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30147 results found

Tiger triumph: US-India military relations get more complex
Nov 16, 2019

Tiger triumph: US-India military relations get more complex

A new exercise has reinforced the trend of deepening defense collaboration between the two sides.

Tightening the reins: Regulating stablecoins
Aug 24, 2023

Tightening the reins: Regulating stablecoins

By regulating stablecoins, authorities can strike a balance between innovation and safeguarding the interests of users and the global economy.

TikTok’s geopolitical dilemma: Which values, whose interests?
May 01, 2024

TikTok’s geopolitical dilemma: Which values, whose interests?

The TikTok issue between the US and China is not a battle of values but part of a bigger war for geopolitical, geoeconomic, and geotechnological domin

Till US debt do us part
May 23, 2023

Till US debt do us part

The impact of a US debt default could cascade across the globe, extending far beyond economic consequences

Tillerson goes to India: A new phase in India-US ties?
Oct 25, 2017

Tillerson goes to India: A new phase in India-US ties?

Rex Tillerson’s inaugural visit to India will set the tone for the next phase in U.S.-India ties.

Time for a new chapter in India-Africa relations
Feb 08, 2024

Time for a new chapter in India-Africa relations

To unlock the full potential of India-Africa relations, it is imperative to foster a mutually beneficial partnership through enhanced collaboration an

Time for a Swede deal?
Nov 18, 2013

Time for a Swede deal?

The relationship between India and Sweden has always been low-key. But it's also mature one with immense possibilities for cooperation and collaboration.

Time for bold options in Afghanistan
Aug 16, 2010

Time for bold options in Afghanistan

India's Afghanistan policy has for long been hos tage to the vagaries of policy making in Washington and the enormous baggage of myths and wishful thinking which burden its strategic outlook.

Time for Delhi and Jakarta to get serious
Dec 12, 2016

Time for Delhi and Jakarta to get serious

Smaller states in the region are now looking to India to act as a balancer in view of China's growing influence and PM Modi must make the most of President Jokowi's arrival by getting serious

Time for Dr. Singh to Step in
Aug 09, 2010

Time for Dr. Singh to Step in

As Chief Minister Omar Abdullah dithers in finding amicable solutions to the ongoing violence in Kashmir, the nation is desperately awaiting an intervention by the Prime Minister to find an amicable solution to the festering row.

Time for global action against radiological threats
Jun 11, 2018

Time for global action against radiological threats

It’s time for greater efforts to confront this challenge.

Time for hard questions on Sino-Indian relationship's future
May 21, 2013

Time for hard questions on Sino-Indian relationship's future

India and China must bilaterally develop a substantial conversation on the cutting edge of global governance issues, including issues of the global commons like climate change, water, health and medicine, and Asian security architecture, as well as issues of space and proliferation, of rules and mechanisms of economic governance, and on new arenas of maritime and ocean governance.

Time for India to enhance engagement with Central Asia
Feb 27, 2019

Time for India to enhance engagement with Central Asia

A politically, geographically and economically integrated Central Asia is important for India to achieve its goal of ‘connecting’ with the region.

Time for India to set priorities in South Asia
Aug 26, 2014

Time for India to set priorities in South Asia

India does not have much time left to set its priorities right, whatever they be. If nothing else, it cannot afford to 'tire out' its neighbours, who can then choose their own, individual course.

Time for New Land Acquisition Regime
Jan 02, 2012

Time for New Land Acquisition Regime

The Land Acquisition and Rehabilitation & Resettlement (LARR) Bill 2011 is the single most important piece of 'legislation in waiting' for very long time. The Bill is a major improvement over the archaic 1894 land law that has contributed to most of the impasse over land acquisitions.

Time for Pax Indica?
Jun 19, 2024

Time for Pax Indica?

In his third term, He should take a proactive approach to peacemaking, like Norway & Switzerland. This will help India better mangae its external environment.

Time for smart negotiations with Maoists
Apr 03, 2014

Time for smart negotiations with Maoists

At a juncture like this, rather than losing its energy and focus, the Centre and Maosts affected States need to keep up the pressure on the rebels and if possible make smart negotiations with rebel leaders with attractive surrender and rehabilitation packages.

Time for the next big gamble for Modi: Tax rich farmers
May 04, 2017

Time for the next big gamble for Modi: Tax rich farmers

Post the success of demonetisation PM should now move towards taxing rich farmers by stopping the rhetoric of ‘poor farmers’ as a fig leaf.

Time Frame  for Kashmir Solution
Aug 02, 2004

Time Frame for Kashmir Solution

Pakistan's military ruler Gen. Pervez Musharraf has seemingly upset the Indians by insisting on a specific time frame within which a solution to the Kashmir issue acceptable to India, Pakistan and the Kashmiris is worked out within the framework of the composite dialogue between India and Pakistan.

Time is right for the big healthcare push in India
Apr 05, 2024

Time is right for the big healthcare push in India

Infrastructure deficits and a lack of awareness about available healthcare benefits remain significant obstacles to achieving universal health coverag

Time ripe for think tanks to rethink dissemination of information
Jan 19, 2019

Time ripe for think tanks to rethink dissemination of information

A gradual development has tasked think tanks with the responsibility of shaping contemporary narratives around economics, security, politics, nuclear arrangements, among others.

