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Extremism in Pak Army poses grave threat to world
Aug 13, 2010

Extremism in Pak Army poses grave threat to world

The US Quadrennial Defense Review panel's recent (July 29, 2010) report to the US Congress had a very telling remark about Pakistan Army and its intelligence agencies which raises a whole new spectre of violence the world is likely to confront in the years ahead.

Facing China threat, Vietnam seeks American balance
Jun 05, 2013

Facing China threat, Vietnam seeks American balance

Vietnam's self-assured pursuit of a complex balance of power strategy could be a model for other medium powers in Asia who are deeply concerned about the rise of China, want Washington to balance Beijing, but are reluctant to become formal military allies of the United States.

Failure divides Pakistan
Sep 28, 2005

Failure divides Pakistan

Pakistan President, General Pervez Musharraf, has never been as much under the threat of elimination through a coup or a bullet as he is today. There is no doubt that he faces extreme danger from some of the vicious terrorist and extremist groups, most of whom he had helped grow powerful in today's Pakistan.

Fear and loathing of cryptocurrencies
Mar 04, 2021

Fear and loathing of cryptocurrencies

Governments must realise that cryptocurrencies were created as a reaction to neoliberal policies and wholly strive to understand how the state can bui

Financing digital public infrastructure: The India story
Oct 26, 2022

Financing digital public infrastructure: The India story

India's unified payment interface (UPI) is an example of DPI whose design, financing, and operation are based on the principles of interoperability, m

First Xi-Modi meeting finds common ground
Jul 21, 2014

First Xi-Modi meeting finds common ground

The crucial factor that can help transform India-China bilateral is Modi himself. For the first time, the Chinese will interact with an Indian leader who can be politically strong in safeguarding India's sovereign interests, while at the same time being very welcoming in embracing China economically.

Focus on Navy's structural reforms
Mar 04, 2014

Focus on Navy's structural reforms

Neither Admiral Joshi nor Sinha, or for that matter the PM, RM and the President are culpable for the accident, whose causes are yet to be determined. They may share constructive responsibility, though, whether it requires their resignation is another matter.

For a multipolar Eurasia, Russia must cooperate with India
Nov 12, 2018

For a multipolar Eurasia, Russia must cooperate with India

India will not politically prefer Russia to the US — rather it must learn to work with both. In the Indo-Pacific, India’s equities lie with Washin

France in Mali -Tragedy with much comic relief
Feb 11, 2013

France in Mali -Tragedy with much comic relief

After sending out confusing signal for months, France may have chosen the worst possible moment for intervention. Because its procrastinations allowed a whole range of potential opponents to mingle and be jointly prepared just in case the French did intervene.

Free Trade after RCEP: What next for India?
May 24, 2023

Free Trade after RCEP: What next for India?

India pulled out of the planned Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) in 2018 after entering negotiations in 2013. India has a trade deficit with 11 out of the 15 RCEP countries and some analysts have theorised that India decided to opt out of the agreement because of such adverse trade balance.  Indeed, India has a trade deficit with most of its trade partners in past free trade agreements (FTAs). It is in this context that this br

From Cox’s Bazar to Bhasan Char: An Assessment of Bangladesh’s Relocation Plan for Rohingya Refugees
May 24, 2023

From Cox’s Bazar to Bhasan Char: An Assessment of Bangladesh’s Relocation Plan for Rohingya Refugees

The Rohingyas are among the world’s most persecuted communities, who, until a mass exodus in 2017, mainly resided in Myanmar’s Rakhine State. In 2017, about 712,179 Rohingyas made their way to Bangladesh, taking the total number of Rohingya refugees in that country to 855,000.[1]The overcrowding caused by this influx at the Cox’s Bazar refugee camps has led the Bangladesh government to consider temporarily relocating the Rohingya refugees t

From the Indus to the Nile - endless strife
Jul 11, 2013

From the Indus to the Nile - endless strife

In the 21st century, ideas and thoughts travel across the globe with considerable speed. And, areas inhabited by those whose ancestors belonged to ancient civilisations like our own are engaged in battles that are ideological and sectarian. Essentially, these are about dominance and reversion to a way of life pitted against those who want the systems changed.

Furthering Indo Pak Ties and the Importance of Track Two Dialogue
Jun 07, 2011

Furthering Indo Pak Ties and the Importance of Track Two Dialogue

There is an increasing realisation amongst the media community in Pakistan that their State had been actively involved in training India-centric terrorist groups within Pakistani borders, said a delegation of Urdu journalists from Pakistan who visited ORF.

