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1604 results found

Pakistan PM Imran Khan’s downfall is unlikely to change India-Pakistan ties
Mar 28, 2022

Pakistan PM Imran Khan’s downfall is unlikely to change India-Pakistan ties

Khan’s possible ouster is unlikely to bring any radical change in India-Pakistan relations. The bilateral relationship has plateaued since PTI came to power.

People of South Asia want change?
Dec 31, 2013

People of South Asia want change?

The governments of the South Asian countries can cooperate to solve many of their problems, especially poverty alleviation and fighting corruption. It will bring about stability and good governance. Otherwise, when are people dissatisfied with their lives, they will demand change.

Population drives climate change: A myth or reality?
Jul 11, 2022

Population drives climate change: A myth or reality?

Is there a positive correlation between the rise of the population and the rise of carbon dioxide?

Post-Osama Pakistan: Can the civil-military balance change?
May 16, 2011

Post-Osama Pakistan: Can the civil-military balance change?

It is high time that enlightened Pakistanis realize that the real threat to the existence of the Pakistani state comes from their own army which has usurped authority due to debilitated political institutions and geo-political concerns of western powers.

Pragmatic approach to combat climate-change: Former Secretary
Jan 31, 2015

Pragmatic approach to combat climate-change: Former Secretary

India, China and the US share a similar perspective on balancing economic interests with climate-action, seeking a pragmatic approach to combat climate change through plausible self-determined contributions that are cognizant of national interests, says former Union Environment Secretary N R Krishnan.

Qubits for climate change
Aug 23, 2022

Qubits for climate change

As nation-states and Big Tech firms continue to make advances in quantum computing, the ethical use of technology must be streamlined with R&D to comb

Regulatory Changes in India in the Time of COVID19: Lessons and Recommendations
Jun 10, 2020

Regulatory Changes in India in the Time of COVID19: Lessons and Recommendations

This report tracks the changes to India’s business regulatory framework in the first 40 days of the nationwide lockdown due to the COVID-19 virus. The Union and state governments have been highly proactive in creating spaces for doing business while managing the ongoing health crisis. The governments have attempted to modify the business-related legal infrastructure within the confines imposed through the lockdown. While under normal circumstan

Rising meat consumption, climate change and pandemics: Untangling the multilevel connections
Jun 23, 2020

Rising meat consumption, climate change and pandemics: Untangling the multilevel connections

One of the less debated causes of growing greenhouse gases is the increasing global meat consumption.

Russia’s Relations in Southeast Asia since 2014: Continuity and Change
Aug 20, 2020

Russia’s Relations in Southeast Asia since 2014: Continuity and Change

This paper outlines the development of Russia’s relations with the countries of Southeast Asia, focusing on the years after 2014. As relations with the West reached a new post-Cold War low, Moscow has intensified its efforts at building stronger ties with the East. The paper deals with the impact of these developments on the state of its political, economic and defense engagement in Southeast Asia, both bilaterally and multilaterally. It will s

Sea change of China power
Feb 11, 2014

Sea change of China power

While Australia-Indonesia ties are in limbo, it would make sense to deepen the Australia-India side of the triangle. Here the potential areas for action are maritime domain awareness, naval intelligence sharing, providing access to each other's naval facilities, and working together to improve the capacity of smaller states in the Indian Ocean.

Securitising climate change will defeat democracy in developing world
Feb 15, 2012

Securitising climate change will defeat democracy in developing world

Experts feel that securitising climate change would defeat democracy in developing parts of the world which already have an overwhelming presence of military. Therefore, a counter narrative for securitising climate change is imperative.

Security implications of climate change: The case of permafrost thaw
May 12, 2021

Security implications of climate change: The case of permafrost thaw

In addition to environmental consequences, permafrost thaw carries significant and multi-faceted security implications — direct and indirect, ongoin

Ship-building policy needs change
Sep 03, 2013

Ship-building policy needs change

A performance audit by the Comptroller and Auditor General in 2010-2011 revealed that while shipyards in the US, France, South Korea and Russia took between 66-84 months from the award of contract to the construction of a ship, in India, it took 116 to 120 months.

Shoots of change: India’s agritech revolution
Jan 12, 2024

Shoots of change: India’s agritech revolution

Indian agritech is making impressive strides and expanding its global footprint, but it is still at a nascent stage and has penetrated only 1 percent

Significant changes in India-Nepal diplomacy
Aug 05, 2011

Significant changes in India-Nepal diplomacy

There will soon be two important changes in the Nepal and India diplomacy, which are of significant importance to both the countries. Nepal's ambassador to India, Rukma Shumsher Rana, has been recalled while the Indian envoy to Nepal Rakesh Sood will be replaced by another career diplomat.

Small steps for big change
Apr 16, 2015

Small steps for big change

While the launch of the MUDRA Bank is a laudable effort on the part of the government, there still persists ambiguity in the nature of the Bank's undertakings. The most pressing concern is in regards to the Bank's role as both a regulator and refinancing agency which will lead to a conflict of interests.

