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374 results found

On Hallyu and its global army: Soft power lessons from South Korea
Dec 08, 2021

On Hallyu and its global army: Soft power lessons from South Korea

Using the Hallyu wave as a soft power instrument, South Korea has managed to sweep the world with its cultural influence

On poll eve, Maldives’ HC frees Yameen, de-freezes bank funds
Apr 03, 2019

On poll eve, Maldives’ HC frees Yameen, de-freezes bank funds

Yameen was arrested on lower court orders, which acted on a police complaint that he was seeking to influence witnesses in a larger money-laundering c

Only India can save the Paris climate agreement
Jun 16, 2017

Only India can save the Paris climate agreement

Given the present leadership impasse, the world would be keenly following India’s role on climate action in key upcoming forums such as the G20 and COP23. As China looks for a global partner to leverage its influence at the international stage, India is poised to utilize this potential opportunity and fill the leadership void in global climate change governance.

Oz’s choice—AUKUS and the break with Paris
Oct 01, 2021

Oz’s choice—AUKUS and the break with Paris

Australia’s decision to join the AUKUS was one meant to counter Chinese influence, even if it meant upsetting its ally France

Pakistan general elections 2018: Analysis of results and implications
Dec 18, 2018

Pakistan general elections 2018: Analysis of results and implications

n July 2018, Pakistanis voted in what was the third consecutive transfer of power from one civilian government to another in the country’s 71-year history. The elections may be called a success in that winners had been declared. However, the months leading up to the elections demonstrated the power of the military, and its ability to influence election outcomes and control sections of the media. As Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf leader Imran Khan see

Pakistan's politics: Back to the 1990s?
May 07, 2011

Pakistan's politics: Back to the 1990s?

After more than two years of lull in the political arena, Pakistan is witnessing some visible and dramatic changes which can influence the political scenario in the next few months.

Pathways to Gentrification in India: The Case of Patan
Jan 31, 2023

Pathways to Gentrification in India: The Case of Patan

The concept of ‘gentrification’ has been studied extensively in urban agglomerations, specifically in tier-I and tier-II cities. ‘Gentrification’ is largely understood as the displacement of people belonging to certain classes in an area due to the influx of investment and affluent classes into that area. In India, settlements are based on religious and social vectors of caste, rather than economic vectors of class. With settlemen

PM Abe's new thrust to Japan's Central Asian strategy
Nov 02, 2015

PM Abe's new thrust to Japan's Central Asian strategy

PM Abe has activated Japan's Central Asian diplomacy like no other leader did before. However, he is realistic enough to understand the enormous Chinese influence in the region. Rather than seeking to supplant that influence, Abe only wants to project Japan as an important and useful partner in the Central Asian scene.

Political opposition in Russia in 2018: Composition, challenges and prospects
Aug 21, 2023

Political opposition in Russia in 2018: Composition, challenges and prospects

Russia recently witnessed the re-election of its long-serving president. A constitutionally mandated term limit suggests this would be Vladimir Putin’s last presidential term. As Russia enters a period of power transition, it is likely that a number of political actors will become relevant during this phase. This brief looks at the groups that form the opposition—those operating within the formal institutions and the major players outside it�

Poverty, Criminality, Extremism: The Interrelated Sources of Insecurity in Maldives
Aug 16, 2023

Poverty, Criminality, Extremism: The Interrelated Sources of Insecurity in Maldives

Maldives, or the Maldive islands in the north-central Indian Ocean, is widely regarded as a paradise by holiday-seekers from across the world. Yet, its own people are beset by severe issues of insecurity. This brief investigates the various threats to security in the island nation, primary of which is the massive income inequality. It outlines a political and religious history of the nation, and explores their influence in the current sta

Prevent Zoonoses: Now or never
Jul 06, 2023

Prevent Zoonoses: Now or never

The G20 has the potential to leverage its influence and resources to address the root causes of zoonotic diseases through joint initiatives and take p

Price-cap is after all just a new price: The case of cardiac stents in India
Apr 27, 2017

Price-cap is after all just a new price: The case of cardiac stents in India

The February 2017 order by the National Pharmaceutical Pricing Authority (NPPA) for fixing the price ceiling for cardiac stents—a device that normalises blood supply to the heart—brings to fore the old debate on the influence of business in healthcare in India. In view of the increasing number of catheterisation laboratories in the country, and the rise in the use of cardiac stents, this article discusses, inter alia:  (a) the role of price

PWG is looking beyond Andhra
Oct 13, 2003

PWG is looking beyond Andhra

ATTACKING the Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh, Mr Chandrababu Naidu, on October 1, 2003, is most spectacular act that Naxalites of the People's War (formerly People's War Group or PWG) have carried out till date. The rebels have not only proved that they have the ability to strike at locations far away from their traditionally known strongholds but also that they were poised to expand their influence beyond the state boundaries.

