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Future of Nuclear Weapons
Dec 29, 2007

Future of Nuclear Weapons

Mr L V Krishnan, a Nuclear Scientist who had worked with the Department of Atomic Energy, Government of India, gave a presentation on the 'Future of Nuclear Weapons', at an Interaction in the ORF Chennai Chapter of the Observer Research Foundation on 29 December 2007.

Future Terrorism
Mar 24, 2005

Future Terrorism

International jihadi terrorism of the Al Qaeda model will continue to pose the most serious challenge to the intelligence and counter-terrorism agencies and the police forces of the world in the short and medium terms, that is, for another five to 10 years. It shows no signs of any dilution of motivation and determination.

G-20 a premier forum to discuss world economic issues: Korea
Jun 27, 2012

G-20 a premier forum to discuss world economic issues: Korea

G-20 is an important forum to ensure world economic stability in a world of changing power dynamics and it is imperative that member states use it so, says First Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade of the Republic of Korea Ahn Ho-Young.

G-20 minus or G-7 plus?
Oct 30, 2021

G-20 minus or G-7 plus?

With the growing disinterest in multilateralism, how will the G20 grouping deal with China’s growing belligerence, climate crisis, and the impending

G-20 की बैठक में क्यों छाया रहा LAC का मुद्दा
Jul 09, 2022

G-20 की बैठक में क्यों छाया रहा LAC का मुद्दा

इस अंतरराष्‍ट्रीय मंच पर चीन के विदेश मंत्री एलएसी की समस्‍या को छोड़ भारत-चीन संबंधों पर ज्‍यादा बोले. चीनी विदेश मंत्री ने कहा कि चीन एवं भारत के संबंधों में सुधार की दिश�

G20 and India
Aug 13, 2013

G20 and India

For India, which is also experiencing declining growth rates in the last couple of years, the priority at the forthcoming G-20 summit at St Petersberg would be issues including the spillover of the global slowdown on emerging economies as well as quota reforms of the International Monetary Fund.

G20 Ministerial: Should focus on global and Asian economy
Nov 09, 2015

G20 Ministerial: Should focus on global and Asian economy

The agenda hosts Turkey has set for the G20 summit is undoubtedly overloaded. But, to achieve good results, it would make sense for global leaders to focus on the most pressing regional issues affecting the global economy in general and Asia in particular, before the next summit in China in 2016.

G20 Summit 2019: Will it be just another gathering of world leaders?
Jun 24, 2019

G20 Summit 2019: Will it be just another gathering of world leaders?

The G20 has gradually transformed itself from a forum for economic crisis management — through international cooperation and discussion on specific

G20 Turkey Summit: Towards resilience, recovery and sustainability
Nov 10, 2015

G20 Turkey Summit: Towards resilience, recovery and sustainability

The G20 Summit at Antalya in Turkey is expected to focus extensively on infrastructure investment on one hand and climate and energy policy on the other. The latter seems quite natural, ahead of the Conference of Parties in Paris in December.

G20 का ऋण अदायगी स्थगन कार्यक्रम: ऐतिहासिक पड़ताल!
Jul 04, 2022

G20 का ऋण अदायगी स्थगन कार्यक्रम: ऐतिहासिक पड़ताल!

हाल के समय में वैश्विक कर्ज़ों के स्तरों में उछाल के चलते

G20 में अफ्रीकी संघ का सफ़र- सधी हुई शुरुआत लेकिन आगे बड़ी चुनौती!
Jan 16, 2024

G20 में अफ्रीकी संघ का सफ़र- सधी हुई शुरुआत लेकिन आगे बड़ी चुनौती!

G20 में अफ्रीकी संघ की सदस्यता अफ्रीका महादेश को काफ़ी कुछ �

G20 में ‘विकास’ के लक्ष्य को पाने के लिये, भारत देगा ‘डेटा’ को प्राथमिकता!
Dec 16, 2022

G20 में ‘विकास’ के लक्ष्य को पाने के लिये, भारत देगा ‘डेटा’ को प्राथमिकता!

