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Uri aftermath: Retaliation, with de-escalation built in
Sep 30, 2016

Uri aftermath: Retaliation, with de-escalation built in

While individual strikes on the LoC are fine, an escalation of tension and a breakdown of the 2003 ceasefire will be a negative rebound.

Uri attack: There are no military options that will give India the outcome it wants
Sep 19, 2016

Uri attack: There are no military options that will give India the outcome it wants

In Pathankot and again in Uri, we have seen the perimeter breached too easily.

US Debt Crisis: Viable Recovery Plan Still Missing
Aug 04, 2011

US Debt Crisis: Viable Recovery Plan Still Missing

The negotiations leading to the compromise legislation in the US Congress revealed two interesting trends. One, the increasing influence of the Tea Party Caucus in Republican politics and by extension in the American political system. Second, the absence of effective Presidential leadership in the debt-ceiling debate.

US dilemma over Nawaz Sharif's astute moves
May 20, 2011

US dilemma over Nawaz Sharif's astute moves

In Pakistan, there is a sense of disillusionment with the government, and forme Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif, an astute politician, obviously sees an opportunity in it for his party PML(N) in the 2013 election. But it is not likely to be an easy road.

US failure to create enough jobs a major worry
May 16, 2011

US failure to create enough jobs a major worry

US consumer spending and consumer confidence have to pick up, but this can happen only if people have jobs and regular incomes, and the private sector which runs 80 per cent of the US economy starts hiring more people. Also the manufacturing growth will have to pick up and the dependence on Chinese goods needs to be reduced.

US military base in Bangladesh?
Apr 13, 2012

US military base in Bangladesh?

Bangladesh Foreign Minister Dr Dipu Moni recently declared that no US army base will be allowed in the country. Her assertion came after doubts were expressed about presence of US forces in Bangladesh.

US mistakes: Will Ukraine be the next?
Mar 20, 2014

US mistakes: Will Ukraine be the next?

It is said of the US that it comes to the right course of action after making all the mistakes. Unfortunately, it is others who end up paying the real price. And that includes Pakistan too. Ukraine looks to be the next candidate.

US pivot and the Indian dilemma
Jul 10, 2012

US pivot and the Indian dilemma

India is still coming to grips with the emerging multi-polar world order and managing great power relations still appears to be a major challenge for Delhi. India is keen on developing stronger partnership with the US. But, on the other hand, it is also concerned about the reaction of China and, increasingly, of Russia.

US rules aim to derail China’s chip industry
Oct 12, 2022

US rules aim to derail China’s chip industry

When China set up the ‘Big Fund’ in 2014, its mandate to companies was chip-making rather than the development of a self-reliant industry based on R&D. This strategy has left gaps in China that the US is now intending to exploit through its new rules. It has introduced a sweeping set of export controls that will make it more difficult for Chinese companies to develop cutting-edge technologies, especially semiconductors.

US sanctions on Pakistan and their failure as strategic deterrent
Aug 21, 2023

US sanctions on Pakistan and their failure as strategic deterrent

The US has subjected Pakistan to a unilateral sanctions regime at several crucial junctures in the history of their bilateral ties. Though the reasons for cutting off economic and military aid to Pakistan have been contingent on strategic exigencies prevalent at different points in time and therefore not singular, countering Pakistan’s nuclear ambitions has been a recurring theme. It is widely believed that these sanctions have not been able to

US VP Debate: Will Harris’s restraint ‘Ensure’ Joe Biden’s win?
Oct 09, 2020

US VP Debate: Will Harris’s restraint ‘Ensure’ Joe Biden’s win?

By not railing against Trump, by showing restraint during the VP debate, Harris came across as a woman in control.