PWG Naxalites: Set-back in the bastion, expansion elsewhere
Jan 17, 2004

PWG Naxalites: Set-back in the bastion, expansion elsewhere

The striking capability and influence of the People¿s War Group (PWG) Naxalites¿ has steadily been declining in their flagship North Telengana Special Zone (NTSZ) area since the past few years. The death of some experienced, capable and important leaders of the NTSZ, especially in the past couple of years, in security force operations has weakened the Naxalites there.

QUAD 3.0: A security-oriented reincarnation?
Jun 08, 2023

QUAD 3.0: A security-oriented reincarnation?

As the Indo-Pacific region becomes more contested, the QUAD will have to work together to expand its scope of diplomacy, influence, and security

Reading the Tea Leaves: China’s Perspective on Ties with Pakistan and the CPEC’s Prospects
Sep 06, 2023

Reading the Tea Leaves: China’s Perspective on Ties with Pakistan and the CPEC’s Prospects

This year marks a decade since the announcement of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC). This brief analyses Chinese-language literature to understand the country’s current stance on Pakistan and the CPEC. Two trends emerge. First, China appears to be facing a dilemma over Pakistan. While the Chinese government wants the CPEC to be successful, China’s strategic community now shows little optimism on the initiative. Second, contrary to

Reaffirming Dhaka's centrality in India's Neighbourhood First
May 21, 2024

Reaffirming Dhaka's centrality in India's Neighbourhood First

The Indian Foreign Secretary’s visit to Bangladesh is timely, as there is a need to re-affirm the India-Bangladesh partnership in the face of China�

Realism in the study of International Relations in India
Aug 21, 2023

Realism in the study of International Relations in India

Attempts to arrive at a non-Western understanding of International Relations have often been made to counter the “hegemonising” influence of realism in the Indian milieu. This brief examines realist scholarship in India in recent years to understand what variants of realism have been given prominence. It also notes the absence of scholarship of the neoclassical realist variant and how this gap leads critics to arrive at an incomplete understa

Rise of China has upped significance of Myanmar
Feb 21, 2015

Rise of China has upped significance of Myanmar

With the rise of China as an economic and military superpower, the significance of Myanmar in the geo-politics of the region has assumed new dimensions. India therefore cannot continue to turn a blind eye to the country where till recently Chinese influence was allowed to grow unchallenged.

Russian foreign policy in Africa: Lessons from the 2023 Summit
Aug 11, 2023

Russian foreign policy in Africa: Lessons from the 2023 Summit

Although Russia plays an important role in Africa, it still falls short of exercising a wider influence

Russia’s Low-Risk, High-Reward Strategy for its Return to Africa
Oct 12, 2023

Russia’s Low-Risk, High-Reward Strategy for its Return to Africa

Africa has become essential to Russia’s geostrategic posture as Moscow seeks to overcome the backlash to its invasion of Ukraine in February 2022. However, in the face of isolation and a contracting economy, Russia has realised that cultivating an entry point in Africa through conventional means such as foreign direct investment (FDI), trade, development assistance, or cultural and educational exchanges may not be its best option. Instead, Mosc

Securing Afghanistan: Historic Sources of India’s Contemporary Challenge
Aug 11, 2023

Securing Afghanistan: Historic Sources of India’s Contemporary Challenge

This paper looks at debates from the days of the British Raj until now that have shaped India's strategic thought on Afghanistan. It highlights the impact of India's territorial construct on its strategic imagination and argues that India's Afghan policy is determined by its political geography. Afghanistan has proved to be a security lynchpin in South and A Central Asia over the last two decades. Home to a variety of militant networks with regi

