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End of an 'era' in criminality
Oct 19, 2004

End of an 'era' in criminality

With the death of brigand Veerappan in a police encounter in Tamil Nadu's Dharmapuri district, a long and arodous era in criminality has come to an end in this part of India - nay, even the world. Not many criminals in the world in these modern times would have scalped 130 human victims, apart from the hundreds of elephants and thousands of sandalwood trees to his credit as Veerappan did.

Endgame has begun for Pakistan's Military Regime
Sep 03, 2004

Endgame has begun for Pakistan's Military Regime

Pakistan is living through turbulent times and, General Musharraf, its self-styled President, is under tremendous pressure. The United States-led anti-terrorism campaign in Afghanistan has shaken Pakistan's polity like no other event in its troubled history.

Energy and non-energy consequences in adjustments in Indian standard time
Mar 22, 2019

Energy and non-energy consequences in adjustments in Indian standard time

A talk by Prof Dilip Ahuja and Prof D P Sen Gupta

Energy for All: How can India pursue its goal of providing energy to all sustainably?
May 20, 2015

Energy for All: How can India pursue its goal of providing energy to all sustainably?

To meet its poverty eradication, human and economic development targets, India will require much greater availability of energy. Poverty eradication is critical for building resilience to potential climate impacts.

Energy News Monitor | Volume XIII; Issue 16 | Power news commentary
Oct 03, 2016

Energy News Monitor | Volume XIII; Issue 16 | Power news commentary

Energy: Power Ministry plans to shut coal-fired power plants with capacity of about 8000 MW.

Energy policy options for post-Fukushima Japan
Apr 18, 2011

Energy policy options for post-Fukushima Japan

How can Japan bring in energy reforms with its weak political structures, a very strong nuclear lobby that can influence policymaking, and rising public discontent? Japan has seen five Prime Ministers in the last five years.

Energy Reforms: An Uneven Road
May 27, 2015

Energy Reforms: An Uneven Road

The Modi government's biggest challenge is battling a legacy of distrust. The dominant political discourse in India remains deeply suspicious of market liberalization.

Energy Security for the AAM ADMI
Sep 17, 2010

Energy Security for the AAM ADMI

Fourteen years ago, in 1996, Dr Vijay Kelkar, one of my distinguished predecessors in the long list of luminaries who have delivered this Lecture, said, "What petroleum was to the 20th century, natural gas will be to the 21st."

Energy trends in 2022: ‘Known’ knowns and the ‘known’ unknowns
Jan 17, 2022

Energy trends in 2022: ‘Known’ knowns and the ‘known’ unknowns

How will the fossil fuel sector respond to the known energy pressures of 2022?

Engage  And  Resist  China
Aug 11, 2010

Engage And Resist China

Formulating a policy towards China that finds the right balance between engagement and resistance is not easy. We are obliged to engage with China as it is fast on the road to becoming the world's number two power.

Engagement with Africa vital for India's global power ambitions
Jun 25, 2013

Engagement with Africa vital for India's global power ambitions

The importance of today's Africa for India is self-evident. India's ambitions of being a global power cannot be achieved without the support of the African continent consisting of 55 countries. Nowhere is the importance of African countries felt more than on the issue of the expansion of the UN Security Council.

Engaging Pakistan through the SAARC
Dec 03, 2014

Engaging Pakistan through the SAARC

SAARC remains the only viable vehicle for South Asian integration, a project vital for India because a viable South Asian economy is a necessary pre-condition for our ability to engage effectively with ASEAN and China. And when we look at SAARC, the key hurdle it must overcome is the India-Pakistan problem.

Engaging with a Resurgent Africa
Nov 27, 2008

Engaging with a Resurgent Africa

An international conference on "Engaging with a resurgent Africa" was organised in New Delhi on 20th and 21st of November. It was organised jointly by Observer Research Foundation and Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung of Germany.

England's Riots - The Language of the Unheard?
Aug 17, 2011

England's Riots - The Language of the Unheard?

London is the most unequal city in the developed world, with its richest 10 percent more than 100 times better off than the poorest ten. London's wealth inequalities are said to be approaching those that "have not been seen since the days of the slave-owning elite."

Enhanced bilateral cooperation will help both India and Pakistan: Experts
Jul 30, 2013

Enhanced bilateral cooperation will help both India and Pakistan: Experts

India and Pakistan can reap multiple benefits from an enhanced cooperation on the economic and energy fronts, according to experts at a recent conference at Observer Research Foundation.

Enough is enough
Jul 13, 2006

Enough is enough

There she was, a wisp of a girl in her teens, out in Mahim at 11.30 in the night, feeding strangers stranded after the bomb blast. This was her answer, and those of countless citizens of Mumbai, to the terrorists who thought they could break the city¿s indomitable spirit. Salaam, Mumbai.

Ensuring food security: Will it be for all or only a few?
Jan 17, 2011

Ensuring food security: Will it be for all or only a few?

HOW to ensure food security and control inflation has emerged as a major challenge for the government in the New Year. The hangover of food inflation from 2010 cannot be ignored as it is still in double digits.

Ensuring Water Security in Asia
Feb 18, 2011

Ensuring Water Security in Asia

Adequate access to water is not only a human right but it also forms the cornerstone of economic development. It is growing in importance in Asia where the population is rising at an exponential rate making it home to more than half of the world's population.

Enter the mellowed dragon
Dec 30, 2014

Enter the mellowed dragon

The world often sees China as a monolithic, monochromatic nation, relentlessly marching towards a future which it has clearly defined for itself. The reality, however, is a nation led by a Communist Party elite, which is very good at doing what it does, and which works hard at remaining where it is ? at the top of the country's political pyramid.

