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US Midterm Elections 2022: ‘अमेरिका में मध्यावधि चुनावी नतीज़ों के निहितार्थ’
Jul 27, 2023

US Midterm Elections 2022: ‘अमेरिका में मध्यावधि चुनावी नतीज़ों के निहितार्थ’

अमेरिका में मध्यावधि चुनाव के नतीज़ों के बाद लगता है कि ड�

US Midterm Elections 2022: ‘अमेरिका में मध्यावधि चुनावी नतीज़ों के निहितार्थ’
Nov 28, 2022

US Midterm Elections 2022: ‘अमेरिका में मध्यावधि चुनावी नतीज़ों के निहितार्थ’

अमेरिका में मध्यावधि चुनाव के नतीज़ों के बाद लगता है कि ड�

US-2i -- Is it really a feather in Navy's cap?
Nov 29, 2016

US-2i -- Is it really a feather in Navy's cap?

The jury is still out on the likely purchase of the much talked of ShinMaywa US 2i — the Japanese amphibious airplane by India for Navy

Vaccine Diplomacy: In 2021, the UAE will become the new vaccine hub of the Middle East
Dec 29, 2020

Vaccine Diplomacy: In 2021, the UAE will become the new vaccine hub of the Middle East

This “niche diplomacy” is expected to be one of the key guiding principles of Emirati foreign policy in 2021.

Veer Guardian 2023: Maiden India-Japan Air Exercise to Begin
Jan 12, 2023

Veer Guardian 2023: Maiden India-Japan Air Exercise to Begin

The China factor has steadied the two nations’ strategic partnership, despite their differences of opinion on other matters.

Verdict 2004: Myths and Reality
May 26, 2004

Verdict 2004: Myths and Reality

Results of the 2004 parliamentary elections have generated a serious debate among scholars and analysts following the unexpected ouster of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)-led National Democratic Alliance (NDA) and the victory of the Congress-led coalition. Some see it as ¿the revenge of the poor against the pro-rich image of the government¿ and there are many who ascribe this to ¿the supposed maturity and ingenuity of the India voter¿.

Vice President releases Indian Army Vision 2020
Apr 29, 2008

Vice President releases Indian Army Vision 2020

Indian Army Vision 2020, the new publication of Observer Research Foundation, was released in Delhi on Tuesday (April 29, 2008) by the Vice President of India, Mr. Mohammed Hamid Ansari.

View from Exercise Malabar 2015
Nov 04, 2015

View from Exercise Malabar 2015

Indian Navy's reported lack of enthusiasm in increasing the number of participating ships and aircraft reflects the susceptibility of the Indian establishment to cave in to Chinese sensitivities. From a peak contribution of eight warships in 2007, the number has dropped to four this year.

Virtual Digital Assets Regulation in G20 Countries: Finding Common Ground for the Development of a Global Governance Framework
Apr 28, 2023

Virtual Digital Assets Regulation in G20 Countries: Finding Common Ground for the Development of a Global Governance Framework

Statements made by public officials in certain G20 member states as well commentaries by financial analysts suggest that emerging market economies stand on a different footing from developed counterparts in their regulation of virtual digital assets. They attribute these differences to the distinct institutional, demographic, and economic vulnerabilities of developing countries. This paper examines this notion by presenting a quantitative

Vostok-22: Challenges of Diplomatic Promiscuity
Sep 04, 2022

Vostok-22: Challenges of Diplomatic Promiscuity

But New Delhi's decision to send a contingent of the Indian Army for the September 1-7 Vostok 2022 military drill in Russia's far east has raised eyebrows, particularly in the West that is trying to isolate Moscow after the Russian invasion of Ukraine. This is a major exercise involving more than 50,000 troops and 5,000 weapons units, including 140 aircraft and 60 warships, with the participation of troops from China, India, Laos, Mongolia, Nicar

Walk the talk: Prioritise SDG 5 to advance Agenda 2030
Mar 07, 2024

Walk the talk: Prioritise SDG 5 to advance Agenda 2030

The connections between SDG 5 and other goals underscore the imperative of attaining gender equality as both a moral obligation and a strategic invest

War in West Asia: Expectations and trajectories for 2024
Dec 16, 2023

War in West Asia: Expectations and trajectories for 2024

With Israel’s intended strategy in the aftermath of the 7/10 attacks, the conflict is all set to go well into 2024

Well begun is only half done—What’s next in AU’s G20 journey?
Jan 09, 2024

Well begun is only half done—What’s next in AU’s G20 journey?

AU’s G20 membership offers much to the continent, but whether it will lead to tangible results will depend on its ability to forge partnerships with

What China has in store for 2021
Jan 08, 2021

What China has in store for 2021

Whether China succeeds or fails, there will be geopolitical consequences which will be difficult to ignore.

What does the new 2+2 Dialogue mean for the India-Japan relationship?
Jun 10, 2019

What does the new 2+2 Dialogue mean for the India-Japan relationship?

One of the primary objectives for both New Delhi and Tokyo is to prevent the rise of a unipolar Asia dominated by one single hegemonic power. It is this political objective that has been driving the relationship.

