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Timing is everything: COVID-19 caseload pattern and mitigation strategies in 4 US hot spots
Apr 14, 2020

Timing is everything: COVID-19 caseload pattern and mitigation strategies in 4 US hot spots

Even as states on the US East Coast and West Coast are banding together to figure out a reopening plan, new cases continue to overwhelm the US hospita

Tinkered, tailored
May 24, 2006

Tinkered, tailored

His arrival created controversy and so did his departure. For nothing was becoming either about Porter Goss¿s arrival at Langley to replace George Tenet, or about his departure on May 5. He was brought in to head a sullen and demoralised force and when he was unceremoniously dropped, the CIA was a much-diminished organisation.

Tinkering isn’t enough: Time for basic reforms
Sep 17, 2019

Tinkering isn’t enough: Time for basic reforms

An interest burden growing faster than GDP growth by 2.5 percentage points is not a comforting signal for fiscal stability.

Tinkering with 35A will cause more trouble in Kashmir
Sep 04, 2018

Tinkering with 35A will cause more trouble in Kashmir

Mainstream parties have in unison come in defence of the article and treated it as an existential matter. Having supported the accession of the State

Tipple tips the odds against Nitish Kumar
Aug 22, 2016

Tipple tips the odds against Nitish Kumar

Fines and presumption of guilt in case an individual is found drinking is a feature of Nitish Kumar government’s prohibition regime.

TN Assembly resolutions and strengthening pan-Tamil perspectives
Jun 30, 2011

TN Assembly resolutions and strengthening pan-Tamil perspectives

With two resolutions in as many days relating to neighbouring Sri Lanka, both moved by Chief Minister Jayalalithaa, the Tamil Nadu Assembly has revived complex pan-Tamil issues nearer home, with consequences flowing from across the world.

TN passive, or positive?
Nov 22, 2004

TN passive, or positive?

If the rest of India was ¿shocked¿ over the Tamil Nadu police arresting the Kanchi Sankaracharya in a murder case, it was equally surprised over the passivity of the people in the State, whom they expected would have taken to the streets in protest.

TNA joins Colombo to pour cold water on Tamil Nadu fishers' proposals
Apr 24, 2015

TNA joins Colombo to pour cold water on Tamil Nadu fishers' proposals

The Tamil National Alliance, heading an elected Government in Sri Lanka's Northern Province, have shocked well-wishers in India, particularly in Tamil Nadu and Puducherry, with its tough stand on the fishers' issue between Colombo and Chennai.

To achieve the global goal on health, place health at the heart of climate action
Apr 05, 2024

To achieve the global goal on health, place health at the heart of climate action

Climate change is intensifying existing health vulnerabilities. Placing health at the heart of the climate justice movement is thus essential for mean

To avert disaster the US must deal with North Korea
Mar 08, 2017

To avert disaster the US must deal with North Korea

The US must consider giving nuclear no-first-use assurance to North Korea in return for non-use and no further missile or nuclear tests

To battle pollution, involve the private sector
Oct 17, 2020

To battle pollution, involve the private sector

The private sector, through its technical expertise, sector-specific knowledge and ability to design unique, cutting-edge innovations, can devise effective long-term solutions to two of the major challenges government is faced with — lack of technological solutions and large-scale monitoring

To be 'great' or 'stronger together'?
Nov 08, 2016

To be 'great' or 'stronger together'?

Great or stronger relationship between India and the US under a new President will depend on the real substance of the engagement

To Build Bridges in Afghanistan, Deploy India-Pakistan Nation-Builders
Nov 01, 2010

To Build Bridges in Afghanistan, Deploy India-Pakistan Nation-Builders

Irrespective of how the 'Afghan Endgame' unravels in the coming months, it is safe to argue that stabilizing the war torn country will take decades, and much international help.

To delete, or not to #deleteFacebook, that is the question
Mar 26, 2018

To delete, or not to #deleteFacebook, that is the question

Given the massive breach of faith by Facebook, it's unclear how long it will take to re-establish trust in their motives even if companies pledge to improve their data security systems and guidelines.

To ensure data safety, a better vision needed
Aug 06, 2018

To ensure data safety, a better vision needed

In the context of private data protection versus the State, the committee’s recommendations are fairly status quoist.