Time to Boost India-Bangladesh Trade and Economic Relations
Jul 28, 2023

Time to Boost India-Bangladesh Trade and Economic Relations

Among India's neighbours, Bangladesh occupies a special position not only because of India's role in its liberation but because geographically, too, it surrounds Bangladesh from three sides. The beginning of close economic relations between the two countries can be traced back to 1971. After its independence, Bangladesh's requirements of consumer goods, especially food, came from India. Over the years, the country has sought easier access to Indi

Time to decapitate Lashkar
Jul 21, 2005

Time to decapitate Lashkar

Prime Minister Manmohan Singh's call for zero-tolerance to terrorism in Washington on July 18 has come at a time when there is an urgent need for a global consensus on this issue. The Ayodhya and London attacks have clearly proved the re-emergence of terrorism with a renewed vigour.

Time to declare ISI a global terrorist entity
May 07, 2011

Time to declare ISI a global terrorist entity

Besides Osama bin Laden, Pakistan Army and ISI have been hand in glove with the Taliban for over 10 years, helping them with safe houses, recruitment bases, training and weapons. Their alliances have been effectively documented not only by the Indian security agencies but also by different western security and intelligence agencies.

Time to define DeFi regulation in India
Apr 29, 2023

Time to define DeFi regulation in India

If India strikes the right balance between innovation and oversight leadership, India could help set a global template for DeFi regulation

Time to deliver for BJP and AAP
Feb 20, 2015

Time to deliver for BJP and AAP

Now, we have single party majority government at the Centre and in Delhi. For both BJP and AAP winning the election was the easy part, relatively. The hard part to fulfill promises, to give least government and maximum governance has just begun.

Time to face up to cyber threats
Jan 02, 2017

Time to face up to cyber threats

Cyber insecurity is now a global risk no different from the warming climate or forced displacement. Is such insecurity a business risk or a "public bad"?

Time to focus on exports
Apr 09, 2013

Time to focus on exports

While the domestic economic situation needs various corrective steps to bring back an increase in private investment, the external situation needs to be addressed with right export-boosting policies. Raising export growth seems to be the only alternative.

Time to focus on job creation
Aug 25, 2011

Time to focus on job creation

The new NSS survey clearly shows that 8 per cent GDP growth of the last five years has not translated into a higher level of job creation. There was a dramatic deceleration in total employment growth. And this means that India has been experiencing jobless growth during the last five years.

Time to get serious about commercial satellite servicing
Oct 19, 2021

Time to get serious about commercial satellite servicing

The narrative around commercial satellite servicing must move beyond its “dual-use” capabilities to fully be prepared for the impending revolution

Time to give women the right to face combat
Feb 16, 2015

Time to give women the right to face combat

It is time to think of the role of women in uniform beyond being merely the 'sobering/civilising force' on their male counterpart. With the same training and opportunities, it is time to imbue the phrase 'femme fatale' with a new meaning.

Time to hit pause and change the rules for online gaming
Oct 14, 2021

Time to hit pause and change the rules for online gaming

As countries across the world are reconsidering laws regarding online gaming, it is only a matter of time before India also takes a closer look at the

Time to make villages attractive for tourists
Feb 21, 2014

Time to make villages attractive for tourists

India is now extending 'visa on arrival' to tourists from 180 countries to encourage tourism. But budget tourists, who aim at staying in small hotels/guest houses and not five-star hotels, face problems in finding clean and safe accommodation.

Time to navigate Indian metaverses
Mar 29, 2022

Time to navigate Indian metaverses

With the advent of metaverse, new challenges around privacy, user safety, and intellectual property rights will surface

Time to reassess what is good, what is bad, and what is ugly about India's tech regulations
Mar 14, 2022

Time to reassess what is good, what is bad, and what is ugly about India's tech regulations

Three sets of issues emerge here - understanding the nature of technology-linked risks, assessing the challenges to governance, and being imaginative in embracing new modes of regulation.

Time to reform Institutions? The case for going beyond economic reforms
Jul 24, 2021

Time to reform Institutions? The case for going beyond economic reforms

The three organs of the State, as laid down in the Constitution, are the executive, the legislature and the judiciary. Reforms are about examining the

Time to restate the organising principles of BRICS
Jun 12, 2017

Time to restate the organising principles of BRICS

The text of the speech delivered by ORF Vice President Samir Saran at the inauguration of the 9th BRICS Academic Forum in Fuzhou, China.

Time to rethink differences between neighbours across Himalayas
Oct 31, 2013

Time to rethink differences between neighbours across Himalayas

For those who see the India-China relationship as one of the key partnerships of this century, what is most disappointing is the lack of ambition in the agenda for the conversations. The two countries now need to be bold and creative in what they do together.

Time to revisit our reservation policy
Dec 12, 2015

Time to revisit our reservation policy

For over six decades, Indian politicians and policy makers have remained obsessed with reservation as the only viable tool for affirmative action. B