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Reaffirming Indo-US ties
Sep 22, 2019

Reaffirming Indo-US ties

Prime Minister Narendra Modi's visit to America indicates that the India-US strategic relationship has the potential to become the defining partnership of this century

Real touchstone is action on 26/11 accused
May 21, 2013

Real touchstone is action on 26/11 accused

The democratic transition in Pakistan has coincided with the last year of the UPA government's second term in India. As the government battles one controversy after another, the looming elections in 2014 may act as a distraction wherein improving relations with Pakistan may not be a priority for the government at present.

Rebuilding Indo-Pak relations through people-to-people interactions
Feb 21, 2019

Rebuilding Indo-Pak relations through people-to-people interactions

It is important to humanise the ‘other’ and move away from the stereotypical ‘enemy’ perception that have dominated Indo-Pak relations.

Recalibrating India’s foreign and counter-terrorism policies to address ISIS threats
Oct 05, 2018

Recalibrating India’s foreign and counter-terrorism policies to address ISIS threats

The ground situation in Iraq and Syria, while still ripe for an ISIS return, has also created ripples in traditional security structures of countries

Recalibrating India’s ties with China and Pakistan
Dec 07, 2018

Recalibrating India’s ties with China and Pakistan

The renewed hopes on India-China relations comes in the midst of a possible new thaw in New Delhi’s bilateral ties with Pakistan.

Reclaiming the Indo-Pacific narrative
Jul 08, 2019

Reclaiming the Indo-Pacific narrative

The ASEAN’s intent to be in the driving seat is clear as it seeks to manage the emerging regional order with policy moves

Reconciling privacy and surveillance in democracies
Oct 06, 2020

Reconciling privacy and surveillance in democracies

The respect of civil rights and liberties is the backbone of democracies. To undermine these fundamental rights is to undermine democracy — abroad,

Recurring controversy about Governor’s role in state politics
Jun 06, 2020

Recurring controversy about Governor’s role in state politics

The negative image of the state governors as above all “an agent of the centre” has proved difficult to erase.

Recycling Li-ion batteries: Opportunities and challenges
Jun 24, 2020

Recycling Li-ion batteries: Opportunities and challenges

The opportunity at hand is threefold — to create skilled jobs in recycling units, curb environmental implications of dumping and ensure a positive

Reform to retain ‘emerging market economy’ tag
Sep 09, 2019

Reform to retain ‘emerging market economy’ tag

India aspires to be a developed country by 2047 which may or may not be possible. For the present, vigorous reforms will be needed.

Reforming the Russian economy: COVID-19 crisis and beyond
Jun 01, 2020

Reforming the Russian economy: COVID-19 crisis and beyond

The impact of the recession on Russia at this particular moment in geopolitical history will impact its foreign policy trajectory in very specific way

Reforms, Restructuring & Regulation: Three 'R's for India's Energy Security
Feb 14, 2006

Reforms, Restructuring & Regulation: Three 'R's for India's Energy Security

The report is based on the key recommendations that emerged out of the deliberations at National Conclave on India's Energy Security: Major Challenges held in New Delhi on 14-15 February 2006. The recommendations emerging out of the Conclave have been compiled in this Report for consideration by the Government

Reframing the Climate Debate
Jun 14, 2014

Reframing the Climate Debate

The Observer Research Foundation (ORF), India and the Stanley Foundation, USA co-hosted an international workshop on climate change on February 25-27, 2014 in New Delhi. The central objective of the workshop was to unbundle the different policy responses resulting from the multilateral negotiations thus far and their impact upon the evolution of existing and future multilateral frameworks. This Policy Brief aims to capture some of the salient per

Regional integration
Aug 30, 2018

Regional integration

India will have to carefully navigate the emerging regional geopolitics in BIMSTEC

Regulating goods better for trade
Aug 14, 2018

Regulating goods better for trade

How to ensure that technical regulations do not impede India’s international trade.

Regulatory Changes in India in the Time of COVID19: Lessons and Recommendations
Jun 10, 2020

Regulatory Changes in India in the Time of COVID19: Lessons and Recommendations

This report tracks the changes to India’s business regulatory framework in the first 40 days of the nationwide lockdown due to the COVID-19 virus. The Union and state governments have been highly proactive in creating spaces for doing business while managing the ongoing health crisis. The governments have attempted to modify the business-related legal infrastructure within the confines imposed through the lockdown. While under normal circumstan

Regulatory Sandboxes: Decoding India’s attempt to Regulate Fintech Disruption
May 24, 2023

