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Nirmala Sitharaman’s ASEAN summit visit is a step towards Manila
Oct 31, 2017

Nirmala Sitharaman’s ASEAN summit visit is a step towards Manila

As India and the ASEAN celebrate 25 years of their partnership, it is a politically opportune moment to upgrade India’s regional profile.

Nitaqat Law: Will it solve Saudi Arabia's unemployment problems?
Jul 08, 2013

Nitaqat Law: Will it solve Saudi Arabia's unemployment problems?

Saudi Arabia's Nitaqat system has achieved some early success. It has been able to generate jobs for the Saudi population. But its long term success is open to question. It remains to be seen whether 'Saudization' will be successfully implemented long term through quotas and threats of punishment.

No Prime Minister, 'Terrorism' and 'Militancy' are not the same thing
Feb 05, 2019

No Prime Minister, 'Terrorism' and 'Militancy' are not the same thing

The Modi government has declared that virtually everyone who opposes its policies in Jammu and Kashmir is a terrorist. This makes it difficult to find a way out of the Kashmir miasma.

No Progress in China-India Military Talks
Jan 16, 2022

No Progress in China-India Military Talks

A 14th round of military talks ended with a joint statement but no real progress.

No solace in this quantum of accountability
Feb 26, 2013

No solace in this quantum of accountability

Deploying the "national security" argument against reform in the intelligence agencies is a fig leaf for defending cronyism, incompetence, inefficiency, and corruption. A proper regulatory mechanism can only strengthen national security, not weaken it. It is time to bring in facts and lessons from global best practices to this debate.

No, Justin Trudeau's India visit was not a failure
Feb 26, 2018

No, Justin Trudeau's India visit was not a failure

Canada went out of its way to reassure India on the issue of terrorism and both sides agreed to respect each other's 'sovereignty, unity and territorial integrity'.

Non-state actors will be key players in future
Oct 28, 2009

Non-state actors will be key players in future

Mr Efraim Halevy, a former Mossad chief and National Security Advisor to the Prime Minister of Israel, addressed the ORF faculty on developments in West Asia

Non-Violence is still a winning strategy
Jun 04, 2020

Non-Violence is still a winning strategy

Frustration is understandable, but there’s evidence that Gandhian tactics are changing minds in the U.S.

Non-Western multilateralism: BRICS and the SCO in the post-Covid world
Jul 29, 2020

Non-Western multilateralism: BRICS and the SCO in the post-Covid world

BRICS and the SCO are a graphic embodiment of Russian and Indian equidistant partnerships with other non-Western power centres, which is fundamental f

North Korea's artillery fire and regional implications
Jan 09, 2024

North Korea's artillery fire and regional implications

Pyongyang’s recent live-fire drills could set in motion a series of events with far-reaching consequences for regional stability, diplomacy, and the

North Korea’s nuclear test: A reflection of multiple failures?
Sep 09, 2016

North Korea’s nuclear test: A reflection of multiple failures?

NPT's failure to tackle North Korea either through the non-proliferation regime or by great powers will leave neighbouring countries to fend for thems

Norway’s Arctic Council chairship: Priorities vs geopolitics
Jun 03, 2023

Norway’s Arctic Council chairship: Priorities vs geopolitics

As Norway takes over as the Chair of the Arctic Council, it will have to tread a fine line between its priorities and the geopolitics in the regions

Now, emerging Sino-Japanese rivalry on high speed railway projects in Asia
Oct 09, 2015

Now, emerging Sino-Japanese rivalry on high speed railway projects in Asia

As the two biggest Asian economies, China and Japan are directly involved in infrastructure development in many Asian countries and this has led to fierce rivalry between the two. The recent decision of the Indonesian government to offer the construction of Jakarta-Bandung high speed network to China came as a bolt from the blue to Japan.

Nuclear deal will sail through: Talbott
Sep 18, 2006

Nuclear deal will sail through: Talbott

Observer Research Foundation (ORF), New Delhi, hosted a talk on Monday, September 18, 2006, by Brookings Institution President Strobe Talbott on "US Foreign Policy in the Presidential Election Season".

Nuclear unpredictability: Managing the global nuclear framework
Dec 19, 2018

Nuclear unpredictability: Managing the global nuclear framework

The global nuclear framework still faces many challenges. Often, bleak predictions motivate the international community to collectively ensure that su

Nutrition as the main pillar to a healthy and wealthy India
Sep 06, 2017

Nutrition as the main pillar to a healthy and wealthy India

Countries like India are in the phase of a transition where the public policy challenges presented by overnutrition are in addition to those posed by undernutrition, instead of replacing traditional challenges of undernutrition.

Obama 2.0: Who will crash the party?
Dec 01, 2012

Obama 2.0: Who will crash the party?

If the first term of President Obama is any indication, U.S. foreign policy will to continue to develop in a cautious, limited, pragmatic, yet largely reactive manner. There will be few American efforts to order the new multipolar world, or respond proactively to much of anything.

Obama decides to launch limited military strike on Syria
Sep 03, 2013

Obama decides to launch limited military strike on Syria

Alleging the Assad regime's involvement in the last week's chemical attack in the Damascus suburbs, President Barrack Obama said that he has decided to take military action against Syria by launching limited military strike.

Observer Research Foundation (ORF)-Pacific Council on International Policy (PCIP)
Mar 18, 2004

Observer Research Foundation (ORF)-Pacific Council on International Policy (PCIP)

The first meeting of the ORF-Pacific Council Task Force on India-US Relations was held at Jamnagar on March 18-19, 2004.

