Search: For - Covid

7227 results found

Diplomacy is another victim of the virus
Apr 28, 2020

Diplomacy is another victim of the virus

China’s “wolf warriors” are just responding to pressures that envoys everywhere are feeling in the age of social media.

Diplomatic tai chi
Jan 25, 2011

Diplomatic tai chi

When Lang Lang, a resident of New York, was invited by the White House for a piano recital at the banquet for Chinese President Hu Jintao in Washington DC on January 19, no one really bothered to check the music he would play.

Disaster Preparedness in China
Aug 31, 2013

Disaster Preparedness in China

Despite the Chinese government's repeated stress on disaster reduction and regards it as an important factor to realise the overall goal of sustainable development, more needs to be done on disaster management and prevention.

DISCOMs: The weak link in India’s energy transition
Mar 27, 2024

DISCOMs: The weak link in India’s energy transition

Unless the financial health of distribution utilities (DISCOMS) can be revived, progress on energy transition can flounder

Disease and urban densities
Apr 19, 2020

Disease and urban densities

The COVID19 pandemic is a wake-up call to the world to realise that the sustainability quotient, in terms of the scale that city population densities

Disillusionment with democracy in Nepal
Dec 22, 2023

Disillusionment with democracy in Nepal

Nepal is witnessing a clear disillusionment with the federal political system as protests demanding the restoration of monarchy are on the rise

Dismantle the jihadi network
Mar 26, 2006

Dismantle the jihadi network

Prime Minister Manmohan Singh has given enough reasons for President Pervez Musharraf to feel at ease. His unambiguous expression of not letting the peace process between the two countries flag should lay to rest speculations and allegations in Pakistan about India's commitment to peace in the region.

Dispelling doubts about the India story abroad
Sep 18, 2012

Dispelling doubts about the India story abroad

With the idea to dispel doubts about the India story abroad, Observer Research Foundation brought together the spokespersons of the two rival parties, the ruling Congress Party and the Opposition BJP, at a platform arranged by the US India Business Council (USIBC) in Washington on 18 September.

Divided Asia
Jan 15, 2014

Divided Asia

The contest between China and Japan over tiny islands, Senkaku in Tokyo and Diaoyu in Beijing, has brought the militaries of the two nations face to face on a routine basis. Japan and South Korea and Japan and Russia are also squabbling over small islets in the Sea of Japan.

Divided Diet back to haunt Japanese PM
Jul 16, 2010

Divided Diet back to haunt Japanese PM

Following the defeat of the Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ) in the House of Councillors' election, Prime Minister Naoto Kan's position has become much weaker and looks very much similar to that of former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe in 2007.

Dividing up the world
Jun 18, 2013

Dividing up the world

At the Annenberg summit, Xi Jinping, quite apparently, was signalling China's rise and preparing for a bigger role but are the US and the world ready for a lesser US role? Also is there a meaningful Annenberg Declaration that might be Asia's Yalta? Can Russia be ignored in this calculus?

DMK and the Rising Son, version 2.0
Oct 03, 2015

DMK and the Rising Son, version 2.0

It has taken the sweeping 'brand Modi' poll campaign to tell the Dravidian polity in southern Tamil Nadu that their forgotten, traditional political and electoral campaign was always right -- and that they better return to the grassroots.

DMK making 'Sri Lanka issue', an Agenda for Assembly Polls?
Aug 09, 2010

DMK making 'Sri Lanka issue', an Agenda for Assembly Polls?

Intentionally or otherwise, the ruling DMK in Tamil Nadu seems to be conferring on the 'Sri Lankan Tamil issue' the place that the State's voters did not attach during the critical weeks of the parliamentary polls in May 2009.

Do nothing Delhi
Apr 16, 2013

Do nothing Delhi

Delhi must focus on realising the full potential of bilateral cooperation with both the US and China, instead of precluding beneficial bilateral engagement with one in the name of avoiding conflict with the other. The current policy of "doing nothing" and finding reasons for inaction will steadily reduce India's relevance for both Washington and Beijing.

Do parties care to make Delhi a 'liveable' global city?
Feb 06, 2015

Do parties care to make Delhi a 'liveable' global city?

The promises made by key parties in the Delhi elections are in conformity with the national trend of offering populist schemes. One thought political parties of this 'enlightened' metropolis, that was turned to an epicentre of the nation-wide anti-corruption stir and gave rise to political newbie AAP, would beat this trend and offer something better.

Do protests in China threaten Xi’s power?
Dec 01, 2022

Do protests in China threaten Xi’s power?

Xi’s new term starts on shaky grounds as protests in China rise

Do think tanks impact public policy in India and US?
Jul 21, 2009

Do think tanks impact public policy in India and US?

An ORF Interaction with Ms Ellen Laipson

Documentary ban: State using the law to hide the truth
Mar 13, 2015

Documentary ban: State using the law to hide the truth

Restricting the flow of information, either by stopping broadcasts or banning physical books, is today an analogue problem. Given the porous digital borders, the government would find it difficult to block the documentary.

Does China have feet of clay?
Feb 01, 2010

Does China have feet of clay?

China may be growing at an astonishing pace and registering record earnings, but it is the complex financial system in America that has been utilising these earnings

Does China really want a 'just and fair' international order?
Oct 06, 2016

Does China really want a 'just and fair' international order?

