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12491 results found

China slowly, but clearly, turning the clock back in Sino-Indian relations
Jul 03, 2017

China slowly, but clearly, turning the clock back in Sino-Indian relations

The 220 Km border between Sikkim and Tibet is the only delimited and demarcated part of the 4,000 Km odd Sino-Indian border.

China Walks the US-India Space Solar Power Dream
Sep 21, 2011

China Walks the US-India Space Solar Power Dream

If China wins the race in developing Space Based Solar Power as a feasible source of energy, which would meet the world's growing energy demand, it will result in huge economic and strategic gains for China.

China Weekly Report | Volume VI; Issue 38 | China, India pledge to enhance mutual trust, safe-guard border peace
Nov 16, 2016

China Weekly Report | Volume VI; Issue 38 | China, India pledge to enhance mutual trust, safe-guard border peace

Senior defense officials from China and India vowed to enhance the strategic mutual trust and pragmatic cooperation and other weekly roundups from China

China Weekly Report | Volume VI; Issue 38 | China, Nepal, India can forge trilateral partnership focusing on growth:  Nepali  ...
Nov 07, 2016

China Weekly Report | Volume VI; Issue 38 | China, Nepal, India can forge trilateral partnership focusing on growth: Nepali PM

Nepali PM Pushpa Kamal Dahal opined that China, Nepal and India can forge a successful trilateral partnership and other roundups

China won't be happy if India becomes an Asia power, says China scholar
Jun 17, 2011

China won't be happy if India becomes an Asia power, says China scholar

Noted China scholar Dr John Lee pointed out that Beijing viewed the improvement in the relations between India and other countries in Southeast Asia as an intrusion into the traditional sphere of the influence of China.

China' s New Aircraft Carrier: How Does It Impact Upon India?
Aug 23, 2011

China' s New Aircraft Carrier: How Does It Impact Upon India?

China's ability for air and sea power projection in its neighbourhood is significant and growing, and its first aircraft carrier is another indicator. The carrier would provide China the ability to project its power even farther.

China's interest in India's infrastructure is  opportunity and challenge
Jul 30, 2014

China's interest in India's infrastructure is opportunity and challenge

Sino-Indian relations will feature both competition and cooperation. How we fare depends on the policy choices we make and the skill with which we employ them.

China's maritime quest in the Indian Ocean: New Delhi's options
Apr 21, 2018

China's maritime quest in the Indian Ocean: New Delhi's options

India’s inability to develop interdependencies with neighbouring countries, both economically and strategically, has left a void that China has dutifully filled. There still remains a window for India to correct its past mistakes and develop a concerted strategy to regain influence in the region.

China's military base in Djibouti strategic implications for India
Aug 22, 2017

China's military base in Djibouti strategic implications for India

A military base in Djibouti is a useful asset for China, as it denotes both geopolitical heft and economic stakeholdership in the Indian Ocean.

China's Military Strategy: Implications for India
Jul 15, 2015

China's Military Strategy: Implications for India

In the Chinese defence paper, though nothing is directly indicative of India, the implications are quite clear with the focus on open seas protection and unbending approach to territorial disputes. Urgency and imagination will be key in tackling Chinese ambitions in what is considered New Delhi's backyard.

China, India, and COVID-19: How the pandemic strengthens democracy
Dec 30, 2022

China, India, and COVID-19: How the pandemic strengthens democracy

As China witnesses a resurgence of COVID cases, the question that arises is whether China’s authoritarian system is jeopardising its struggle agains

China, India, and the race to EVs
Jun 28, 2024

China, India, and the race to EVs

In case of India, a long-term trend of relocation of industries (EVs as well as others) from China is seen as a foregone conclusion by a section of Ch

China, US and India should work together for peace in region: Prof. Huang Jing
Jan 23, 2013

China, US and India should work together for peace in region: Prof. Huang Jing

As the power of the US is declining, China, the US and India will have to work together for peace in the region, according to Prof. Huang Jing, Director of the Centre on Asia and Globalisation at the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, National University of Singapore.

China-India data sharing for early flood warning in the Brahmaputra: A critique
Dec 04, 2019

China-India data sharing for early flood warning in the Brahmaputra: A critique

This brief makes an assessment of the data-sharing arrangement between China and India as outlined in the Memorandum of Understanding for sharing hydrological information on the Brahmaputra river system, aimed at facilitating advance warning for floods in India during monsoon. Using hydro-meteorological data, this brief assesses the arrangement and identifies its limitations, primary of which is the wrong choice for the location of measuring stat

China-India Foreign Ministers Meet in Dushanbe
Jul 20, 2021

China-India Foreign Ministers Meet in Dushanbe

If the Indian press statements are a signal to China, the message is clear: India is angry.

China-India Relations in a State of Limbo
Aug 04, 2022

China-India Relations in a State of Limbo

Beijing’s statements on China-India relations should be reassuring, but China’s repeated aggressive moves do not give India much confidence that Beijing means what it says.

