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5144 results found

Money Flushed Down the Irrigation Canal
May 22, 2015

Money Flushed Down the Irrigation Canal

The government's focus on big ticket investment in irrigation projects without caring for its impact on production capacity defeats the very purpose of investing in agriculture projects. There is a need for monumental policy shift to fight the agrarian crisis

Monsoons to test Modi Govt's crisis management
Jun 08, 2015

Monsoons to test Modi Govt's crisis management

As usual there is speculation about the normalcy of the monsoons. A deficient monsoon this year will certainly aggravate the stress of farmers who suffered losses due to the unseasonal rains in the last winter season. It will also dent the high growth profile that India is currently enjoying. Such a situation will test Modi's ability to manage crisis.

More modestly, with Kabul
Apr 27, 2015

More modestly, with Kabul

The visit of Afghan President Ashraf Ghani in New Delhi this week offers an opportunity to PM Modi to recalibrate India's Afghan policy towards greater realism and more modest goals. Modi must reassure Ghani that Delhi is in a "standby" mode, ready to extend, whatever support Kabul wants and feels comfortable with.

More questions in Headley report
Aug 24, 2010

More questions in Headley report

The report prepared by National Investigating Agency (NIA) on David Coleman Headley, after interrogating him for 34 hours (June 3-9, 2010), show that he was not recruited by Lashkar-e-Tayyeba (LeT) but by ISI to help in planning the Mumbai attack.

More questions than answers in Pakistan today
Sep 13, 2012

More questions than answers in Pakistan today

Pakistan is grappling with multiple challenges currently and perhaps the only silver lining on the horizon is the possibility of a deeper economic relationship with India. There were more questions than answers about the situation inside Pakistan.

More sophistry?
Mar 05, 2005

More sophistry?

The occupier observed from the sidelines. The occupied were summoned to be handed yet another promissory note, and a sustenance allowance ¿ on condition of good behaviour. The ritual was enacted, appropriately enough, in London (on March 1) where it all began nine decades earlier; it was consecrated by the august presence of United States Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice,

More tax share to States; Also more challenges
Apr 16, 2015

More tax share to States; Also more challenges

The Fourth Finance Commission recommended devolution comes at a critical juncture of Centre-State fiscal relations that was looking increasingly unsustainable. Yet, with it, lies a different set of challenges and the Centre is expected to play an even greater role to aid States to spend money effectively while managing newer forms of inequality that are bound to emerge out of the new direction.

More tax, IT reforms needed to make 'Make-in-India' successful
Jul 03, 2015

More tax, IT reforms needed to make 'Make-in-India' successful

PM Modi's 'Make in India' is a grand idea to reboot the ailing manufacturing sector. But the success of this programme will largely depend on creating an enabling ecosystem for manufacturing. This would require serious reforms in taxation.

More than 80 percent of terrorist activities are state-sponsored
Dec 27, 2014

More than 80 percent of terrorist activities are state-sponsored

The biggest challenge in dealing with terrorism is the 'double-standard' approach that many nations, including the US, at the policy-level internationally, according to Dr K V S Gopalakrishnan, former Special Director of the Intelligence Bureau (IB).

More than just a catchy acronym: Six reasons why BRICS matters
Jan 10, 2013

More than just a catchy acronym: Six reasons why BRICS matters

BRICS is surely much more than merely catchy acronym. While countries across the globe share a number of common interests, the order of priorities differs. Today, BRICS nations find that their order of priorities on a number of external and internal issues which affect their domestic environments is relatively similar.

Morsi ousted, violent clashes erupt between rival factions
Jul 09, 2013

Morsi ousted, violent clashes erupt between rival factions

President Mohammed Morsi was ousted from power by the military on Wednesday and has now been placed under house arrest along with many members of the presidential team. This announcement was met by cheers from the public.

Moscow shocked by Metro blasts
Mar 31, 2010

Moscow shocked by Metro blasts

The relative calm in the major Russian cities was broken last November when a bombing attack derailed the Nevsky Express -- a high-speed train plying between Moscow and St Petersburg

Moves to enhance response to CBR attacks
Dec 27, 2011

Moves to enhance response to CBR attacks

The recent Indian government's decision to equip 800 police stations in 80 cities with radiation monitors is a clear indication of how serious the threats posed by chemical, biological and radioactive (CBR) weapons is being taken.

Moving forward on Kashmir
Oct 01, 2004

Moving forward on Kashmir

In agreeing to explore with Pakistan a final settlement of the Kashmir question as part of a normalisation of bilateral relations, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh has pushed the India-Pakistan dialogue into what could be an exciting, if not decisive, phase.

