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What Trump’s new National Security Strategy means for India
Dec 21, 2017

What Trump’s new National Security Strategy means for India

India, in the new report, falls squarely in the “opportunity” category, rather than in that of “threats” or even “competition” for the US.

What Tsai win means to China
Jan 21, 2020

What Tsai win means to China

Taiwan is not willing to be assimilated, at least politically, into the motherland

What Ukraine-Russia Tensions Mean for the US's Indo-Pacific Strategy
Feb 24, 2022

What Ukraine-Russia Tensions Mean for the US's Indo-Pacific Strategy

The Biden administration's Indo-Pacific strategy was announced days before the conflict between Ukraine and Russia took a turn for the worse, necessitating that the US turns its focus sharply on Russia and Europe once again.

What urban India must learn from Mumbai’s pandemic efforts
Nov 29, 2021

What urban India must learn from Mumbai’s pandemic efforts

The Mumbai Model has shown how decentralised, collaborative and data-driven governance can effectively overcome a crisis even in the densest and poorl

What US and India need to do together in Afghanistan
Apr 18, 2013

What US and India need to do together in Afghanistan

The issues in Afghanistan do not exhaust potential areas for India-US cooperation. For example, combating the drug trade, engaging China, Central Asian nations, Iran, and Russia. Successful coordination and collaboration will go a long way towards creating a post-2014 Afghan scenario amenable to both India and the US.

What we will lose to Covid-19
Mar 25, 2020

What we will lose to Covid-19

Political leaders have already declared ‘war’ on the disease and such a framing typically precedes “extraordinary” invasive measures that slow

What Went Wrong in Afghanistan?
Aug 31, 2021

What Went Wrong in Afghanistan?

While the supreme leader is there for life (or till he chooses to retire), the president is limited to two four-year terms, defining where the balance of power rests between them

What will India’s G20 presidency focus on?
Jul 05, 2022

What will India’s G20 presidency focus on?

India’s presidency must leave the grouping with the agility and energy to respond to new realities, and it must create a future-ready multilateralism through a novel and robust institutional architecture

What will Rajapaksa’s return mean for India-Sri Lanka relations?
Nov 29, 2019

What will Rajapaksa’s return mean for India-Sri Lanka relations?

A closer look at what Sri Lanka’s recent election results may mean for ties between New Delhi and Colombo.

What Xi should do
Oct 10, 2020

What Xi should do

Settle the border with India. With increasing US pressure, it is in China’s interest.

What's in a game?
Apr 18, 2011

What's in a game?

Though Pakistani PM Yousuf Raza Gilani described his Mohali discussions with Dr. Manmohan Singh as a win-win situation, the Pakistan foreign office spokesperson, Tehmina Janjua, described the situation as one of guarded optimism. So what are the ground realities in this exchange? asks Mr. T.V. Rajeswar.

What's the current situation in Nepal?
Nov 23, 2009

What's the current situation in Nepal?

Eminent Nepalese journalist Mr. Yubaraj Ghimire visited ORF and shared his insights on the situation in Nepal.

What's the hoopla about Budget?
Feb 28, 2013

What's the hoopla about Budget?

A Budget is an imperative or otherwise a government will drift aimlessly, though that often seems to be the case even with the most minutely specific Budget. Having said that, one must wonder why there is such a fuss each year when the Finance Minister of India is about to present the Budget?

Whatever the provocation, the Indian armed forces cannot take recourse to illegal acts
Apr 17, 2017

Whatever the provocation, the Indian armed forces cannot take recourse to illegal acts

The state’s monopoly of violence is accepted only if it follows the rule of law; if it doesn’t, it justifies the breaking of its monopoly by individuals, mobs and insurgents.

WhatsApp row: On secrecy, privacy & property
Jul 24, 2018

WhatsApp row: On secrecy, privacy & property

The debate on privacy got a fillip by the recent arraignment of WhatsApp for being the conduit of fake news, which incited vigilante violence.

What’s ailing the World Health Organisation?
Apr 24, 2020

What’s ailing the World Health Organisation?

While the politicisation of the WHO remains a serious concern, it also presents an opportunity to rethink the underpinnings of the broader global gove

What’s behind the rising India-France maritime activity in the Indo-Pacific?
Mar 27, 2020

What’s behind the rising India-France maritime activity in the Indo-Pacific?

A recent engagement spotlighted the broader strategic collaboration between the two countries in this realm.

What’s brewing north of the Andaman Islands?
Apr 24, 2023

What’s brewing north of the Andaman Islands?

The growing military activities in the Coco Islands and its proximity to the Andaman and Nicobar Islands have prompted India to expand its own capacit

What’s in a Name? India’s Role in the Indo-Pacific
Jul 22, 2021

What’s in a Name? India’s Role in the Indo-Pacific

For now, India’s role in the Western Pacific region remains symbolic, and in the Indo-Pacific context, confined to the Indian Ocean Region.

