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570 results found

China’s Relationship with ASEAN: An Explainer
Apr 15, 2021

China’s Relationship with ASEAN: An Explainer

Arguably the most significant global phenomenon of the past four decades has been the economic and strategic rise of China. Today analysts are confronting questions of whether China will replace the United States as the world’s biggest power, if it will do so peacefully or through confrontation and conflict, how it will subvert the existing system of global rules and institutions, and whether a new form of bipolarity would emerge to accommodate

Clouds of uncertainty over Afghanistan
Aug 08, 2019

Clouds of uncertainty over Afghanistan

There can be no peace unless the Taliban and Afghan security forces de-escalate

Col. Gaddafi's terror and India's UN vote
Apr 06, 2011

Col. Gaddafi's terror and India's UN vote

With Gaddafi around, there will be no peace in the Arab region. Africa will also be badly affected. That is why Gaddafi's Foreign and Interior Ministers and several Libyan Ambassadors deserted him. What high moral dictate or compelling necessity led to India's neutral stance in the vote on Security Council Resolution 1973?

Conflict in Yemen escalates
Dec 04, 2021

Conflict in Yemen escalates

Despite peace efforts undertaken by the United Nation, the Yemen Crisis takes a turn for the worse.

Contemporary Conflicts in Jammu & Kashmir
Mar 22, 2007

Contemporary Conflicts in Jammu & Kashmir

The internal dynamics of Jammu and Kashmir have assumed significance in the context of the ongoing India-Pakistan normalisation process, on the one hand, and the Centre's continuing efforts at peace-building with non-militant political groups in the State, on the other. Often, efforts aimed at understanding the complexities of the issues are bogged down by the past, or are confined to the 'Indian angle'. There is very little reference to Pakistan

Countering Maoist Insurgency: Has Chhattisgarh turned the corner?
May 10, 2024

Countering Maoist Insurgency: Has Chhattisgarh turned the corner?

Despite the recent series of successful operations against the Maoists, the state and its security forces have to entrench themselves in the state whi

CPEC betokens China's search for lebensraum in Pakistan and PoK
May 12, 2017

CPEC betokens China's search for lebensraum in Pakistan and PoK

Not only would CPEC run roughshod over the sacred Panchsheel principle of "mutual respect", it would also destroy any chance of a peaceful settlement of the Kashmir dispute.

Cricket Diplomacy on a Strong Wicket
Mar 29, 2011

Cricket Diplomacy on a Strong Wicket

Dr. Manmohan Singh's invitation to Pakistani President and the Prime Minister has a special relevance for a number of reasons. And Dr. Singh definitely deserves kudos for pushing the envelope for Indo-Pak peace, in spite of not being on the strongest political wicket himself.

Crime in India: A Critical Review of Data Collection and Analysis
May 16, 2024

Crime in India: A Critical Review of Data Collection and Analysis

Safe countries bestow multiple social and economic benefits on the individual and larger community. Therefore, crime levels must be controlled. While India is a relatively peaceful country by global standards, there is significant scope for improvement in terms of policing, the national criminal justice system, and how data on crimes is collected and analysed. Amid India’s rapid urbanisation, it is crucial to study the various facets of crimina

Crimea incident a threat to regional stability
Aug 19, 2016

Crimea incident a threat to regional stability

The recent incidents in Crimea have escalated tensions between Russia and Ukraine and pose a threat to the peace and stability in the region.

Curtains on the Qaddafi Pantomime
Feb 28, 2011

Curtains on the Qaddafi Pantomime

The mass arrival of refugees could well cause the international community to contemplate a model where European troops take care of different sectors to keep the peace in the Mediterranean. But since European intervention will smack of re-colonisation, the ball will be tossed upto the UN Secretary General to devise a muscular UN Force.

