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India-US Strategic Dialogue: Focus on the Big Picture
Jul 30, 2014

India-US Strategic Dialogue: Focus on the Big Picture

The dilemma facing ASEAN countries - economic benefits vs strategic balancing as they engage China - is nothing unique. This provides the context for India and the US to channel their efforts in establishing a firm partnership for enabling a stable Asian order.

India-US Ties: Mindset needs to change
Nov 11, 2010

India-US Ties: Mindset needs to change

Indians in large numbers are already working in the US in various spheres of technology. If the emerging Indian talent pool can be transferred to critical innovation projects under a specially created Indo-US Special Purpose Vehicle, it could go a long way in maximizing welfare in both societies.

India-US ties: The downside of the downslide
Feb 06, 2014

India-US ties: The downside of the downslide

The next Indian government will have to reorder policies and priorities, without bureaucratic hindrance and with procedures that are streamlined and not subject to whimsical changes. The next decade is crucial for our young population; rights oriented populism will have to cede to growth and production oriented policies to attract investment.

India-US WTO patch-up: Will the TFA really help India?
Nov 15, 2014

India-US WTO patch-up: Will the TFA really help India?

In spite of some benefits, the TFA is embroiled in controversy. Trade facilitation, according to some scholars, will enhance the developed countries' access to Indian markets and may impact manufacturing growth. Studies have shown India is losing out in competitiveness in all product lines and there has been a 'hollowing out' of industries.

India-US-Australia Defence Cooperation
May 25, 2011

India-US-Australia Defence Cooperation

A roundtable on India-US-Australia cooperation at ORF revolved around issues that are of common interests to all three countries, such as maritime security and cooperation, piracy and disaster management among other issues.

India:  Vote for change
May 13, 2011

India: Vote for change

People voted for change in three of the four Indian States that went to polls recently. While the voters in Tamil Nadu severely punished the ruling DMK combine, which included the Congress Party, for their reported large-scale corruption and inefficiency,

India: 1210 million and ticking
Apr 01, 2011

India: 1210 million and ticking

The provisional figures of the decennial Census-2011 has just been released in India, with the final head-count to be commuted and made public in about a year's time.

India: BJP gambles for power?
Jul 26, 2013

India: BJP gambles for power?

The principal Opposition Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) seems to be all ready for the big electoral battle of 2014 in India. It is sniffing power. It feels that its time of reckoning with the people of India has arrived and it only needs to put its act together to realise the dream.

India: Challenges before Budget session
Feb 22, 2013

India: Challenges before Budget session

The three-month-long budget session of the Indian Parliament, which began with the constitutionally mandatory address of President Pranab Mukherjee to a joint sitting of the two Houses on February 21, is both crucial and critical.

India: Corruption, the Pathway to power?
Jan 07, 2011

India: Corruption, the Pathway to power?

Allegations of financial scams have continued to trouble the UPA-2 Government as the Opposition has scented its path to power by keeping them in public domain. The proceedings of Parliament during the winter session were stalled as the Government declined

India: Countdown begins for next Lok Sabha polls
Dec 21, 2012

India: Countdown begins for next Lok Sabha polls

A victory by almost retaining its 2007 tally of 117 seats in Gujarat and a defeat in Himachal Pradesh for the BJP has not only set the tone for the next Lok Sabha elections but has also created a new set of problems and challenges for the two national parties in particular and for the entire political class otherwise.

India: Crime-politics nexus, despite tall promises?
Apr 04, 2014

India: Crime-politics nexus, despite tall promises?

Crime and politics have had a very close nexus the world over. But in India, this trend became dominant and struck deep roots in mid-Sixties when the Indian National Congress, the country's oldest party, started losing its sway over the electorate.

India: Debate hots up on next President
May 11, 2012

India: Debate hots up on next President

The race for the 'Rashtrapati Bhavan' (President's House) has begun in right earnest though no political party has yet played its cards formally. A new President is going to be elected in two months as the term of the present President Smt. Pratibha Devi Singh Patil ends on July 25.

India: Diversifying arms purchases
Aug 13, 2014

India: Diversifying arms purchases

Technology is important, but who you get it from is even more important. U.S. drones in the Indian inventory would have a huge value in terms of messaging, to friends and foes alike. Strategic partnerships are among the best force multiplier options in an uncertain Asia, and India should leave no stone unturned.

India: Drifting polity and clueless leaders?
Sep 30, 2011

India: Drifting polity and clueless leaders?

