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Informal migrants in maximum city
Apr 21, 2020

Informal migrants in maximum city

Why have the informal workers not been able to form a pressure group, or demand for better rights to housing or living in Mumbai?

INS Arihant: A step closer to a credible ‘Triad’ but not quite there yet
Nov 08, 2018

INS Arihant: A step closer to a credible ‘Triad’ but not quite there yet

Amidst the celebrations following the INS Arihant’s first patrolling mission, it is ironical that the Indian navy’s tactical war fighting fleet of

INS Arihant’s deterrence patrol: More hype than necessary
Nov 06, 2018

INS Arihant’s deterrence patrol: More hype than necessary

If — as the PMO press release says — that INS Arihant completed its first deterrence patrol, it is a welcome development.

Inside an Elusive Mind  Prabhakaran: Some Comments
Mar 08, 2004

Inside an Elusive Mind Prabhakaran: Some Comments

Sri Lanka has remained a fractured country for the major portion of its existence due to the ethnic divide between the majority Sinhalese and the minority Tamils. Today, it is again at the crossroads as it awaits the results of the snap general elections, due on April 2, 2004, following the dissolution of Parliament on February 7, 2004 in the wake of seemingly irreconcilable differences between President Chandrika Kumaratunga and Prime Minister R

Intelligence Failures in the USA, UK and Russia: Lessons for India
Oct 20, 2004

Intelligence Failures in the USA, UK and Russia: Lessons for India

Under its International Terrorism Watch Project, the Observer Research Foundation (ORF) organised a one-day Workshop at New Delhi on October 20, 2004, on the theme: "Recent Intelligence Failures in the USA, the UK & Russia: Their Lessons for India".

Interaction with Harold Furchtgott-Roth on China, 5G, and national security
Aug 14, 2019

Interaction with Harold Furchtgott-Roth on China, 5G, and national security

ORF organised an interaction on the extent and security risks of 5G spectrum technology and the role of Huawei as a provider of 5G technology and equipment. The discussion was led by Harold Furchtgott-Roth, chaired by Kanchan Gupta.

Interim Budget: The political economy of stagnation
Feb 01, 2019

Interim Budget: The political economy of stagnation

The puzzle of India’s political economy is to reconcile the expectations of “Great Society” welfare with stagnating middle-income productivity.

International cooperation for assistive technology in conflict zones
Jun 18, 2024

International cooperation for assistive technology in conflict zones

International cooperation is critical for developing an overarching policy to ensure equitable access to assistive technology, especially in fragile a

International Workshop on Southern Silk Route
May 17, 2008

International Workshop on Southern Silk Route

An International Workshop on Southern Silk Route: Historical Links and Contemporary Convergences was organized in Kolkata by the Centre for South and Southeast Asian Studies, University of Calcutta from August 2-4, 2008.

Intimations of a very hot summer
Apr 14, 2020

Intimations of a very hot summer

Facing a double whammy — the strategic window closing, and ground situation in Kashmir improving — Pakistan will do whatever it can to create disturbances in J&K to bring the issue back in focus.

Introducing NavIC 2.0: Leveraging India’s strategic space advantage
Apr 01, 2024

Introducing NavIC 2.0: Leveraging India’s strategic space advantage

NavIC 2.0 not only fortifies India's defence capabilities but also places it on par with leading nations in global satellite navigation

IPCC 2022 अहवाल : हवामान बदल रोखण्यामधले सामाजिक घटक
Jan 06, 2023

IPCC 2022 अहवाल : हवामान बदल रोखण्यामधले सामाजिक घटक

यावर्षीचा IPCC अहवाल हा मागणीच्या पातळीवरच उत्सर्जन कमी करून हवामान बदलाची प्रक्रिया रोखण्यावर भर देतो. अशा पद्धतीने काम केलं तर 2050 पर्यंत आपण कार्बन उत्सर्जनामध्ये 40 ते 70 ट�

Iran nuclear agreement: Unclear and extremely vague
Apr 04, 2015

Iran nuclear agreement: Unclear and extremely vague

Iran and the major powers have reached a very preliminary and extremely vague agreement on principles for an agreement, released in the form of a brief joint statement of less than 500 words. Whether this 'agreement about an agreement' would lead to an actual deal is anybody's guess, but it's not going to be easy.

Iran President-elect hints at foreign policy shift
Jun 25, 2013

Iran President-elect hints at foreign policy shift

After garnering more than 50 percent of the votes, Centrist candidate Hassan Rohani won the presidential election in Iran, receiving 18,613,329 out of 36,740,156 votes.

Iran successfully launches military satellite
Apr 24, 2020

Iran successfully launches military satellite

Tehran is using the opportunity to send a strategic message to other powers in the region and beyond.

Iran turns the bend?
Apr 28, 2014

Iran turns the bend?