Dealing with violent civil protests in India
Apr 22, 2017

Dealing with violent civil protests in India

The citizens’ right to protest is a pillar of Indian democracy. While citizens are allowed to peacefully assemble, however, protests and demonstrations sometimes take a violent turn; recent examples are the Jat protests in Haryana and the Kashmir unrest following the death of militant leader Burhan Wani, both in 2016. During such occasions, it is the prerogative of the Indian state to deal with the violent civil protests in a manner that ensure

Decoding India’s Priorities at the SCO: Connectivity, Counterterrorism, and Afghanistan
Aug 09, 2023

Decoding India’s Priorities at the SCO: Connectivity, Counterterrorism, and Afghanistan

As an emerging power in the current multipolar global order, India can use the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) to protect, promote, and project its geostrategic and geoeconomic interests. The SCO is also a platform for India to reaffirm its commitment to revive and deepen its centuries-old civilisational, spiritual, and cultural ties with other member countries. This paper explores India's priorities at the SCO, chiefly connectivity, coun

Democracy will prevail in the Arab World, says Tunisian leader
Jul 04, 2015

Democracy will prevail in the Arab World, says Tunisian leader

One of Tunisia's leading politicians, Sheikh Rashid al-Ghannouchi, says the Middle East is not in crisis, but rather at a "crossroads." The Middle East can indeed achieve stability and peace through a process of democratic reconciliation and consensus. But the road will be long and involve building institutions, healing old wounds and forging compromises.

Dismantle the jihadi network
Mar 26, 2006

Dismantle the jihadi network

Prime Minister Manmohan Singh has given enough reasons for President Pervez Musharraf to feel at ease. His unambiguous expression of not letting the peace process between the two countries flag should lay to rest speculations and allegations in Pakistan about India's commitment to peace in the region.

Does the UN matter?
Nov 30, 2004

Does the UN matter?

Does the United Nations really matter when it comes to war and peace in the 21st century? To ask this question when long promised reform of the UN seems at hand ¿ the report of the High Level Panel appointed by Secretary General Kofi Annan will be out on Thursday ¿ and India is stepping up its efforts to become a part of an expanded UN Security Council sounds heretical.

Doka La standoff: The death knell of the Asian Century?
Jul 21, 2017

Doka La standoff: The death knell of the Asian Century?

The 21st century can emerge as the Asian century, only if there is peace and there are supportive and mutually beneficial relations between the major

Economy stuck in a rut
Dec 24, 2019

Economy stuck in a rut

Domestic climate of social peace and stability needed to turn the tide

Emerging narratives and the future of multilateralism
Apr 22, 2021

Emerging narratives and the future of multilateralism

Get the narrative on multilateralism right, and we have the possibility to harness international cooperation for global peace and prosperity; get it w

Ending the Ukraine war in an imperfect world
Jul 11, 2022

Ending the Ukraine war in an imperfect world

But the problem now is that the conflict is being cast in binaries, making compromise difficult

Ethnic reconciliation in Sri Lanka: Another missed opportunity
Jun 09, 2023

Ethnic reconciliation in Sri Lanka: Another missed opportunity

Although the President’s efforts were applauded for the outreach, it seems that the peace overtures were motivated by political and economic reasons

Even On Slippery Slope, An Ace Up Pak Sleeve
May 30, 2011

Even On Slippery Slope, An Ace Up Pak Sleeve

The Af-Pak conflict's center of gravity has over the past five years shifted decisively to the very heart of Pakistan. Hence, the ultimate ace up Pakistan's sleeve is to search seriously for peace with India, step by step, but sincerely.

For whom did the ‘Bud’ bloom?
Feb 26, 2018

For whom did the ‘Bud’ bloom?

There is no denying that now is the best time for anyone to hope for a negotiated political settlement to the ethnic issue than any time in the past. That includes the months and years after the end of ethnic war, when the TNA and the Rajapaksa leadership were talking peace and political settlement.

Foreign Role in the Reconstruction and Development of Sri Lanka
Mar 06, 2004

Foreign Role in the Reconstruction and Development of Sri Lanka

The most recent Tokyo Conference on the Reconstruction and Development of Sri Lanka was held at Washington D.C., on February 17, 2004, as a follow-up meet to discuss the international community¿s support for Sri Lanka¿s peace process.

