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4505 results found

India’s clever use of the BRICS card in Doklam standoff
Aug 31, 2017

India’s clever use of the BRICS card in Doklam standoff

The very institutions that have facilitated China’s prominence can be potentially used to constrain its behaviour and shape its choices

India’s dilemma in Maldives
Feb 13, 2018

India’s dilemma in Maldives

Maldivian President Yameen Abdullah Gayoom’s rejection of the Supreme Court’s decision to release the jailed opposition leaders to ensure a free and fair presidential elections later this year has brought to head the country’s brewing estrangement with its traditional ally, India. India faces a dilemma: How must it deal with the situation in Maldives? This report examines India’s options in the context of China’s expanding power in the

India’s East Asia outreach shows its centrality to regional stability
Apr 15, 2024

India’s East Asia outreach shows its centrality to regional stability

New Delhi is trying to deepen ties to confront common threats but in-group differences pose hurdles

India’s focus on enhancing maritime security as the UNSC president: Leadership envisioning a global roadmap
Aug 26, 2021

India’s focus on enhancing maritime security as the UNSC president: Leadership envisioning a global roadmap

As the current President of the UN Security Council, India has provided dynamic leadership and direction in envisioning a global roadmap on enhancing

India’s future choices as the Sino-Indian crisis escalates
Sep 25, 2020

India’s future choices as the Sino-Indian crisis escalates

The Sino-India bilateral relationship has been premised on an understanding that the two nations can move forward on other areas of engagement as the border remains “hot” with military activity. Chinese actions are producing the opposite effect of what was intended, and India is now willing to adopt policies with a strong anti-China orientation.

India’s Grand Strategy: A Framework for the Future that Builds on Bharat’s Ancient Statecraft of Peace, Prosperity, and Planet
Jun 26, 2024

India’s Grand Strategy: A Framework for the Future that Builds on Bharat’s Ancient Statecraft of Peace, Prosperity, and Planet

Aspiring to become a US$30-trillion economy by 2047, surrounded by hostile nations, and leading the idea of multipolarity in a bipolar world, India needs to articulate a grand strategy that has been missing in its statecraft. With the necessary conditions for such an endeavour in place, it is time for Bharat, under Narendra Modi’s third term as prime minister, to thread the three core aspects of executing such a grand strategy: articulating the

India’s growing strategic footprint in the Indo-Pacific
Aug 15, 2023

India’s growing strategic footprint in the Indo-Pacific

As a rising power in the Indo-Pacific region, India is expanding its outreach in Southeast Asia and the South Pacific exponentially

India’s hedging strategy is bound to fail
Jun 21, 2018

India’s hedging strategy is bound to fail

India is asking China to trust its words, not its actions. Beijing knows better.

India’s Indian Ocean challenge
May 04, 2018

India’s Indian Ocean challenge

China and India compete for influence, nation by nation, throughout the Indian Ocean region

India’s Maldives headache
Feb 26, 2018

India’s Maldives headache

Given the Maldives’ geostrategic location in the Indian Ocean, it is understandable that China has long-term strategic interests in it. The island nation sits atop of critical sea lanes of communication (SLOCs). Gaining a larger footprint in the Indian Ocean is now part of China’s stated strategy.

India’s Military Outreach: Military Logistics Agreements
Sep 12, 2021

India’s Military Outreach: Military Logistics Agreements

China’s increasing activities in the Indo-Pacific have motivated India to embrace military logistics agreements with a wide variety of partners.

India’s Moment in the Geopolitics of Oil
Apr 04, 2023

India’s Moment in the Geopolitics of Oil

Global energy markets have battled continuous uncertainty over the past three years, disrupted first by the Covid-19 pandemic in 2020 and 2021, and by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in 2022. India has been adept at navigating both these disruptions, using economic diplomacy to position itself favourably in the geopolitics of oil. New Delhi’s delicate balancing of its political relationship with both Washington DC and Moscow has been accompanied

India’s Pacific pathways in Papua New Guinea
May 03, 2023

India’s Pacific pathways in Papua New Guinea

Over the years, India’s foreign policy objectives overlooked the PIC narrative but that is changing in the post pandemic world order 

India’s pivot to Australia
Jul 22, 2020

India’s pivot to Australia

With discussions underway for Canberra to join the Malabar naval exercises, New Delhi hopes to add a new backer in its fight against China

India’s Place in Australia’s National Defense Strategy 2024
Apr 24, 2024

India’s Place in Australia’s National Defense Strategy 2024

The pace of growth in the Australia-India strategic relationship is quite impressive, but New Delhi’s hesitance on hard security issues may hamper further developments.