China's actions need to be examined to reveal their correct motivations between their intentions

Does headcount communalise army?
Feb 22, 2006

Does headcount communalise army?

Globalisation reduces commodities and perceptions to a common destiny. Thus a spectre that is haunting the west, of Muslim group identity, seems to have reached India too.

Does India matter in Nepali elections?
Nov 20, 2022

Does India matter in Nepali elections?

The “India factor” has normally played a big role in the course of Nepali politics, discourse, and elections

Does Kasuri's Message of Peace have Official Backing?
Jan 21, 2011

Does Kasuri's Message of Peace have Official Backing?

Indo-Pak relations appear to be on hold largely because of complications created by the Afghan situation. Part of the problem are Pakistani suspicions about Indian ambitions in Afghanistan. Former Foreign Minister Khurshid Mahmud Kasuri believes there are misperceptions on both sides.

Does prudence belie reality?
Mar 19, 2010

Does prudence belie reality?

The moment finance minister Pranab Mukherjee announced a mere 4% nominal increase in defence budget pegged at Rs 1,47,344 crore for 2010-11, members of Indian strategic community started showing their frustrations.

Does South Asia exist?
Jun 19, 2008

Does South Asia exist?

The Walter H. Shorenstein Asia-Pacific Research Center (APARC) of Stanford University and the Observer Research Foundation, had co-sponsored a conference entitled "Does South Asia exist? - Prospects for Regionalism in South Asia." As the title suggests there was considerable and intense debate on this subject during the two-day conference.

Does the Navy need separate platforms for each capability requirement?
Apr 15, 2015

Does the Navy need separate platforms for each capability requirement?

Why is the Navy procuring three different helicopters to fulfil three ends of the same capability spectrum? The Navy would be better off with a single platform to leverage engine and systems commonality reducing costs in the form of maintenance, acquisition of spares and the training of pilots and maintenance crews.

Does the UN matter?
Nov 30, 2004

Does the UN matter?

Does the United Nations really matter when it comes to war and peace in the 21st century? To ask this question when long promised reform of the UN seems at hand ¿ the report of the High Level Panel appointed by Secretary General Kofi Annan will be out on Thursday ¿ and India is stepping up its efforts to become a part of an expanded UN Security Council sounds heretical.

Does the War on Terror Strengthen the Idea of Pakhtoonistan?
Mar 15, 2008

Does the War on Terror Strengthen the Idea of Pakhtoonistan?

On the eve of the February 18 elections, no two people in Islamabad, Lahore and Karachi were agreed on the certainty of elections taking place. Elections cannot take place, it was argued then, because the establishment will not risk an open-ended process which might produce inconvenient results. In the Pakistani context, the establishment has always meant the Army, the bureaucracy, big landlords and the United States.

Doesn't G20 need a Secretariat?
Sep 06, 2013

Doesn't G20 need a Secretariat?

With the IMF being viewed by developing countries with skepticism, the G8 unrepresentative of current global realities and the UN too large, the G20 has done well to fill the gap in an effective global governance model. And the effectiveness of the G20 as an international body would be greatly determined by the structure it chooses to pursue.

Dogfight over the MMRCA
May 07, 2011

Dogfight over the MMRCA

If the selection for MMRCA so far has shown emphases on technicalities, the final selection should primarily be based on more concrete benefits that either company offers. The final MMRCA award would also reflect the abilities of the MoD in processing such complex contracts in the future.

Domestic reform key to India’s rise
Jan 29, 2021

Domestic reform key to India’s rise

The geoeconomic benefits of working towards more robust growth, both now and in the future, are multiple.

Domestic Violence and Women’s Health in India: Insights from NFHS-4
Jan 21, 2022

Domestic Violence and Women’s Health in India: Insights from NFHS-4

Across the globe, more than 730 million women report ever having experienced some form of gender-based violence; those in low- and lower-middle-income countries are disproportionately affected. In the past two years, the COVID-19 pandemic has only increased the incidence of violence suffered by women in the hands of their intimate partners, owing to heightened stresses of loss of livelihood, disruption of social and protective networks, a

Don't blame it on China
Oct 17, 2013

Don't blame it on China

India has many reasons to nurse a nuclear grievance against China. For, Beijing's decision to arm Pakistan with nuclear weapons has given Rawalpindi the impunity to pursue cross-border terrorism against India. But Delhi has no reason at all to blame Beijing for its own failures on the nuclear policy front.

Don't count on emotion to boost ties with Dhaka
Jan 13, 2010

Don't count on emotion to boost ties with Dhaka

To explain the causes of the present unsatisfactory situation many in India would argue that a self-absorbed India has neglected its neighbourhood

Don't hyphenate Israel
Jun 15, 2015

Don't hyphenate Israel

Israel being India's most trusted ally in West Asia and among the three or four closest friends in the world, Prime Minister Modi's visit to Israel needs to be a standalone, a single country trip. The India-Israel relationship is important enough, even sacred enough, to merit that respect.

Don't leave spies out in the cold
May 01, 2013

Don't leave spies out in the cold

At first sight, it would appear that Sarabjit Singh's case, which dates to 1990, may fall in the category of Indian involvement. But other evidence suggests the case against him is weak. There are also reasons to believe that Sarabjit's was a case of mistaken identity