Of Missiles and Men: The Korean Peninsula Witnesses Developing Arms Race
Feb 19, 2022

Of Missiles and Men: The Korean Peninsula Witnesses Developing Arms Race

An arms race seems to be brewing in the Korean Peninsula as both North and South Korea are expanding their arsenal at an alarming rate.

OIC and its views on Kashmir: India’s Achilles heel in the Islamic world?
Oct 14, 2019

OIC and its views on Kashmir: India’s Achilles heel in the Islamic world?

Influenced by Pakistan, OIC — a prominent organisation of Islamic countries — has consistently commented on the situation in Kashmir much to Indi

Oil and Violence in Nigeria
Nov 29, 2003

Oil and Violence in Nigeria

A week ago, oil giant Chevron-Texaco's Nigerian unit decided to keep its production of 23,000 barrels a day shut till its oil facilities attacked and damaged by members of the Ijaw tribe are found to be in order. Disruption of oil operations, hostage taking, inter-ethnic clashes are not new for Nigeria¿s oil-rich Niger Delta.

Oil geopolitics: Revisiting petrodollar recycling
Apr 03, 2023

Oil geopolitics: Revisiting petrodollar recycling

The changes in geopolitical alignments between oil-producing and consuming nations are likely to have a significant impact on petrodollar recycling in

Oil prices will keep rising: Dr. A.F. Alhajji
Jul 26, 2005

Oil prices will keep rising: Dr. A.F. Alhajji

There will be no respite from rising international oil prices, according to internationally renowned oil expert Dr. A.F. Alhajji. Delivering a lecture at Observer Research Foundation (ORF), New Delhi, on July 26, 2005,

Oil shock: Entry point for deepening reform
May 25, 2018

Oil shock: Entry point for deepening reform

The oil shock poses two risks for India. First, the fear that it will increase the current account deficit. Second, it poses a conundrum of navigating conflicting objectives — preserve the market-based retail oil price mechanism whilst graduating the price shock for consumers and containing inflation.

Oil Supply Routes in the Asia Pacific: China’s Strategic Calculations
Jul 23, 2023

Oil Supply Routes in the Asia Pacific: China’s Strategic Calculations

This Paper examines the existing critiques of China's oil supply diversification strategies in the Asia Pacific. It deconstructs the growing energy relationship between China and the Middle East that has made the security of the Hormuz Strait and the Malacca Strait vital to China's energy security. It also analyses specific geographic and strategic chokepoints in China's oil supply route and concludes that supply diversification motivations are d

Oil trade helps fuel peace engagements
Jul 26, 2012

Oil trade helps fuel peace engagements

Though India and Pakistan have been working on improving bilateral trade, the recent meeting of Experts' Group on Trade in Petroleum and Petrochemical Products come in the wake of the ongoing energy crisis in Pakistan.

Oil, Disinvestment & Reforms
Dec 29, 2003

Oil, Disinvestment & Reforms

Though the imbroglio over the strategic sale of BPCL/HPCL is far from over, the mandarins within the government have come up with yet another proposal to meet the year's disinvestment targets. A booming stock market has inspired the bureaucrats

Oil, Ethnicity, and Insurgency in Nigeria
Jun 29, 2011

Oil, Ethnicity, and Insurgency in Nigeria

In mid-June, the oil giant Shell was forced to declare force majeure in its Nigeria unit excusing it from liability and contractual obligations due to sabotage by local militias on its oil pipelines.

Oil-for-loans: Chinese energy investments in Russia
Feb 22, 2023

Oil-for-loans: Chinese energy investments in Russia

The Sino-Russian bilateral signifies China’s urgency for resilient global energy supply chains to meet its increasing energy needs through its oil-f

Old-fashioned trust and credibility bind India-UAE ties
Feb 14, 2024

Old-fashioned trust and credibility bind India-UAE ties

A convergence of strategic interests and regular interactions have resulted in one of India’s most dynamic and consequential bilateral relationships

On the need to build responsible edtech
May 05, 2023

On the need to build responsible edtech

EdTech needs to ensure that the future of education is equitable, inclusive, and safe, and does not hamper innovation at the cost of over-regulation

On World Environment Day, Let's Reaffirm Our Commitment to Co-Existing With Wildlife
Jun 05, 2021

On World Environment Day, Let's Reaffirm Our Commitment to Co-Existing With Wildlife

Can we bring ‘nature’ beyond the confines of just protected forests into a city, while allowing the wildlife with it?

One child policy reform: Policy decision or compulsion?
Dec 11, 2013

One child policy reform: Policy decision or compulsion?

Relaxation of China's One Child policy reform proposed in Third Plenum is not a full proof plan. President Xi Jinping has a perfect analogy with Deng Xiaoping in grappling with a compulsion of sorts. Deng was faced with a bulging population; Xi finds the challenge in ageing one.

One Country One Law, China circumnavigating a Sri Lankan fertiliser hazard
Dec 02, 2021

One Country One Law, China circumnavigating a Sri Lankan fertiliser hazard

China is coercing Sri Lanka to allow a substandard shipment of Chinese fertiliser to enter the island nation despite Sri Lanka’s explicit rejection

Onward to the Sustainable Development Agenda 2030: Will COVID-19 leave many behind?
Feb 16, 2021

Onward to the Sustainable Development Agenda 2030: Will COVID-19 leave many behind?

The multiple ramifications of the COVID-19 pandemic, and the lockdowns imposed by countries as a response, are being felt in sectors ranging from agriculture to healthcare. The global community must now hurdle massive obstacles to achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). To correctly assess the impact of the pandemic on global sustainability-driven concerns, it is important to understand not only the inter-linkages between the SDGs,