Moving towards a stronger India-Japan partnership
Jun 17, 2013

Moving towards a stronger India-Japan partnership

The India-Japan partnership has matured into an important component of the new security and economic architecture of the Indo-Pacific region. For a long time, the partnership was centered on economic matters. But it has diversified to cover a wide spectrum of interests including security, counter terrorism, sea-lanes, UN reforms, energy security and climate change.

MPLAD Scheme: Need to work on loopholes
Mar 23, 2012

MPLAD Scheme: Need to work on loopholes

A study undertaken by ORF on the Members of Parliament Local Area Development Scheme (MPLADS) found that there is a need to work on the loopholes of the scheme and take corrective measures for its better implementation.

MPs' Sri Lanka visit: A clear message from Indian polity
Apr 23, 2012

MPs' Sri Lanka visit: A clear message from Indian polity

The Indian parliamentary delegation's visit to Sri Lanka was not expected to fast-track a solution to the ethnic issue. Yet, it has facilitated continued Indian engagement on the subject with various stake-holders, the Government, the TNA and the UNP Opposition.

Mt Everest: Overcrowding at the top of the world must be regulated
Aug 09, 2019

Mt Everest: Overcrowding at the top of the world must be regulated

Nepal needs to be proactive in safeguarding the tourism industry centred around Mount Everest

Mujib's world vision and India
Aug 14, 2013

Mujib's world vision and India

Sheikh Mujibur Rahman is popularly known as Bangabandhu or Friend of Bengal. He became the Prime Minister of Bangladesh in 1972. He was a close friend of Prime Minister Indira Gandhi.

Mullah Omar's Eid message: The main takeaways
Jul 30, 2014

Mullah Omar's Eid message: The main takeaways

Mullah Omar's latest statement shows that despite his amicability to the reconciliation process, the prospects for the new Afghan president to achieve a breakthrough with the Taliban are quite remote.

Mullaperiyar Dam: Political and Technical Undercurrents
Dec 26, 2011

Mullaperiyar Dam: Political and Technical Undercurrents

Instead of dealing with the Mullaperiyar dam controversy as a geo-political conflict, it should be tackled as an institutional, legal and administrative failure in the region. Equitable distribution of the benefits of the shared resource is not an impossible task to achieve.

Multi-brand retail: Risky to usher in oligopolistic global retailers
Apr 14, 2014

Multi-brand retail: Risky to usher in oligopolistic global retailers

It makes more sense to enable domestic multi-brand retailers to become strong and see how they develop the village infrastructure and supply chains. It would be risky to usher in oligopolistic global retailers without any strings attached and allowing them to take a big slice of India's huge retail market.

Multi-dimensional threats challenge Indian security
Apr 11, 2014

Multi-dimensional threats challenge Indian security

New security challenges confront India today. Newer areas of conflict and contestation are emerging on the horizon. These challenges call for dynamic and autonomous response mechanisms.

Multi-front battle on sales reforms
Jan 28, 2011

Multi-front battle on sales reforms

As the Pakistani People's Party (PPP) Government struggles to get the Reformed General Sales Tax (RGST) passed into legislation, an international team of IMF experts are scheduled to meet with political parties this week to be the mediators for a much-needed consensus.

Multistakeholder policy making very important: Google official
May 01, 2015

Multistakeholder policy making very important: Google official

The future of the internet is by no means simple, and that the deeper the analysis became, the more complicated it would be, according to Vint Cerf, Vice President and Chief Internet Evangelist at Google.

Mumbai - A city of maximum contrasts
Jan 03, 2012

Mumbai - A city of maximum contrasts

For long we have been fed lies. Mumbai has no scarcity of houses and the key to the truth lies in using digital technology to unlock the city's housing potential.

Mumbai attacks: Time to Rethink CT Strategy
Jul 16, 2011

Mumbai attacks: Time to Rethink CT Strategy

The coordinated serial bombings in Mumbai on July 13, 2011, have raised serious questions about India's counter-terrorism (CT) policies which rely more on technology enablers and not as much on robust intelligence gathering and analysis at the local as well as national level.

Mumbai terror attack: Six years later, are we ready?
Nov 27, 2014

Mumbai terror attack: Six years later, are we ready?

Terrorism follows no rules and is not likely to disappear suddenly. Counter-terrorism can be harsh but is required to follow some rules. We need state-of-the-art intelligence but we need the freedoms. It is always going to be a difficult choice.

Mumbai's makeover gamble
Mar 10, 2005

Mumbai's makeover gamble

The demolition man has been halted. It seems that Mumbai will have to wait for that gleaming, polished look. Its dream to look in the mirror and say Shanghai has been abruptly broken.

Mumbai's Second Airport: It's Time To Think Big
Sep 25, 2010

Mumbai's Second Airport: It's Time To Think Big

Mumbai still continues to enjoy its position as the country's commercial capital thanks largely to the infrastructure advantage it is blessed with, which was progressively built since the days of the British Raj keeping in mind the future expansion of the city as India's trade and business hub.

