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A battle between the known and the unknown in Argentina
Nov 10, 2023

A battle between the known and the unknown in Argentina

Argentina stands at a defining crossroads as it goes to the polls amid economic woes

A blueprint to evaluate digital governance
Apr 18, 2013

A blueprint to evaluate digital governance

Sooner than later, India will have to start evaluating its e-governance projects. And in the near future, the focus will shift to the outcomes of e-governance initiatives.

A budget ‘like never before’?
Feb 01, 2021

A budget ‘like never before’?

It is for time to tell whether the suggested reforms will lead India to play a prominent role in the post-pandemic economic recovery.

A Catch-22: The ban on the Popular Front of India
Jan 02, 2023

A Catch-22: The ban on the Popular Front of India

Will the ban continue to keep a check on the activities of PFI or will it re-emerge as a potent threat to India?

A competent but not breakout Budget
Jul 10, 2014

A competent but not breakout Budget

This was not to be yet another budget speech. It came in the wake of a regime change where the electorate signaled its unhappiness with the direction of the country. Still, the FM came up with a modest Budget. But that is not the promise of the Modi government. The good days promised look far away.

A convenient handmaiden called freedom
Dec 18, 2012

A convenient handmaiden called freedom

The ruckus at WCIT is all about the cosy relationship between governments, big businesses and commerce and not about Internet freedom.

A Deal too Far?
Mar 02, 2006

A Deal too Far?

On the eve of President George W. Bush's visit to India and Pakistan, both sides are racing to complete the nuclear agreement announced in the July, 18, 2005 communiqué between Bush and Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh the time he reaches

A divided America and the world
Nov 23, 2020

A divided America and the world

America’s founding fathers didn’t anticipate a situation where a president refuses to accept the election results — the US Constitution has no d

A dramatic change in Iran
May 20, 2024

A dramatic change in Iran

The next 50 days, while Iran prepares to elect a new President after the untimely death of Ebrahim Raisi, will be critical for Iranian politics

A faltering corporate governance
Feb 23, 2022

A faltering corporate governance

SEBI’s recent retraction of the requirement of separating the roles of Chairperson and MD raises some key questions about India’s corporate govern

A flawed view
Mar 12, 2004

A flawed view

George Perkovich is of the view that India is not a major power today though it definitely enjoys a substantial measure of autonomy. The essence of his argument can be summarised as follows:

A four-pronged approach to tackle air pollution
Sep 22, 2022

A four-pronged approach to tackle air pollution

A multi-stakeholder approach that includes actors such as the government, private sector, and community needs to be adopted to improve the air quality

A fragmented picture of the new world order
Aug 16, 2018

A fragmented picture of the new world order

It’s too soon to say whether the Indo-Pacific will remain a lasting picture of 21st-century geopolitics.

A gloomier world?
Jan 30, 2019

A gloomier world?

Mitigating the huge divide between the rich and the poor is a major challenge for the government as it will require a big increase in public investmen

A growth budget all the way
Feb 20, 2013

A growth budget all the way

We really do not understand inflation stickiness in India since 2010. However, the silver lining is that oil prices may not rise any further following the shale gas revolution in the US. The Finance Minister can certainly do something about growth and possibly pray for lower inflation.

A Guarantee Of Continuity
Jun 24, 2024

A Guarantee Of Continuity

Modi’s re-election assures India’s allies that Delhi will play a leading role in shaping the new world order

A journey into the new American century
Jan 13, 2006

A journey into the new American century

When two top American diplomats speak out in quick succession about the international system, the world will take note. The op-ed by U.S. Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice in the Washington Post titled "The Promise of Democratic Peace," and the policy speech four days later by Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs Nicholas Burns at the European Institute titled "A Renewed Partnership for Global Engagement" fall into this category.

A Mirage or a  Reality ?
Dec 30, 2003

A Mirage or a Reality ?

The closing months of the year 2003 saw a change in the language of the discourse emanating from the Pakistani establishment in general and its military dictator Gen.Pervez Musharraf in particular

A multilateral framework for digital trade
Mar 04, 2023

A multilateral framework for digital trade

The success of a multilateral framework for digital trade, like it or not, depends on the renewal of the WTO Moratorium at the WTO Ministerial Council

A neoliberal two-India reality
Jul 11, 2011

A neoliberal two-India reality

Liberalisation has given birth to two Indias. One which is prosperous and living first world lifestyles and the 'other' in which people are living without human dignity and suffering multiple deprivation. Regional disparities have also led to disparate standards of living.

A New Agenda, A New Forum?
Dec 15, 2003

A New Agenda, A New Forum?

The coincidence is striking. The US ¿ban¿ on ¿non-participants¿ in the ¿international coalition¿ to participate in $ 18-billions worth of ¿works contract¿ for Iraq¿s reconstruction, and also the follow-up talks on the deadlocked WTO negotiations at Cancun. Between them, the two may have begun designing a new course for politics and cooperation in the international arena, where economy now has a major say.