The Indian polity appears to be in a state of drift as the established political parties, oblivious to the problems of the country and its people, are currently engaged in game of power.The political class, as a whole losing credibility, is being widely perceived as "loud mouths",

India: Expanding Maoist Presence
Jun 25, 2003

India: Expanding Maoist Presence

Left-wing extremists in India are gaining in strength and spreading their reach to newer and hitherto unheard of regions. The guerrillas have been carefully and consistently planning strategies to survive in their bastions, consolidate themselves in regions of moderate presence and expand their activities to new areas.

India: From confrontation to limited cooperation in Parliament?
Aug 30, 2013

India: From confrontation to limited cooperation in Parliament?

After complete washouts of several sessions of Parliament, including the previous budget session, the ongoing Monsoon session has surprised many.

India: Hope for economic turnaround
Sep 16, 2014

India: Hope for economic turnaround

India may exceed the growth forecasts of the IMF and the World Bank but the task ahead is not easy, especially with 10 million jobs to be created, so much cleaning up to be done and so many disasters to be tackled.

India: Kejriwal's party and its prospects and  predicament
Oct 19, 2012

India: Kejriwal's party and its prospects and predicament

Social activist Arvind Kejriwal announced on October 2 in New Delhi with lots of fanfare that a new political party has come into existence whose name would be decided later, but it has started functioning.

India: Lalitgate: First major test for Modi government
Jun 19, 2015

India: Lalitgate: First major test for Modi government

On June 14, the British newspaper, Times London, broke the story about issuing of British travel documents, on the recommendation of External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj in 2014,

India: Land battle between Government and Opposition
Apr 10, 2015

India: Land battle between Government and Opposition

Land, over which many battles and even wars have been fought since time immemorial, is once again an issue over which the BJP-led NDA government of Prime Minister Narendra Modi and the opposition are engaged to change people?s perception so that their votes could be won in coming electoral battles.

India: Mooring in foreign shores?
Mar 04, 2015

India: Mooring in foreign shores?

India needs to find money to put into strategic investments and projects across the IOR -- whether it is Myanmar, Iran, Sri Lanka or Mauritius. The way to do it is not governmental schemes which are all running late, but to draw strength from India's entrepreneurial class and the private sector.

India: Owner-Editor charged with rape, media comes under focus
Nov 29, 2013

India: Owner-Editor charged with rape, media comes under focus

Wednesday, November 20, was a black day in the contemporary history of Indian media. It was on this day news about the owner-cum-Editor-in Chief of an investigative weekly - Tehelka - Tarun Tejpal's alleged sexual assault on one of his own colleagues in a lift of a five-star hotel in Goa,

India: Parliament returns to old habits
Apr 26, 2013

India: Parliament returns to old habits

When the Budget session of Parliament began on February 21, people in general and industry in particular were hoping that the political class would ensure that the two Houses conducted the necessary parliamentary business to bring back the national economy and governance on to the rails.

India: Parliament session facing washout?
Jul 31, 2015

India: Parliament session facing washout?

The twenty-four days long Monsoon session of Parliament, which began on July 21, looks like facing a total washout as the BJP-led National Democratic Alliance government of Prime Minister Narendra Modi and the Congress-led opposition seem to be in no mood to relent from their respective publically stated positions.

India: Parliament under pressure - to work
Aug 12, 2011

India: Parliament under pressure - to work

The monsoon session of Parliament began on Monday August 1, 2011. The eigth session of the 15th Lok Sabha (Lower House) and the 223rd session of Rajya Sabha (Upper House) are expected to produce more legislative business compared to the performance of the two Houses in the recent past.

India: PM Modi begins to govern
Jun 06, 2014

India: PM Modi begins to govern

On 26 May, Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) leader Narendra Modi assumed office after he was sworn-in as the country's 15th Prime Minister by President Pranab Mukherjee.

India: Political class losing its credibility even more?
Dec 02, 2011

India: Political class losing its credibility even more?

For almost two years now, or nearly two-third of the ruling UPA-II's time in power, the two Houses of Parliament have been witnessing logjams, walkouts and adjournments with very little legislative business being conducted.

India: Prime Minister's visit opens up new chapter with Nepal
Aug 08, 2014

India: Prime Minister's visit opens up new chapter with Nepal

From all accounts, the two-day visit of Prime Minister Narendra Modi to Nepal on August 2-3 was a success. It was also a demonstration of the BJP-led government's neighbourhood policy which seems to be at the core of country's foreign policy.