जी20 की गतिविधियों के केंद्र में रहते हुए भारत इस दिशा में �

G20, still is a rich countries' club
Jul 21, 2017

G20, still is a rich countries' club

The real reform of the international financial architecture can only be completed when Emerging Economies or the other half of the G20 are fully repre

G20: Prospects for climate cooperation
Sep 22, 2023

G20: Prospects for climate cooperation

The real challenge is to translate the call for climate cooperation iterated at the G20 Summit in New Delhi into deeds given the divergent development

Gaiko Forum report on ORF symposium on Japan-India cooperation
Mar 17, 2008

Gaiko Forum report on ORF symposium on Japan-India cooperation

Gaiko Forum, Japan's prominent think tank sponsored by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Japan, has published a detailed report on the symposium on "Security and Strategic Challenges in Asia: Prospects of Japan-India Cooperation" organised by Observer Research Foundation in association with the Gaiko Forum and the Embassy of Japan in New Delhi, on March 18, 2008.

Games delay India's aspiration of building sustainable cities
Jul 17, 2010

Games delay India's aspiration of building sustainable cities

The Commonwealth Games was planned to showcase a modern India. But it has actually set back India's urban modernisation plans through disproportionate focus.

Gaoxin-6: Attempting to fill capability gap in Chinese Navy
Jul 20, 2015

Gaoxin-6: Attempting to fill capability gap in Chinese Navy

As China continues to expand its presence in international waters, it is developing capabilities to counter foreign submarines which, otherwise, may pose challenge to its ambitions. This is where the recently launched Gaoxin-6 becomes important for Beijing.

Gas emerging as important bridge fuel
May 23, 2012

Gas emerging as important bridge fuel

Gas in its varied avatars is going to become the most important bridge fuel for the next decades at least, with the world probably going to see very different gas markets dictating the geo-politics of the future.

Gas powers energy politics in Central Asia
Jul 23, 2007

Gas powers energy politics in Central Asia

The May 2007 summit at Turkmenbashi in Turkmenistan between Russia, Turkmenistan and Kazakhstan has once again brought the Central Asian Republics (CARs), especially Turkmenistan, in the limelight of international energy politics.

Gas pricing to be determined by Govt: Petroleum Secy.
Sep 30, 2008

Gas pricing to be determined by Govt: Petroleum Secy.

Various issues and problems impacting the availability and accessibility of natural gas, the fuel of the future, came up for detailed discussions at the recent two-day 7th Petro India 2008, organised jointly by Observer Research Foundation and Indian Energy Forum in Delhi.

Gauging the impact of India’s development partnerships abroad
Oct 12, 2023

Gauging the impact of India’s development partnerships abroad

Measuring the development impacts of India’s overseas programmes is important as it can help improve its ability to deliver on the ground and maximi

Gayoom seeking a comeback in Maldives?
Jan 14, 2011

Gayoom seeking a comeback in Maldives?

Is former Maldivian President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom reviewing his political options for the future in the light of the inevitable mid-term crises facing the MDP Government of his successor, Mohammed Nasheed?

GDP growth a good sign
Sep 30, 2015

GDP growth a good sign

During the US visit, PM Narendra Modi reiterated that India is the fastest growing economy among large countries in the world. Showcasing India's high GDP growth when others are faltering is a good strategy which the government has adopted which pushes India in the limelight.

GDP growth impacts voter behaviour
Dec 06, 2013

GDP growth impacts voter behaviour

The GDP growth does not mean much to the average voter. But prices do that matter as inflation cut into the budget for healthcare and education for children. Thus what will ultimately decide the outcome of the elections will be inflation and the government's inability to control it.

GDP slump is bad news, but worse tidings are elsewhere
Sep 22, 2020

GDP slump is bad news, but worse tidings are elsewhere

If we look beyond the headline — 23.9% GDP slump — the first quarter estimates underline other crucial trends.

Gearing up for the Modi-Xi meeting
Sep 06, 2014

Gearing up for the Modi-Xi meeting

Not since the era of Indira Gandhi and Deng Xiaoping, perhaps even since that of Nehru and Mao, have India and China been led by such dynamic and forceful politicians as Narendra Modi and Xi Jinping. These leaders are due to meet later this month in Xi's first official visit to India.