US$ 1 trillion for renewable energy: Transforming multilateral agencies
Apr 18, 2023

US$ 1 trillion for renewable energy: Transforming multilateral agencies

Public financial institutions such as MDBs and DFIs have to enter the fray to solve the long-term debt funding requirements of the RE sector

US-China competition: Impact on multilateral aid to Gaza
Nov 22, 2023

US-China competition: Impact on multilateral aid to Gaza

The competition between the US and China has severely impacted the delivery of humanitarian aid to Gaza. This is a wake-up call to reform multilateral

US-India defence technology cooperation: Between illusion and reality
Jun 28, 2023

US-India defence technology cooperation: Between illusion and reality

There is good cause to be optimistic about the US-India defence technology partnership, but the commentary on both sides could do with a dose of reali

US-Japan dilemma over China-led AIIB
Apr 01, 2015

US-Japan dilemma over China-led AIIB

The US and Japan have decided to opt out of joining the AIIB though many important US allies like Germany, UK, Australia and South Korea have joined the China-led initiative. Strong business groups in Japan, however, worry that they might miss many investment opportunities which could now go to many developed Western countries.

US-Pakistan Military Operations in Pak-Afghan Border (Vol. I Issue)
Apr 07, 2023

US-Pakistan Military Operations in Pak-Afghan Border (Vol. I Issue)

The US-Pakistan deal is as simple as it can get: Pakistan will cooperate with the US to hunt Al Qaeda and in return the US will not annihilate the Taliban which serves Pakistani strategic interests in the region.

US-Philippines security ties: A growth  
Aug 23, 2023

US-Philippines security ties: A growth  

As the China challenge grows in the Pacific, the US looks to tether its Pacific strategy around the Philippines by strengthening their security ties

Using AI to improve maternal and child health in India
Feb 13, 2023

Using AI to improve maternal and child health in India

The integration of AI with the already existing healthcare systems could help bring about a substantial difference in maternal and child health in Ind

Utilising blockchain for cross-border payments: Implications for India
Aug 20, 2023

Utilising blockchain for cross-border payments: Implications for India

Cross-border payment is one part of the banking sector that has yet to benefit from recent progress in digitalisation. Most international transactions are still processed using a 600-year-old correspondent banking system devised by the Medici.[1] However, this system of manual entry of transactions is not a scalable solution for the burgeoning digital payments space. While this may seem like an issue for institutions, a huge segment of the popul

Uttar Pradesh elections: Will welfarism triumph over the identity politics?
Mar 07, 2022

Uttar Pradesh elections: Will welfarism triumph over the identity politics?

The recent Uttar Pradesh elections indicate the rise of “new welfarism” as a political strategy

Uzbekistan backs Beijing while exploring alternatives
Mar 19, 2024

Uzbekistan backs Beijing while exploring alternatives

Uzbekistan has embarked on an economic reform drive to unlock Uzbekistan's socio-economic potential through partnerships with China and others

Vaccine confidence and rising case numbers pave the way for 35 million shots in India
Mar 18, 2021

Vaccine confidence and rising case numbers pave the way for 35 million shots in India

In the past week, India conducted approximately 8.9 million inoculations, with an average of almost 1.27 million doses a day.

Vaccine Diplomacy: In 2021, the UAE will become the new vaccine hub of the Middle East
Dec 29, 2020

Vaccine Diplomacy: In 2021, the UAE will become the new vaccine hub of the Middle East

This “niche diplomacy” is expected to be one of the key guiding principles of Emirati foreign policy in 2021.

Valuing flexibility and stability of power supply: Options for India
Jun 27, 2023

Valuing flexibility and stability of power supply: Options for India

Creating a new system to stimulate investment in enough future capacity without interfering with the ancillary market's valuation and procurement of r

Vietnam will never be for India what Pakistan is to China
Sep 05, 2016

Vietnam will never be for India what Pakistan is to China

The "Pakistan" thesis doesn’t hold water because no other country can be so self-destructive as Pakistan is in its rivalry with India.

Virtual Alarm: Social Engineering Attacks Imperil Cyber Security
Aug 23, 2023

Virtual Alarm: Social Engineering Attacks Imperil Cyber Security

Cyber security threats have amplified significantly in the last decade, creating security concerns across the globe. Media reports during this period have highlighted how information network systems have been exploited by cyber criminals-as well as States-on numerous occasions for espionage and intelligence gathering. In this backdrop, this Paper focuses on cyber security concerns related to Social Engineering.

