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Revitalising South-South partnerships in the SDG era
Apr 16, 2019

Revitalising South-South partnerships in the SDG era

India must be able to rise to the challenge of this partnership and provide meaningful help to its African members to attract impact funds for the Sou

Revival of BIMSTEC: A step forward for the Bay of Bengal community
Sep 09, 2018

Revival of BIMSTEC: A step forward for the Bay of Bengal community

Often the success of a summit is weighed from the number of deals signed during it, and in the present summit, only a Memorandum of Understanding on BIMSTEC Grid Interconnection was signed, giving reason to doubt the jubilation about the summit. A closer view of the summit suggests more than one reason to be optimistic.

Reviving Dabhol
Jul 08, 2004

Reviving Dabhol

Enron Corp's Dabhol Power Station project, worth over-$3 billion, has, arguably, been India's most talked about project since the beginning of the "economic reforms" in the early 1990s. The 2,184 MW power project was acclaimed as the flagship project of the LPG regime that was ushered-in in 1991,

Reviving reciprocity to tackle behavioural anomalies during COVID19
Apr 07, 2020

Reviving reciprocity to tackle behavioural anomalies during COVID19

The outbreak of COVID19 has riddled a man’s life with a range of uncertainties; the uncertainty of keeping one’s job (or, receive a pay-cut), the

Revolution and Crime: Illegitimate violence
Feb 05, 2005

Revolution and Crime: Illegitimate violence

The Communist Party of India (Maoist), or CPI-Maoist, is the most lethal Naxalite group in the country. On September 21, 2004, the People's War (PW), popularly known as the PWG, and the Maoist Communist Centre of India (MCCI) merged to form the CPI-Maoist.

Rifle to Rafale: Space for defence
Sep 22, 2023

Rifle to Rafale: Space for defence

With theaterisation taking place in defence, the time is ripe to tap into the potential of space for India’s defence requirements

Right to Information: Transparency, governance and democracy
Aug 06, 2019

Right to Information: Transparency, governance and democracy

In an age of extremism, terror, global information flows and communication manipulation, subversive international forces seek subtle ways to undermine

Rise of China: Asian and European perspective
Nov 23, 2006

Rise of China: Asian and European perspective

The Observer Research Foundation and the ROSA Luxemburg Foundation, Germany organized a two day International Conference in Delhi on Nov 23-24, 2006. The Conference was on Rise of China: Asian and European Perspective.

Rise of the common man: The changing dynamics of Indian politics
Dec 30, 2013

Rise of the common man: The changing dynamics of Indian politics

It is now clear that Aam Aadmi Party will be the major contender in the Lok Sabha elections in the first quarter of 2014 and would give all other veteran parties like the Congress and the BJP a real challenge. The AAP could even halt the march of Narendra Modi towards Delhi.

Rising  India  Must  Tap  Full  Potential  Of  Ties  With  France
Dec 03, 2010

Rising India Must Tap Full Potential Of Ties With France

President Sarkozy's impending visit to India (December 4-6) should be seen in the larger perspective of India's rise and the external environment that has facilitated this.

Rising global nuclear arsenals and the call for strategic stability
Jun 21, 2024

Rising global nuclear arsenals and the call for strategic stability

The latest SIPRI report indicates the concerning trend of modernisation and growth of arsenals across the globe.

Rising meat consumption, climate change and pandemics: Untangling the multilevel connections
Jun 23, 2020

Rising meat consumption, climate change and pandemics: Untangling the multilevel connections

One of the less debated causes of growing greenhouse gases is the increasing global meat consumption.

Risk or Reward? – The Impact of Private Security Contractors and Militias in Afghanistan
Aug 11, 2023

Risk or Reward? – The Impact of Private Security Contractors and Militias in Afghanistan

To supplement the still lagging Afghan and ISAF security capabilities, alternative structures have been used or created, especially in rural or hard-to-reach areas. Two important groups among these are private security contractors (PSCs) and 'community defence' organisations or local militias. This paper assesses the impact of these entities on Afghan stability. Beginning March 19, 2003, the United States invaded Iraq, drawing both material an

Risks of putting all eggs in China basket
Apr 30, 2020

Risks of putting all eggs in China basket

The weaknesses in its economy and choppy geopolitical waters should give pause to those hoping for a China-led global revival

Robots at war: The future for autonomous systems at sea in the Indo-Pacific
Mar 24, 2021

Robots at war: The future for autonomous systems at sea in the Indo-Pacific

It is not inconceivable that by the 2040s, much of the fighting will be done by the robots, with their human masters kept well behind harm’s way.

Rollercoaster continues with US oil benchmark rally
May 27, 2020

Rollercoaster continues with US oil benchmark rally

While one can sense the positive sentiments across the market, albeit tentative, there is nothing to suggest that the end of the pandemic is near —

Rolling the Dice: India and China in 2025
Jan 14, 2011

Rolling the Dice: India and China in 2025

A roundtable at the ORF Campus at New Delhi held on 14 January made an attempt to look at the future of India and China in 2025. The session was chaired by Ambassador MK Rasgotra, President, ORF and moderated by Jim Yardley, New Delhi Bureau Chief of the New York Times.

Rosneft’s exit and Russia’s continued role in Venezuela
Jun 15, 2020

Rosneft’s exit and Russia’s continued role in Venezuela

Establishing itself as a strong player in Latin America, Russia’s policy in the region also focuses on undermining US interests, where possible.