India’s Place in the New US Indo-Pacific Strategy
Feb 24, 2022

India’s Place in the New US Indo-Pacific Strategy

New Delhi finds a prominent place in the strategy’s focus on Washington’s network of allies and partners across the Indo-Pacific.

India’s security choices during the COVID-19 pandemic
Sep 02, 2021

India’s security choices during the COVID-19 pandemic

While the virus is threatening to rise again in a ‘third wave,’ China has literally dug in at high altitudes in its quest to secure real estate an

India’s short-sighted stand will damage its credibility in Southeast Asia
Aug 09, 2019

India’s short-sighted stand will damage its credibility in Southeast Asia

India’s silence on developments in the South China Sea is highly unlikely to win it a lasting friendship with China but has the potential to do it some lasting damage.

India’s stance on the new global biodiversity framework
Dec 22, 2022

India’s stance on the new global biodiversity framework

China’s missed opportunity presents India with an opportunity to offer credible climate leadership

India’s Submarine Saga
Mar 28, 2024

India’s Submarine Saga

Without timely replenishment, India could end up with a submarine fleet similar to that of Pakistan.

India’s Taiwan Moment
Aug 20, 2022

India’s Taiwan Moment

Realities in the Indo-Pacific region have changed, and it’s time for New Delhi to deepen its political ties with Taipei.

India’s Taliban Outreach
Jun 17, 2022

India’s Taliban Outreach

Greater engagement with the Taliban will create new possibilities for India as other regional players such as China, Russia and Iran look for ways to step up their engagement

India’s tank problem and the two-front challenge
Oct 20, 2021

India’s tank problem and the two-front challenge

India must be more proactive in how it engages with China along its border

India’s TikTok ban closes off path to stardom
Jul 06, 2020

India’s TikTok ban closes off path to stardom

Young men and women from the countryside discovered the joys of creativity, individuality and even celebrity on the Chinese app.

India’s two-front information war
May 10, 2023

India’s two-front information war

India needs to adopt adequate counter-measures against the growing use of IW by China and Pakistan

India’s two-front war challenge: The problem of choice, scenarios and uncertainty
Oct 10, 2019

India’s two-front war challenge: The problem of choice, scenarios and uncertainty

Since war is a contest between animate entities, how is it possible for India to escape the realities of confrontation with both Pakistan and China?

India’s Vaccine Diplomacy
Jan 23, 2021

India’s Vaccine Diplomacy

The world’s pharmacy is looking to inoculations to build friendly ties around the world—and compete with China.

India’s ‘Look Far East’: The Vladivostok moment in Indo-Russian relations
May 26, 2020

India’s ‘Look Far East’: The Vladivostok moment in Indo-Russian relations

This paper explains Russian co-option of India into the Eastern Economic Forum (EEF) at a high level of participation in September 2019 and the range of agreements involved. It argues that the co-option was the result of Russian President Vladimir Putin’s dissatisfaction with the economic outcomes so far for the Russian Far East of “northeast Asian regional cooperation.” Moscow related this behaviour to skewed priorities of East Asia’s �

India’s ‘true gesture of goodwill’ towards Maldives
May 21, 2024

India’s ‘true gesture of goodwill’ towards Maldives

Despite turbulent ties with Maldives, India recently extended budgetary support of nearly US$ 50 million

Indo-Pacific Strategy 2022: An Analysis
May 23, 2022

Indo-Pacific Strategy 2022: An Analysis

The US recently released the Indo-Pacific strategy, indicating its continued interest in the region and allaying the fears of its allies in South Asia

Indonesia assumes the chairmanship of ASEAN
Feb 13, 2023

Indonesia assumes the chairmanship of ASEAN

Multiple challenges confront Indonesia as it takes over as the chair of ASEAN in 2023

Inflection point for the West-led global order
Feb 26, 2022

Inflection point for the West-led global order

Its future will be defined by how it responds to the crisis in Ukraine, and in the shadow of growing Russia-China ties

Instead of Sydney, Quad Gathers in Hiroshima
Jun 01, 2023

Instead of Sydney, Quad Gathers in Hiroshima

With U.S. domestic politics calling President Biden home early, the Quad capitalized on their visits to Hiroshima for the G-7 to meet on May 20.

