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1768 results found

BRICS Summit: India's hands full with Pakistan, must bide time to deal with China
Oct 12, 2016

BRICS Summit: India's hands full with Pakistan, must bide time to deal with China

BRICS Summit this weekend in Goa with will invariably be coloured by the recent events in South Asia in the aftermath of the surgical strikes.

BRICS was no victory for India: Why China won't break ties with Pakistan
Sep 11, 2017

BRICS was no victory for India: Why China won't break ties with Pakistan

The challenge is to enable Islamabad to make a soft-landing rather than a crash that can have unpredictable consequences.

Budding Russia-Pakistan Camaraderie: Should India be Concerned?
Mar 02, 2022

Budding Russia-Pakistan Camaraderie: Should India be Concerned?

India has no reason to be fazed by the growing ties between Pakistan and Russia as showcased by Imran Khan’s recent visit to Moscow.

By striking terrorists in Pakistan, India has changed the ground rules in South Asia
Mar 06, 2019

By striking terrorists in Pakistan, India has changed the ground rules in South Asia

India’s February 26 attack can be seen as more of a signalling of intent than a counter-terror operation

Can India pressure Pakistan to behave reasonably?
Oct 06, 2016

Can India pressure Pakistan to behave reasonably?

In the aftermath of 18 Indian soldiers being killed when an Indian Army infantry base in Uri was attacked India is on the lookout for diplomatic answers.

Can Pakistan take on the Taliban?
Dec 23, 2014

Can Pakistan take on the Taliban?

Taliban's origins are very much in the Pakistan's State agencies and hence it cannot be called a non-State actor. It is too large and too fragmented to be taken up as one enemy. For PM Nawaz Sheriff to declare that there is 'no good or bad Taliban' is just an empty rhetoric and still part of the same old double-speak.

Carnage in Kashmir: Price of no policy on Pakistan
Feb 15, 2019

Carnage in Kashmir: Price of no policy on Pakistan

Pakistan has issued a wishy-washy statement that predictably denies any role as has been charged by India.

Cause and Effect: The Factors that Make Pakistan's Military a Political Force
Feb 28, 2024

Cause and Effect: The Factors that Make Pakistan's Military a Political Force

This issue brief assesses the enduring political influence of the military in Pakistan. It delves into the historical, social, and geopolitical factors that have propelled the military's rise in the nation's governance structure. The brief also examines the military-bureaucratic nexus and its role in perpetuating military dominance, and the implications of a weak civil society and its constrained ability to counterbalance military power.

Challenges confronting the new Pakistani PM
Apr 19, 2022

Challenges confronting the new Pakistani PM

As Shehbaz Sharif takes over as the next Prime Minister of Pakistan, there are multiple issues awaiting his immediate attention.

Change is critical for Pakistan's survival
Feb 11, 2008

Change is critical for Pakistan's survival

In an email interview with ORF Pakistan Studies Programme, well-known expert Hassan Abbas discussed a variety of issues about Pakistan. Dr Abbas, a fellow at Harvard University's Kennedy School of Government,

Change of regime in Pakistan: Revival of India–Pakistan relations?
Apr 21, 2022

Change of regime in Pakistan: Revival of India–Pakistan relations?

Would India–Pakistan relations witness an upswing under the newly formed government of Shehbaz Sharif?

Changed Pakistan policy a challenge to Modi Govt
Oct 06, 2016

Changed Pakistan policy a challenge to Modi Govt

The September 29 strike was different in a significant way that not only did the Narendra Modi government own it, but also publicised it.

Changing geo-political realities in Afghan-Pakistani region will have new implications
Mar 03, 2015

Changing geo-political realities in Afghan-Pakistani region will have new implications

The Afghan-Pakistani region is in transition and the changing geo-political realities will have new implications, says Kamran Bokhari, Vice President of Middle Eastern and South Asian Affairs at Stratfor. He says old paradigms cannot be used to gauge new realities.

China brings Afghanistan and Pakistan together to discuss regional issues, but divergences remain
Dec 29, 2017

China brings Afghanistan and Pakistan together to discuss regional issues, but divergences remain

It is unlikely that the trust deficit between Afghanistan and Pakistan will reduce in the near future despite Chinese mediation.

China Weekly Report | Volume VI; Issue 39 | Pakistan, China, Russia to hold talks on Afghanistan next month
Nov 21, 2016

China Weekly Report | Volume VI; Issue 39 | Pakistan, China, Russia to hold talks on Afghanistan next month

Pakistan, Russia & China to hold consultations on Afghanistan to explore ways reconcile & restore peace in war-torn country & other weekly roundsups

China's favourability highest  in Pakistan, Bangladesh
Jul 17, 2014

China's favourability highest in Pakistan, Bangladesh

A new Pew Research Survey indicates that the US still continues to be perceived in positive light and that a conflict between China and its neighbours over territorial disputes is likely. A new Pew Research Survey indicates that the US still continues to be perceived in positive light and that a conflict between China and its neighbours over territorial disputes is likely.

China's reactor sale to Pakistan: A nuclear mistake?
Dec 16, 2013

China's reactor sale to Pakistan: A nuclear mistake?

China's existing stand of moving ahead with its aggressive stance on nuclear policy clearly stems from Indo-US nuclear deal, which according to China, seriously damages the integrity and effectiveness of non-proliferation thereby setting dangerous precedence for other countries.

China-Pakistan naval drills: More than just symbolism
Jan 11, 2020

China-Pakistan naval drills: More than just symbolism

Beyond symbolism, the substance behind the latest iteration of exercises between the two countries also deserves emphasis.