To Islamabad and After
Dec 23, 2003

To Islamabad and After

Call it a game of good-cop-and-bad-cop being played out by President Musharaff and Prime Minister Jamali, yet Pakistan¿s willingness to ¿keep aside¿ the UN resolution on plebiscite in Kashmir should come as a welcome turn, if not relief, for India, and all those hoping for permanent peace in South Asia.

To Price or not to Price? Making a Case for a Carbon Pricing Mechanism for India
Sep 26, 2022

To Price or not to Price? Making a Case for a Carbon Pricing Mechanism for India

The 2021 Conference of Parties 26 (COP26) propelled nations to ramp up their climate targets and the concomitant Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) to reduce global greenhouse gas emissions. However, the updated NDCs and the announced pledges for 2030 remain insufficient and poorly aligned with the targets of the Paris Agreement. The reduction in projected 2030 emissions is estimated to be 7.5 percent—far lower than the 30 percent requi

To protect consumers, focus on basics
Apr 20, 2017

To protect consumers, focus on basics

Minister for Consumer Affairs Ram Vilas Paswan has chosen three unorthodox areas to show his department’s proactivity.

To resolve the problem in Kashmir, Indian state must first acknowledge the suffering of its people
Nov 03, 2017

To resolve the problem in Kashmir, Indian state must first acknowledge the suffering of its people

The Kashmiri insurgency is now nearly three decades old, having taken the lives of some 45,000 people, roughly half of them militants, 14,000 civilians and some 6,000 security personnel.

To stay in the reckoning, Rahul has a lot to do
May 24, 2019

To stay in the reckoning, Rahul has a lot to do

In a grim, status quoist scenario, Rahul Gandhi has a task to keep himself in the reckoning.

To Stay or To Go: Decoding Chinese Enterprises’ ‘India Dilemma’
May 20, 2024

To Stay or To Go: Decoding Chinese Enterprises’ ‘India Dilemma’

In recent years, India has become a hot investment destination for Chinese companies. While Chinese investments in India have come under greater scrutiny following the 2020 Galwan incident, this has done little to reverse Chinese enterprises’ strong appetite for the Indian market. At the same time, Beijing is increasingly concerned that in their rush to capitalise on the Indian market, Chinese companies are embracing the ‘Make in India’ pol

To strengthen BIMSTEC is to re-imagine India's strategic geography in the Bay of Bengal
Aug 30, 2018

To strengthen BIMSTEC is to re-imagine India's strategic geography in the Bay of Bengal

India will have to evolve new terms of engagement with its neighbours — terms that reflect the reality of our times

To talk now is wrong
Feb 22, 2010

To talk now is wrong

Pakistan has shown inadequate political will to act against the Mumbai conspirators and has found tactical refuge in legal niceties to take minimum action

To view developments in the neighbourhood simply as ‘pro-China’ or ‘pro-India’ is myopic
Feb 27, 2018

To view developments in the neighbourhood simply as ‘pro-China’ or ‘pro-India’ is myopic

Whether or not a military intervention in Male would have restored democracy without harming India’s credibility in the region is uncertain. That it would not have limited Beijing’s growing profile is unquestionable.

To what extent will coronavirus outbreak rewire global trade dynamics?
Mar 03, 2020

To what extent will coronavirus outbreak rewire global trade dynamics?

Unless mainland China somehow manages a swift recovery, historians of globalisation will view this moment as a watershed

Tobacco control in India and China: A comparative perspective
May 30, 2024

Tobacco control in India and China: A comparative perspective

As the two most populous countries with high tobacco consumption rates, India and China have undertaken tobacco control efforts to curtail the rise of

Together in an uncertain world
Dec 01, 2018

Together in an uncertain world

Where India’s relations with individual EU nations have progressed dramatically over the last few years and the EU’s focus on India has grown, it has become imperative for the two to give each other a serious look.

Tokenism For Muslims Now Counter Productive
Jul 15, 2011

Tokenism For Muslims Now Counter Productive

Talking about how minority tokenism is hurting the real cause, Saeed Naqvi says a non Muslim with a secular image in the Ministry of Minority Affairs would be able to chart out an agenda for minorities which is free of the odour of tokenism, which would really enthuse the community, not bluff it.

Tokyo assembly polls: A warning shot for Abe
Jul 07, 2017

Tokyo assembly polls: A warning shot for Abe

In the past, Tokyo has acted as a harbinger of change in Japan's national politics. Could outcome of Tokyo election influence course of national polit