From multilaterals to multinationals: Provision of global public goods
Dec 19, 2018

From multilaterals to multinationals: Provision of global public goods

The debate on the extent of private participation covers not only public goods within a country but also global goods that transcend boundaries: c

Giving ‘complete autonomy’ to military not good for either India or Pakistan: Expert
Mar 10, 2018

Giving ‘complete autonomy’ to military not good for either India or Pakistan: Expert

Peaceful relations with Pakistan is a prerequisite to India’s domestic stability and its quest for great power status.

Globalisation: The story of increasing Indian billionaires and poor
Jul 06, 2013

Globalisation: The story of increasing Indian billionaires and poor

The recent violent actions of the Maoists have made big news. It will not be easy to resolve this problem because these are the people who have been deprived of their land and development, and they form the core of the movement. Only better distribution of the growth story can bring peace to these people

Going beyond Article 370?
Nov 24, 2003

Going beyond Article 370?

The All Party Hurriyat Conference¿s rather studied acceptance of the Centre¿s offer of talks while welcome should also add to the seriousness of the peace process in Jammu and Kashmir. While distancing Pakistan from a process that had been trilateral in the past formulations of the Hurriyat, the current round would expect the Centre to go beyond traditional pulse-feeling, and gestures.

Height of folly
May 15, 2006

Height of folly

The story doing the rounds in Delhi is that in another exhibition of generosity, India is about to withdraw from the Saltoro Ridge (commonly referred to as the Siachen Glacier) in the interest of peace, but without securing the country¿s strategic interests.

Herat fightings and after
Mar 04, 2004

Herat fightings and after

If internecine clashes in the eastern Afghan city of Herat are a sign of the things to come, peaceful political evolution of the country seems to be a messy affair. Around 50 people had been killed in those clashes that continued for eight hours in one of the more stable cities of Afghanistan.

High resolution picture in Kashmir
Feb 01, 2006

High resolution picture in Kashmir

It is becoming increasingly clear that a resolution to the Kashmir dispute cannot be delayed much longer if the peace process between India and Pakistan is to yield tangible results in the foreseeable future. This period cannot be longer than five years.

Hong Kong’s National Security Law: Implications for India
Oct 08, 2020

Hong Kong’s National Security Law: Implications for India

China has enacted a National Security Law for the special administrative region of Hong Kong. The provisions of the law can be used to curb peaceful dissent and enhance Beijing’s control over the region. It has the potential to not only change Hong Kong’s legal and political autonomy, but also alter its status as a global financial centre. This paper offers an overview of the national security law and its implications for the ‘one country,

How India came around to talking to the Taliban
Sep 26, 2020

How India came around to talking to the Taliban

New Delhi is set to take on a greater role in Afghanistan’s peace process.

Ideological changes unlikely in China's domestic and foreign policies
Feb 19, 2013

Ideological changes unlikely in China's domestic and foreign policies

A former director at the Cabinet Secretariat, D.S. Rajan, says that though India-China relations are peaceful for the time being, New Delhi cannot lower its guard as China's intentions are not clear with regard to the border issue.

India and International Sanctions: Delhi’s Role as a Sanctioner
Sep 26, 2013

India and International Sanctions: Delhi’s Role as a Sanctioner

Over the years, sanctions have emerged as a preferred foreign-policy tool for many States, especially in the West. Sanctions serve a number of purposes, including the application of economic and political pressure on specific governments with a view to change their stance on a particular issue. International organisations, throughout the 20th century, used sanctions to impose their positions. The League of Nations first imposed sanctions in 1921

India and Japan: Changing Dimensions of Partnership in the post-Cold War Period
Mar 06, 2010

