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30148 results found

Why the Commonwealth should prioritise cyber security, and deepen cooperation in cyber capacity building
Nov 24, 2017

Why the Commonwealth should prioritise cyber security, and deepen cooperation in cyber capacity building

The Global Conference on Cyberspace offers Commonwealth members the opportunity to share expertise and work together to enhance collective capability

Why the CTBT remains an elusive goal
May 23, 2023

Why the CTBT remains an elusive goal

The last multilateral negotiations in the field of nuclear disarmament took place more than 20 years ago, resulting in the long awaited Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty (CTBT). The treaty, however, has yet to enter into force. India is often held responsible for such uncertainty, in spite of having withdrawn from the negotiations before it was even concluded; at other times, it is the US which is blamed for failing to ratify the CTBT—giving reason

Why the dragon would be a bigger loser in a clash with the elephant
Jul 07, 2017

Why the dragon would be a bigger loser in a clash with the elephant

The standoff at Doklam is less a boundary incident involving India, China and Bhutan, and more a coming together of geopolitical fault lines.

Why the future looks bleak for Iran
Feb 25, 2019

Why the future looks bleak for Iran

Chinese energy majors are now importing 360,000 barrels per day, of crude oil from Iran. This is only half of what they were importing before the US p

Why the India-Sri Lanka-Maldives NSA-level talks matter
Dec 05, 2020

Why the India-Sri Lanka-Maldives NSA-level talks matter

The nature of bilateral political relations in the Indian Ocean region has an impact on the quality of subregional engagements.

Why the Las Vegas shooter was not a ‘Terrorist’
Oct 11, 2017

Why the Las Vegas shooter was not a ‘Terrorist’

Labeling Stephen Paddock as one may pacify some internal rage, but it is the gun control debate that remains paramount.

Why the last thing Kashmir needs is a ceasefire now
May 11, 2018

Why the last thing Kashmir needs is a ceasefire now

Calling for a pause only shows the political duplicity that fuels J&K's militancy fire.

Why the meeting of the African Development Bank in Gandhinagar is important
May 23, 2017

Why the meeting of the African Development Bank in Gandhinagar is important

The general meeting of the African Development Bank in Gandhinagar could improve India’s engagement with a continent where it has lagged behind China in project execution.

Why the Middle East matters
Jun 12, 2017

Why the Middle East matters

The region is crucial to India, both strategically and economically, but is often overlooked.

Why the new Balochistan strategy is the best option for India
Aug 22, 2016

Why the new Balochistan strategy is the best option for India

The Balochistan rebellion gives India a leverage, one it has not used so far, at best, to compel or at worst to punish Pakistan for its asymmetric ter

Why The New York Times is wrong
Jul 08, 2014

Why The New York Times is wrong

The allegation of Indian expansion of its uranium enrichment facilities is based on a report released by IHS Jane's, which has already been dismissed by both the US and the Indian governments as speculative. Indeed, the IHS Jane's report merely identifies a "possible" new uranium hexafluoride plant.

Why the outcome of Sheikh Hasina's visit will be closely scrutinised in Bangladesh
Apr 10, 2017

Why the outcome of Sheikh Hasina's visit will be closely scrutinised in Bangladesh

The non-signing of the Teesta agreement has become a point of embarrassment for her government. The treaty was supposed to be signed during former Prime Minister Manmohan Singh’s visit to Bangladesh in 2011 but it was suspended at the last minute due to objection by the West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee.

Why the Philippines needs a robust “Look West” policy
Jan 25, 2024

Why the Philippines needs a robust “Look West” policy

As the Indo-Pacific continues to emerge at the centre of international security discourse, it will be vital for the Philippines to maximise this oppor

Why the protests over Tipu Sultan are so misplaced
Nov 13, 2015

Why the protests over Tipu Sultan are so misplaced

The best way to understand what the Tipu Sultan controversy is all about is to see who is at the forefront of the protests against the observance of his birth anniversary ? the Bajrang Dal, Vishwa Hindu Parishad and the Bharatiya Janata Party.

Why the reopening of the Nepal-India border would serve the interests of both countries
Nov 25, 2020

Why the reopening of the Nepal-India border would serve the interests of both countries

It is most unusual that the border has been lying closed for over eight months and there is still uncertainty about the prospect of its re-opening.

Why the S-400 deal is not the only testament to stable Indo-Russian relations
Dec 04, 2021

Why the S-400 deal is not the only testament to stable Indo-Russian relations

Like all bilateral relationships, India and Russia have had hiccups but the longevity of the ties need not be determined by them

Why the Saudi Crown Prince’s visit to India is a diplomatic success
Feb 25, 2019

Why the Saudi Crown Prince’s visit to India is a diplomatic success

Narendra Modi’s West Asia policy remains the one area of achievement in an otherwise indifferent record of foreign policy.