Future of coal: Financial consequences
Oct 12, 2020

Future of coal: Financial consequences

The coal sector as a whole faces the problem of stranded asset on account of competition from renewable ― and policies changing globally ― away fr

Future of Nuclear Weapons
Dec 29, 2007

Future of Nuclear Weapons

Mr L V Krishnan, a Nuclear Scientist who had worked with the Department of Atomic Energy, Government of India, gave a presentation on the 'Future of Nuclear Weapons', at an Interaction in the ORF Chennai Chapter of the Observer Research Foundation on 29 December 2007.

G-20 कडून डिजिटल आरोग्य सेवांना प्रोत्साहन
Apr 10, 2024

G-20 कडून डिजिटल आरोग्य सेवांना प्रोत्साहन

G-20 गटाने जागतिक स्तरावरील विविध सहभागी राष्ट्रांमधील आं�

G20 returns to Asia
Oct 30, 2021

G20 returns to Asia

The ‘duplex of Asian G20 presidencies’ led by Indonesia and India takes on a formidable agenda, one that is likely to shape the world economy for

G20 देशों में डिजिटल स्वास्थ्य: डिजिटल युग में स्वास्थ्य सेवा का रूपांतरण
Apr 10, 2024

G20 देशों में डिजिटल स्वास्थ्य: डिजिटल युग में स्वास्थ्य सेवा का रूपांतरण

पिछले कुछ वर्षों में G20 ने वैश्विक स्तर पर अलग-अलग हितधारक�

Gender Bias In Futuristic Technology — AI In Pop Culture
Jan 15, 2022

Gender Bias In Futuristic Technology — AI In Pop Culture

The growing socialisation with female virtual assistants in AI is rapidly diminishing the significance of women to 'a gendered female who responds on-demand'.

Genetic editing in humans: Guiding change
Dec 30, 2020

Genetic editing in humans: Guiding change

The real question is not whether therapeutic gene editing is possible, but rather — do we want it and are we ready for it?

Geopolitics of International Health Regulations and the role of India’s G20 Presidency in IHR Reforms
Nov 07, 2022

Geopolitics of International Health Regulations and the role of India’s G20 Presidency in IHR Reforms

With India looking forward to its G20 presidency in 2023, it becomes a vital actor in pushing international health reforms

German businessmen expect more from Modi
Oct 06, 2015

German businessmen expect more from Modi

German CEOs, who flew in with Chancellor Angela Merkel, think Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi is yet to fulfil his promise of making doing busines

Germany’s dominant culture: Islamophobic or inclusive?
Feb 09, 2018

Germany’s dominant culture: Islamophobic or inclusive?

The biggest challenge for the Germans is perhaps introspecting who is a German and what do they want Germany’s future to be.

Glimmer of hope in Ukraine crisis
Mar 01, 2022

Glimmer of hope in Ukraine crisis

Those who want us to join the Western bandwagon and condemn Russia seem oblivious to their own stand when it comes to supporting India against China and Pakistan.

Globalisation: The story of increasing Indian billionaires and poor
Jul 06, 2013

Globalisation: The story of increasing Indian billionaires and poor

The recent violent actions of the Maoists have made big news. It will not be easy to resolve this problem because these are the people who have been deprived of their land and development, and they form the core of the movement. Only better distribution of the growth story can bring peace to these people

God and the ballot: Religion and voting patterns in America
Aug 03, 2015

God and the ballot: Religion and voting patterns in America

The US constitution builds a wall of separation between the church and the state, interpreted as prohibiting the state from meddling into the affairs of the church and vice versa. However, this constitutional provision cannot negate the church's influence in impacting who gets elected as President.

Golden rules for regulating Digital Public Goods
Mar 03, 2023

Golden rules for regulating Digital Public Goods

We must have checks and balances on our technologists and on those who govern technology, especially in the case of DPGs because of their increasingly

Govt's move to protect industry ignores both economic theory and history
Feb 27, 2018

Govt's move to protect industry ignores both economic theory and history

Those who wish to blindly ape the Donald Trump-era United States' trade policy clearly have never bothered to think hard about the economic consequences of their actions in India

H1N1 in Rajasthan: Can the Nipah outbreak in Kerala offer lessons?
Feb 11, 2019

H1N1 in Rajasthan: Can the Nipah outbreak in Kerala offer lessons?

In India, there are periodic spikes in H1N1 outbreaks every few years.

