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Why India should support greater African representation under its G20 presidency
Aug 26, 2022

Why India should support greater African representation under its G20 presidency

As India is all set to take over the G20 presidency from Indonesia on 1 December 2022 till 30 November 2023, it should step up its game and distinguish itself as Africa’s partner with a difference

Why India’s 20 per cent club loves the status quo
Nov 03, 2018

Why India’s 20 per cent club loves the status quo

The CBI is #IASmukt, as is the CVC, whose commissioners are former income-tax, police and bank officials.

Why is Bangladesh important in India’s G20 presidency?
Feb 15, 2023

Why is Bangladesh important in India’s G20 presidency?

As India tries to shape the global agenda through G20, it needs Bangladesh’s support to translate many of these ideas into action in its neighbourho

Why Seoul and New Delhi should leverage the G20 momentum for advancing collaboration in the Indo-Pacific
Mar 09, 2023

Why Seoul and New Delhi should leverage the G20 momentum for advancing collaboration in the Indo-Pacific

New Delhi and Seoul are two key players in the Indo-Pacific in terms of their respective maritime geographies, geopolitical capabilities, and foreign

Why the 2018 US-India air force exercises matter
Dec 11, 2018

Why the 2018 US-India air force exercises matter

The ‘Cope India’ military exercise holds broader significance for the bilateral relationship.

Why there can be no India-Pakistan dialogue even after 2019 Lok Sabha polls
Oct 06, 2018

Why there can be no India-Pakistan dialogue even after 2019 Lok Sabha polls

Unless of course, those pining for talks with Pakistan believe that holding talks is an end in itself and not a means to an end.

Why there was no Northern Alliance 2.0 this time in Afghanistan
Aug 19, 2021

Why there was no Northern Alliance 2.0 this time in Afghanistan

The Alliance, a concoction of tribal leaders and warlords held out in the northern parts of Afghanistan against the Taliban more than 25 years ago. However, the rapid fall of the north brought to the front that many who had previously helped the Northern Alliance, and even the US-led forces later in 2001 to depose the Taliban, were now in cahoots with the same group.

Will G-20 summit be able to douse the trade war inferno?
Jun 28, 2019

Will G-20 summit be able to douse the trade war inferno?

Economic, political and strategic heft of the G-20 formation makes it the forum, to which rest of the world can look upon with hope.

Will Opposition succeed in knitting anti-BJP front for 2019 elections?
Mar 23, 2018

Will Opposition succeed in knitting anti-BJP front for 2019 elections?

In the game of political chess, Modi-Shah combine has many cards up their sleeves that have the potential of derailing the unity efforts.

Will the G20 rise to correct the mistakes of the pandemic?
Apr 06, 2023

Will the G20 rise to correct the mistakes of the pandemic?

India’s G20 presidency has a chance to build a well-equipped global health architecture to effectively deal with future health emergencies

With BRI 2.0, Xi Jinping pledges to step up China's game
Apr 29, 2019

With BRI 2.0, Xi Jinping pledges to step up China's game

The Chinese premier's speech on Friday in Beijing, with its promises of transparency, open markets and a focus on quality, indicates that China has taken on board the various critiques of the BRI.

Women and Tech: How 2020 spotlights the digital divide
Oct 08, 2020

Women and Tech: How 2020 spotlights the digital divide

Digital divides have traditionally been associated with the “connected — unconnected” binary around the world, considering only one aspect of th

Women-centric Approaches under MUDRA Yojana: Setting G20 Priorities for the Indian Presidency
Oct 25, 2022

Women-centric Approaches under MUDRA Yojana: Setting G20 Priorities for the Indian Presidency

Gender disparities in economic participation and opportunities remain significantly large across the world. To bridge these gaps, G20 countries are working to advance women’s entrepreneurship through financial assistance, knowledge creation, and governance for supporting enterprise. India, in particular, has introduced a number of government schemes to promote entrepreneurship among women, such as the Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana and the Prad

Won by UPA 1, lost by UPA 2
Nov 06, 2013

Won by UPA 1, lost by UPA 2

Having created unprecedented diplomatic opportunities in the first term, the UPA has managed to squander them in the second. India's ambassadors, gathering in New Delhi this week, are in a better position than most to reflect on the undeniable reversal of India's international fortunes in the second term of the UPA government.

World Environment Day 2024: Restoring land, building resilience, and protecting public health
Jun 04, 2024

World Environment Day 2024: Restoring land, building resilience, and protecting public health

This World Environment Day, stakeholders must urgently act to accelerate land restoration, improve drought resilience, and combat desertification.

