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Lehman crashed. But India, China and later, USA rose from 2008's debris
Sep 15, 2018

Lehman crashed. But India, China and later, USA rose from 2008's debris

The global economic crisis of 2008, triggered by the collapse of Lehman Brothers, gave Asia a chance to rise, and let nationalist leaders, including Donald Trump, emerge

Lessons from COVID-19 on climate change policy
Apr 14, 2020

Lessons from COVID-19 on climate change policy

As the world soldiers on to combat this formidable adversary, another global catastrophe — one involving higher stakes and no cure — looms large.

Lessons from India for the power sector in sub-Saharan Africa
Apr 06, 2019

Lessons from India for the power sector in sub-Saharan Africa

The GreenCo model represents a practical solution that recognises and supports the development of the regional power pools.

Lessons from Kerala’s bold fight with Nipah
Jul 07, 2018

Lessons from Kerala’s bold fight with Nipah

Timely interventions ensured prompt caring of the infected and prevented the spread.

Lessons India can learn from Sri Lanka attacks about religion-based terrorism
May 01, 2019

Lessons India can learn from Sri Lanka attacks about religion-based terrorism

Religious terrorism isn’t about poverty, local issues, schools one studies in or the religious milieu in which someone grows up.

Let technology and society dance together
Nov 23, 2012

Let technology and society dance together

India spends over Rs 400,000 crores every year on schemes, projects and programmes broadly falling within the category of social welfare. Embedding appropriate technology in social welfare programmes can give poor Indians a real chance of empowerment.

Let's make things easier for our elders
Oct 03, 2015

Let's make things easier for our elders

The growing vulnerability of the elderly is evident from National Crime Record Bureau's recent move to tabulate data on crimes against senior citizens, beginning from 2014. Predictably, big cities have been found to be the most unsafe for them, with Delhi topping the list.

Let's not shoot the WhatsApp messenger
Jul 07, 2018

Let's not shoot the WhatsApp messenger

The problem that ‘public message attribution’ seeks to fix may already be possible through internal controls built into the WhatsApp platform.

Leveraging Community Engagement in Swift and Skillful Disaster Response
Mar 04, 2024

Leveraging Community Engagement in Swift and Skillful Disaster Response

Jayashree Balasubramanian et al., “Leveraging Community Engagement in Swift and Skillful Disaster Response,” ORF Special Report, March 2024, Observer Research Foundation.

Leveraging India’s soft power for conflict resolution and peacebuilding
Jun 13, 2023

Leveraging India’s soft power for conflict resolution and peacebuilding

India, with its culture and wisdom of well-being, nonviolence, and harmonious co-existence, can play a crucial role in conflict resolution and peacebu

Libya in Turmoil: Khalifa Haftar and foreign powers
Jul 09, 2019

Libya in Turmoil: Khalifa Haftar and foreign powers

The threat of Islamist groups has apparently bolstered Haftar’s push against the UN recognised Government of National Accord.

Lingering Doubts over Security Transition
Nov 04, 2011

Lingering Doubts over Security Transition

The ongoing security transition is critical to the success of the peace process in Afghanistan. As part of the US 2014 plan, the NATO forces are to hand over the responsibility of security of the country to the Afghan security forces, district by district.

Liquefied petroleum gas: Supply challenges in India
Nov 24, 2023

Liquefied petroleum gas: Supply challenges in India

Growth in demand for LPG is slowing down and supply challenges could add to the pressure on demand for LPG in India.

Lockdown and the urban poor
Apr 07, 2020

Lockdown and the urban poor

The lockdown is a tough examination that the nation must pass. Depending on how people behave and how the virus spreads, governments would decide thei

Look beyond politics on N-issue
Nov 21, 2018

Look beyond politics on N-issue

Nuclear weapons cannot be a panacea for tackling security challenges to India’s sovereignty

Looking beyond crises
Jun 08, 2020

Looking beyond crises

Lack of strategic vision in the NDA has caused it to fail at economic management

Looking beyond the Rafale
Oct 15, 2019

Looking beyond the Rafale

Even as the Indian Air Force gets ready to welcome its new acquisitions, ad hocism should give way to strategic thinking

Machine-driven weapons need an international system of accountability
Feb 22, 2019

Machine-driven weapons need an international system of accountability

In the absence of clear norms on human accountability and attribution for autonomous weapons, we could see states like Pakistan deploy LAWS for operations outside their borders.

Macron Brussels and Washington
Sep 16, 2019

Macron Brussels and Washington

Because of geopolitical changes, we are living the end of Western hegemony, and the West needs to cooperate with Russia in order to create a new syst

Maharashtra: A COVID-19 status report
Apr 21, 2020

Maharashtra: A COVID-19 status report

How is Maharashtra faring as compared to other states — and what is the status of the spread of COVID-19 within the state?

Mahinda Rajapaksa’s 50 years in politics? Triple threats & balancing triple spheres in Sri Lanka
Jun 05, 2020

Mahinda Rajapaksa’s 50 years in politics? Triple threats & balancing triple spheres in Sri Lanka

Mahinda Rajapaksa stands out as a symbolic leader surviving political office with internal and external pressure at various interludes.

Making a case for rightsizing KMP tenure as a good governance requirement in Indian BFSI sector
Jun 15, 2020

Making a case for rightsizing KMP tenure as a good governance requirement in Indian BFSI sector

Bad corporate governance impacts negatively on a company's integrity and transparency — and directly hurts customer trust and subsequently the compa

Making jobs work for India
Jul 23, 2018

Making jobs work for India

India’s job challenges is about more than creating enough jobs.

Making quality healthcare accessible in South Africa
Jul 24, 2019

Making quality healthcare accessible in South Africa

In the current economic climate, making a positive social impact in a developing country is not for the faint-hearted.

Making Sagarmala environment friendly
May 29, 2018

Making Sagarmala environment friendly

If Sagarmala is to succeed, it must define steps to manage and contain pollution.

Making sense of India’s foreign policy after 72 years of independence
Aug 16, 2018

Making sense of India’s foreign policy after 72 years of independence

India today is a self-confident power, able to navigate global affairs with aplomb.

Making the Indian startup ecosystem thrive
Feb 18, 2019

Making the Indian startup ecosystem thrive

Despite the government’s Angel Tax, there exists a simmering discontent among Indian startups.

Making the Stories Heard.....
Jan 24, 2011

Making the Stories Heard.....

Until the lions write their own history, the tale of the hunt will always glorify the hunter. The sentiment of this famous African proverb came out repeatedly during an interactive session with African journalists at Observer Research Foundation on January 24, 2011.