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4505 results found

Is Beijing seeking a ‘grand bargain’ with New Delhi in the Indian Ocean?
Feb 13, 2020

Is Beijing seeking a ‘grand bargain’ with New Delhi in the Indian Ocean?

In countering India’s efforts to dominate South Asian waters, China may be seeking a grand bargain: allow each side control over their respective littorals – the Bay of Bengal and South China Sea – and the maintenance of respective constabulary presences

Is India’s Sri Lanka policy working at all?
Aug 28, 2017

Is India’s Sri Lanka policy working at all?

The turning out of the Trincomalee oil tanks deal for India and the Hambantota port deal for China are only indicative of the massive trust deficit or

Is Maldives moving away from India?
Dec 27, 2012

Is Maldives moving away from India?

As 2012 draws to a close, the question uppermost in the minds of Maldives watchers is if the country was moving away from the strategic sphere of Indian influence, and has begun tilting towards China.

Is Myanmar impeding India’s Act East Policy?
Mar 27, 2024

Is Myanmar impeding India’s Act East Policy?

Growing political instability in Myanmar is hindering India from achieving its Act East Policy objectives

Is New Delhi confident of connecting North East with neighbours?
Oct 03, 2013

Is New Delhi confident of connecting North East with neighbours?

Is India confident to connect its North-East with the neighbouring countries like China, Myanmar and Bangladesh. This is one of the questions that came up during a workshop on "Increasing Connectivity of the North East with Peripheral Countries like Bangladesh, Myanmar and China" at the Kolkata chapter of Observer Research Foundation.

Is OIC silently endorsing the suppression of Uyghur Muslims?
Mar 25, 2022

Is OIC silently endorsing the suppression of Uyghur Muslims?

Is China's FDI in the OIC member countries preventing the political elites of these states from condemning the injustices carried against the Uyghur

Is the BRICS currency another non-starter?
May 24, 2023

Is the BRICS currency another non-starter?

Not only do there exist practical difficulties in pursuing a common BRICS currency, but the other constituents of the bloc may consequently end up inc

Is The Sun Setting On the US Solar Industry?
Nov 03, 2011

Is The Sun Setting On the US Solar Industry?

USA solar industry got a setback with almost three solar companies, including Solyandra Inc., declaring suspension of their operations and plans. Criticising China's role in the failure of the U.S solar companies may come as a natural defence mechanism, but then China can't be completely held responsible.

Is the United States finally playing its cards right in Southeast Asia?
Dec 22, 2021

Is the United States finally playing its cards right in Southeast Asia?

Moving beyond the anti-China rhetoric, US has attempted to enhance its diplomacy efforts towards Southeast Asia as a whole.

Is there room at the dragon's table?
Jun 16, 2014

Is there room at the dragon's table?

While the world is hopeful of a firm foreign policy in the Modi era, the Chinese dilemma lurks in a big way. Modi should devise ways of taking China in its stride on a workable, if not friendly, basis to make the best of the Look East Policy and to put itself on a sound footing for the Asian century.

Is turbulent the new normal in Sino-Indian relations?
Mar 02, 2024

Is turbulent the new normal in Sino-Indian relations?

On India’s part, it has stood up to the China challenge on several fronts.

Is Xi Jinping a neo-Maoist?
May 06, 2017

Is Xi Jinping a neo-Maoist?

Xi has consolidated a mass of power in his own hands and is not averse to a Mao-like personalised fame.

Italy’s BRIexit: Not All Roads Lead to Beijing
Jun 13, 2024

Italy’s BRIexit: Not All Roads Lead to Beijing

Almost 150 countries have joined China’s flagship Belt and Road Initiative (BRI)—a project central to Beijing’s global prestige as well as President Xi Jinping’s persona and legacy. Italy, which joined in 2019, was the only G7 and major European Union country to join the BRI. Less than five years later, in December 2023, Italy formally exited the BRI, making it the first country to do so. This paper contextualises the drivers behind Italy

Jaishankar in Australia: भारत के लिए क्‍यों खास है ऑस्ट्रेलिया; और क्या है जयशंकर की कैनबरा यात्रा के मायने?
Oct 11, 2022

Jaishankar in Australia: भारत के लिए क्‍यों खास है ऑस्ट्रेलिया; और क्या है जयशंकर की कैनबरा यात्रा के मायने?

भारत-ऑस्ट्रेलिया के बीच प्रगाढ़ द्विपक्षीय संबंध है. हाल के वर्षों में खासकर क्वॉड के गठन के बाद दोनों देशों के संबंधों में बड़ा बदलाव आया है. क्वॉड के गठन के बाद भारत और ऑस्

Japan and ASEAN: Changing Security Dynamics
Jul 23, 2023

Japan and ASEAN: Changing Security Dynamics

Southeast Asia has been one of the key components of Japan's foreign policy in the post-Cold War period. It is one region where Japan's diplomacy has accomplished considerable success in coming to terms with the challenges posed by the legacies of the Second World War. Successive Japanese governments since 1952 have always maintained that the stability and security of ASEAN countries are closely tied to Japan's security and prosperity.