A new beginning with Nepal
Apr 11, 2018

A new beginning with Nepal

Pragmatism has finally taken root in Delhi and Kathmandu — project implementation will be the test

A new chapter in defence and tech
Feb 22, 2023

A new chapter in defence and tech

The India-U.S. initiative on critical and emerging technologies could have a transformative impact on bilateral relations

A new churn in the Indo-Pacific
Sep 18, 2021

A new churn in the Indo-Pacific

Will the growing security partnership between Australia, US and UK strengthen Indo-Pacific security or loosen the bonds with another key player, Franc

A new Cold War
Mar 06, 2018

A new Cold War

Both the US and Russia have been developing a range of new weapons over the past decade and a half — recent developments have prompted the Russians to highlight their “achievements”.

A New India-France alliance?
Sep 05, 2019

A New India-France alliance?

While talk of an alliance may be premature, there is clearly an increasing convergence of interests between the two strategic partners.

A peace pact waiting to be made
Jan 17, 2006

A peace pact waiting to be made

As the foreign secretaries from India and Pakistan try this week to sustain the peace process amidst growing mutual suspicion, the Siachen question offers one potential area where recent progress could be consolidated. Discussions on the demilitarisation of the Siachen conflict zone have been proceeding slowly but surely towards a political agreement, even though the pace is too gradual to satisfy pragmatic analysts in both countries.

A pivotal election in Thailand
Mar 05, 2019

A pivotal election in Thailand

The system is configured to the military’s advantage, but Thaksin Shinawatra may hold the key

A ray of hope in 2018
Jan 02, 2018

A ray of hope in 2018

Efficiency of delivery by cutting red tape should be the top priority this year.

A record boom
Dec 13, 2023

A record boom

India is still a net importer, but its momentum is in the right direction.

A Reluctant Warrior
Jul 29, 2005

A Reluctant Warrior

Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf's address to the nation on July 22 - as the people of London reeled from a second series of blasts at underground train stations - betrayed a sense of anxiety, a clear shift to address the Islamic community and an unwitting admission of failure in the war on terrorism.Wilson John

A Review of the Draft Report on Integrated Energy Policy
Aug 21, 2006

A Review of the Draft Report on Integrated Energy Policy

This critique on the Draft Report on Integrated Energy Policy was serialised in Volume II, Issue 43-46, 50 of ORF Energy News Monitor. It has three sections, first, Concept level issues- identifies the gaps in the Planning Commission's draft report, second, Action plan- for filling those gaps and lastly, Conclusions.

A Roadmap for RIC
Mar 25, 2014

A Roadmap for RIC

Together, Russia, India and China occupy around 50 percent of Asia's landmass. The three countries constitute some of the largest economies in Asia. There are a lot of potential synergies among the three countries, making a compelling case for their collaboration.

A Taliban divided
Mar 21, 2022

A Taliban divided

With the common enemy gone, would the simmering tensions within the Taliban movement lead to a full-fledged split?

A time to lead
Apr 16, 2015

A time to lead

India must accept its own exceptionalism. It must thereafter understand how to establish it. India is in a position to shape cyberspace debates, but for that it will need to be flexible, propositional and present everywhere that internet governance is debated. Its strong and diverse contingent at The Hague is a good beginning.

A vaccinated future for the pandemic
Dec 30, 2020

A vaccinated future for the pandemic

How the pandemic will play out in the next few years will depend on vaccines — their availability, coverage and duration of protection.

A view from Kathmandu: Deciphering the Kalapani-Lipulekh conundrum
May 21, 2020

A view from Kathmandu: Deciphering the Kalapani-Lipulekh conundrum

Kalapani holds great geostrategic importance because of its location. However, Nepal has also safeguarded India’s genuine security concerns.

A withdrawal agreement and the continuing Afghan war
Feb 25, 2020

A withdrawal agreement and the continuing Afghan war

A ‘reduction in violence’ agreement does not automatically lead to peace.

A year into Taliban rule, women live in fear
Sep 01, 2022

A year into Taliban rule, women live in fear

Despite glaring evidence of women's rights violations in Afghanistan, the international community remains silent.

A ‘fab’ way to conduct India-Japan tech diplomacy
Aug 20, 2023

A ‘fab’ way to conduct India-Japan tech diplomacy

Their collaboration highlights the power of strategic alliances and technological synergy

A ‘pilgrimage’ to Nepal
May 17, 2018

A ‘pilgrimage’ to Nepal

Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s visit was high on symbolism but India must do more to deliver on the bilateral agenda

Abe in Delhi
Jan 23, 2014

Abe in Delhi

In inviting Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe to be the chief guest of this year's Republic Day celebrations, Delhi has underlined the special importance it attaches to East Asia. Abe is the fourth East Asian leader to be part of the annual event in the last five years.

Accountable Tech: क्या जवाबदेही से जुड़े भारत के तौर-तरीक़ों को अमेरिका अपनाएगा?
Sep 13, 2022

Accountable Tech: क्या जवाबदेही से जुड़े भारत के तौर-तरीक़ों को अमेरिका अपनाएगा?

डिजिटल इंडिया उस बदलाव का शुरुआती बिंदु बनने जा रहा है जो