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30102 results found

Urban planning: Then & now (2045)
Sep 24, 2018

Urban planning: Then & now (2045)

A futuristic view on how urban planning ought to be overhauled over the next three decades if India’s cities are to survive  

Urgent need for a national immigration policy
Aug 19, 2016

Urgent need for a national immigration policy

There is an urgent need for a national immigration policy in which the government ought to aim at giving immigrants their rights.

Vaccine equity in the Indo-Pacific
Jan 14, 2022

Vaccine equity in the Indo-Pacific

As many countries in the Indo-Pacific struggle to meet their vaccination targets, India could spearhead a vaccine initiative in close collaboration wi

Value capture taxation: A public policy approach
Jul 13, 2022

Value capture taxation: A public policy approach

India can implement value capture taxation that can help address urban land use challenges such as rising economic and social inequalities.

Waiting to Explode: Piracy in the Gulf of Guinea
Aug 11, 2023

Waiting to Explode: Piracy in the Gulf of Guinea

This paper aims to analyse the reasons for the rise of piracy in the Gulf of Guinea, its characteristics, the primary drivers for the growing menace and international responses; it also compares the differences in modus operandi between Gulf of Guinea and Somalian piracy. Till the early 1980s, piracy was often dismissed as being “archaic Tand folklore of the past”, rarely entering the main maritime discourse. But true to its nature, ‘moder

Wake up to the real world, EU!
May 11, 2012

Wake up to the real world, EU!

It is time for the European Union to wake up to the world they actually live in and now move towards the more workable paradigm of "Shared Interests and Shared Prosperity", acknowledging that beneath every façade, nations and societies share only one common value, that of 'self-preservation' based on 'self-interest'.

War and peace
Dec 23, 2020

War and peace

Institutions with credible commitments do not have to be created by the central government alone. They can also be developed in cooperation between id

Warning from Volgograd
Jan 10, 2014

Warning from Volgograd

The bombings in Russia bring into notice the challenges which India also faces in tackling Islamic militancy. In fact, the Chechen insurgency has in the past been compared to the insurgency in Kashmir.

Water footprint of emerging technology: A need for concern?
Mar 21, 2024

Water footprint of emerging technology: A need for concern?

With the increasing prevalence of emerging technologies, there arises a necessity for deeper scrutiny of their water footprint

We need a lean, mean fighting force
Mar 07, 2014

We need a lean, mean fighting force

The Indian military desperately needs to enhance its defence preparedness. However, given the country's fiscal constraints, this must be done by modernising weapons systems, instead of adding more boots on the ground.

Weak WTO and an uncertain global trade order
Sep 05, 2022

Weak WTO and an uncertain global trade order

Due to unilateral tariff imposition and other pre-pandemic trade restrictions that undermined the multilateral trade order, the focus has now shifted

Well run, Modi!
May 27, 2015

Well run, Modi!

Prime Minister Narendra Modi has run the first leg of the marathon with exceptional skill. But the next 16 km till 2017 is what will make or break his chances for re-election in 2019.

What a third Xi term could mean for India
Oct 17, 2022

What a third Xi term could mean for India

If the 20th CCP meet, which began on Sunday, enhances Xi Jinping’s power, it would reinforce trends associated with his tenure: Assertiveness abroad, no compromises on boundary issues, and a willingness to use the military as an instrument of policy

What Modi can learn from Xi
Sep 04, 2014

What Modi can learn from Xi

Modi has been ambivalent about the Lokpal, believing, presumably, that a revitalised administration will make this institution redundant. If so, he is wrong. At some point, he will have to take up the fight directly. This is the lesson we can learn from Xi Jinping. From the outset, Xi has been involved in a struggle against corruption.

What next for Iran?
May 21, 2024

What next for Iran?

Although Iran’s President Ebrahim Raisi’s death leaves the country to face an uncertain future, it would not have any significant short-term impac

What to expect in 2024: Global economy
Dec 18, 2023

What to expect in 2024: Global economy

In 2024, an increasingly volatile world will define the state of the global economy

What Turkey Can Teach India
Jun 27, 2011

What Turkey Can Teach India

In India, the office of the foreign minister doesn't command nearly the sort of authority it should, or it did in the past. While foreign policy in other countries is influenced by domestic politics, in India it's being completely overshadowed by intra-party and intra-government feuds.