China-India relations in economic forums: Examining the regional comprehensive economic partnership
Aug 08, 2018

China-India relations in economic forums: Examining the regional comprehensive economic partnership

This paper examines China and India’s economic engagements at the bilateral, plurilateral and multilateral levels. The evaluation is made in the context of the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP), the mega-regional trade agreement in the east in which both nations are parties. The paper argues that irrespective of the nature of the two countries’ relationship, at its core is not cooperation, but mutual mistrust aggravated by Ch

China-India Relations: 2 Years After Galwan Clash
Jun 18, 2022

China-India Relations: 2 Years After Galwan Clash

The prevailing tension on the China-India border is a symptom of the broader strategic competition between the two Asian neighbors.

China-India rivalry could have deadly consequences for Afghanistan
Mar 10, 2017

China-India rivalry could have deadly consequences for Afghanistan

China and India are competing to be seen as leaders on the Afghanistan issue, resulting in a deadlock.

China-Nepal military relations: Risks and opportunities for India
Apr 20, 2024

China-Nepal military relations: Risks and opportunities for India

The recent visits by Chinese military delegations to Nepal suggest a deepening of China's engagement in the region, which could have implications for

China-Pak air drill in Tibet: Lessons for India?
Oct 16, 2015

China-Pak air drill in Tibet: Lessons for India?

China's relation with Pakistan has become one of the most comprehensive one that Beijing has with any country. The strategic imperatives of developing Pakistan as a bulwark against India has been among Beijing's overriding objectives in influencing the balance of power in South Asia.

China: Vision for Tibet-Indian Ocean Trade Route
Sep 21, 2005

China: Vision for Tibet-Indian Ocean Trade Route

The People's Republic of China (PRC) is now revealing, more assertively than before, its high expectations with regard to the opening up of Sino-Indian border trade specifically through revival of Yadong (Shigatse, Tibet) Trade Post, which was set up on May 10,

China’s 2021 White Paper on Tibet: Implications for India’s China Strategy
Jun 22, 2021

China’s 2021 White Paper on Tibet: Implications for India’s China Strategy

Tibet is where India and China meet. It is through Tibet that China manages its relations with India, using the boundary dispute to keep New Delhi off-balance. India is also where the most revered Tibetan, the 14th Dalai Lama lives in exile. Having failed to negotiate his return, there is now a two-pronged effort by China to deal with the consequences of the Dalai Lama’s passing and his possible reincarnation outside Tibet: to m

China’s Arunachal ‘Incursion’: Why India Should Look at the Bigger Picture
Oct 12, 2021

China’s Arunachal ‘Incursion’: Why India Should Look at the Bigger Picture

The 13th round of military commander’s talks between India and China will take place at Moldo today.

China’s civil-military forays in India’s neighbourhood
Apr 29, 2023

China’s civil-military forays in India’s neighbourhood

China’s growing presence in India’s immediate neighbourhood is concerning

China’s Cruise Missile Capabilities: Implications for the Indian Army and Air Force
Apr 10, 2023

China’s Cruise Missile Capabilities: Implications for the Indian Army and Air Force

This brief evaluates the state and development of China’s cruise missile capabilities, specifically that of its air-launched and ground-launched missile forces. It finds that China has developed a formidable inventory of cruise missiles, which poses a threat to India’s own military infrastructure.  The brief lays out the imperative for India: to build up its long-range cruise missile forces. It argues that India’s current capabilities woul

China’s innovation boom: Lessons for India
Nov 08, 2017

China’s innovation boom: Lessons for India

China’s most fascinating online experiments are taking place beyond the borders of its traditional technology sector.

China’s massive attack against India: A looming possibility
Jun 17, 2024

China’s massive attack against India: A looming possibility

India might be deceiving itself by believing China will limit itself to "grey-zone operations" along the Sino-Indian border, avoiding all-out war. Thi

China’s military rise and the Indian challenge
Apr 19, 2018

China’s military rise and the Indian challenge

Unlike other great powers of the past New Delhi has encountered, China impinges directly on India’s geopolitical landscape in multiple ways. The ris

China’s Military-Civil Fusion Strategy, the US Response, and Implications for India
Jul 21, 2023

China’s Military-Civil Fusion Strategy, the US Response, and Implications for India

Military modernisation was the fourth and last of Deng Xiaoping’s ‘Four Modernisations’. Even before the third modernisation got underway—that of science and technology—China began using commercial technologies to advance its military capabilities. This strategy has gained salience since Xi Jinping came to power in 2012 and made it the state’s key goal to transform the PLA into a “world-class military”. Military-Civil Fusi

China’s moment in Nepal: Implications for India
Dec 27, 2017

China’s moment in Nepal: Implications for India

Even as Nepal’s new leaders appear to pursue closer ties with Beijing, not all is lost for New Delhi.

China’s naval expansion and the challenges for India
Sep 29, 2021

China’s naval expansion and the challenges for India

The Indo-Pacific concept might have little currency in Beijing, but the Chinese Navy is at a point where not just the Western Pacific, but even the In

China’s new border law: A concern for India
Nov 18, 2021

China’s new border law: A concern for India

Against the backdrop of Chinese aggression at the border, the new border law by China is setting off alarm bells in India