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How the Iran nuke deal gives India room in the Greater Middle East
Jul 15, 2015

How the Iran nuke deal gives India room in the Greater Middle East

India's thinking about the Middle East, whether from the UPA or NDA, has tended to be ideological and rooted in their domestic political considerations. Prime Minister Narendra Modi needs to break from this tradition and develop a strategy towards the Middle East that is firmly anchored in realpolitik.

How the news ecosystem is changing in India
Jul 28, 2020

How the news ecosystem is changing in India

Newspapers, or even television channels, will have to bypass Google and Facebook to survive. Question is — how do they do that?

How the pandemic is an opportunity to create a ‘more equal’ world
May 12, 2020

How the pandemic is an opportunity to create a ‘more equal’ world

A new “more equal” world has to replace the old unequal world with a paradigm propagating equality from spatial and temporal dimensions.

How the PM put India on an even keel
May 26, 2015

How the PM put India on an even keel

Prime Minister Narendra Modi has been energetically pushing the Indian view. If he is able to transform the Indian economy and put it on a fast growth track in the coming years, he will sharply enhance India's weight in the international system.

How to deal with foreign policy headaches from neighbourhood
Nov 17, 2015

How to deal with foreign policy headaches from neighbourhood

Despite the promise of 2014, India's neighbourhood policy has run into some confusion. There are many examples. With Pakistan, India is paying for the Narendra Modi government's initial missteps.

How to intervene
Mar 17, 2015

How to intervene

Before PM Modi can pat himself on the back for a fine diplomatic performance in Lanka, Modi now faces a big political test in the Maldives, where the regime of Abdul Yameen has arrested former President Mohamed Nasheed on charges of terrorism and a perverted judicial system has sentenced him to 13 years in prison.

How to secure equal representation in Parliament?
Jul 29, 2015

How to secure equal representation in Parliament?

The loopholes and technicalities of the Women's Reservation Bill should be open to scrutiny, but the Bill and its purpose must not be forgotten. Perhaps the revival of the debate over the bill could be an opportunity for PM Modi to demonstrate his party's focus on gender equality.

How to stem black money
Nov 04, 2014

How to stem black money

It would perhaps be wiser for the government to focus on how to stop the outflow of black money instead of just chasing money already stashed abroad. One method is to enter into agreements and treaties with countries to share information, like the way the US is doing now.

How to take India-Japan ties forward
Jan 31, 2014

How to take India-Japan ties forward

To take India-Japan ties to the next level, three issues need to be resolved. First, early end to their negotiations on civil nuclear cooperation. Second, a decision on the offer of the US-2 amphibian aircraft. Third, the symbolism of Japanese technology products which can be used for military applications.

How US lost War on Terrorism
Feb 03, 2004

How US lost War on Terrorism

President George W. Bush is a desperate man today. He wants Osama bin Laden, dead or alive. More than 12000 US troops, including a 1400-men strong elite commando unit known as Task Force 121, are in Pakistan and Afghanistan hunting for Laden. Supporting them is a 70,000-strong contingent from President Pervez Musharraf¿s Army.

How we can save the nation's farmers
Jul 10, 2015

How we can save the nation's farmers

India got a reality check recently when newspapers splashed the shocking conclusions of the first Socio-Economic and Caste Census since 1934. The message from the numbers is obvious: India has to resolve some very basic issues within before it can aspire to be any kind of power, regional or global.

How will the Trans-Pacific Partnership affect India?
Jul 21, 2015

How will the Trans-Pacific Partnership affect India?

The US-led TPP would face increasing competition as China recently concluded a free trade agreement with Australia (ChAFTA) and South Korea and is pushing for a broader Asia-trade pact - Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership.

How woman friendly is the annual Budget?
Jul 21, 2014

How woman friendly is the annual Budget?