Halfway to 2030:Unravelling Global food security challenges
Jan 12, 2024

Halfway to 2030:Unravelling Global food security challenges

To end the intergenerational cycle of poverty and eradicate all types of malnutrition, policymakers must intensify their efforts

Hands across the Himalayas
Feb 05, 2011

Hands across the Himalayas

The author, who was part of the ORF delegation which took part in discussions with Chinese party and government officials, says that the possibilities for India and China to collaborate must transcend boundary disputes and other age-old issues.

Har Ghar Jal in India: The social determinants of health approach in action
Mar 21, 2024

Har Ghar Jal in India: The social determinants of health approach in action

The progress made through the Jal Jeevan Mission has laid a robust foundation for a transformative shift in public health dynamics, yet the journey to

Health Policy belongs to the national security domain and different stakeholders must engage
Apr 18, 2020

Health Policy belongs to the national security domain and different stakeholders must engage

Samir Saran, President, ORF was interviewed by Oxford Political Review in the backdrop of the Indian government’s decision to enforce a complete loc

How a delta ravaged by cyclone Amphan awaits a revival
May 23, 2020

How a delta ravaged by cyclone Amphan awaits a revival

As if COVID-19 was not enough, Amphan has not merely damaged infrastructure, rendered many homeless, and affected small businesses — but has imposed a cost on the West Bengal economy whose indelible impacts will be felt in the long-run.

How can BRICS survive amidst TTIP?
Jan 05, 2015

How can BRICS survive amidst TTIP?

With the US and EU, who together are responsible for the makeup of 46% of the world economy, preparing to enter into the largest trade deal in history, the TTIP, the question of how the BRICS adapt and consolidate their position globally is one that holds considerable relevance. The options available to the BRICS are limited.

How dissent is prosecuted in Bangladesh
Oct 05, 2019

How dissent is prosecuted in Bangladesh

In the last few years, the administration in Dhaka has brought a number of cases against poets, journalists and activists who have taken to social med

How Important was Abu Azzam?
Sep 30, 2005

How Important was Abu Azzam?

Before the elections in the beginning of this year, the authorities of the Iraqi Government had announced warrants for the arrest of 29 Iraqis and foreigners, who, according to them, are either former members of the Saddam Hussein Government or part of the Abu Mus¿ab al-Zarqawi terrorist network of the Al Qaeda.

How Imran Khan unveiled the Oxonian version of Pakistani 'Islamofascism'
Aug 04, 2020

How Imran Khan unveiled the Oxonian version of Pakistani 'Islamofascism'

In the last two years, Imran Khan has proved to be a miserable failure who has in many ways turned the clock back for Pakistan.

How India and the US can lead in the Indo-Pacific
Aug 18, 2017

How India and the US can lead in the Indo-Pacific

The stakes — who gets to construct the legal, economic, and military architecture of an integrated Indo-Pacific region — are enormous.

Ignore the Benaam Aadmi, there are middle class nightmares to fix
Jan 15, 2014

Ignore the Benaam Aadmi, there are middle class nightmares to fix

For a few years now, the Khaas Aadmis have been self-categorising into three typologies; the foreign-educated Indian, the Indian who has lived abroad and returned home, and lastly the Indians settled abroad who are still engaged in writing the country's script.

Impact Investments in India: Towards Sustainable Development
Jun 24, 2020

Impact Investments in India: Towards Sustainable Development

Conventional investments cater to investors who intend to gain financial returns. Other investors whose aim is to generate a positive social or environmental impact at a decent rate of return, turn to “impact investments” for their purpose. Mobilised to finance social enterprises, impact investments assume three primary forms: embedded, integrated, and external. This paper discusses the ideas of impact investment and social enterprises, and o

Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on India’s federalism
Nov 27, 2021

Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on India’s federalism

The pandemic proved that the Centre and states have different roles but need to work closely during a crisis, instead of adopting a centralised approa

Importance of social mobility for sustainable development
Sep 05, 2022

Importance of social mobility for sustainable development

Policy responses must be targeted to uplift those who were at the lowest socio-economic rungs as it shows that a higher degree of social mobility help

In the land of Hammurabi
Sep 01, 2005

In the land of Hammurabi

We the people of Iraq, who in all our forms and groupings undertake to establish our union freely and by choice, to learn yesterday's lessons for tomorrow, and to write down this permanent constitution...

Independent trajectory for India-Israel ties
Jan 12, 2018

Independent trajectory for India-Israel ties

India-Israel ties are on course for further expansion under Narendra Modi and Benjamin Netanyahu, who have developed the personal chemistry needed to take it forward