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What India can do for its neighbours?
Aug 16, 2012

What India can do for its neighbours?

Indian presence is already being felt across the South Asian region, more than in the past. The situation is still evolving. The question is: Should India allow things to continue taking the evolutionary route or jack-boot its way, which is neither des irable, nor workable - and hence unthinkable for New Delhi too!

What India needs on 14 April
Apr 04, 2020

What India needs on 14 April

Every war has its share of the unexpected. However, the impact of the lockdown on the economic chain, even if expected certainly did not anticipate th

What India should do as Afghanistan plunges deeper into crisis
Aug 17, 2021

What India should do as Afghanistan plunges deeper into crisis

While Indian officials have participated in events where the Taliban have been present, India has been content to let others take the lead. We have, therefore, been unable to plan options for ensuring security of both the Indian nationals working in Afghanistan as well the diplomats at our embassy in Kabul, and this remains the primary responsibility at the moment.

What India should know about non-state actors, counterterrorism and asymmetric warfare
Jan 09, 2021

What India should know about non-state actors, counterterrorism and asymmetric warfare

It is imperative for India to remember that fighting DIY and crude armed technologies could well be more difficult to achieve than traditional warfare

What India want to achieve from Africa Summit?
Oct 26, 2015

What India want to achieve from Africa Summit?

How can we differentiate ourselves from China whilst dealing with Africa? Clearly the worst option would be to emulate the muscular Chinese style of economic diplomacy. For one we just don't have the firepower. For another the principle of comparative advantage advocates that everyone must play to their strengths.

What India's net zero announcement means for businesses
Nov 08, 2021

What India's net zero announcement means for businesses

As India moves towards achieving its net-zero commitments, businesses can aid in realising this mission by establishing their own set green pledges

What Iran did for India and why it is hurt
Oct 04, 2005

What Iran did for India and why it is hurt

Strikingly similar to the crisis that Iran faced at the IAEA Board meeting in Vienna last weekend, India too found itself in a tight spot in April 1994 at the United Nations Human Rights Commission's annual session in Geneva.

What is holding back the UK-Mauritius negotiations?
Jun 15, 2024

What is holding back the UK-Mauritius negotiations?

Despite ongoing UK-Mauritius negotiations on the Chagos question, reaching an agreement soon appears unlikely. 

What is so secret about the information even India's enemies know?
Oct 25, 2016

What is so secret about the information even India's enemies know?

What is a secret? Sometimes, it is a conundrum presented this way: The Indian “surgical strikes” across the line of control are a secret at varying levels not only in India, but also in Pakistan

What is the 'Hindu-German conspiracy'?
Oct 07, 2015

What is the 'Hindu-German conspiracy'?

If Merkel's Berlin republic is discarding its many postwar political inhibitions and reconstituting the Eurasian landscape, Modi's putative "third republic" is looking beyond non-alignment to the idea of India as a "leading power". In their second summit in six months, Modi and Merkel may have decisively nudged India and Germany towards a goal that was first articulated 100 years ago.

What is the Democratic Party’s vision for India?
May 21, 2020

What is the Democratic Party’s vision for India?

Democrats in the US Congress are increasingly willing to call India out on human rights issues.

What Japan and India stand to gain from Shinzo Abe's victory
Oct 25, 2017

What Japan and India stand to gain from Shinzo Abe's victory

Prime Minister Abe has been one of the strongest pillars of the India-Japan bilateral ties since 2006.

What Karnataka foretells: Not all gloom and doom
May 19, 2018

What Karnataka foretells: Not all gloom and doom

If the BJP has a long-term economic vision for India, it needs to shun acting in a purely transactional manner in the near term.

What Kashmir means to Pakistan
Oct 17, 2014

What Kashmir means to Pakistan

Getting Pakistan to end the Kashmir conflict has been a difficult task, because Kashmir means many things to them. At one level, it is a cause that unites everyone in that country - the jihadis, the army and the civilian elite. At another, it provides it a means to maintain a hostile posture towards India, something necessary for its current sense of national identity.

What lies ahead for India after joining the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation
Jun 12, 2017

What lies ahead for India after joining the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation

India’s membership of the SCO is a manifestation of the reality that India’s interests are as much in the Indian Ocean as the Eurasian landmass.

What lies ahead for India and the world in the 2020s?
May 15, 2017

What lies ahead for India and the world in the 2020s?

With tectonic and technological challenges causing disruptions, the neat correlation of a big economy with big power that bears big responsibilities is under scrutiny.

What lies ahead for Pakistan
Apr 03, 2013

What lies ahead for Pakistan

In the coming Pakistan elections, the PPP cannot be written off because it has substantial pockets of support across various provinces. But it deserves some sympathy. Asif Zardari has not had an easy time with the media which had deemed him corrupt from day one or the judiciary and the military which have foiled all his efforts to come up with bold policies.

What made India’s G20 Presidency so successful? —A deep dive into the New Delhi Leaders’ Declaration
Dec 03, 2023

What made India’s G20 Presidency so successful? —A deep dive into the New Delhi Leaders’ Declaration

As India's Presidency of the G20 ends and the baton passes to Brazil, we evaluate the successes of the past year culminating in the New Delhi Leaders'

What Modi can learn from Xi
Sep 04, 2014

What Modi can learn from Xi

Modi has been ambivalent about the Lokpal, believing, presumably, that a revitalised administration will make this institution redundant. If so, he is wrong. At some point, he will have to take up the fight directly. This is the lesson we can learn from Xi Jinping. From the outset, Xi has been involved in a struggle against corruption.