It is gratifying to note that women's safety did figure in the Annual Budget 2014-15 with an outlay of Rs 200 crore. Good enough for the lowered expectations but not sufficient given the exponential rise in violence against women across the country. Same allocation for the Patel statue has made the matters worse by pitting living and breathing population against a memorial.

How woman friendly is the annual Budget?
Jul 21, 2014

How woman friendly is the annual Budget?

It is gratifying to note that women's safety did figure in the Annual Budget 2014-15 with an outlay of Rs 200 crore. Good enough for the lowered expectations but not sufficient given the exponential rise in violence against women across the country. Same allocation for the Patel statue has made the matters worse by pitting living and breathing population against a memorial.

Hu's Delhi Visit: BRICS and the bilateral dynamics
Apr 09, 2012

Hu's Delhi Visit: BRICS and the bilateral dynamics

India and China have to shoulder greater responsibility to ensure that they adopt more inclusive and cooperative approach in addressing each other's concerns. And no amount of multilateral level cooperation (BRICS, G-20, WTO) can diminish some of these vexed issues.

HuM-al Qaida link surfaces in Pakistan
Jul 11, 2011

HuM-al Qaida link surfaces in Pakistan

The furore generated in Pakistan over the al-Qaeda chief, Osama Bin Laden's death in 'Operation Geronimo' by the US forces is symptomatic of Pakistan's dilemma in the 'war against terror'.

Human rights and India's foreign policy
Mar 26, 2012

Human rights and India's foreign policy

India's vote at Geneva in favour of the UNHRC resolution critical of Sri Lanka possibly signals the increasing vulnerability of national interests to regional interests dictated by the necessity of coalition politics. India's this strategic folly would once again rebound to China's and Pakistan's advantage.

Human testing in India sees sense
Jul 29, 2013

Human testing in India sees sense

As the debate on using humans as guinea pigs rages across Asia, the rationale for developing new drugs, new treatments and new research is equally stronger. The solution lies somewhere in between where governments, pharmaceutical companies and those in medical profession have to wear ethical hats and delineate profit from greed.

Hunting Grounds
Feb 16, 2006

Hunting Grounds

An international posse led by the US has set off along with a motley crowd hunting for one of the two remaining leaders of the Axis of Evil. The British are there, as always, galloping along close to the Americans. The Germans and the French have returned to the fold after staying away in the hunt for Saddam Hussein.

Hurt both ways, TN fishers 'hit' both ways?
Aug 19, 2013

Hurt both ways, TN fishers 'hit' both ways?

Tamil Nadu fishers have put their politicos on notice. Sympathise and empathise with them on their cause but not politicise it too much, as it may have become a hurdle and a hitch, not amounting to support and solutions.

Hydro Power: Small Scale, New Context
Aug 08, 2011

Hydro Power: Small Scale, New Context

Our fascination with quantitatively large projects overlooks the small qualitative project developments like Small Hydro which offers a lot more scope for sustainable socio-economic and environmental development.

IAF Accidents: A Report
Jul 28, 2003

IAF Accidents: A Report

The most quoted reason for aircraft accidents in the Indian Air Forces is the absence of Advanced Jet Trainers. It is a valid point but to blame the increasing number of accidents on one factor would be grossly misleading.

IAS Recruitment should be through Armed Forces
Sep 02, 2004

IAS Recruitment should be through Armed Forces

The central government is considering a proposal to select aspiring IAS and allied services candidates after the 12th standard with a view to catching them young for a career in the bureaucracy. Presumably, a new academy will be established for this purpose because the Mussoorie academy has a different charter.

ICANN and GAC ? A Review of proposed byelaw changes
Sep 09, 2014

ICANN and GAC ? A Review of proposed byelaw changes

From an internet governance point of view, and the debate over the ITU staking its claim over managing the internet resources and taking over the ICANN functions, GAC's role is an important one, but which often finds itself as not having enough 'clout' in the ICANN decision making process.