CIA'S Exasperation with Pakistan
Jun 21, 2005

CIA'S Exasperation with Pakistan

The exasperation of Porter Goss, the Director of the US' Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), with Pakistan's role in the hunt for Osama bin Laden and other remnants of the Al Qaeda, is evident from his remarks on bin Laden during an interview with the "Time" magazine which has been carried by it this week

Civil-Military relations at a breaking point in Pakistan
Oct 23, 2021

Civil-Military relations at a breaking point in Pakistan

Will Prime Minister Imran Khan complete his term in light of current tensions between his administration and the military?

Closing of MQM chapter in Pakistan’s politics
Jun 25, 2020

Closing of MQM chapter in Pakistan’s politics

The MQM had been the flagbearer of Mohajir nationalism in Pakistan since the party’s founding in 1984 until 2016.

Concerted International Action Needed to Rein in Pakistan Terror Groups
Feb 17, 2009

Concerted International Action Needed to Rein in Pakistan Terror Groups

Notwithstanding the partial admission of the allegations made by India about the Mumbai attackers, Pakistan's complicity in allowing Lashkar-e-Tayyeba (LeT), the terrorist group behind the Mumbai attack, to retain most of its extensive infrastructure and capability to pursue its terrorist activities calls for an intense global scrutiny.

Could India's bold nuclear war plan survive a clash with Pakistan?
Dec 06, 2016

Could India's bold nuclear war plan survive a clash with Pakistan?

If massive retaliation is retained in the nuclear doctrine, it will be not because of its efficacy as a strategy of deterrence.

Could Pakistan be on the cusp of becoming a 'normal state'?
Jul 22, 2019

Could Pakistan be on the cusp of becoming a 'normal state'?

New Delhi would be well advised to look at the Pakistan situation with an open mind or risk being left out of the flow.

Countering Hostile Drone Activity on the India-Pakistan Border
May 08, 2023

Countering Hostile Drone Activity on the India-Pakistan Border

Drone or unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) technology has become more accessible and affordable in recent years, and their increasing long-range capability, endurance, and applications, have made them integral for both civilian and military uses. At the same time, malicious elements such as criminal networks, drug smuggling syndicates and terrorist organisations, have exploited the technology to aid their activities. For India, the increase

Countering Pakistan's jihad against India
Sep 24, 2016

Countering Pakistan's jihad against India

From the time of independence, Pakistan's leaders have treated India as a Permanent Enemy. It exhibits its policy through jihad.

Coup by Court — The Pakistani Army's new modus operandi
Sep 12, 2017

Coup by Court — The Pakistani Army's new modus operandi

In earlier coups, the Army used the Court as an afterthought to "justify" its actions. Now for the time the Court was used as the first port of call

COVID19 and Pakistan: The Economic Fallout
Jun 04, 2020

COVID19 and Pakistan: The Economic Fallout

Pakistan has been one of the countries worst affected by COVID-19, with the economic disruption caused by the pandemic exacerbating an already existing crisis. This paper discusses how the public health crisis has affected some of the most critical sectors of the Pakistani economy. While the government has implemented some mitigation measures, they are inadequate to counter the impact of the pandemic. The paper analyses the likely fallout of a ne

CPEC and its (de)stabilising effect on Pakistan
Feb 24, 2022

CPEC and its (de)stabilising effect on Pakistan

Islamabad’s inability to control elements in both Afghanistan and Pakistan is proving to be a major hurdle in the execution of the CPEC project.

CPEC betokens China's search for lebensraum in Pakistan and PoK
May 12, 2017

CPEC betokens China's search for lebensraum in Pakistan and PoK

Not only would CPEC run roughshod over the sacred Panchsheel principle of "mutual respect", it would also destroy any chance of a peaceful settlement of the Kashmir dispute.

Cultural revival offer a way out in Pakistan
Nov 18, 2011

Cultural revival offer a way out in Pakistan

It has become fashionable to categorise Pakistan as a 'failed' state and paint a grim picture. The picture is far more complicated than this and there is more to the story than what we often hear.

Current events in Pakistan: Impact on provincial faultlines
Jan 29, 2008

Current events in Pakistan: Impact on provincial faultlines

Much of the internal conflict in Pakistan has centered on the question of national identity - what does it mean to be a Pakistani? This was the underlying theme of the round-table discussion on Current Events in Pakistan: Impact on Sindh and Balochistan organised by Observer Research Foundation on January 29 in New Delhi.

Cyber Attacks | Pakistan emerges as China’s proxy against India
Feb 15, 2022

Cyber Attacks | Pakistan emerges as China’s proxy against India

India needs to effectively counter the menace of China-Pakistan cyber collaboration as it has not just national security implications, but indeed implications for India’s democracy as a whole

De-hyphenating Kashmir from Pakistan
Jan 25, 2017

De-hyphenating Kashmir from Pakistan

What the government has achieved in its Pakistan policy needs to be applied to Kashmir.

Death for an academic: Pakistan’s blasphemy law again in global focus
Dec 27, 2019

Death for an academic: Pakistan’s blasphemy law again in global focus

The blasphemy law under Section 295-C of the Pakistan Penal Code is a prime example of savagery a modern nation could impose on its citizenry with leg

Death for the dictator: Interplay of Pakistan’s politics, military and judiciary
Dec 17, 2019

Death for the dictator: Interplay of Pakistan’s politics, military and judiciary

As things stand in Pakistan, the army and the government claim to be on the same page. The judiciary — for now — is standing apart.