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India calling with quite a lot of trade in mind
Feb 05, 2022

India calling with quite a lot of trade in mind

A ‘new age’ free trade deal with India remains critical in anchoring the United Kingdom economically to the Indo-Pacific

India can do much more in Afghanistan
May 16, 2012

India can do much more in Afghanistan

The international community's increased enthusiasm about leaving Afghanistan could have an adverse impact on the human rights situation in the country, according to human rights researcher Ms Heather Barr.

India can learn from Brazil's experiences in poverty alleviation
Oct 25, 2013

India can learn from Brazil's experiences in poverty alleviation

In Brazil, extreme poverty has reduced from 15% to 5%, poverty from 34% to 22% and Gini index from 69% to 54% in the period of 1999-2009. So, knowledge sharing between Brazil and India in matters related to public policy and welfare programmes is of high merit.

India can provide a model to West Asia
Nov 22, 2007

India can provide a model to West Asia

An International conference on "Emerging Security Concerns in West Asia" was organised by ORF at its Rouse Avenue campus on November 21-22, 2007 in partnership with the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation of Germany.

India can't afford to lower its guard against Pakistan
May 30, 2011

India can't afford to lower its guard against Pakistan

Al-Qaida has put Pakistan at the top of its priorities. Its leaders judge Pakistan as the most vulnerable country for them to hijack, while independent estimates by security and intelligence officials suggest that Pakistan has the capability to add 8-10 China-model low-yield nuclear weapons in its kitty every year.

India chasing a fleeting manufacturing dream
Jun 07, 2020

India chasing a fleeting manufacturing dream

With the current rise in automation — a trend that has gained strength due to COVID-19 — the manufacturing sector’s ability to absorb traditiona

India confident of Annapolis conference success
Nov 22, 2007

India confident of Annapolis conference success

Elevating India's standing in world politics, it has been invited to the next week's Annapolis conference on West Asia, convened by the United States, and it would be taking part in the conference, the Special Envoy of the Prime Minister of India for West Asia and Middle East Peace Process, Mr. C.R. Gharekhan announced here today.

India could use its historic free speech judgment to reset its position on internet governance. Will it?
Apr 21, 2015

India could use its historic free speech judgment to reset its position on internet governance. Will it?

India must play a leadership role in the development of global Internet policy. The government needs to respond to the demands of its citizens and reset its position on international Internet governance issues, in line with the progressive developments that have occurred at home. In essence, India should be doing a better job at linking the local to the global.

India cracks down on Chinese investment as mood turns against Beijing
Apr 29, 2020

India cracks down on Chinese investment as mood turns against Beijing

Like many countries angered by Beijing’s mishandling of the coronavirus outbreak, India has turned skeptical of economic dependence on China.

India crucial partner of US in 21st century, says US official
Sep 06, 2009

India crucial partner of US in 21st century, says US official

Dr. Derek Chollet, Principal Deputy Director of the US Secretary of State's Policy Planning Staff, visited Observer Research Foundation for an interaction with ORF faculty.

India declares unilateral ceasefire on Indo-Bangladesh borders
Mar 19, 2010

India declares unilateral ceasefire on Indo-Bangladesh borders

The visit of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina had put relations on a higher plane and the overall situation in Bangladesh had turned for the better in 2006

India does not need  SAARC Bank
Aug 11, 2014

India does not need SAARC Bank

India will gain very little by taking the lead in this venture. It already holds the rather envied position as the strongest economy within the region. SDB can hardly be expected to raise its global image or position.

India does ‘what is right’ in Sri Lanka relations
Jan 30, 2023

India does ‘what is right’ in Sri Lanka relations

The recent visit by EAM Jaishankar to Sri Lanka saw discussions on financial aid, infrastructure and connectivity, and ethnic issues

India Doesn't Matter to China Much Beyond Provocations, Only the US Does
Jan 07, 2022

India Doesn't Matter to China Much Beyond Provocations, Only the US Does

The New Year of 2022 has come with intriguing messages from China, not in the least for India.

India elections and the social media
May 21, 2014

India elections and the social media

India's online population is small as compared to its offline population - about 213 million users to 1.2 billion people - but it is growing. Though these figures expand and contract depending on whom you ask, we do know that 33 million are on Twitter and Facebook has hit the 100 million-user mark.

India faces coming of age in rape aftermath
Jan 08, 2013

India faces coming of age in rape aftermath

The recent brutal gang rape in Delhi is not just significant for its violence against women in India, it is also a commentary on the country coming of age, of our desire to move forward, and of our resolve to treat what ails our society.

India has a role in UN Security Council
Apr 22, 2005

India has a role in UN Security Council

Professor Joseph Nye,Dean, John F Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University, who visited ORF recently, gave an e-mail Interview to Dr. Harinder Sekhon, Senior Fellow, on US foreign policy trends, especially in West Asia and the future of Indo-US relations.

India has failed to cash in on its relationship with America
Feb 04, 2014

India has failed to cash in on its relationship with America

There is a significant difference between the texture of the relationship that the US enjoys with other democracies like UK, Germany, France and Japan, and the one it has with India. And neither are we able to cash in on it to the extent the Chinese and the Pakistanis managed.