Municipal governance - The Indian narrative
Nov 25, 2014

Municipal governance - The Indian narrative

Municipal governance has once again taken centre stage in Indian polity. There is a current re-shaping of narratives within the national government to make local governance effective. It is realised that deficit in the delivery of urban services results in chaos, which forms the basis for citizens doubting the functioning of the local government.

Murder is murder
Oct 05, 2015

Murder is murder

Mohammad Akhlaq's horrific killing in Dadri, in western Uttar Pradesh, just outside Delhi, is an act of infamy. Whatever the circumstances or the alleged provocation, it ceases to matter when a person is done to death with such barbarism.

Muscle-power giving way to money-power in elections: Expert
Apr 25, 2015

Muscle-power giving way to money-power in elections: Expert

The process of reforms in the electoral system to ensure electoral integrity has began, but much remains to be achieved. Ultimately, electoral integrity could be restored only by the will of the people and it is in people's power to do so.

Musharraf & His Theatre
Apr 15, 2005

Musharraf & His Theatre

India and Pakistan are currently engaged in a war of attrition through the use of the soft power of the electronic media and skilful psychological warfare in the hope of thereby making each other's traditional position on the Kashmir issue increasingly untenable and thus making possible a forward movement in their bilateral negotiations on the subject.

Musharraf and his terrorism policy
Jul 05, 2004

Musharraf and his terrorism policy

When Pakistan President Pervez Musharraf speaks, he gets lots of attention in Washington DC and other capitals in the western world. For the past three years, he has been saying that he was determined to root out terrorism from the world. He was quickly dubbed as a staunch ally by the Bush administration.

Musharraf case can pit Sharif against Army
Jun 25, 2013

Musharraf case can pit Sharif against Army

Not only is former President Pervez Musharraf likely to face trial for treason but also are others who abetted the crime - suspending the Constitution. This could draw in Army chief Kayani himself into the trial, if not as a co-accused but as a prosecution witness.

Musharraf seeks out Ummah
Jul 24, 2003

Musharraf seeks out Ummah

President Pervez Musharraf¿s recent trans-national tour¿four western nations and three African nations¿has significant implications for him, and Pakistan.

Musharraf's demilitarisation balloon
Jan 18, 2006

Musharraf's demilitarisation balloon

Disappointed at the lack of progress in resolving the Kashmir issue through the Indo-Pak composite dialogue, Gen Pervez Musharraf is reported to have said, ¿Let me give another bombshell, I propose, one way of moving forward.... Take three towns, Srinagar, Kupwara and Baramula. Let all the military move out of the cities to the outskirts. (We) will ensure there is no militancy inside....

Musharraf's Frankensteins Come Home To Haunt Him
Dec 30, 2003

Musharraf's Frankensteins Come Home To Haunt Him

The two assassination attempts in quick succession on Gen.Pervez Musharraf, the President of an Islamic state, who is a key ally of the United States in the war in Afghanistan, came at a time when the US-led coalition forces in Iraq were rejoicing over the capture of Saddam Hussein, the enemy number two only after Osama bin Laden.

Musharraf's loss, jihadis' gain
Oct 26, 2005

Musharraf's loss, jihadis' gain

The October 8 earthquake devastated large parts of Kashmir on both sides of the border, and left thousands dead and millions homeless. It also exposed the Pakistan Army's abysmal lack of experience in handling civilian disasters, a clear absence of higher leadership in coordinating and conducting rescue and relief operations in areas that have been traditionally trodden by the troops.

Muslim Anger: The Thai Dilemma
Nov 02, 2004

Muslim Anger: The Thai Dilemma

The internal security situation in southern Thailand, which has seen a recrudescence of long dormant Muslim anger against the Government since the beginning of this year, has again taken a turn for the worse with the death of six Muslims allegedly due to firing by the security forces outside a police station in the Narathiwat province on October 25,2004,

Muslim matters in UP
Jan 25, 2012

Muslim matters in UP

The political weight of the Muslims is undeniable in Uttar Pradesh. With nearly 18% of the population, they potentially constitute one of the largest consolidated vote banks, notwithstanding the larger Hindu community, which is highly fragmented along caste and class lines.

Mutual Benefit Should Define India-Africa Partnership
Mar 30, 2011

Mutual Benefit Should Define India-Africa Partnership

The form of engagement between India and Africa should be defined by the idea of long-term mutual benefit and sustenance, and not merely by development and aid-giving.

Myanmar - The neighbour we keep forgetting
May 24, 2012

Myanmar - The neighbour we keep forgetting

Prime Minister Man Mohan Singh is currently visiting Myanmar which is only the second visit by an Indian PM in 20 years. Hopefully political exchanges at that level will be more frequent. It will always be in our interest that we should seek to economically integrate our eastern states with Myanmar.