Shared Values, Common Goals: Finding Convergences in the Indo-Pacific Strategies of India and South Korea
Sep 26, 2023

Shared Values, Common Goals: Finding Convergences in the Indo-Pacific Strategies of India and South Korea

India and South Korea stand as important middle powers whose influence in the Indo-Pacific region is expanding in their own ways. At the same time, their bilateral partnership today has even bigger potential to serve as a stabilising factor amid shifting regional geopolitical equations. The current year—the 50th since the two countries established formal diplomatic ties—is an opportune moment for harnessing their converging interests. This br

Should India continue to stay out of ICC?
Nov 24, 2010

Should India continue to stay out of ICC?

Terrorism and the use of nuclear weapons could be taken up for consideration for inclusion in the International Criminal Court's purview. Effective participation by India, even as an observer, could influence the evolution of the ICC in the course of such discussions.

Sino-Indian Competition in South Asia: Another Round
Dec 03, 2021

Sino-Indian Competition in South Asia: Another Round

In the ongoing contest between China and India for influence, New Delhi has made some gains in the Maldives and Sri Lanka.

Sino-Indian jostling in South Asia
Jan 22, 2018

Sino-Indian jostling in South Asia

With help from the Belt and Road Initative, China strives to compete with India for influence throughout South Asia

Situating South Asia in the US response to transnational threats and Islamic militancy
Aug 26, 2015

Situating South Asia in the US response to transnational threats and Islamic militancy

The rise of Islamic State does pose a strategic threat to South Asia, although the influence might not be direct, according to Prof. Stephen Tankel of American University. He says since the decline of the Al Qaeda senior leadership in Pakistan, the IS has emerged a source of new leadership.

South Asia policy after Modi's China visit
May 22, 2015

South Asia policy after Modi's China visit

Indian concerns over a 'rising China' is more about China's 'increasing influence' in the South Asian neighbourhood than over the possibility of a revived border episode or a return to war between the two Asian giants.

Sri Lanka: Tales which pictures don't tell
Feb 20, 2013

Sri Lanka: Tales which pictures don't tell

Since the BBC Channel IV film director has indicated that one purpose of the controversial film on the Sri Lankan war may have been to act in a particular way at the UNHRC session in Geneva next month, New Delhi has to be wary of efforts to influence its decision.

Staying away from CHOGM meeting will be a strategic blunder
Nov 01, 2013

Staying away from CHOGM meeting will be a strategic blunder

If India decides to abstain from the CHOGM meeting in Colombo, New Delhi should be clear that it will isolate itself totally vis a vis the Sri Lankan leadership and thereby lose any opportunity to influence affairs in Sri Lanka, including the interests of the Tamils.

Staying with Kabul
Feb 19, 2013

Staying with Kabul

As a new phase begins in the tragic history of Afghanistan, sulking can't be Delhi's strategy. India must keep an open mind, engage all the major Afghan formations, intensify the dialogue with all the regional and international stakeholders, and find ways to influence the outcomes.

Stormy seas in the South Pacific
Jun 02, 2022

Stormy seas in the South Pacific

China seeks to counterbalance the West's influence in the South Pacific region.

Sweeping changes in Nepal-China relations
Jun 18, 2024

Sweeping changes in Nepal-China relations

The current political climate has led to unprecedented cooperation between Nepal and China, bringing them closer than ever. This partnership is likely

Syria: India should step up engagements with major States
Sep 09, 2013

Syria: India should step up engagements with major States

Though realism suggests India cannot directly influence the evolution of the Syrian situation, India must more actively partake in the international debate on Syria and step up its political engagement with all major states in the region, said experts at a brainstorming on Syria.

Syrian ceasefire and the Russia-Turkey chimera
Jan 07, 2017

Syrian ceasefire and the Russia-Turkey chimera

Over the past many months, a tectonic shift has taken place as the traditional foreign hegemonic presence in the region, the United States, increasing

Talking to the Taliban
Jun 29, 2013

Talking to the Taliban

Pakistan has not given up its dream of controlling Afghanistan. It gives Rawalpindi an incredible reach and influence in the region and a legitimacy at home which has been under severe strain since the Abbottabad raid. The Taliban office in Doha is the first step towards such a goal. In that sense, the Doha office is a breakthrough for Rawalpindi more than any one else.