India has no ulterior-motives in Nepal, say experts
Aug 16, 2010

India has no ulterior-motives in Nepal, say experts

India's interests in Nepal have been to protect its own security, and that Nepal should have no doubt about its role there. This was observed during an interaction between a Nepali-media delegation and Indian scholars at ORF on 16 August.

India has nowhere to hide
Jun 27, 2013

India has nowhere to hide

Going into a winning war is easy but wading into uncertain waters to safeguard vital interests is the true test of realpolitik. That is why India's Afghan gambit must be gutsy and counterintuitive.

India has only been 'managing' Kashmir, says former Vajpayee advisor
Aug 13, 2015

India has only been 'managing' Kashmir, says former Vajpayee advisor

Taking part in the discussion on his new book "Kashmir: The Vajpayee Years", Mr A.S. Daulat, a former Advisor to Atal Bihari Vajpayee, said there have been troubling signs in the Kashmir Valley, such as a number of disappearances and the radicalisation and training of certain sections of youth.

India has to play greater role in global governance: former Hungarian PM
Feb 27, 2013

India has to play greater role in global governance: former Hungarian PM

From Europe, India is viewed as a balancing power in terms of the economy and global harmony, according to Dr. Medgyessy, former Prime Minister of Hungary. He says India is ideologically closer to Europe and the US than the other BRICS countries.

India in Obama's new Asia pivot
Nov 12, 2012

India in Obama's new Asia pivot

If Obama's mandate is any guide, America is about to move to a softer, more socialised capitalist framework in which the people's welfare will be at the centre of policymaking. In a sense, America may be heading the European way in terms of pursuing social market policy.

India in the Era of ‘Silicon Diplomacy’
Aug 17, 2023

India in the Era of ‘Silicon Diplomacy’

The global shortage in semiconductors that occurred during the Covid-19 pandemic, resulted in heavy losses for many economic sectors. The fragility of the supply chain and the innate dependencies within, have made semiconductor collaboration essential to maintain the industry’s efficiency. This brief examines how semiconductors have become a fulcrum for building potential technology alliances. It outlines ongoing diplomatic initiatives

India in the Indo-Pacific: Bridging the financial divide
Jun 19, 2023

India in the Indo-Pacific: Bridging the financial divide

With its G20 Presidency halfway through, India must push for increased engagement in the Indo-Pacific region to address the SDG financing gap

India in the new Bangladesh
Feb 03, 2010

India in the new Bangladesh

The Manmohan Singh government has placed high stakes on a new diplomatic breakthrough with Bangladesh, and therefore should constantly look for ways to top up cooperation for fear of reviving Sheikh Hasina's retrograde opponents

India Inc. — #RespondingWithResponsibility
Jun 23, 2020

India Inc. — #RespondingWithResponsibility

The pandemic has not only thrown on us a large number of socio-economic complexities — but the issues emerging in the post-pandemic period cannot be

India is for global, broad-based internet architecture: Minister
Sep 03, 2015

India is for global, broad-based internet architecture: Minister

India supports freedom of speech and expression in Internet. But, security is equally important to India, and terrorism is a huge problem. Therefore, a secure architecture should recognise the role that the state can play, says the Indian Minister for Communication and Technology.

India is still healing – growth momentum to follow
Dec 06, 2021

India is still healing – growth momentum to follow

The government has to choose in a trade-off between nurturing medium-term growth via cheap credit and compromising the political present if inflation

India is the bigger victim
Aug 30, 2010

India is the bigger victim

The Jammu and Kashmir problem has imposed heavy political, diplomatic and military costs on India for the last 63 years. It has excessively conditioned our external relations, with much of our diplomacy occupied over the years with explaining to other countries our position on J&K, warding off criticism,

India learned valuable lessons from 26/11. But so have terrorists across the border
Nov 27, 2018

India learned valuable lessons from 26/11. But so have terrorists across the border

Worse, by attacking the social fabric of the country, the Hindutva groups are laying the ground for greater insecurity in the future.

India loses Lanka plot
Mar 26, 2012

India loses Lanka plot

With India voting in favour of the anti-Sri Lanka resolution at the UN Human Rights Council, Delhi finds itself in a precarious position in Colombo vis-à-vis Beijing. Worse, it's likely to make the lives of Tamils more difficult in the island nation.

India losing its clout in South Asia
Jan 08, 2014

India losing its clout in South Asia

Beyond personalities and politics, there is one basic question we need to ask ourselves: Why even 66 years after independence, is New Delhi's influence in its region shrinking instead of expanding?

India marginalised in backyard
Nov 27, 2013

India marginalised in backyard

India simply cannot afford to alienate the government in Male given China's growing reach. The President of Maldives was in China in October last year when Beijing announced a $500-million economic assistance for it. New Delhi views Maldives as central to the emerging strategic landscape in the Indian Ocean.

India much advanced in refugee protection:  UNHCR CoM
Mar 12, 2013

India much advanced in refugee protection: UNHCR CoM

India is quite advanced in refugee protection as compared to many signatories of the 1951 Refugee Convention, according to chief of mission of the UNHCR, India. Even when refugee protection comes into odds with national security, India has managed to provide social security, education and medical security.