Search: For - China

4498 results found

US-UK actions on China and the skewed ‘special relationship’
Aug 06, 2020

US-UK actions on China and the skewed ‘special relationship’

Although London’s actions on Hong Kong and Huawei suggest a renewed US-UK alignment against China, it also exacerbates Washington’s asymmetric pul

Vietnam confronts China, alone
Sep 26, 2019

Vietnam confronts China, alone

Hanoi has not found as much support as it hoped for despite its bold confrontation of Beijing in the South China Sea.

Vietnam ropes in stakeholders to  counter China territorial dispute
Jan 24, 2014

Vietnam ropes in stakeholders to counter China territorial dispute

Hanoi's decision in granting oil blocks to New Delhi could make China uneasy as Chinese foreign policy, especially towards the South China Sea and the East China Sea, has undergone a major shift in the last few years.

Vietnam will never be for India what Pakistan is to China
Sep 05, 2016

Vietnam will never be for India what Pakistan is to China

The "Pakistan" thesis doesn’t hold water because no other country can be so self-destructive as Pakistan is in its rivalry with India.

Visit of Pakistan Prime Minister to China - An Assessment
Dec 27, 2004

Visit of Pakistan Prime Minister to China - An Assessment

Visit of Pakistan Prime Minister to China - An AssessmentD.S. Rajan

Vital sea lanes of communications as a core interest for China: Inferences for India’s national security
Aug 18, 2020

Vital sea lanes of communications as a core interest for China: Inferences for India’s national security

China’s energy interests, constant pursuit for natural resources, expanding commercial interests combined with a quickly growing diaspora in the Ind

Walking the talk and talking tough: Biden’s East Asia outreach and the US-China dialogue
Mar 22, 2021

Walking the talk and talking tough: Biden’s East Asia outreach and the US-China dialogue

Ahead of Biden officials’ first meeting with Chinese envoys in Alaska, high-level visits to Japan and South Korea underscored the US’ representati

We had a One China policy for long. It's time for a relook
Jul 14, 2021

We had a One China policy for long. It's time for a relook

India should adopt tougher positions on Tibet and Taiwan as it recalibrates ties with Beijing after China’s border aggression

We must not over-interpret China's grand moves of diplomacy on the world stage
Nov 28, 2023

We must not over-interpret China's grand moves of diplomacy on the world stage

Beijing is not doing as well as it would like us to think. Its economic challenges and isolation have meant it is keener than its put-off partners to achieve some normalcy in ties with other countries.

West's old enemy is China's new friend
May 07, 2015

West's old enemy is China's new friend

Though China has gained from the Ukraine crisis, the present situation also places China in a diplomatic bind. A strong proponent of the absolute nature of sovereignty, it does not support separatist movements.

What are we doing even as China tries to fix its economy?
Oct 27, 2015

What are we doing even as China tries to fix its economy?

China's ruling Communist Party, at its plenum, will deliberate on the economic and social agenda for China over the next five years focusing on financial reforms and how to maintain growth of around seven per cent. Contrast this with India where the new administration appears somnolent.

What both India and China should keep in mind while dealing with Nepal
Jun 20, 2017

What both India and China should keep in mind while dealing with Nepal

It is necessary for both India and China to strengthen diplomatic ties and initiate confidence-building measures to bridge the gap that exists between

What can artificial intelligence tell us about the scale of Covid-19 in China?
Oct 09, 2020

What can artificial intelligence tell us about the scale of Covid-19 in China?

How is the discrepancy between the Chinese government’s own words and the statistics it released is so pronounced? The answer to this question can b

What China does when it disagrees with you
Nov 22, 2017

What China does when it disagrees with you

It is hardly a secret that China has tried to intervene in local politics and shape elections in other countries

What China has in store for 2021
Jan 08, 2021

What China has in store for 2021

Whether China succeeds or fails, there will be geopolitical consequences which will be difficult to ignore.

What China may have learnt and unlearnt from the Ukraine crisis
Mar 16, 2022

What China may have learnt and unlearnt from the Ukraine crisis

Backing Moscow beyond a point is likely to hurt Beijing’s economic plans and long-term interests

What China needs to get right about the Philippines
Apr 29, 2023

What China needs to get right about the Philippines

Manila wants to have good ties with Beijing, but it will not allow itself to be subjugated to China’s narrowly defined objectives in the region

What China Wants in South Asia
Jun 11, 2020

What China Wants in South Asia

China claims to have purely benign intentions in South Asia. A closer look, however, at Beijing’s actions in the region strongly suggests that it is assiduously securing its national interests, which are likely detrimental to most if not all South Asian nations. In the future, all South Asian countries should be clear-eyed about what precisely Beijing is attempting to achieve in their region, and the potential long-term consequences.

What COVID19 reveals about China-Southeast Asia relations
Apr 26, 2020

What COVID19 reveals about China-Southeast Asia relations

The management of the coronavirus crisis has demonstrated a regional tendency to be loyal to China — to the point of endangering lives.

What does absence of Indo-China joint statement on Doklam withdrawal say?
Aug 29, 2017

What does absence of Indo-China joint statement on Doklam withdrawal say?