What Morsi's ouster bodes for Egypt
Jul 09, 2013

What Morsi's ouster bodes for Egypt

Egypt is the fulcrum of the Arab world and developments there can have a profound impact in other Arab nations. That is why it is important to get things right. The immediate challenge for Egypt is to ensure that it does not degenerate into civil war.

What Musharraf's five years have wrought
Oct 08, 2004

What Musharraf's five years have wrought

It has been five years since General Pervez Musharraf came to power in Pakistan in a bloodless coup on October 12. One questionable referendum staged in April 2002, the less-than-credible parliamentary elections in October the same year, a controversial constitutional amendment and two changes of government this year later, Gen Musharraf is still the numero uno.

What Narendra Modi has mastered that others haven't
Mar 12, 2017

What Narendra Modi has mastered that others haven't

Today's nationalism is rooted in economic imperatives. Narendra Modi has understood and mastered the instruments and social forces.

What next for Iran?
May 21, 2024

What next for Iran?

Although Iran’s President Ebrahim Raisi’s death leaves the country to face an uncertain future, it would not have any significant short-term impac

What NFHS-5 Data Shows: 1 in 3 Children below 5 Years of Age are Stunted, Underweight
Nov 30, 2021

What NFHS-5 Data Shows: 1 in 3 Children below 5 Years of Age are Stunted, Underweight

Timely nutritional interventions of breastfeeding, age-appropriate complementary feeding, full immunisation and Vitamin A supplementation have proven effective in improving outcomes in children.

What Nirmala Sitharaman needs to do to reform India’s defence establishment
Sep 16, 2017

What Nirmala Sitharaman needs to do to reform India’s defence establishment

Fixing manufacturing and acquisitions alone will not work. Nirmala Sitharaman needs to urgently tackle the need to reorganise India’s sprawling military to make them an effective fighting unit for 21st century warfare, where challenges range from nuclear armed adversaries to proxy jihadis.

What political profit from the Dhule riots?
Jan 21, 2013

What political profit from the Dhule riots?

In a municipality of 55 members in Dhule, 16 are Muslims, affiliated to all the mainstream parties in Mumbai. These councillors are virtual middlemen for state leaders, in whose electoral interest they try to keep the local flock.

What Putins visit means for India-Russia ties
Dec 02, 2021

What Putins visit means for India-Russia ties

The Russian president, who will be in New Delhi on December 6, is not just coming to maintain the ‘special, privileged strategic partnership’, but to also deepen bilateral relations

What Rahul Gandhi has won and risked by playing hardball
Dec 19, 2016

What Rahul Gandhi has won and risked by playing hardball

Rahul Gandhi says he wanted to present evidence of Modi's culpability in parliament. But ...

What saves India from suicide attacks
Oct 26, 2015

What saves India from suicide attacks

Compared to the increasing suicide attacks the world over, India has, by and large, remained safe from these assaults. The reason is that Indian Muslims have a strong sense of Indian identity. In both their grievances and aspirations they think like their fellow Indian citizens, rather through any religious or sectarian prism.

What serving police officers think of Kashmir
Jul 11, 2017

What serving police officers think of Kashmir

The Kashmir issue has two facets — domestic, and Pakistan's role.

What Shinzo Abe's victory in his party's internal election means to India
Sep 24, 2018

What Shinzo Abe's victory in his party's internal election means to India

The Japanese Prime Minister may have won a battle, but the war remains.

What Soleimani’s death means for Iran, West Asia and the world
Jan 04, 2020

What Soleimani’s death means for Iran, West Asia and the world

With his killing, the US has entered an area of unknowns. Iran cannot be underestimated

What Sushma Swaraj should look out for in Dhaka
Jun 25, 2014

What Sushma Swaraj should look out for in Dhaka

Friendly Indo-Bangla relations will play a major role in securing peace and prosperity in the South Asia and these can be achieved with sincere initiatives by the government in resolving outstanding issues. India's Bangla policy could be a for the new government in dealing with other countries in the Neighbourhood.

What the 2022 US National Defence Strategy reveals about the international security scenario
Nov 01, 2022

What the 2022 US National Defence Strategy reveals about the international security scenario

The US NDS has higher budgets, a focus on the threat from China, and the need for rapid development and deployment of advanced technologies

What the budget can and can’t do for our rise as a global power
Jan 31, 2020

What the budget can and can’t do for our rise as a global power

An economic revival would grant India the resources for power projection but strategy matters even more if those are scarce 

What the cash crunch foretells
Apr 21, 2018

What the cash crunch foretells

A common thread across the turbulences is uneven support from the government for beleaguered institutions and the absence of informed participation.

What the defence budget 2019 says about the Indian Army
Feb 15, 2019

What the defence budget 2019 says about the Indian Army

The Indian army is a manpower-intensive military. With the second largest military in terms of personnel, the Indian armed forces have always faced a

What the end of the Deng era and the beginning of Xi’s ‘new era’ means for China
Oct 26, 2017

What the end of the Deng era and the beginning of Xi’s ‘new era’ means for China

The Congress ended with the insertion of the ‘Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese characteristics for a New Era’ into the Party constitution, confirming Xi as the most powerful Chinese leader since Deng Xiaoping.

What the G20 can do for Small Island Developing States
Sep 12, 2023

What the G20 can do for Small Island Developing States

Against the contemporary background of strong systemic shocks to the global economy, the Group of Twenty (G20) must address the stagnation in developmental priorities and spur economic growth. As the current steward of the rotating presidency within the G20, India has acquired a unique podium to spearhead discussions on pivotal global challenges.

What the Marshall plan can teach India about China-Pakistan economic corridor
Jan 10, 2017

What the Marshall plan can teach India about China-Pakistan economic corridor

The CPEC may be a bilateral endeavour, but New Delhi cannot ignore its spillover effects on regional governance and regime creation in South Asia