World Food Safety Day 2023: Role of food standards
Jun 08, 2023

World Food Safety Day 2023: Role of food standards

In line with this year’s World Food Safety Day theme, this brief explores the role of proper food standards in ensuring the safety, quality, and int

World Population Day 2022: Celebrating the reduction of adolescent fertility rate
Jul 11, 2022

World Population Day 2022: Celebrating the reduction of adolescent fertility rate

India has managed to reduce teenage pregnancy significantly over these past few years, causing a positive change in infant child mortality rate as wel

World Pulses Day 2023: The role of pulses for a sustainable future
Feb 10, 2023

World Pulses Day 2023: The role of pulses for a sustainable future

It is vital to raise awareness about the benefits of eating pulses that are high in macronutrients for both sustainability and dietary needs

World Youth Skills Day 2022: Putting young India first
Jul 15, 2022

World Youth Skills Day 2022: Putting young India first

India has a formidable arsenal of digital skilling programmes for youth, but significant gaps remain, which are a cause of concern for young Indians,

World Youth Skills Day 2022: Upskilling the youth of India
Jul 15, 2022

World Youth Skills Day 2022: Upskilling the youth of India

To address the skill deficit, India needs to extend high technical and vocational courses to improve employability.

WTO MC12: More unfinished business
Jun 28, 2022

WTO MC12: More unfinished business

The inability of the ministerial conferences in not being able to produce any fruitful declarations further undermined the effective functioning of th

Youth Skills Day 2022: Assessing the skills gap in fintech
Jul 15, 2022

Youth Skills Day 2022: Assessing the skills gap in fintech

A holistic policy and research response are required to address the lacunae witnessed in the skill landscape in India’s fintech industry.

अंतरिम बजट 2024’ का संदेश: मैं वापस आऊंगा!
Feb 02, 2024

अंतरिम बजट 2024’ का संदेश: मैं वापस आऊंगा!

 2024 के लिए वित्त मंत्री निर्मला सीतारमण के अंतरिम बजट ने व�

अगले वैश्विक संकट से पहले की तैयारी: G20 समूह और महामारी संधि
Jul 12, 2023

अगले वैश्विक संकट से पहले की तैयारी: G20 समूह और महामारी संधि

सारांश इस पॉलिसी ब्रीफ में ‘महामारी संधि’ पर जारी वार्ताओं की चर्चा की गई है. संधि का लक्ष्य वैश्विक सहयोग के स्तर में बढ़ोतरी लाकर महामारी से लड़ने की तैयारियों और प्रतिक

अफ़ग़ानिस्तान में अमीरात 2.0: दूसरे तालिबान राज के दो साल
Sep 18, 2023

अफ़ग़ानिस्तान में अमीरात 2.0: दूसरे तालिबान राज के दो साल

काबुल के पतन के दो साल बाद, एक के बाद दूसरी मुसीबत ने आम अफ़

अफ़्रीका की लंबे समय से चलने वाली भोजन असुरक्षा को खत्म करने की चुनौती: G20 की भूमिका
Oct 26, 2023

अफ़्रीका की लंबे समय से चलने वाली भोजन असुरक्षा को खत्म करने की चुनौती: G20 की भूमिका

2000 और 2013 के बीच अफ़्रीका में भूख के स्तर में सुधार हुआ था लेकिन उसके बाद के सालों में ये फिर से काफ़ी ख़राब स्थिति में पहुंच गया है. यद्यपि वैश्विक खाद्य असुरक्षा वर्तमान में ए

अफ्रीका में रूसी विदेश नीति: 2023 शिखर सम्मेलन से हासिल सबक़
Sep 05, 2023

अफ्रीका में रूसी विदेश नीति: 2023 शिखर सम्मेलन से हासिल सबक़

रूस वैसे तो अफ्रीका में एक अहम रोल अदा कर रहा है, लेकिन यहा�

अब भी अमीर देशों का ही क्लब है जी-20
Aug 02, 2017

अब भी अमीर देशों का ही क्लब है जी-20

अंतर्राष्ट्रीय वित्तीय ढांचे में सुधार का काम सही मायने

अमेरिका: 2024 के राष्ट्रपति चुनाव से पहले बड़े स्तर पर विभाजन की आशंका!
Dec 20, 2023

अमेरिका: 2024 के राष्ट्रपति चुनाव से पहले बड़े स्तर पर विभाजन की आशंका!

अमेरिका में 2024 के राष्ट्रपति चुनावों से पहले प्रमुख राजन�

अमेरिका: राष्ट्रपति बाइडेन के लिए खींचतान से भरा रहा वर्ष 2023!
Jan 30, 2024

अमेरिका: राष्ट्रपति बाइडेन के लिए खींचतान से भरा रहा वर्ष 2023!

राष्ट्रपति जो बाइडेन ने एक के बाद एक तमाम क़ानूनी दांव-पे�

अमेरिकी राष्ट्रपति चुनाव 2020: विदेश नीति के नज़रिए से आकलन
Oct 28, 2020

अमेरिकी राष्ट्रपति चुनाव 2020: विदेश नीति के नज़रिए से आकलन

अमेरिका में नवंबर में होने वाले चुनाव चाहे कोई भी जीते, आन