Institutionalising Net Zero
Nov 12, 2021

Institutionalising Net Zero

Now that India has committed to achieve net zero targets by 2070, we have ample time to institutionalise the green policy pathways using a top-down ap

Integrated rocket force: Imperfect but a step in the right direction
May 27, 2023

Integrated rocket force: Imperfect but a step in the right direction

Although the primary reason for the establishment of India’s Rocket Force is China’s rapidly expanding missile and nuclear forces, the IRF contras

Integration vital for Asia's energy future
Aug 17, 2012

Integration vital for Asia's energy future

China and India, sooner than later, must assume regional leadership, which must be inclusive, allowing for not just coopera-tion and collaboration but the accom-modation of all stakeholders in energy. Despite their burgeoning share in energy market, both countries remain price takers rather than price makers now.

Intensification of Xi’s anti-corruption campaign
Sep 27, 2022

Intensification of Xi’s anti-corruption campaign

Xi Jinping’s security purge gathers steam ahead of China’s leadership transition.

Internet architecture can't be left solely in hands of developed world
Nov 08, 2013

Internet architecture can't be left solely in hands of developed world

The common prosperity of India and China is linked to the digital future, and even lifeline provisions such as social security schemes, health and education among others are likely to be delivered through virtual means. Therefore, it is important for the two countries to ensure that the world does not witness the birth of "digital sovereignty".

IPEF: Trade in policy, not in pact
Jun 22, 2022

IPEF: Trade in policy, not in pact

With Biden and IPEF highlighting economic transparency, it is seen as a way for Washington to create an Indo-Pacific trade bloc without creating a tra

Iran and Pakistan open a new frontier of conflict
Jan 19, 2024

Iran and Pakistan open a new frontier of conflict

Both Iran and Pakistan have their hands full with regional conflicts. Neither would want to escalate it beyond a point as their resources are already

Iran and Pakistan: Another front for an already embattled Islamabad
Jan 19, 2024

Iran and Pakistan: Another front for an already embattled Islamabad

Chances are that the tit-for-tat exchange between Iran and Pakistan will not escalate; neither side wants nor can afford an open conflict

Iran ties need quiet diplomacy
Jul 18, 2020

Iran ties need quiet diplomacy

India must continue to remain politically engaged with Tehran despite its partnership plan with China

Iran turns the bend?
Apr 28, 2014

Iran turns the bend?

This year, India's and China's crude oil imports from Iran has risen sharply - up by 43% year-on-year basis and 36% year-on-year basis respectively, according to a Reuters report. World's oil giant companies have also shown interest to return to Iran. Do these indicate that Iran has turned the bend and worst phase of sanctions is over?

Iran’s quest for Russian Su-35s and its impact on West Asia’s strategic calculations  
Jan 24, 2023

Iran’s quest for Russian Su-35s and its impact on West Asia’s strategic calculations  

With Western actors preoccupied with the Ukrainian crisis, the Middle East may be heading towards a significant time of churn in 2023

Iran’s SCO Accession: A timely yet insufficient gambit
Sep 19, 2022

Iran’s SCO Accession: A timely yet insufficient gambit

The changing world order has opened the doors of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation to Iran, but whether it will prove useful to the country is yet

Is a Cold War 2.0 inevitable?
Apr 23, 2021

Is a Cold War 2.0 inevitable?

The message is clear — every state actor, big or small, will have to choose sides between two very different global offerings, each with their own s

Is a new political legacy emerging in Indonesia after the win of Jokowi-backed General Prabowo Subianto?
Mar 12, 2024

Is a new political legacy emerging in Indonesia after the win of Jokowi-backed General Prabowo Subianto?

It is highly probable that the newly elected President of Indonesia will maintain former President Jokowi’s legacy