What we can learn from China
Jul 21, 2017

What we can learn from China

India and China have a deep and old connect which can be revived with greater exchange of businessmen, tourists and scholars with easy liberal availab

What will Japan do in the future?
Nov 03, 2008

What will Japan do in the future?

Prof Eiichi Katahara and Prof Marie Izuyama, two distinguished scholars from the National Institute for Defence Studies, Tokyo visited ORF on 11 March 2008 to initiate a seminar which was largely attended by scholars, journalists, diplomats, etc.

What will UBI mean for illegal immigration?
Jul 10, 2017

What will UBI mean for illegal immigration?

Illegal immigration of the kind seen in the border states has not only changed the demographic composition of the territories, but has also posed alarming political and socio-economic problems.

What would a Biden win mean for global climate action?
Nov 07, 2020

What would a Biden win mean for global climate action?

To translate his plan into action, Biden will have to exercise his executive powers as President and depend heavily on federal agencies.

Whatever happened to MH370?
Mar 20, 2014

Whatever happened to MH370?

The MH370 incident has occurred very close to our Tri-service Command at the Andaman and Nicobar Islands which has three radar stations. Regardless of whether or not MH370 actually flew over or close to the Command, it would doubtless be useful to learn lessons from this and that switching off radars at night is a dangerous way to economise.

When India failed Rafale
Jul 21, 2018

When India failed Rafale

India is asserting its rights as a Nuclear Weapons Power, and France is helping us do this at great risk to itself, and the Indian public discourse se

When Modi met Xi
Oct 15, 2014

When Modi met Xi

India's relations with China and Pakistan are unlikely to see any major strategic change in the years ahead. It is imperative for India to think afresh without losing old friends especially at a time of international flux. A US-Japan-India partnership in the 21st century would need to be worked out.

Where from here, anti-graft drive?
Sep 03, 2011

Where from here, anti-graft drive?

The civil society outfits need to remind themselves that the discredited polity that they have sought to replace have their own uses, roles and responsibilities - which the former cannot shoulder unless they themselves convert to being one.

Whither Nepal under PM Prachanda?
Jan 11, 2023

Whither Nepal under PM Prachanda?

How will Nepal under the new PM navigate power rivalry in the region as the room for hedging shrinks?

Who will be the next WTO Director General?
Sep 30, 2020

Who will be the next WTO Director General?

As countries contemplate which candidate to support, they must keep in mind the many roles played by the WTO DG. They represent the WTO in internation

WHO, the battleground for cold war 2.0
May 22, 2020

WHO, the battleground for cold war 2.0

There is no doubt that WHO’s director general is culpable. Whether the missteps were errors of judgements or deliberate kowtowing to China is the question

Why a lower poverty line?
Mar 27, 2012

Why a lower poverty line?

According to the Planning Commission, rural poverty has declined faster than urban poverty regardless. If this is true, it would definitely have got reflected in better housing and sanitation. It would also have meant a decline in malnourished children and maternal death. But the census figures show a different picture.

Why Malala did not get the Nobel
Oct 19, 2013

Why Malala did not get the Nobel

Malala's achievement need not be measured in terms of the Nobel Peace Prize she did not get but in the awakening she can continue to create. For this, she and her kind, all over, need more than just periodic rewards.

Why quantum technology may hold the key to alternative energy
Mar 02, 2024

Why quantum technology may hold the key to alternative energy

Quantum technology could be a viable source of energy creation and quantum batteries could offer a reliable replacement for lithium-ion batteries in t

Why the flip-flop?
Feb 16, 2010

Why the flip-flop?

Pakistan argues that absence of a dialogue allows the terrorists to dictate the agenda, but has Pakistan suppressed these groups?

Will energy Trump climate?
Sep 20, 2017

Will energy Trump climate?

Nuclear energy does not face the intermittency issues associated with renewable energy.

Will Japan do without nuclear power?
Apr 25, 2012

Will Japan do without nuclear power?

In Japan, obtaining the consent of the people to run a nuclear power plant has now become very difficult. Prior to the Fukushima tragedy, local people's consent meant agreement of the towns and the prefecture where the plants were located.

Will Rouhani be able to break the nuclear deadlock?
Jul 05, 2013

Will Rouhani be able to break the nuclear deadlock?

Though Dr. Hassan Rouhani is labelled as a 'pragmatist', 'moderate', or even a 'reformist' by analysts, all these terms have very restrictive meanings in the Iranian context.