Regulatory Sandboxes: Decoding India’s attempt to Regulate Fintech Disruption

In August 2019, the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) released its final guidelines for a regulatory sandbox for fintech firms.[1] Technology innovations are disrupting the traditional financial sector, and the RBI’s regulatory sandbox exercise is an attempt to be more agile and absorb some of this disruption. ‘Sandboxes’ give regulators a chance to work with fintech innovators, mitigate potential risks and develop evidence-based policy, while fi

Reigniting an old, crucial friendship with Sri Lanka
Mar 25, 2015

Reigniting an old, crucial friendship with Sri Lanka

With the inauguration of a railway track in the Northern Province, Prime Minister Narendra Modi, during his two-day visit to Sri Lanka from March 13 to 14, has managed to hit the right string amidst the people of Sri Lanka. The trip has marked the beginning of a renewed India-Sri Lanka ties.

Reimagining Sustainable Development Education for teens
Aug 30, 2019

Reimagining Sustainable Development Education for teens

Engaging youth in the SDG debate will require more than classroom education — it’s time we saw greater online innovation.

Relocating Mumbai in the geoeconomics of the Indo-Pacific
Jan 30, 2021

Relocating Mumbai in the geoeconomics of the Indo-Pacific

Positioning Mumbai in the Indo-Pacific will require planning. A new version of the ‘Bombay Plan’ — Bombay Plan 2.0 — is needed to build on the

Renewable Energy: Market and Policy Environment in India
Nov 12, 2013

Renewable Energy: Market and Policy Environment in India

This Paper outlines the potential of renewable energy in addressing India's energy supply and access; it identifies challenges and provide a discursive overview of the various market and policy instruments developed to scale up renewable energy generation. India’s significant economic growth over the last decade has led to an inexorable rise in energy demand. Currently, India faces a Ichallenging energy shortage. To grow at 9 per cent over t

Reparation for colonial abuse: 100 years of Jallianwala Bagh massacre
Apr 16, 2019

Reparation for colonial abuse: 100 years of Jallianwala Bagh massacre

On the 100th anniversary of the Jallianwala Bagh massacre, this article aims to revisit colonial despotism and the options of reparation with former c

Repositioning for the 21st century, the DMK experience
Jan 06, 2010

Repositioning for the 21st century, the DMK experience

The DMK's current resurgence had its beginning in the 2004 Lok Sabha polls that the ruling AIDMK-BJP combine lost completely after the negative fallout of the economic and fiscal reforms hit the common man

Republican divide: Testing limits of anti-wokeness in the US
Jun 02, 2023

Republican divide: Testing limits of anti-wokeness in the US

By striking a balance between conservative principles and wider appeal, DeSantis could position the party for electoral success in 2024

Reservation: India on the edge of a fiscal precipice
Jan 19, 2019

Reservation: India on the edge of a fiscal precipice

Instead of drafting a policy that first reduces, and then ends all reservations, we are moving towards strengthening them.

Reskilling without a sunset clause
Jan 04, 2019

Reskilling without a sunset clause

Reskilling is all the rage as toilers of every creed scramble to upgrade skills so that they can remain valuable when tasks most suitable to machine l

Response to Pulwama attack: Firefighting or dawn of a new policy
Feb 26, 2019

Response to Pulwama attack: Firefighting or dawn of a new policy

A scrutiny of the Pulwama terrorist attack clearly shows it is undoubtedly a result of serious security lapse along with intelligence failure.

Restoring the balance
Dec 19, 2018

Restoring the balance

India must remain invested in strengthening democratic institutions in the Maldives

Return of a new non-alignment?
Jun 25, 2020

Return of a new non-alignment?

The middle powers are taking the middle path to dealing with the US and China, which may lead to significant challenges if New Delhi chooses to build

Return of the Holbrooke thought in US’ South Asia policy?
Jul 26, 2019

Return of the Holbrooke thought in US’ South Asia policy?

Trump’s comments on Kashmir during Imran Khan’s visit may reflect the US undoing its India-Pakistan dehyphenation policy.

Revenge of the geeks — The secret ingredient of high performance teams & ‘stubborn minorities’
Jun 08, 2018

Revenge of the geeks — The secret ingredient of high performance teams & ‘stubborn minorities’

The future of work is deeply tied to the ties that bind great teams inside the workplace. Until robot overlords upend the world, we humans will be per

Reverse migration: An opportunity for the government
Apr 04, 2020

Reverse migration: An opportunity for the government

To give gainful employment to those migrants who do not want to go back to the cities as it happened during demonetisation is a big challenge for the

Reverse migration: An opportunity for the government
Apr 04, 2020

Reverse migration: An opportunity for the government

To give gainful employment to those migrants who do not want to go back to the cities as it happened during demonetisation is a big challenge for the