India and Japan: Changing Dimensions of Partnership in the post-Cold War Period

Indo-Japanese relations have witnessed a paradigm shift since 2000 when both countries launched a global partnership in order to address a range of issues affecting regional and global peace and prosperity. Systematic efforts made by the leaders of both countries since then have strengthened their partnership. Until very recently, their interactions were mainly limited to economic issues, but today they cover a wide spectrum of subjects including

India and Pakistan - Bridging the gap
May 09, 2009

India and Pakistan - Bridging the gap

The First R K Mishra Memorial Lecture was delivered by Major General Mahmud Ali Durrani. He was Pakistan's National Security Adviser till January 2009. A former Ambassador to the United States, General Durrani has been closely associated with Mr RK Mishra, and Observer Research Foundation, in promoting peace and dialogue between India and Pakistan

India confident of Annapolis conference success
Nov 22, 2007

India confident of Annapolis conference success

Elevating India's standing in world politics, it has been invited to the next week's Annapolis conference on West Asia, convened by the United States, and it would be taking part in the conference, the Special Envoy of the Prime Minister of India for West Asia and Middle East Peace Process, Mr. C.R. Gharekhan announced here today.

India needs to be a generous neighbour
Sep 08, 2014

India needs to be a generous neighbour

All of our neighbours run huge trade deficits with India which is not good for promoting harmonious relations. Basically, the whole South Asia is India-centric and instead of playing the big brother, India can afford to be generous. It will be beneficial to us in the long run to have peace and prosperity in the region.

India woos Japan for better economic ties
Sep 08, 2014

India woos Japan for better economic ties

The larger theme of Narendra Modi is that India, Japan and China have many common interests and that all of them have to build on them and thereby initiate the Asian Century by working together and make the Asian Century a truly peaceful and prosperous one.

India's coherence dilemma in Africa's fragile contexts
Aug 17, 2016

India's coherence dilemma in Africa's fragile contexts

There seems to be a disconnect between India’s peace-building approach and its African development partnerships.

India's dilemmas in Afghanistan
Aug 02, 2019

India's dilemmas in Afghanistan

New Delhi should become more proactively involved in the peace process and not shy away from drawing its own red-lines

India's prospects in China-dominated SCO
Jun 05, 2017

India's prospects in China-dominated SCO

It is hoped that the focus of deliberations would be to promote peace, security, counterterrorism cooperation and enhance partnership in economic, bus

India, Israel and the Gaza war
Jul 17, 2014

India, Israel and the Gaza war

India can leverage its traditional closeness to the Palestinians as well as its current friendly ties with Israel to help advance the peace process, even if in a small way. But this requires care and finesse, which is unlikely to be found in the parliamentary din.

India-Bangladesh defence cooperation: Coming of age, at last?
Aug 21, 2023

India-Bangladesh defence cooperation: Coming of age, at last?

This brief analyses the efforts of India and Bangladesh to strengthen their defence cooperation, in the context of the series of agreements and Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) signed between the two countries during Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina’s visit to India in April 2017. Some quarters in both countries are sceptical about the agreements, citing the ineffectual Treaty of Friendship, Cooperation and Peace—often referred to as a ‘defenc

India-China tensions on the global stage
Aug 16, 2023

India-China tensions on the global stage

From the SCO and BRICS to the United Nations, the ongoing rivalry between India and China has expanded beyond their borders, posing new challenges

India-China trade ties hindered by border disputes, mistrust
Sep 20, 2014

India-China trade ties hindered by border disputes, mistrust

Prime Minister Modi has succeeded in adding a new zest and meaning to India-China relations with the visit of the Chinese President. However, it is evident that the full potential in trade and other areas of cooperation would not be realised unless peace and tranquility is restored on the border.

India-Pakistan relationship - the Punjab angle
Apr 14, 2011

India-Pakistan relationship - the Punjab angle

It is important for both countries to think outside the box and create constituencies of peace outside New Delhi and Islamabad, especially in the two Punjabs. While Punjabi tarka can not be the core of India-Pakistan relations, it must not be overlooked either.