Japan to revise its National Security Strategy
Dec 23, 2021

Japan to revise its National Security Strategy

The growing threats have propelled Japan to reconsider its existing National Security Strategy under the new leadership of Kishida Fumio.

Japan walks the extra mile
Nov 11, 2014

Japan walks the extra mile

The four-point agreement that was worked out by State Councillor Yang Jichei and Japanese National Security Adviser Shotaro Yachi to enable the meeting between President Xi Jinping of China and Prime Minister Shinzo Abe of Japan indicates that Tokyo has walked the extra mile to assuage the Chinese.

Japan's 'pivot' to Asian littorals
Feb 01, 2014

Japan's 'pivot' to Asian littorals

Japan's engagement with SE Asia focuses through expanding economic ties, cooperation on maritime issues and building close diplomatic relations through Abe's travel diplomacy. This is Japan's 'pivot' to SE Asia and it is here to stay given its strategic rivalry with China.

Japan's rise is good for India
Jun 10, 2014

Japan's rise is good for India

The rise, if you want to call it that, of another Asian power on the flanks of China, one which also has difficulties with Beijing, is to India's advantage. New Delhi is not unaware of the geopolitical benefits.

Japan's security policy in the era of new geopolitics
Mar 26, 2015

Japan's security policy in the era of new geopolitics

Japan is facing extremely dangerous situation in North East Asia where North Korea is developing nuclear weapons. It is also witnessing China's excessive assertiveness in the East China Sea and the South China Sea. So, situations like these will influence the way Japan will shape its security policy, says eminent Japanese scholar Prof. Shinichi Kitaoka.

Japan’s new Indo-Pacific: A guiding perspective to shape worldviews
May 03, 2023

Japan’s new Indo-Pacific: A guiding perspective to shape worldviews

Being inclusive and normative, Japan calls on other states―like-minded or not―to agree on “the minimum basic principles”

Japan’s new security assistance to the Indo-Pacific region
Jan 08, 2024

Japan’s new security assistance to the Indo-Pacific region

Japan’s commitment to a Free and Open Indo-Pacific and its assessment of the changing global strategic environment have driven Tokyo to a new path-b

Japan’s NSS and its impact on the Korean Peninsula
Jan 09, 2023

Japan’s NSS and its impact on the Korean Peninsula

The strategic shift in Japan’s NSS has been met with criticism from China and the Korean peninsula

Jiabao's cancelled visit and Sino-Nepal relations
Dec 19, 2011

Jiabao's cancelled visit and Sino-Nepal relations

China is more than likely to consolidate its hold in Nepal and become more assertive in the near future. The growing anti-India sentiments in the Himalayan state could make it easier for China to stay put in India's neighbourhood.

Joint command: Theme for a Chinese dream
Feb 07, 2014

Joint command: Theme for a Chinese dream

While the unified structure being adopted by China will lead to the strengthening of its military prowess to back up the country's global ambitions, in India, political waffling has so far prevented the emergence of a similar combined structure for its armed forces.

Kabul, New Delhi’s pushback
Mar 01, 2017

Kabul, New Delhi’s pushback

The Russia-Pak-China Axis in Afghanistan was forced to contend with Afghan-led and owned reconciliation efforts

Kashmir After Article 370: India’s Diplomatic Challenge
Jul 16, 2020

Kashmir After Article 370: India’s Diplomatic Challenge

The abrogation of Article 370 and the bifurcation of the state of Jammu and Kashmir in August 2019 provoked intense diplomatic response from the international community. For the most part, India received widespread support for its decision. At the same time, however, there have been criticisms of the restrictions imposed in the region on communication and civil liberties. China and Pakistan, in particular, reacted with hostility and attempted to

Kashmir fallout: The three strands of India’s diplomatic challenge
Aug 19, 2019

Kashmir fallout: The three strands of India’s diplomatic challenge

It has had to navigate the debate on civil liberties, overcome history, and deal with China’s posture

Kashmir rail
Jul 02, 2014

Kashmir rail

That China is now preparing to extend its railway into Pakistan Occupied Kashmir should stir PM Modi to recognise the significance of the railways for India's national security and factor it into the rail budget to be presented to Parliament next week.

Kazakhstan on the brink
Jan 08, 2022

Kazakhstan on the brink

Kazakhstan President’s call to use foreign troops to quell the recent protest could further alienate people who are already dissatisfied by the regi

Kazakhstan working towards setting up Eurasian commodities market
Jun 07, 2019

Kazakhstan working towards setting up Eurasian commodities market

Kazakhstan aspires for economic cooperation between China and Europe, and connectivity within itself and with its neighbours.