Gender attitudes in India: Changes in the 21st century
Mar 07, 2024

Gender attitudes in India: Changes in the 21st century

Despite significant strides towards equality, traditional perceptions of gender roles still influence many aspects of life, from educational opportuni

Gender balancing the disaster management
Dec 04, 2014

Gender balancing the disaster management

Gender-sensitive disaster management can be best aided by gender inclusive efforts. There is a lot that women could do to aid the process of relief and rehabilitation. For instance, traditional knowledge and skills of women can be used to manage natural resources, aid the injured and sick, prepare community meals.

Gender Bias In Futuristic Technology — AI In Pop Culture
Jan 15, 2022

Gender Bias In Futuristic Technology — AI In Pop Culture

The growing socialisation with female virtual assistants in AI is rapidly diminishing the significance of women to 'a gendered female who responds on-demand'.

Gender-Responsive Budgeting in India, Bangladesh and Rwanda: A Comparison
Jul 22, 2020

Gender-Responsive Budgeting in India, Bangladesh and Rwanda: A Comparison

Gender-responsive budgeting (GRB) is a targeted fiscal instrument that several developing countries have cemented into their growth plans. GRB is used to ensure that policy prescriptions to alleviate gender inequality translate into outputs by linking them to budgetary allocations. Although the concept was introduced in India, Bangladesh and Rwanda at around the same time (the early 2000s), the three countries have followed different routes and a

General' Hafiz Saeed
Dec 01, 2009

General' Hafiz Saeed

Lashkar, with its vast network of trained jihadis, commanders and training infrastructure, is Pakistan Army's key strategic instrument in keeping terrorism active in Kashmir and other parts of India

General's losing battle
Dec 07, 2005

General's losing battle

There are developments taking place in the quake affected Pakistan occupied Kashmir that need to be closely watched by both the Indian authorities and the Western world. The first is the failure of the Pakistan army and its associated institutions to provide relief to the millions of quake affected people in Kashmir under its occupation.

Generating responses to an uncertain monsoon
Aug 01, 2012

Generating responses to an uncertain monsoon

Inaugurating the ORF conference on "Generating responses to an uncertain monsoon", Minister of State for Agriculture Harish Rawat emphasised the need to understand the science behind the behaviour of the monsoon for achieving a long-term drought-proofing solution.

Generosity within BRICS offers China passport to power
Mar 07, 2013

Generosity within BRICS offers China passport to power

As the partner that stands to benefit the most from any expanded BRICS play, China needs to be singularly more magnanimous and mindful in accommodating the legitimate interests and aspirations of other member states.

Gently Eastwards
Jul 02, 2004

Gently Eastwards

In 1990, after the end of the Cold War and the unification of Germany, the United States of America gave an assurance to the Soviet Union that the North Atlantic Treaty Organization would not expand its role beyond the borders of Germany.

Geo-economics in East Asia: A word of caution on China
Sep 17, 2013

Geo-economics in East Asia: A word of caution on China

Can China slow down without imploding? No, says Mr. Osamu Tanaka, the Executive Vice President of the Policy Research Institute of the Ministry of Finance, Japan. He predicts that 2017/8 will be the beginning of a Chinese financial meltdown.

Geo-economics key to counter China in the Indian Ocean
Sep 30, 2015

Geo-economics key to counter China in the Indian Ocean

Although neither India nor China envisions participating in decisive naval battles given the interdependent nature of the world order, naval suasion continues in the Indian Ocean. The underlying strength for control of the Indian Ocean, however, is not geopolitical but economic power.

Geo-strategic uncertainties will drive India and Japan to maintain balance of power in Asia
Jun 29, 2012

Geo-strategic uncertainties will drive India and Japan to maintain balance of power in Asia

The geo-strategic uncertainties that prevail in Asia will drive India and Japan increasingly in the direction of jointly addressing the need for maintaining the prevailing balance of power in the continent, according to scholars from India and Japan.