Virtual diplomacy: Building a successful hybrid future
Jul 20, 2023

Virtual diplomacy: Building a successful hybrid future

Virtual diplomacy has incredible benefits, but it cannot replace traditional in-person meetings, as a virtual setting comes with its own set of consid

Voices within Pak for greater cooperation with India will be marginalised
Jan 13, 2014

Voices within Pak for greater cooperation with India will be marginalised

It is highly likely that the voices from within Pakistan that want greater cooperation with India and greater economic integration with the South Asian region in general will be marginalised.

Volatility in Global Energy Markets: Implications for India
Jul 10, 2022

Volatility in Global Energy Markets: Implications for India

In the background of the partial removal of Russian fossil fuels from the international market, there has been a volume of implications for the Indian

Vulnerabilities in armed conflicts
Oct 31, 2013

Vulnerabilities in armed conflicts

There is no doubt that the armed forces personnel need some form of indemnification for killing or injuring non-combatants who get caught in the crossfire when the armed forces are acting in good faith in a counter-insurgency campaign.

Vulnerabilities in Large Language Models
Jan 30, 2024

Vulnerabilities in Large Language Models

While LLMs possess the potential for immense value creation, realising this potential hinges on prioritising safety as much as innovation

Vulnerabilities, equities, and progress
Apr 14, 2021

Vulnerabilities, equities, and progress

The ease and speed with which cyberweapons can be recycled heighten risks in ways that are incomparable to other domains of conflict.

Wading out to Sea: The Evolution of India and Indonesia’s Naval Mindset towards Multilateralism
Jun 25, 2012

Wading out to Sea: The Evolution of India and Indonesia’s Naval Mindset towards Multilateralism

This Paper examines the evolution of India and Indonesia's military strategic mindset, from inward-looking powers to budding naval powers. It asserts that the two countries will have "no choice but to cast aside the antiquated aspects of non-alignment and move toward a more pragmatic approach to foreign policy, based on multilateralism."

Waiting in the wings — Will this be the decade for middle powers? 
Dec 28, 2020

Waiting in the wings — Will this be the decade for middle powers? 

In fluid strategic situations, middle powers tend to thrive more provided they are able to play their cards well.

War in Ukraine: The Indian Army’s silence on tanks
Dec 21, 2022

War in Ukraine: The Indian Army’s silence on tanks

IA needs to weigh on the extant debate on armour in the wake of the RA’s battlefield performance in Ukraine

Water for Peace: Sustainable water management can play a pivotal role in building and maintaining peace
Mar 21, 2024

Water for Peace: Sustainable water management can play a pivotal role in building and maintaining peace

Restoration, management, and protection of water resources can contribute to peace and long-term stability

Water will unite us again
Jul 25, 2011

Water will unite us again

In a recent interview, former Punjab chief minister and current Tamil Nadu Governor Surjit Singh Barnala said India's move to export wheat seeds to Pakistan in 1978 played a considerable role in thawing the relations between the two countries.

Way more than hedging: Lula's Brazil is gambling high
May 15, 2023

Way more than hedging: Lula's Brazil is gambling high

Lula’s foreign policy approach goes beyond “hedging” and is aimed at ensuring that Brazil climbs the global status ladder

Weakening NHM Mission Steering Group is a mistake India can ill-afford
Mar 17, 2018

Weakening NHM Mission Steering Group is a mistake India can ill-afford

In this era of exciting developments in the health sector, where NHM is going to be the mainstay of the Ayushman Bharat through the NHPS initiative wh

Weaponisation of finance: Regulators' worries in a geopolitically fragile world
Aug 24, 2023

Weaponisation of finance: Regulators' worries in a geopolitically fragile world

Strengthening global governance mechanisms and fostering open dialogue among nations are essential to mitigate the risks associated with the weaponisa

Were the Scorpene files hacked?
Aug 24, 2016

Were the Scorpene files hacked?

The Scorpene leak can be the first instance of information about India’s strategic assets being successfully extracted through digital networks.