Social mobility in India: Determinants and recommendations for change
May 24, 2023

Social mobility in India: Determinants and recommendations for change

Social mobility reveals the degree to which an individual’s starting point in life determines their chances in the future, and therefore the extent to which talent is rewarded with opportunity. A stronger association between one’s starting point and their outcomes in adulthood, indicates lower social mobility and less meritocracy. For India, realising the potential of its population will be a key driver of progress and growth. This brief expl

South Asia: Is ‘regime-change’ an end in itself?
Nov 12, 2018

South Asia: Is ‘regime-change’ an end in itself?

The alternative for India would and should be to shed the post-Cold War past here and now — re-look at the South Asian priorities.

Sri Lanka vote: Game-changer of a different kind?
Mar 23, 2012

Sri Lanka vote: Game-changer of a different kind?

Seeing an LTTE ghost where none may exist across the Palk Bay and the Gulf of Mannar, the Sri Lankan authorities could be expected to act even more feverishly in the coming months -- the Geneva vote having emboldened separatist Diaspora groups to revive their failed misadventure, in a new avtar and under a 'new world order'!

Stability in the time of change
Mar 10, 2017

Stability in the time of change

As the liberal order yields to an age of uncertainty, a new initiative is needed if the nuclear taboo has to hold.

Standing up to China: Modi govt has changed the terms of engagement with Beijing
Apr 07, 2017

Standing up to China: Modi govt has changed the terms of engagement with Beijing

Sino-Indian relations have entered uncharted territory as New Delhi seeks to engage Beijing strictly on reciprocity.

Statute-change mooted for better civil-military cooperation
Jan 10, 2015

Statute-change mooted for better civil-military cooperation

As evolved in the US and the UK, an Integrated Defence Staff, in which 'army controls army', is the need of the hour for better implementation of required reforms. This weakness can be resolved only through a constitutional amendment or to the Rules of Business of the Government, or both, says Lt-Gen. S. Pattabhiraman (Retd).

Strengthening water governance in the face of climate change
Mar 21, 2024

Strengthening water governance in the face of climate change

A collective will to integrate climate resilience into urban water governance and embrace innovative management strategies is imperative to secure con

Sustainable agriculture, climate change and nutrition: a complex challenge
Sep 06, 2023

Sustainable agriculture, climate change and nutrition: a complex challenge

Your reflection published by Observer Research Foundation brings a complex view between food security, climate change, sustainable agriculture and land use. Is there awareness of this inseparable relationship?

Sweeping changes in Nepal-China relations
Jun 18, 2024

Sweeping changes in Nepal-China relations

The current political climate has led to unprecedented cooperation between Nepal and China, bringing them closer than ever. This partnership is likely

Technocratic Solutions to Climate Change
May 17, 2022

Technocratic Solutions to Climate Change

Technology - a boon or a bane for the environment and climate?

Technology and Climate Change: Innovation and Partnerships for Transformational Change
Sep 13, 2023

Technology and Climate Change: Innovation and Partnerships for Transformational Change

The world is facing a climate-change challenge that requires nothing short of atechnological revolution to address. Yet the current patterns of technology development anddiffusions are not transformative enough; nor are they happening at a pace, rapid enough.Actions at multiple levels engaging different actors are needed to reduce emissions whilemeeting the developmental needs of the global south. This paper summarises the mostinnovative ideas s

Technology transfer, policy and climate change: Goal 2020 for India
Apr 20, 2010

Technology transfer, policy and climate change: Goal 2020 for India

In his opening remarks Mr. Sunjoy Joshi, ORF Distinguished Fellow, said that pace of adoption & innovation was critical for mainstreaming climate friendly technologies

Terror in a renewed era of interstate conflict — Bringing climate change center stage
Dec 28, 2020

Terror in a renewed era of interstate conflict — Bringing climate change center stage

Climate change induced natural disasters can have quite significant effects on the conflict scenarios in South Asia and, thereby, provide new impetus

The Colombian presidential elections: A consequential change?
Jun 24, 2022

The Colombian presidential elections: A consequential change?

The victory of left-wing senator Gustvao Petro indicates that Colombia is ready for unprecedented changes.

The disproportionate impact of climate change on women
May 01, 2023

The disproportionate impact of climate change on women

Women’s participation in spaces of power is the need of the hour to solve the current climate crisis

The Galwan Valley India-China skirmish is a gamechanger for New Delhi
Jun 18, 2020

The Galwan Valley India-China skirmish is a gamechanger for New Delhi

This time around, it is probably fair to say that no “Wuhan spirit” can salvage bilateral relations.

The implications of climate change for Bangladesh–India relations
Mar 25, 2021

The implications of climate change for Bangladesh–India relations

Climate change, which has been the global poster agenda for the last two decades, could be used as a strategic area for further cementing a genuine an

The Modi budgets: High achievements sans institutionalised change
Jan 28, 2022

The Modi budgets: High achievements sans institutionalised change

The Modi government’s fragmented approach has remained at the canopy and has not been able to achieve foundational improvements in budgeting at the

The New Economy of Climate Change
Apr 29, 2016

The New Economy of Climate Change

Climate change presents significant risks to long-term economic growth and socioeconomic development in developing economies. Thus the response to climate change necessitates major revisions around how economies are structured and how they function. The Observer Research Foundation organised a symposium on the subject, “The New Economy of Climate Change”, on 15 March 2016. This Special Report builds on the key themes presented by the panellis