Search: For - pakistan

1768 results found

2018 — A testing year for Pakistan
Jan 04, 2018

2018 — A testing year for Pakistan

In 2018, Pakistan would move deeper into internal chaos, its relations with its neighbours would only worsen adding to tensions on both its borders.

A battle for Pakistan
May 19, 2023

A battle for Pakistan

The tragedy of Pakistan is that there is no neutral arbiter left in the State apparatus—not the judiciary, not the Presidency, not even the Pakistan

A joint India-Pakistan initiative on the humanitarian impact of nuclear weapons
May 06, 2017

A joint India-Pakistan initiative on the humanitarian impact of nuclear weapons

India and Pakistan could demonstrate their responsible stewardship of nuclear weapons by launching a bilateral initiative on HINW.

A moderate Modi and stable Sharif can mend Indo-Pakistan ties
Jul 13, 2015

A moderate Modi and stable Sharif can mend Indo-Pakistan ties

It can be very tempting to not be overly optimistic following the recent meeting between Narendra Modi and Nawaz Sharif in Ufa, Russia. There is a sense of familiarity to the manner in which India-Pakistan relations unfold.

A new China military base in Pakistan?
Feb 09, 2018

A new China military base in Pakistan?

It will be its second foreign military base, after Djibouti, which was set up in August 2017. China clearly is looking at the longer term.

A new nuclear non-proliferation initiative? The American Hypocrisy and Pakistan
Mar 17, 2004

A new nuclear non-proliferation initiative? The American Hypocrisy and Pakistan

In February 2004, President George Bush outlined his new nuclear non-proliferation approach, in his ¿seven points¿ speech at the National Defense University. It include the setting up of proliferation security initiative which will control and monitor not only shipments and nuclear transfer of material/technology but also will be empowered to take direct action against the violators of the law.

A spymaster who now has the Pakistan Army’s reins
Dec 01, 2022

A spymaster who now has the Pakistan Army’s reins

As the 17th Army Chief of Pakistan, General Syed Asim Munir faces challenges in ensuring political stability and elevating people’s perception of the Army, while India needs to wait and watch

A Sufi message from a Pakistani President
Apr 10, 2012

A Sufi message from a Pakistani President

At a time when Rahul Gandhi and his team are wondering how to win friends and influence people, the Sufis offer an excellent model. For the model to gain traction, the first requirement is a message which can be simply put across.

A United States-Pakistan Rapprochement?
Mar 03, 2023

A United States-Pakistan Rapprochement?

American leaders must abandon their decades-long dream of achieving strategic convergence between the US and Pakistan

Afghan vortex: Pakistan’s turn to reap what it sowed
Mar 22, 2024

Afghan vortex: Pakistan’s turn to reap what it sowed

If Pakistan plans to continue its war of attrition against Afghan extremists, it will have to do so on two fronts —inside its own territory as well

Afghanistan-Pakistan relation: अफ़ग़ानिस्तान-पाकिस्तान के रिश्ते और अमेरिका की दख़लंदाज़ी!
Jul 26, 2023

Afghanistan-Pakistan relation: अफ़ग़ानिस्तान-पाकिस्तान के रिश्ते और अमेरिका की दख़लंदाज़ी!

लंबे समय तक अमेरिका और पाकिस्तान (US and Pakistan) के लिए एक-दूसरे क�

Afghanistan-Pakistan relation: अफ़ग़ानिस्तान-पाकिस्तान के रिश्ते और अमेरिका की दख़लंदाज़ी!
Nov 14, 2022

Afghanistan-Pakistan relation: अफ़ग़ानिस्तान-पाकिस्तान के रिश्ते और अमेरिका की दख़लंदाज़ी!

लंबे समय तक अमेरिका और पाकिस्तान (US and Pakistan) के लिए एक-दूसरे क�

Afghanistan-Pakistan relations and the Durand line: Why is it important?
Jan 31, 2022

Afghanistan-Pakistan relations and the Durand line: Why is it important?

The historical Durand line continues to be a thorn on the side as both Pakistan and Afghanistan are unable to come to a mutually beneficial conclusion

Afghanistan: A new phase in ties with Pakistan?
May 17, 2013

Afghanistan: A new phase in ties with Pakistan?

Nawaz Sharief's election for an unprecedented third time as Pakistan's prime minister has been welcomed by the Afghan government. Afghan President Hamid Karzai congratulating Sharief called upon the new Pakistani government to enhance cooperation in order to work towards a peaceful resolution to the conflict in Afghanistan.

Afghanistan: India-Pakistan rivalry reignited
Aug 19, 2013

Afghanistan: India-Pakistan rivalry reignited

The Indian Consulate in Jalalabad was the target of a suicide attack on August 3. The attack, though did not harm the consulate or any Indian personnel, resulted in the death of 9 bystanders.

Afghanistan: Pakistan obstructing peace talks?
Feb 21, 2014

Afghanistan: Pakistan obstructing peace talks?

The killing of a former Taliban minister, Mullah Abdul Raqeeb, has raised questions about the involvement of the Pakistan establishment in the peace process and a possible rift within the ranks of the militant movement.

After Clinton, All Eyes on Pakistan's Hina Khar
Jul 22, 2011

After Clinton, All Eyes on Pakistan's Hina Khar

The United States has, in its history, vacillated between global dominance and isolation. A phase of inwardness may be in the cards.

After Savouring Moment of Triumph, Pakistan Will Now Face Moment of Truth in Afghanistan
Oct 12, 2021

After Savouring Moment of Triumph, Pakistan Will Now Face Moment of Truth in Afghanistan

Cut this any which way you like, the US still holds all the aces and can influence different outcomes in AfPak region depending on how it defines its interests.