Kerry's trip to Asia: An exercise in reassuring allies
Feb 19, 2014

Kerry's trip to Asia: An exercise in reassuring allies

India should be watching Mr John Kerry's trip to Asia with interest considering that the US and China have just held a dialogue on South Asia, even as the US has refused to hold a bilateral dialogue with India on East Asia in the last year.

Kidnapping of Chinese in Iraq
Feb 24, 2004

Kidnapping of Chinese in Iraq

Eight Chinese workers from Fujian, who were travelling to Jordan from Najaf in Iraq by a car after having worked in a Chinese-aided power project there for catching a flight to China, were detained by an Iraqi resistance group on January 18,2005, to protest against the Chinese involvement in the project.

Kishida’s India Trip: A Reiteration of Strong India-Japan Ties
Mar 27, 2023

Kishida’s India Trip: A Reiteration of Strong India-Japan Ties

India and Japan’s shared concerns about China are a key driver of their growing relationship.

Knowing India's nuclear credentials
Jul 24, 2014

Knowing India's nuclear credentials

Through concerted attack on India from the usual suspects in recent days, India is first being made the whipping boy for the failure of the American non-proliferation lobby in their own country. Then it has to accept blame for the complex relations the U.S. shares with Pakistan and China that is driving these Asian allies to increase their arsenals. Can we get real, please?

Korea rising
Jul 19, 2013

Korea rising

As New Delhi and Seoul reconnect politically, the planned visit of President Park to India in the next few months provides an occasion to think boldly about the future of the bilateral partnership. If Delhi can look beyond China in its policies towards northeast Asia, it will find that South Korea can help develop very interesting strategic options for India.

LAC पर भारत-चीन द्विपक्षीय वार्ताओं का ताज़ा दौर: चीन के नज़रिए की पड़ताल
Mar 27, 2023

LAC पर भारत-चीन द्विपक्षीय वार्ताओं का ताज़ा दौर: चीन के नज़रिए की पड़ताल

LAC पर चीन की भूमिका को तूल न देते हुए चीनी विमर्श ये संकेत द�

Lanka pit-stop
Nov 05, 2014

Lanka pit-stop

What Colombo and Beijing are telling Delhi is that Chinese naval presence in Sri Lanka is now routine and India should get used to it. Delhi quite clearly will find it hard to digest. But, if Delhi wants to limit or reverse Colombo's strategic tilt towards China, it should start with a comprehensive review of its policy towards Sri Lanka.

Laying new BRICS in Durban
Mar 26, 2013

Laying new BRICS in Durban

China will have to act selflessly if it wants to build alternative institutional arrangements that look at development from the emerging economies prism. The BRICS will also have to be careful about what it regards as its core strength. So far, it has largely been perceived to be pushing for an alternative economic development paradigm.

Lessons from the Ladakh crisis
Jun 23, 2020

Lessons from the Ladakh crisis

It has become apparent that there have been grave failures somewhere — but more likely in multiple places — in the Indian intelligence chain, as i

Leveraging Canada's global energy diplomacy in the Indo-Pacific and beyond
Dec 02, 2020

Leveraging Canada's global energy diplomacy in the Indo-Pacific and beyond

Canada’s world-class energy resources and national interests in global energy diplomacy must be articulated coherently and to the fullest

Li's India visit may be a memorable one
May 17, 2013

Li's India visit may be a memorable one

China's Blue Book sees the US as a pivot to Asia and strengthening of alliances in the region is viewed by the Chinese analyst as being directed to contain China. The Blue Book also notes that India's defence cooperation with the US, Japan, Vietnam and Australia has strengthened it. India has to act with maturity while dealing with the resurgent China.

Li's India visit: The die has already been cast
May 21, 2013

Li's India visit: The die has already been cast

Can China be meaningfully engaged on issues like the border or the boundary? The answer is a resounding 'no'. The Chinese leadership structure is in flux. All the meaningful rapprochements and border resolutions were carried out either in the Mao or the Deng era. Since then, China's leaders have been too weak and fearful of internal coups to move forward in a meaningful way.

Light Tanks: A Missing Priority for the Indian Army
Jul 16, 2021

Light Tanks: A Missing Priority for the Indian Army

The Indian Army’s (IA) difficulties with regard to the acquisition of light tanks are as much self-inflicted as they are a product of fiscal constraints. The Army has exerted only half-hearted efforts in developing its light-armoured capabilities—inconsistent with current Army doctrine and in disregard of history. Indeed, the IA has used light armour in high-altitude operations in the past. This paper argues that the IA is hobbled by an infan

Limitations to India’s Sri Lanka Outreach
Aug 31, 2022

Limitations to India’s Sri Lanka Outreach

Amidst the war of words between China and India and the ongoing economic crisis, Sri Lanka may be forced to make tough choices.