Escalating tension is not good for either India or Pakistan
Oct 29, 2014

Escalating tension is not good for either India or Pakistan

The tensions between India and Pakistan have to be seriously examined and ways and means to bring back normalcy should be worked out and implemented. India stands to lose much more if terrorist organisations are deployed in various cities in the country at a time of Pakistan's choice.

Establishing Rules of the Road in Space: Issues and Challenges
May 06, 2011

Establishing Rules of the Road in Space: Issues and Challenges

Space is once again becoming the sphere of rivalry and potential conflicts. But the EU Code of Conduct does not move towards a legally binding mechanism that has been the demand from the Asian countries at various multilateral forums.

Ethics and International Relations
May 28, 2009

Ethics and International Relations

Why does a diplomat who has been in this profession for 40 years turn to a theme such as ethics and international relations? The real reason is that I think that any field of human activity has an ethical dimension.

Ethnic violence in South Sudan viewed through a political lens
Apr 21, 2014

Ethnic violence in South Sudan viewed through a political lens

South Sudan does not possess the political leadership to resolve the current crisis of citizenship and governance. But it is time for an unbiased state to step in and address vital issues and questions that it did not address immediately after independence for the collective sake of all South Sudanese.

EU Counter-Terrorism Coordinator Office: A Non-Starter?
Apr 22, 2004

EU Counter-Terrorism Coordinator Office: A Non-Starter?

The immediate concerted European response in the aftermath of Madrid blasts on March 11, 2004 was the creation of the post of a Counter-Terrorism Coordinator, who would directly work under the European Union (EU) High Representative for Foreign and Security Policy, Javier Solana. In fact, the idea of effective counter-terror coordination and intelligence sharing

EU Counter-Terrorism Coordinator Office: A Non-Starter?
Apr 22, 2004

EU Counter-Terrorism Coordinator Office: A Non-Starter?

The immediate concerted European response in the aftermath of Madrid blasts on March 11, 2004 was the creation of the post of a Counter-Terrorism Coordinator, who would directly work under the European Union (EU) High Representative for Foreign and Security Policy, Javier Solana. In fact, the idea of effective counter-terror coordination and intelligence sharing

EU courts support for Space Code of Conduct
Jul 15, 2014

EU courts support for Space Code of Conduct

While there has been progress over the last few years in terms of garnering greater support for the EU Space code, there appear to be a few outstanding issues that need further elaboration and alteration to make the code more appealing. The way forward might be to shift from a consultative to a negotiating phase, before moving to hold a diplomatic conference.

EU unemployment is likely to continue
Jan 29, 2014

EU unemployment is likely to continue

The euro zone's recovery is obstructed by its own structural weaknesses. And the idea of a crisis relapse cannot be discounted as yet and the consequences of it are hard to fathom. The euro zone may also need to abandon its optimistic view.

EU's new Space Code: A significant improvement
Nov 12, 2013

EU's new Space Code: A significant improvement

The new draft of the EU-initiated International Code of Conduct for Outer Space is a significant step forward. The language has been tightened to make it more precise. The document is particularly mindful of the interests of emerging Space actors and instituting measures for greater international cooperation. There have also been several practical measures suggested for more transparency.

EU-India free trade pact will power India's growth
Jul 05, 2013

EU-India free trade pact will power India's growth

A successful conclusion of the FTA with EU would go a long way in building international market confidence, giving much needed stimulus to the international economy. The loss of revenue from reduction in tariffs should be viewed in gains of transfer of technology, productivity increases and greater competition.

EU-India FTA: Can it be revived?
Apr 29, 2014

EU-India FTA: Can it be revived?

It is quite likely that whoever ascends to power in New Delhi will primarily be focused on domestic politics, and the question of an FTA with Europe will receive less attention than in the past. Additionally, unless the remaining key issues are resolved through some give and take by both sides, the BTIA negotiations may remain stalled in the foreseeable future.

EU-India FTA: Is India undermining its position as a defender of the developing world?
Aug 23, 2013

EU-India FTA: Is India undermining its position as a defender of the developing world?

With one seventh of the world's population and one of the fastest growing economies India has the potential to be a major player in global trade negotiations. It should bear this position in mind while moving ahead with the EU-India FTA.

Europe Helps Create 'Jihad' Next Door
Mar 28, 2011

Europe Helps Create 'Jihad' Next Door

The Libyan revolt was led by a group called the National Conference of the Libyan opposition, founded in London in 2005. Can overseas Libyans make a revolution? If Qaddafi survives, will not opposition to his soft Islam be the harder version of the faith?

Europe overcoming India’s nuclear status
May 09, 2023

Europe overcoming India’s nuclear status

New Delhi’s increasing bilateral outreach to the individual member states of the EU presents an opportunity to promote cooperation

Europe's Role for Security in a Multipolar World: Views from India and China
Nov 26, 2013

Europe's Role for Security in a Multipolar World: Views from India and China

This report of a conference, hosted by the NFG Research Group "Asian Perceptions of the European Union" at ORF and JNU on September 26-27, 2013, provides a summary of the key themes which emerged from the conference.

Europe: Consumer society collides with spectre of austerity
May 11, 2012

Europe: Consumer society collides with spectre of austerity

The return of a socialist President in France since Mitterand's victory in 1981 confirms a trend in Europe which, instead of lifting the mist, is adding to the fog. The other day, David Cameron, who has never quite found his feet, had egg all over his face.

Europe: यूरोप में युद्ध के बाद जर्मनी की रक्षा नीति
Dec 13, 2022

Europe: यूरोप में युद्ध के बाद जर्मनी की रक्षा नीति

जर्मनी की राष्ट्रीय सुरक्षा रणनीति विदेश और सुरक्षा नीत