After trade, can we use water to build peace with Pakistan?
May 16, 2012

After trade, can we use water to build peace with Pakistan?

In the domain of water cooperation between India and Pakistan, maybe it is important to look at actors beyond the Ministry of Water Resources. Greater cooperation between the farming communities could be one more logical step towards building a substantial peace constituency in Pakistan.

After Trump’s tweet, India hopes US will bring Pakistan to heel
Jan 03, 2018

After Trump’s tweet, India hopes US will bring Pakistan to heel

It would be unwise to expect that Trump’s tweet represents a major policy shift. That Pakistan has been playing the US on the issue of support to the Taliban is no secret. If anything, Trump’s remarks are a manifestation of American frustration in getting Pakistan to behave.

Ambassadors to Pakistan
Nov 12, 2012

Ambassadors to Pakistan

Delhi must bite the bullet and make the political case for moving forward boldly with Islamabad and Dhaka. Nothing will demonstrate India's commitment to transforming its relations with its neighbours more than an early visit to Pakistan by the Prime Minister.

Analysing the trends in China-Pakistan arms transfer
Jun 14, 2019

Analysing the trends in China-Pakistan arms transfer

The Beijing-Islamabad bonhomie is a given fact for making strategic calculations in the subcontinent.

Another Judiciary-Executive confrontation brewing in Pakistan?
Aug 03, 2011

Another Judiciary-Executive confrontation brewing in Pakistan?

Although the present confrontation between the judiciary and executive is not of the magnitude witnessed in 2007, the episode underlines the vulnerability of the political process in Pakistan.

Another shower for Pakistan
Oct 30, 2010

Another shower for Pakistan

What is bewildering is the stone silence on the part of ordinary Americans who are being hoodwinked by the Obama administration into believing that funnelling money and weapons to Pakistan's rogue military would help in winning strategic goals. Nothing could be farther from the truth.

Another Terrorist Attack on Chinese Engineers in Pakistan
Oct 18, 2004

Another Terrorist Attack on Chinese Engineers in Pakistan

The kidnapping of two Chinese engineers working in an irrigation project in South Waziristan in the Federally-Administered Tribal Areas (FATA) of Pakistan by a group of pro-Osama bin Laden jihadi terrorists last week and the death of one of them on October 13,2004,

AQ Khan episode a lesson for Pakistan:
May 14, 2005

AQ Khan episode a lesson for Pakistan:

Pakistan trusted and gave too much independence, which was misused by AQ Khan to the detriment of Pakistan's national security and international embarrassment, says Brig. Khan....

Article 370 and Pakistan’s false outrage
Aug 12, 2019

Article 370 and Pakistan’s false outrage

The intention behind removing Article 370 has been to encourage further investment and improve the security in Kashmir.

As Pakistan heats up, we must act to stop the next Samba
Sep 30, 2013

As Pakistan heats up, we must act to stop the next Samba

We should not be lulled into complacency about the nature of the militancy in J&K these days. Incidents can be few and far between. But when they occur, they can be deadly. The winding down of the US and NATO operations in Afghanistan could enlarge the area which could be used by anti-Indian jihadis to set up training camps.

As Quetta bleeds, Pakistan must remember what is at stake
Oct 26, 2016

As Quetta bleeds, Pakistan must remember what is at stake

The attack in Quetta should be understood as an attack on the stability and future of Pakistan's economic dream project.

Azadi March in Pakistan - Nawaz Sharif vs Army?
Aug 22, 2014

Azadi March in Pakistan - Nawaz Sharif vs Army?

The synchronised protest marches undertaken by Imran Khan, the chairman of the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) and cleric Tahir-ul Qadri, chairman of the Pakistan Awami Tehreek (PAT), culminated in a combined sit-in outside the Parliament building in Islamabad.

Azm-e-Istehkam: China’s wish is Pakistan’s command
Jun 24, 2024

Azm-e-Istehkam: China’s wish is Pakistan’s command

The new operation Azm-e-Istehkaam is designed to curb Islamist terror networks and is clearly undertaken to allay the fears of China.

Ball is in Pakistan’s military court
Jul 19, 2019

Ball is in Pakistan’s military court

India’s multi-pronged strategy of using various instrumentalities of power — legal, diplomatic, economic and military — seems to have had some effect in shaping Pakistan’s behaviour.

Betting on connectivity: Afghanistan’s China-Pakistan Economic Corridor ambitions
Jun 07, 2023

Betting on connectivity: Afghanistan’s China-Pakistan Economic Corridor ambitions

Kabul’s possible induction into CPEC raises sovereignty and strategic concerns for New Delhi

Between Democracy and Dictators: South Asia’s response to the Pakistani crisis
May 22, 2023

Between Democracy and Dictators: South Asia’s response to the Pakistani crisis

The public in South Asian countries have reacted variedly to the developments taking place in Pakistan

Blackouts in South Asia: Revisiting Power Policy Debates in Bangladesh, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka
Nov 09, 2022

Blackouts in South Asia: Revisiting Power Policy Debates in Bangladesh, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka

The growing power crisis in Bangladesh, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka compels these nations to rethink their future energy landscape and policies

Bolton’s tough job: Controlling Pakistan’s deep state
Mar 30, 2018

Bolton’s tough job: Controlling Pakistan’s deep state

Pakistani authorities will make cosmetic changes of incumbents handling crucial matters, rope in foreign ambassadors, diplomats, military attaches and foreign media based in Islamabad.