ICG report on Nepal: Where it has gone wrong
Dec 30, 2011

ICG report on Nepal: Where it has gone wrong

Nepal's Prime Minister Bhattarai has difficult tasks ahead. His credibility has diminished following a heap of unpopular moves he resorted to. He has been criticised for seeking amnesty for rights violators and for his failure to deal with rampant corruption and worsening law and order situation.

ICMR study on sudden deaths among youth
Dec 04, 2023

ICMR study on sudden deaths among youth

A recent paper by the Indian Council of Medical Research puts the popular theories linking the COVID-19 vaccination and the rise in sudden deaths amon

ICoC for Outer Space: Need to involve all major players
May 07, 2014

ICoC for Outer Space: Need to involve all major players

The EU's proposed International Code of Conduct (ICoC) for space activities would not be successful if major space actors stay out of the ICoC, according to Indian PM's Special Envoy for Non-Proliferation and Disarmament, Amb. Rakesh Sood. He says the ICoC was welcomed simply due to the lack of alternate initiatives.

ICT and education in India: Gains and gaps
Jan 24, 2024

ICT and education in India: Gains and gaps

The NEP 2020 can help ensure that a holistic approach towards the integration of technology with different functional requirements of the sector is un

Identity and Access in Uttar Pradesh
Jan 30, 2012

Identity and Access in Uttar Pradesh

The higher levels of development seen in the northern and southern Gangetic plains of Uttar Pradesh serves to highlight that successive governments have been unable to leverage the agricultural productivity of the region and enhance basic infrastructure throughout the state.

Identity and energy access in India:  Setting contexts for Rio+20
Jun 08, 2012

Identity and energy access in India: Setting contexts for Rio+20

India's macro position on equity at international fora such as Rio +20 must be reflected in its domestic resolve to offer energy equitably to its diverse population. The imperatives of creating a 'green economy' must only follow and complement such efforts.

Ideological changes unlikely in China's domestic and foreign policies
Feb 19, 2013

Ideological changes unlikely in China's domestic and foreign policies

A former director at the Cabinet Secretariat, D.S. Rajan, says that though India-China relations are peaceful for the time being, New Delhi cannot lower its guard as China's intentions are not clear with regard to the border issue.

If the EU fails, we can say goodbye to the liberal order
Nov 17, 2020

If the EU fails, we can say goodbye to the liberal order

To what extent is Europe important for the future of the world order? Europeans feel like they count less and less on the world scene.

Ignore Pakistan till it starts behaving like a normal neighbour
Dec 10, 2014

Ignore Pakistan till it starts behaving like a normal neighbour

When a strategy yields no results, or worse, is counterproductive, then the wise move is to change it. Our strategy of not reacting to repeated Pakistani depredations or offering conciliatory gestures may have earned us international accolades but has not made Pakistan change its policy options or stance towards India.

Ignore the Benaam Aadmi, there are middle class nightmares to fix
Jan 15, 2014

Ignore the Benaam Aadmi, there are middle class nightmares to fix

For a few years now, the Khaas Aadmis have been self-categorising into three typologies; the foreign-educated Indian, the Indian who has lived abroad and returned home, and lastly the Indians settled abroad who are still engaged in writing the country's script.

Imagining Greater India
Nov 06, 2014

Imagining Greater India

Modi has a rare opportunity to tap into the positive trends within the South Asian diaspora. An intensive engagement with them would be a valuable complement to Modi's declared strategy of befriending neighbours. Modi could signal the new approach by meeting their representatives during his Australia visit this month.

Impact of the same-sex marriage ruling on US elections
Aug 01, 2015

Impact of the same-sex marriage ruling on US elections

Although the issue of same-sex marriage may have been settled legally with the Supreme Court verdict, politically, it remains volatile. Since the ruling, reactions of the 2016 Presidential candidates have been deeply polarised, indicating the potential of the issue to become a determining factor in the run-up to 2016.