Admittedly, these are early hours and the following analysis will have to be corrected on the basis of further details as it comes out. But a couple of things are clear from the two statements.

What does ASEAN’s evolving approach to the South China Sea issue mean for Vietnam?
Nov 02, 2019

What does ASEAN’s evolving approach to the South China Sea issue mean for Vietnam?

Though the regional grouping continues to have difficulties on the issue, it nonetheless remains important to Hanoi’s calculations.

What does Gilani's China visit signal to the US?
May 25, 2011

What does Gilani's China visit signal to the US?

Pakistan's Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani visited China on May 17, barely two weeks after the killing of Osama bin Laden. The original purpose of the third Prime Ministerial meeting in 17 months - celebration of 60 years of Sino-Pakistan relations - was overshadowed by the Abbottabad raid,

What does Maldives’ parliament elections mean for India and China?
Apr 29, 2024

What does Maldives’ parliament elections mean for India and China?

With this electoral victory, Muizzu is more politically stable, incentivising him to tone down his anti-India rhetoric and reconcile with Delhi while

What does Sri Lanka moving closer to China mean for India?
Oct 14, 2020

What does Sri Lanka moving closer to China mean for India?

Given the trajectory of the China relations — Sri Lanka’s ‘India First’ policy will obviously be confined to bilateral security issues and New

What does Sri Lanka’s defence of China’s record at UNHRC entail?
Sep 26, 2021

What does Sri Lanka’s defence of China’s record at UNHRC entail?

Sri Lankan leadership seems wanting to take on the West, not on facts and details, as listed out by the OHCHR but on ‘core principles’

What does the US-China rift mean for the world?
May 11, 2020

What does the US-China rift mean for the world?

The international system may not revert to Cold War era blocs. But some tough choices lie ahead for countries

What does Xi’s Myanmar visit mean for India’s China anxieties?
Jan 24, 2020

What does Xi’s Myanmar visit mean for India’s China anxieties?

The trip produced a mixed outlook for New Delhi’s perceptions of Beijing’s inroads in the wider Indo-Pacific.

What Duterte’s comments mean for the South China Sea dispute, and the Indian position
Oct 29, 2016

What Duterte’s comments mean for the South China Sea dispute, and the Indian position

Duterte’s remarks indicate that the political costs of the SCS dispute to the parties outweigh potential benefits from the legal imprimatur that com

What geography and economics could mean for India’s China problem
May 08, 2017

What geography and economics could mean for India’s China problem

Geography necessitates that India play a role in the Belt and Road Initiative, but it is the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor that’s keeping it away.

What the end of the Deng era and the beginning of Xi’s ‘new era’ means for China
Oct 26, 2017

What the end of the Deng era and the beginning of Xi’s ‘new era’ means for China

The Congress ended with the insertion of the ‘Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese characteristics for a New Era’ into the Party constitution, confirming Xi as the most powerful Chinese leader since Deng Xiaoping.

What the Marshall plan can teach India about China-Pakistan economic corridor
Jan 10, 2017

What the Marshall plan can teach India about China-Pakistan economic corridor

The CPEC may be a bilateral endeavour, but New Delhi cannot ignore its spillover effects on regional governance and regime creation in South Asia

What this China-Japan friendship means to India and the South China sea conflict
Nov 05, 2018

What this China-Japan friendship means to India and the South China sea conflict

Japan knows India is the best possible regional counter-weight to a rising China. At the same time, it has to work with China to counter global uncertainties.

What Tsai win means to China
Jan 21, 2020

What Tsai win means to China

Taiwan is not willing to be assimilated, at least politically, into the motherland

What we can learn from China
Jul 21, 2017

What we can learn from China

India and China have a deep and old connect which can be revived with greater exchange of businessmen, tourists and scholars with easy liberal availab

What’s in the growing Russia-China-Iran trilateral convergence?
Dec 24, 2019

What’s in the growing Russia-China-Iran trilateral convergence?

Potential security engagements among the three have spotlighted their increasing convergence.

What’s next for China’s gaming industry?
Oct 26, 2021

What’s next for China’s gaming industry?

Chinese gaming industry find itself being increasingly regulated to combat gaming addiction amongst youth.

When Modi meets China’s Xi in Wuhan, India starts from a position of weakness
Apr 25, 2018

When Modi meets China’s Xi in Wuhan, India starts from a position of weakness

Prime Minister Narendra Modi wants to talk peace with Beijing. Why?

Where does the US-China relationship stand?
Jul 22, 2014

Where does the US-China relationship stand?

Will the globalization of the economic relationship trump the geo-politics that is being played out in East and South East Asia? For the US, the dilemma is acute, for it cannot ignore the pleas of its allies in the region nor allow an incremental drift to take place in the relationship.

Where is US’s China policy headed?
May 18, 2023

Where is US’s China policy headed?

The escalating geopolitical competition has placed the US and China at odds. Both sides need to stabilise their relationship given the role they play

Why China and Pakistan need each other in the Covid19 crisis
Apr 28, 2020

Why China and Pakistan need each other in the Covid19 crisis

While Beijing needs to flaunt its ‘true friend’ to the world, and Islamabad needs a counterweight to its ‘eternal enemy’ India.