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The US approach to the Russian federation will not determine the interaction of New Delhi and Moscow
Apr 13, 2019

The US approach to the Russian federation will not determine the interaction of New Delhi and Moscow

Samir Saran, ORF President, spoke to Russian newspaper Izvestia on the sidelines of Valdai Club and ORF dialogue last week, on the importance of India

The US election just became more uncertain
Oct 10, 2020

The US election just became more uncertain

Opinion polls could be misleading and the pandemic’s impact difficult to assess; the cyclical shift in politics is unsure

The US elections and India-Russia relations
Sep 29, 2020

The US elections and India-Russia relations

India’s efforts to preserve the primacy of its partnership with Russia would be made much easier should Russia pay more heed to certain Indian conce

The US has no feasible strategy to protect its diplomats in Afghanistan
Aug 02, 2021

The US has no feasible strategy to protect its diplomats in Afghanistan

To be sure, America cannot abruptly sever all diplomatic and humanitarian engagement, owing to the grave socio-economic and security consequences it w

The US Presidential Election: Implications for East Asia
May 11, 2023

The US Presidential Election: Implications for East Asia

As the American presidential election draws closer, both candidates-Barack Obama and Mitt Romney-are well aware that domestic issues would be the major factors determining the poll results. Policies, related to immigration, taxation,...

The US sanctions Russia: The “thousand cuts” tactic inflicts collateral damage
Mar 16, 2022

The US sanctions Russia: The “thousand cuts” tactic inflicts collateral damage

The sanctions imposed on Russia is weighing down the global economy as supply chains are affected.

The US-Africa Leaders Summit: Washington’s renewed approach towards Africa
Dec 16, 2022

The US-Africa Leaders Summit: Washington’s renewed approach towards Africa

The US needs to double down on its engagement with Africa, especially in areas such as governance, climate adaptation, and trade

The US-China Cyber Agreement: New Beginning or Tactical Pause?
Oct 15, 2016

The US-China Cyber Agreement: New Beginning or Tactical Pause?

US-China Cyber Agreement: New Beginning or Tactical Pause given the sharp ideological divisions over the organisation and governance of cyberspace

The US-China Cyber-Agreement: Implications for India
Sep 13, 2023

The US-China Cyber-Agreement: Implications for India

This essay considers the implications of the new cyber-security agreement betweenChina and the United States in terms of the evolution of an international legal regime governingthe use of cyberspace. This agreement lays down the foundations for norm emergence in thearena, which could also carry implications for India by shaping the country's response andcarving its path towards becoming a crucial international stakeholder in the cyberspace regime

The US-China tariff war has widened to concerns over military technology
Dec 28, 2018

The US-China tariff war has widened to concerns over military technology

The real undercurrent of US concerns relates to how China's advancement in technologies that can enhance its rising military capabilities.

The US-China Tech Competition Takes Centre Stage
Aug 19, 2023

The US-China Tech Competition Takes Centre Stage

The US slipped from producing nearly 40% of the world's chips to just over 10% in the last three decades. By allocating $53 billion towards the enhancement of US semiconductor manufacturing, R&D and the augmentation of its skilled workforce in the domain, the Act sought to change China's comparative advantage

The US-Iran nuclear deal talks: No breakthrough in sight
Jul 14, 2022

The US-Iran nuclear deal talks: No breakthrough in sight

There is a need to ratchet up negotiations between the US and Iran to find common ground and successfully conclude the nuclear deal talks.

The US-Iran Standoff and India
Feb 04, 2012

The US-Iran Standoff and India

While India would be hoping that the reported secret talks between the US and Iran succeeds, avoiding a conflict, New Delhi could take a leaf out of the Chinese and Japanese strategy of reducing its exposure to Iranian oil in return for a waiver from US sanctions.

The US-Russia tango, and the Indo-Pacific
Jan 07, 2022

The US-Russia tango, and the Indo-Pacific

Stability in Russia-US ties will alleviate pressure on India at a time when the rise of China has changed the geopolitical calculus for  the Indo-Pacific

The US-Taliban deal on Afghanistan is not a ‘model’
Oct 27, 2021

The US-Taliban deal on Afghanistan is not a ‘model’

The US-Taliban deal must be subjected to consistent academic scrutiny as an agreement that was designed for a safe exit passage from a theatre of war for the US, not stability for Afghanistan or the Afghan people

The Uyghur issue: Assessing China’s increasing clout
Oct 10, 2022

The Uyghur issue: Assessing China’s increasing clout

China has been able to dominate international organisations and the developing world by using its economic heft

The Venezuela-Guyana dispute: A storm in a teacup?
Jan 18, 2024

The Venezuela-Guyana dispute: A storm in a teacup?

