institutions and reorient and revamp our governance capacities.

India should act as an elder brother to Bangladesh
Aug 23, 2014

India should act as an elder brother to Bangladesh

The new political leadership in Delhi has given a ray of hope for the prospect of regional cooperation. In this regard, it is very important for India to understand how it is perceived by neighbouring countries in the South Asian region, says Bangladesh's Deputy High Commissioner Mahbub Hasan Saleh.

India should anchor maritime policies on a strong navy
Feb 20, 2014

India should anchor maritime policies on a strong navy

Even as India engages China in a dialogue, or becomes a way station in the sea silk route, New Delhi needs to take some lessons from China and anchor its maritime policies on a strong navy. As of now, we can more than hold our own in the Indian Ocean against all but the US Navy. But, tomorrow is another day.

India should be a Knowledge Superpower!
Feb 04, 2005

India should be a Knowledge Superpower!

India is the second fastest growing economy in the world today. At a most basic understanding, an economy grows when goods -- agricultural and industrial -- are produced and bought and/or when the service industries are growing phenomenally. In India's case both sectors are performing very well.

India should be careful not to fall into Argentina-like situation
Feb 16, 2014

India should be careful not to fall into Argentina-like situation

In the beginning of the 90's, Argentina was the second richest country in the world, but now the country is in a shambles. India should be careful not to fall into such a situation, cautions former Union Revenue Secretary M.R. Sivaraman.

India should ensure arms deals are not one way traffic
Feb 02, 2012

India should ensure arms deals are not one way traffic

While India will spend around $200bn-plus in the next 10 years, future contracts like the MMRCA should pave the way for opportunities for Indian firms to upgrade their design, development, production and innovation capabilities. India must ensure that arms deals are not a one-way traffic for suppliers.

India should follow China in export-oriented FDI
Jul 15, 2014

India should follow China in export-oriented FDI

Export-oriented FDI has the potential to vault India into the league of industrial economies: a stage which it allegedly skipped on its way to becoming a post-industrial service-based economy. Export-oriented FDI is labour-- and employment --intensive. In China export obligation is mandatory for foreign investors. This should be done .

India should follow China in export-oriented FDI
Jul 15, 2014

India should follow China in export-oriented FDI

Export-oriented FDI has the potential to vault India into the league of industrial economies: a stage which it allegedly skipped on its way to becoming a post-industrial service-based economy. Export-oriented FDI is labour-- and employment --intensive. In China export obligation is mandatory for foreign investors. This should be done .