Taming regulatory excess in retail markets
Jul 19, 2021

Taming regulatory excess in retail markets

Sadly, legislation, in democracies, is strongly influenced by political economy which dilutes technical good sense

Tehrik-E-Labbaik Pakistan: The New Face of Barelvi Activism
Sep 15, 2021

Tehrik-E-Labbaik Pakistan: The New Face of Barelvi Activism

The emergence of the Tehrik-E-Labbaik Pakistan (TLP) as the largest religious political party in the country has introduced a new, aggressive element in Pakistan’s polity. Although the TLP does not have an armed militant wing, it has demonstrated both its street power and the strength of its electoral base only six years since it was set up in 2015. Exploiting deeply emotional issues like the finality of Prophethood and Blasphemy against the Pr

Tensions between US and Iran spell trouble for India
Nov 08, 2017

Tensions between US and Iran spell trouble for India

The new Iran strategy of the Trump Administration is aimed at “neutralising the government of Iran’s destabilising influence and constraining its aggression, particularly its support for terrorism and militants.”

The Alliance of Sahel States: A regional crisis in troubled West Africa
Mar 01, 2024

The Alliance of Sahel States: A regional crisis in troubled West Africa

The establishment of the Alliance of Sahel States by Burkina Faso, Mali, and Niger and their withdrawal from ECOWAS undoes the decades of regional int

The Australia-India-Japan-US Quadrilateral: Dissecting the China Factor
Aug 10, 2020

The Australia-India-Japan-US Quadrilateral: Dissecting the China Factor

This paper analyses the domestic compulsions in Australia, India, Japan and the US that are influencing their positions on the Quadrilateral Security Dialogue (Quad). The paper notes that as the four countries are becoming increasingly aware of the risks posed by China’s rise over the last few years, they have sought to converge to the Quad. For Australia, the concerns are over trade dependency on China, and China’s sharp power projection and

The belt and road to China’s “new era” of global power
Oct 25, 2017

The belt and road to China’s “new era” of global power

The dragon has officially risen. But as China spreads its reach and influence beyond its borders through the Belt and Road Initiative, implementation

The Berlin-Beijing balance is past its use-by date
Aug 22, 2023

The Berlin-Beijing balance is past its use-by date

The threat from an aggressive China is ending Germany’s geopolitical coquetry

The changing nature of work: Lessons from past transitions
Aug 30, 2018

The changing nature of work: Lessons from past transitions

Adam Smith was among the first to challenge mercantilism and the guild system by association. Smith believed that the wealth of nations depended on th

The election imbroglio: Pakistan’s general elections and the way forward
Feb 13, 2024

The election imbroglio: Pakistan’s general elections and the way forward

The 2024 Pakistani elections is a significant indicator of the increasing vulnerability of the military in the nation's political landscape and the po

The end of America’s Pan-Sahel vision
Jun 07, 2024

The end of America’s Pan-Sahel vision

Does the withdrawal of the US  troops from Niger mark the end of America’s Pan-Sahel vision?

The fall of ISIS and its implications for South Asia
Jan 04, 2018

The fall of ISIS and its implications for South Asia

With the territorial defeat of ISIS in Iraq and Syria, analysts are pondering the kind of organisational form the group would take next. The influence of the so-called Islamic State in South Asia may be minimal, but India, Bangladesh, Pakistan and Afghanistan, have all had the shadow of ISIS’ global footprint land on their doorstep. This brief sheds light on how the influence of ISIS spread across South Asia, specifically after 2014, when pro-I

The foreign policy dimension of the US presidential election
Sep 29, 2020

The foreign policy dimension of the US presidential election

Whoever wins the November election, the structural constraints that affect US foreign policy behaviour will remain. China will remain a key rival, rel

The Geoeconomics of Climate Finance
Nov 22, 2021

The Geoeconomics of Climate Finance

The global climate finance architecture tends to restrain emerging economies from mobilising and accessing global private commercial capital for energy transition. This brief explores the different global financial regulations that influence climate capital flows between countries, and argues that institutions must enhance their role in facilitating the optimal allocation of capital. It evaluates the role of Multilateral Development Banks from a