The current escalation of the longstanding dispute between Venezuela and Guyana over the Essequibo region seems to be nothing more than a storm in a t

The virus doesn’t know there’s a new US president
Jan 20, 2021

The virus doesn’t know there’s a new US president

The promise of widespread vaccination is still out of reach for most Americans. A month after the country’s first vaccinations, there’s no federal

The vital but delicate task of reviving the Iran deal
Mar 04, 2021

The vital but delicate task of reviving the Iran deal

Time is running out for the Joe Biden administration, but there is an opportunity for Brussels to take a lead role

The war against drugs in Jammu and Kashmir
Jan 31, 2023

The war against drugs in Jammu and Kashmir

With arms and terror infiltration becoming difficult, Pakistan has now resorted to drug trafficking to destroy Kashmir's youth

The war against fossil fuel subsidies: Is victory in sight?
Jul 27, 2023

The war against fossil fuel subsidies: Is victory in sight?

The primary reason behind the difficulty in phasing out subsidies arises from the fact that energy subsidies are deeply rooted in the political econom

The war beyond ISIS: How US and Iran tensions are flaring in Syria
Jun 22, 2017

The war beyond ISIS: How US and Iran tensions are flaring in Syria

ISIS provides a single common enemy where foreign interventionists in the conflict will increasingly find themselves elbowing for space.

The war budget: Can the Centre fight a pandemic simply by turning water into wellbeing?
Feb 01, 2021

The war budget: Can the Centre fight a pandemic simply by turning water into wellbeing?

Given the daunting challenges of 2021, and the opportunity that the pandemic presented to reform the health sector, Budget 2021 unfortunately remained

The war in Ukraine and its economic fallout
Mar 24, 2022

The war in Ukraine and its economic fallout

New Delhi’s decision to import oil from Moscow has disappointed the US and UK, but urging us not to do so as that would help the Russian economy is blatant hypocrisy.

The Way Ahead in Sri Lanka
Sep 02, 2006

The Way Ahead in Sri Lanka

If the stalemated war produced a truce, the stalemated peace ever since the Sri Lankan Government and the Liberation Tigers Tamil Elam signed a ceasefire agreement (CFA) in February 2002 has contributed to the revival of violence in the island-nation. The deteriorating ground situation has been accompanied by repeated calls from the Sri Lankan parties for greater Indian involvement in the peace-making efforts. This report is a summary of an inter

The weaponisation of cashbacks on UPI by Google Pay
Oct 28, 2019

The weaponisation of cashbacks on UPI by Google Pay

Digital payments are no longer about ensuring that money reaches the intended person or entity. Instead, the data exhaust of the transaction has becom

The Weaponisation of Disease Outbreaks
Jul 29, 2021

The Weaponisation of Disease Outbreaks

This brief examines how fear and anxiety during a disease outbreak can be exploited by state and non-state actors to further their political, strategic, or ideological agendas. Such fear, compounded by religious and cultural strife, or unfamiliarity with socio-cultural beliefs can provide fertile ground for the spread of misinformation from malicious actors. The brief illustrates these patterns using examples where information had been we

The West Asian paradigm
Sep 29, 2017

The West Asian paradigm

With the India–US dynamic and bilateral strategic engagements with West Asian powers increasing significantly, direct policy outcomes will become mo

The West Wanes, China Grows: What’s at Stake for the Liberal Order?
Mar 30, 2021

The West Wanes, China Grows: What’s at Stake for the Liberal Order?

As liberal democracies struggle to deal with their domestic crises, China is finding it opportune to fill the gap in global leadership. China’s economic growth in four decades—called by many analysts as a “miracle”—has made its “state-controlled capitalism” model attractive especially to countries facing massive development challenges. More importantly, President Xi Jinping and the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) have their ey

The WHO report on death toll of COVID-19: Unpack the concepts, reset the discourse
May 12, 2022

The WHO report on death toll of COVID-19: Unpack the concepts, reset the discourse

Questions emerge as GOI dismisses the recently-released report by WHO: Are the COVID-19 death toll numbers fudged or is the WHO’s methodology flawed

The Women’s Movement in Iran
Oct 14, 2022

The Women’s Movement in Iran

The current regime views the hijab as a characteristic of the national identity of Iran. Will the current protests bring any change?