Why the trading system needs even more multilateralism today
May 17, 2021

Why the trading system needs even more multilateralism today

Pandemic-induced economic challenges and trade uncertainties are not a threat but an opportunity to ‘multilateralise’ new and deeper trade integra

Why the Tsushima Strait is vital for Northeast Asia’s geopolitics
Mar 23, 2023

Why the Tsushima Strait is vital for Northeast Asia’s geopolitics

The heightened geopolitical rivalry between US, China, and Russia has raised the strategic importance of the Strait as a vital maritime shipping route

Why the Ukraine crisis will not derail the Indian economy
Apr 30, 2022

Why the Ukraine crisis will not derail the Indian economy

Despite the prevailing environment of gloom and doom due to the Ukraine crisis, the Indian economy’s ability to resist imported inflation is greater

Why the UN must evolve to fight modern-day terror
Oct 27, 2022

Why the UN must evolve to fight modern-day terror

The threat of terrorism itself has been fast evolving and far surpasses some of the fundamental challenges that the UN, UN Security Council, agencies and members are continuing to try and navigate

Why the uproar over centre's 'snooping order' is just laughable
Dec 24, 2018

Why the uproar over centre's 'snooping order' is just laughable

Unless you are a terrorist, you can rest assured that the agencies have no time or use for snooping into your computers or mobile phones.

Why the US needs a ‘Coast Guard’ in space
May 25, 2018

Why the US needs a ‘Coast Guard’ in space

The idea of a “Space Guard”, first conceived of by the US Air Force officer Cynthia A.S. McKinley and later expounded on by space journalist James

Why the US will stay on in Iraq
Oct 15, 2003

Why the US will stay on in Iraq

The United States presence in Iraq is going to continue in one way or another, with or without assistance from allies. The reason this assumption can be made forcefully is because of the arguments made before the war and the expectations that arose after victory was declared.

Why the US-Pak relationship is meant to break
May 01, 2018

Why the US-Pak relationship is meant to break

The United States, Pakistan, a faulty understanding and an era of mistrust.

Why the Vietnam President’s India visit matters for security ties
Mar 05, 2018

Why the Vietnam President’s India visit matters for security ties

Quang’s visit comes at a time when momentum for bilateral ties and India’s ties with Southeast Asia in general are at a high level.

Why the west fails to understand: The new nuclear age
Mar 28, 2019

Why the west fails to understand: The new nuclear age

The West’s failure to understand the New Nuclear Age is the real reason for today’s nuclear pessimism.

Why the west fails to understand: The new nuclear age
Mar 28, 2019

Why the west fails to understand: The new nuclear age

The West’s failure to understand the New Nuclear Age is the real reason for today’s nuclear pessimism.

Why the Western Balkans matter to the European Union?
Oct 22, 2021

Why the Western Balkans matter to the European Union?

The accession talks between the EU and Western Balkans remain up in the air despite the recent summit. As the presence of foreign powers grow stronger

Why the world is starting to panic over climate
Jul 23, 2021

Why the world is starting to panic over climate

The world community cannot hope to get a grip on this situation without finding a way of putting a price on carbon.

Why there can be no India-Pakistan dialogue even after 2019 Lok Sabha polls
Oct 06, 2018

Why there can be no India-Pakistan dialogue even after 2019 Lok Sabha polls

Unless of course, those pining for talks with Pakistan believe that holding talks is an end in itself and not a means to an end.

Why there was no Northern Alliance 2.0 this time in Afghanistan
Aug 19, 2021

Why there was no Northern Alliance 2.0 this time in Afghanistan

The Alliance, a concoction of tribal leaders and warlords held out in the northern parts of Afghanistan against the Taliban more than 25 years ago. However, the rapid fall of the north brought to the front that many who had previously helped the Northern Alliance, and even the US-led forces later in 2001 to depose the Taliban, were now in cahoots with the same group.

Why this new year will tell us if it's time for a new world order
Jan 01, 2019

Why this new year will tell us if it's time for a new world order

2019 will be the year when social scientists from across the world will be able to test their hypotheses on predicting new world orders.

Why Turkey’s joining BRICS should be welcomed
Aug 13, 2018

Why Turkey’s joining BRICS should be welcomed

There are no rules of entry to the BRICS.

Why Uniform Civil Code is at a critical inflection point?
Jun 30, 2022

Why Uniform Civil Code is at a critical inflection point?

Would the establishment of the Uniform Civil Code under the current regime lead to cracks in secular India?

Why UN’s report and sanctions are unlikely to change Myanmar
Aug 29, 2018

Why UN’s report and sanctions are unlikely to change Myanmar

The UN report may not change India’s official position on Myanmar and New Delhi will continue its constructive engagement with the country

Why US needs a more measured approach to the nuclear question
Apr 08, 2013

Why US needs a more measured approach to the nuclear question

The deepening crisis in the Korean Peninsula and the stalled nuclear talks with Iran together are a powerful reminder to the US that its non-proliferation policies are not working in Asia. Both Bush's muscular approaches and Obama's coercive diplomacy have failed.

Why US needs India's Air Force
Nov 29, 2011

Why US needs India's Air Force

The Indian Air Force faces threats in its Northeastern sector similar to those facing the United States in the Western Pacific. So, it would benefit both to share data on a more regular basis and plan joint responses to any problems.