What’s in the growing Russia-China-Iran trilateral convergence?
Dec 24, 2019

What’s in the growing Russia-China-Iran trilateral convergence?

Potential security engagements among the three have spotlighted their increasing convergence.

What’s next for China’s gaming industry?
Oct 26, 2021

What’s next for China’s gaming industry?

Chinese gaming industry find itself being increasingly regulated to combat gaming addiction amongst youth.

What’s next for India-Japan defence relations?
Sep 07, 2019

What’s next for India-Japan defence relations?

While the impetus for closer alignment is clear, much work remains to be done on the security side and within the wider bilateral relationship.

What’s next for India’s space programme?
Feb 03, 2018

What’s next for India’s space programme?

India has yet to decide how to frame its national interests in outer space in a way that promotes both its own national requirements and global needs — it has an opportunity to take the lead.

What’s Next for the India-France-UAE Trilateral?
Oct 03, 2022

What’s Next for the India-France-UAE Trilateral?

India, France and the UAE, which share strategic interests in the Indo-Pacific, met for a ministerial meeting on the sidelines of the U.N. General Assembly last week.

What’s strategically symbolic about Yahoo’s PRC exit?
Nov 10, 2021

What’s strategically symbolic about Yahoo’s PRC exit?

As the last PRISM partner that had managed to survive in the Chinese market, the exit of Yahoo will have strategic implications in the tech competitio

What’s the shelf-life of Shehbaz Sharif’s ‘hybrid pro-max’ regime?
Mar 12, 2024

What’s the shelf-life of Shehbaz Sharif’s ‘hybrid pro-max’ regime?

For all intents and purposes, this government is here to stay so long as it doesn’t fall out with the military

When 'safety' becomes a ghetto for women
Mar 20, 2013

When 'safety' becomes a ghetto for women

In the urban-rural stereotyping, the phrase 'city girls' epitomises the impact of urban excesses on the apparent modesty and traditional aspect of femininity. City girls are assumed to be loud, to say the least, and of 'morally inappropriate character' on the extreme. Even within cities, this dilemma of how girls in cities ought to behave persists.

When a bridge becomes a wall: What is the language of the Internet?
Sep 16, 2022

When a bridge becomes a wall: What is the language of the Internet?

English remains the lingua franca of the internet. However, with local alternatives to English-oriented platforms emerging, the status quo may soon ch

When a pandemic meets the era of ‘infodemic’
Jun 12, 2020

When a pandemic meets the era of ‘infodemic’

The ideas of disinformation and misinformation are as old as history. What is new, are the technologies that enable its rapid spread.

When AI crosses the line: The impending threat of Autonomous Weapons Systems
May 06, 2024

When AI crosses the line: The impending threat of Autonomous Weapons Systems

AI has sparked heavy investment in military R&D, notably in Autonomous Weapons Systems (AWS), prompting urgent global debate on the accompanying e

When Algorithms decide and regulating those decisions
Oct 19, 2021

When Algorithms decide and regulating those decisions

How do we ensure that a user know what they are consenting to when the calculus between short-term gain of using the service against any harm due to l

When Arabs Followed The Leadership Of A Hindu They Adored
Feb 27, 2012

When Arabs Followed The Leadership Of A Hindu They Adored

The poem, one of numerous written in that period, expresses admiration for the spell Nehru had cast by his deft navigation of foreign policy between the two blocs not for India alone but a whole group.

When calamity shows the way
Oct 13, 2005

When calamity shows the way

In the earthquake tragedy, India and Pakistan have a rare opportunity to forget past differences and bitterness, at least some of it to begin with, and forge a partnership of peace and development. Both the countries should shed past inhibitions and acrimony, and look for fresh opportunities to work together for a common cause: to rebuild Kashmir.

When COVID19 and Natural Hazards Collide: Building Resilient Infrastructure in South Asia
May 11, 2023

When COVID19 and Natural Hazards Collide: Building Resilient Infrastructure in South Asia

Countries in South Asia, before COVID-19, were already battling critical socioeconomic vulnerabilities and a deluge of extreme weather events brought about by a changing climate. The pandemic has demonstrated how disasters can cascade and converge to threaten lives, livelihoods, and economic and social systems. Yet, governments in the region have been slow to incorporate a multi-hazard, multi-sectoral perspective into their preparedness managemen

When democracy is not enough
Dec 17, 2018

When democracy is not enough

If we do not stand up and reclaim the space we have conceded to criminals and other low-life who now sit in judgment over us, it will be our children who will pay the price in the coming years

When everything is a weapon, everyone is a victim
Sep 23, 2022

When everything is a weapon, everyone is a victim

The Russians will face the weaponisation of sanctions while the Europeans will face the weaponisation of energy