What India needs to do in 2014
Dec 31, 2013

What India needs to do in 2014

The agenda for change is a large one. This list or any other can be multiplied several times and still come up short. But the compulsions of reform are urgent. With a bulging profile of young people, India is said to be on the cusp of a demographic dividend. But that dividend could well become a nightmare unless we are able to fix our politics, our governance system, economy, national security machinery.

What lies ahead for India and the world in the 2020s?
May 15, 2017

What lies ahead for India and the world in the 2020s?

With tectonic and technological challenges causing disruptions, the neat correlation of a big economy with big power that bears big responsibilities is under scrutiny.

What made India’s G20 Presidency so successful? —A deep dive into the New Delhi Leaders’ Declaration
Dec 03, 2023

What made India’s G20 Presidency so successful? —A deep dive into the New Delhi Leaders’ Declaration

As India's Presidency of the G20 ends and the baton passes to Brazil, we evaluate the successes of the past year culminating in the New Delhi Leaders'

What the 2022 US National Defence Strategy reveals about the international security scenario
Nov 01, 2022

What the 2022 US National Defence Strategy reveals about the international security scenario

The US NDS has higher budgets, a focus on the threat from China, and the need for rapid development and deployment of advanced technologies

What the defence budget 2019 says about the Indian Army
Feb 15, 2019

What the defence budget 2019 says about the Indian Army

The Indian army is a manpower-intensive military. With the second largest military in terms of personnel, the Indian armed forces have always faced a

What the G20 can do for Small Island Developing States
Sep 12, 2023

What the G20 can do for Small Island Developing States

Against the contemporary background of strong systemic shocks to the global economy, the Group of Twenty (G20) must address the stagnation in developmental priorities and spur economic growth. As the current steward of the rotating presidency within the G20, India has acquired a unique podium to spearhead discussions on pivotal global challenges.

What to expect in 2024: Geopolitics
Dec 16, 2023

What to expect in 2024: Geopolitics

2024 will usher in a trickier and edgier world, where tensions will begin between states, but whose impact will be felt the strongest on companies, wo

What to expect in 2024: Global economy
Dec 18, 2023

What to expect in 2024: Global economy

In 2024, an increasingly volatile world will define the state of the global economy

What to expect in 2024: Global markets
Dec 18, 2023

What to expect in 2024: Global markets

All the big government pieces—from geopolitics to geoeconomics—will be the key drivers of global finance over the next year

What will India’s G20 presidency focus on?
Jul 05, 2022

What will India’s G20 presidency focus on?

India’s presidency must leave the grouping with the agility and energy to respond to new realities, and it must create a future-ready multilateralism through a novel and robust institutional architecture

White House 2019 economic report puts a shine on AI and its meaning for the future of work: Top takeaways
May 14, 2019

White House 2019 economic report puts a shine on AI and its meaning for the future of work: Top takeaways

Policy makers are asked to worry deeply about how workers will deal with the costs of reskilling if they aren’t paid for the duration of the reskill

WHO, the battleground for cold war 2.0
May 22, 2020

WHO, the battleground for cold war 2.0

There is no doubt that WHO’s director general is culpable. Whether the missteps were errors of judgements or deliberate kowtowing to China is the question

Why 2070 is justified as the net-zero deadline year for India
Nov 27, 2021

Why 2070 is justified as the net-zero deadline year for India

The challenge of a “net zero” for India is not an easy one. Being one of the fastest growing economies with the second largest population that aspires to be $5 trillion economy soon, will India be able to circumvent the trade-off between the environment and economic growth?

Why attending BRICS 2018 was so significant for PM Narendra Modi
Jul 30, 2018

Why attending BRICS 2018 was so significant for PM Narendra Modi

For Narendra Modi, going into elections next year, the focus has been to put across India as a major global economy.

Why Did India Merely Observe Exercise Talisman Sabre 2023?
Aug 18, 2023

Why Did India Merely Observe Exercise Talisman Sabre 2023?

Despite earlier reports that India would actually participate in the Australia-U.S. led military exercise, New Delhi remained an observer of the latest iteration.

Why gender would have more of a role in Clinton's 2016 Presidential campaign
Mar 09, 2015

Why gender would have more of a role in Clinton's 2016 Presidential campaign

If Hillary Clinton runs for office in 2016, it seems that she will be campaigning for herself as herself - an exceptional professional, a controversial former secretary of state, and a woman.

Why Gurdaspur attack was no 26/11
Aug 04, 2015

Why Gurdaspur attack was no 26/11

While superficial similarities between the recent Gurdaspur attack and the Mumbai attack may be apparent, there are major differences in the manner both planned and executed. The scale of the attack itself suggests that it certainly doesn't seem to have had the support of the highest echelons of power as in the Mumbai attack.

Why India is key to 21st century multilateralism
Feb 22, 2023

Why India is key to 21st century multilateralism

The G20 — with its mix of developing and developed countries — offers the perfect platform for India to infuse partner nations with foundational ideas