This year, India's and China's crude oil imports from Iran has risen sharply - up by 43% year-on-year basis and 36% year-on-year basis respectively, according to a Reuters report. World's oil giant companies have also shown interest to return to Iran. Do these indicate that Iran has turned the bend and worst phase of sanctions is over?

Iran's nuclear deal stands hostage to the vagaries of the US Congress
Apr 22, 2015

Iran's nuclear deal stands hostage to the vagaries of the US Congress

Senator John Kerry has been at pains to convince his Iranian counterpart that the Congressional act of voting on April 14 to appropriate to itself the power to reject the final deal is merely symbolic and President Obama can easily over-ride these hurdles. But what it reveals is an ugly side of the Congressmen who still live in a world of 'sanctioning' the rest.

Iran: An Open Letter to Seymour Hersh
Jan 18, 2005

Iran: An Open Letter to Seymour Hersh

I read with great interest your article titled "THE COMING WARS: What the Pentagon can now do in secret" carried by the "New Yorker" in its issue dated January 24, 2005, which is already on sale. The article is about US preparations for a possible covert operation against Iran's suspected military nuclear installations set up with Pakistani complicity.

Iraq: Amidst a pandemic, struggles of a fragile state
May 11, 2020

Iraq: Amidst a pandemic, struggles of a fragile state

The fact that ISIS has managed to attack in and around Baghdad is an anecdotal yet strong indicator that during this time of multiple crisis, the terr

Iraq: Terrorism and Resistance
Feb 12, 2004

Iraq: Terrorism and Resistance

Maj. Gen. Charles H. Swannack Jr., Commander of the US 82nd Airborne Division ( January 6,2004):"We've turned the corner."

Iraq: The Pace of Reconstruction
Dec 23, 2004

Iraq: The Pace of Reconstruction

The invasion of Iraq by the ¿Coalition of the Willing¿ was supinely endorsed by the UN Security Council in Resolution 1483 of May 22, 2003. It bestowed legitimacy on the Coalition Provisional Authority (CPA). Paragraph 8 of the Resolution, and sub-paragraphs (d) and (e), specifically referred to the work of reconstruction that the Secretary General¿s Special Representative was to coordinate with the CPA. One year later

Iraqi Taliban Strikes in Mosul
Dec 31, 2004

Iraqi Taliban Strikes in Mosul

Nineteen US troops and three others were reportedly killed on December 21, 2004, in an attack on an improvised dining hall of an American military base at Mosul in northern Iraq. An organisation called Jaish Ansar al-Sunnah (JAAS) has claimed responsibility for the attack.

Is a sense of hubris slowing down Modi?
Aug 17, 2017

Is a sense of hubris slowing down Modi?

The wide ramparts of Delhi’s historic Red Fort have set the stage for prime ministers to grandstand every year since 1947.

Is banning cycle traffic in Kolkata sensible?
Oct 30, 2013

Is banning cycle traffic in Kolkata sensible?

I want to ride my bicycle, I want to ride it where I like . This 35-year old rock hymn from "Queen" might evolve to the protest song of those cyclists in Kolkata who were recently banned to use their own means of transport in any of the city's 174 busiest streets.

Is Beijing seeking a ‘grand bargain’ with New Delhi in the Indian Ocean?
Feb 13, 2020

Is Beijing seeking a ‘grand bargain’ with New Delhi in the Indian Ocean?

In countering India’s efforts to dominate South Asian waters, China may be seeking a grand bargain: allow each side control over their respective littorals – the Bay of Bengal and South China Sea – and the maintenance of respective constabulary presences

Is China the world’s loan shark?
Jul 18, 2019

Is China the world’s loan shark?

Developing countries owe Beijing a lot more money than is commonly realized. This is how empires start.

Is India betting big on Huawei?
Feb 07, 2020

Is India betting big on Huawei?

A divided domestic telecoms industry, disagreement within the central government, and a desire for India to develop its own systems have made the country’s calculations on 5G all the more complicated.

Is India expecting too much from its strategic partnership with Vietnam?
Dec 14, 2018

Is India expecting too much from its strategic partnership with Vietnam?

Despite growing strategic convergence, New Delhi should also be mindful of some of the limitations in the relationship.

Is India the Next ‘Bright Spot’ for Global Investors?
Jan 12, 2023

Is India the Next ‘Bright Spot’ for Global Investors?

This report discusses India's economic resilience, investment opportunities, and growth amidst global turmoil, highlighting foreign investment, sectoral reforms, and geopolitical factors influencing India's status as a top emerging market.

Is it time for India to get a new national Capital?
Dec 10, 2019

Is it time for India to get a new national Capital?

India must emulate global examples of countries that have moved their national capitals to new cities owing to growing congestion, pollution and deter

Is it time to give up on the World Bank?
Jan 14, 2019

Is it time to give up on the World Bank?

The financial gap that emerging markets have to bridge is huge; between $1 trillion and 1.5 trillion annually is needed for investment in infrastructure.