India: Realpolitik vs founding principles, BJP seeks road to power ?
Jun 21, 2013

India: Realpolitik vs founding principles, BJP seeks road to power ?

Eager to discover the road to Delhi's throne, India's main opposition party, the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), is trapped in a cleft, not knowing whether to follow the dictates of 'realpolitik' or stick to its original principles as formulated by the party's elders in close consultation with the Rashtriya Swyamsevak Sangh (RSS) mentor.

India: Republic is 65 years young - or, old?
Jan 31, 2014

India: Republic is 65 years young - or, old?

In next four months, there is going to be a new government in New Delhi. The upcoming general elections are likely to be one of the most bitter and hard-fought battles in country's over six decades of Independence.

India: Single engineering entrance exam at the eye of a storm
Jun 15, 2012

India: Single engineering entrance exam at the eye of a storm

The controversy over the proposed single entrance examination for all engineering studies, including those at the prestigious Indian Institute of Technology (IITs), has brought serious issues into the open.

India: The first 100 days of the Modi government
Sep 05, 2014

India: The first 100 days of the Modi government

The Bharatiya Janata Party-led National Democratic Alliance (NDA) government under the leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, which was sworn-in on May 26, has completed 100 days in power.

India: UPA seeks to regain initiative
Aug 10, 2012

India: UPA seeks to regain initiative

A battered UPA-II, battling to shrug off the 'policy paralysis' tag, appears to be regaining confidence after it managed to get its presidential and vice-presidential candidates elected.

India: Will Assembly polls herald early elections to Parliament?
Mar 23, 2012

India: Will Assembly polls herald early elections to Parliament?

Are national parties on decline? Can a non-Congress, non-BJP coalition come to power in New Delhi after the next General Elections due in 2014? Or even before, if a political crisis or coalition-accident leads to mid-term elections?

Indian diplomacy coming of age?
Jan 12, 2004

Indian diplomacy coming of age?

India may well be considered a middle power aspiring to be a great power of global importance. India¿s ruling class has successfully shrugged off its initial aversion to perceive power as a category having a place of its own outside the ideological fortress of morality.

Indian economy in a crisis
Mar 09, 2013

Indian economy in a crisis

Author and economic analyst M.R. Venkatesh says the controversies and court cases relating to the 2-G scam might have impeded FDI inflow. It shows that even agreements made with the Government in India are not fool-proof, he argues.

Indian experts surprised by the election result in Sri Lanka
Jan 15, 2015

Indian experts surprised by the election result in Sri Lanka

Prof. S.D. Muni, a Sri Lankan expert, says that it was unlikely that the 13th Amendment would be implemented, but the spirit of the amendment, i.e., accommodation, would play a much larger role relative to Rajapaksa's rule.

Indian fishing is in troubled waters?
Jul 27, 2012

Indian fishing is in troubled waters?

Maritime security concerns of nations, big and small, are for real. Livelihood issues too are for real. Neither can be compromised in the face of the other.

Indian food security and the WTO deal
Jan 27, 2014

Indian food security and the WTO deal

A host of issues that were crucial to the interests of developing countries, and to a large extent India's, were off the table at Bali. For instance, rich country farm subsidies. The US has still not budged from its position vis-à-vis farm subsidies, despite years of push from poor countries, including in Africa.

Indian generic drug policy will benefit all
Jul 16, 2012

Indian generic drug policy will benefit all

The Manmohan Singh government will sponsor a $5.4-billion policy to provide free generic drugs - a decision that could change the healthcare woes in India for millions of poor people.

Indian industrial sector could drive energy demand through 2035
Jan 28, 2014

Indian industrial sector could drive energy demand through 2035

The chief economist of BP Group, Mr. Christof Ruehl, says the industrial sector is less flexible in India than in China and that this could drive the energy demand in 2012-2035 period. He also predicts that China's industrialisation will continue even if it changes its economy structure.

Indian Ocean Dialogue - 2015
Sep 28, 2015

Indian Ocean Dialogue - 2015

Perth hosted the second edition of the Indian Ocean Dialogue from September 5-7. Eighty-seven officials and representatives from think tanks and civil societies participated in the proceedings. The dialogue concluded with the release of the Perth Consensus.

Indian Ocean Dialogue 2014
May 09, 2014

Indian Ocean Dialogue 2014

Observer Research Foundation, with support from the Ministry of External Affairs, hosted the Indian Ocean Dialogue 2014. The event witnessed participation of delegates from the far corners of the Indian Ocean and beyond, capturing the vastness and diversity of the region.