Rupee’s fall: Why following China is important
Sep 17, 2019

Rupee’s fall: Why following China is important

A depreciated rupee may be good for the economy as it can aid in boosting exports.

Russia - the Bric that came apart
Feb 04, 2015

Russia - the Bric that came apart

Russia's troubles are unlikely to vanish soon. With the Central Bank forecasting a 4.5 per cent drop in GDP in 2015, a downgrade is a certainty. The budget deficit, forecast to be larger than 0.6 per cent of GDP in 2015, will prove to be another cause of misery.

Russia in the post-coronavirus world: New ideas for foreign policy
May 20, 2020

Russia in the post-coronavirus world: New ideas for foreign policy

There is a danger that by focusing entirely on the pandemic Russia and the international community might get distracted from addressing fundamental pr

Russia-China strategic alliance gets a new boost with missile early warning system
Oct 28, 2019

Russia-China strategic alliance gets a new boost with missile early warning system

The development is the latest indicator that the bilateral relationship is getting stronger.

Russia-EU Relations: The End of a Strategic Partnership
Mar 11, 2021

Russia-EU Relations: The End of a Strategic Partnership

The end of the Cold War in 1991 presented Russia and the European Union (EU) with an opportunity to reorganise their bilateral relationship. For more than a decade, they did manage to nurture close ties. Beginning in the mid-2000s, however, the relationship steadily declined, reaching its lowest in 2014 in the aftermath of the Ukrainian crisis. As mutual grievances have accumulated since then, there has been an absence of a forward-looking agenda

Russia-Pakistan relations and its impact on India
Jul 03, 2019

Russia-Pakistan relations and its impact on India

Pakistan, which has seen military assistance from US frozen during the Trump administration and a worsening of overall ties, has been eager to embrace

Russia’s silently returns to South Asia to balance the US, China
Oct 25, 2019

Russia’s silently returns to South Asia to balance the US, China

Right from 1947, big powers have had their geopolitical interests in South Asia.

Sanctions only delay nuclear Iran
Mar 04, 2013

Sanctions only delay nuclear Iran

To understand the different aspects of the Iranian nuclear programme and its impact on the region, especially India, Observer Research Foundation, in collaboration with the International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS), organised a workshop on March 4, 2013.

Sanders’s green new deal is a global disaster
Mar 04, 2020

Sanders’s green new deal is a global disaster

Green jobs in the U.S. are nice, but won’t get India and other big emitters off a carbon-intensive development path.

Sankalp Patra: How real are the BJP’s promises?
Apr 10, 2019

Sankalp Patra: How real are the BJP’s promises?

We are far from junking top down, paternalistic, big man rule. Regional political leaders are no different in their preferred style of governance.

Sankalp Patra: How real are the BJP’s promises?
Apr 16, 2019

Sankalp Patra: How real are the BJP’s promises?

Good performance invites the curse of heightened expectations unless tempered by realism. The BJP manifesto fails to walk this tightrope.

Sans a supportive fiscal policy, monetary policy will struggle to manage inflation
Apr 11, 2023

Sans a supportive fiscal policy, monetary policy will struggle to manage inflation

Wrestling inflation below 4 percent is a fit metric for both responsive monetary policy and responsible fiscal policy

Saudi heir apparent Mohammed bin Salman’s India visit comes amidst regional and global turmoil
Feb 19, 2019

Saudi heir apparent Mohammed bin Salman’s India visit comes amidst regional and global turmoil

While the ongoing geopolitical tremors will cloud much of MBS’s visit, India and Saudi Arabia have witnessed a pivotal shift over the past decade or

Saudi succession
Jan 07, 2015

Saudi succession

The NDA government has not devoted sufficient attention to the Middle East in 2014. As New Delhi turns to the Gulf in 2015 and tends to its high stakes in the region, an intensive engagement with Saudi Arabia must be at the top of PM Narendra Modi's diplomatic priorities.

SC Garg became fall guy for a growing financial mess
Jul 29, 2019

SC Garg became fall guy for a growing financial mess

India is facing a fiscal crunch, and Indians were not told. For this kind of mismanagement, more than a Finance Secretary ought to go.

SC gives back Delhi's elected government its powers — but misses a historical chance
Jul 06, 2018

SC gives back Delhi's elected government its powers — but misses a historical chance

The Supreme Court did award NCR's elected government due authority. But, by leaving reserve subjects with the LG, it contradicted a global governance trend.

Science Fiction as the Blueprint: Informing Policy in the Age of AI and Emerging Tech
Jan 17, 2024

Science Fiction as the Blueprint: Informing Policy in the Age of AI and Emerging Tech

This issue brief examines the complex interplay between science fiction and technology development in the age of disruptive technologies such as artificial intelligence, virtual reality, and brain-computer interfaces. As the line between science and fiction continues to blur, this brief argues for strategically using science fiction narratives to inform and guide technology development and policymaking. Drawing upon historical precedents of scien

SCO 2019: Opportunities and challenges for India
Jun 04, 2019

SCO 2019: Opportunities and challenges for India

SCO is a potential platform to advance India’s Connect Central Asia policy.

SCO can de-escalate India-Pakistan tensions
Mar 01, 2019

SCO can de-escalate India-Pakistan tensions

Now is the time for the SCO’s founding member-states to act on their often-stated common objectives to restore, ensure and maintain peace, security,