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Foreign policy & federalism
Jan 23, 2014

Foreign policy & federalism

It is absolutely necessary that the central government must consult the state concerned, take care of its grievances, and take it on board while making a decision. At the same time an effective foreign policy requires that the Centre will be in a position to draw the line and assert that the national interest must trump any other interest.

Foreign policy and BRICS: A look at Russia
Feb 01, 2013

Foreign policy and BRICS: A look at Russia

Russia saw BRICS as an anti-Western grouping and it can be said that this Russian BRICS-view still persists. The main problem with this position is that BRICS was not crafted to be a foreign policy vehicle.

Foreign policy cannot be so chaotic
Mar 27, 2012

Foreign policy cannot be so chaotic

There is no doubt that federalism and the increasing role of states in foreign policy is a reality and not something detrimental. It is important, however, to deal with this reality in a mature and pro-active manner.

Foreign policy issues in US presidential campaign 2012:  An assessment
Jul 19, 2012

Foreign policy issues in US presidential campaign 2012: An assessment

As President Barack Obama reaches the twilight of his first term, he has to enter the grind yet again, go all out to try and convince the voters that he deserves another term.

Foreign policy issues to dominate GOP primaries
Jun 11, 2015

Foreign policy issues to dominate GOP primaries

As the US Presidential elections unfold, Republican candidates would be thoroughly tested on their merit of thinking creatively on issue-based solutions to global challenges and exploring facets of diplomacy and non-military aspects of foreign policies in contrast to the focus on military interventionism and a hawkish vision of American policies abroad.

Foreign policy shift unlikely under new Government
May 13, 2014

Foreign policy shift unlikely under new Government

Delhi appears set for a regime change, probably by the BJP-led coalition. However, there is unlikely to be any major change in Indian Foreign Policy. There might be more rhetoric, but not much in substance and action. In all probability, it will be a foreign policy which is realist and pragmatic.

Foreign policy: Regional issues and national concerns
Mar 22, 2013

Foreign policy: Regional issues and national concerns

In not agreeing to have a parliamentary resolution against Sri Lanka, the Parliament has demonstrated where politics ends and policy-making on a sensitive area as external affairs and neighbourhood relations begin.

Foreign Role in the Reconstruction and Development of Sri Lanka
Mar 06, 2004

Foreign Role in the Reconstruction and Development of Sri Lanka

The most recent Tokyo Conference on the Reconstruction and Development of Sri Lanka was held at Washington D.C., on February 17, 2004, as a follow-up meet to discuss the international community¿s support for Sri Lanka¿s peace process.

Foreign Secretary at ORF
Apr 10, 2007

Foreign Secretary at ORF

Observer Research Foundation organised a lecture by Shivshankar Menon, Foreign Secretary, Government of India, on "Indian Foreign Policy: The Challenges Ahead" on Tuesday April 10, at the ORF Delhi campus.

Foreign Secretary launches book on 'Modi's World: Expanding India's Sphere of Influence'
Jul 18, 2015

Foreign Secretary launches book on 'Modi's World: Expanding India's Sphere of Influence'

Launching the new book of Dr. C. Raja Mohan, 'Modi's World' on Friday, Indian Foreign Secretary Dr. S. Jaishankar explained the changes brought out by the foreign policy of the Modi government.

Foreign Secretary suggests joint management of fisheries resources
Jul 18, 2011

Foreign Secretary suggests joint management of fisheries resources

Indian Foreign Secretary Ms Nirupama Rao has suggested joint management of fisheries resources, alternative methods of fishing and examining alternative livelihood to resolve the fisheries disputes between countries in the South Asian region.

Foreign Secretary's visit to Bangladesh showcases India's support for democracy
Dec 31, 2013

Foreign Secretary's visit to Bangladesh showcases India's support for democracy

Though Foreign Secretary Sujata Singh's Bangladesh visit was kept low key, the timely interactions she had in Dhaka helped India shed its image of a reluctant neighbour besides helping her make a realistic assessment of the situation there and evaluate possible fallouts on regional stability.

Foreign trade and Northeast India
Jul 30, 2015

Foreign trade and Northeast India

India's total trade deficit with the world now is USD 13472.18 millions. A major component of Indian exports is agricultural commodities. The northeastern region performs well in horticulture. However, challenges to the produce finally turning into exports remain unaddressed for long.

Forget Gwadar, China has Karachi
Feb 08, 2013

Forget Gwadar, China has Karachi

Someday, Gwadar port in Pakistan might well emerge as a full-fledged Chinese naval facility. For now, Karachi already serves as a major facility for the projection of Chinese naval power into the Indian Ocean.

Former PM Envoy launches "Nuclear Security in India" report
Jun 01, 2015

Former PM Envoy launches "Nuclear Security in India" report

'Nuclear Security in India' Report, launched recently by former PM Envoy on Non-Proliferation Rakesh Sood, sets out a list of policy recommendations which essentially seeks to address the gaps that still remain in the overall architecture of nuclear security in the country.

Forthcoming Presidential Elections in India
Jun 08, 2007

Forthcoming Presidential Elections in India

The Observer Research Foundation organised a roundtable on the "Forthcoming Presidential Election in India" on April 27, 2007 at the ORF Campus, Delhi. The roundtable was attended by several eminent personalities from the media, academia, political parties and think-tanks. The discussion largely focused on the possible contenders, the current electoral strengths of various political formations and possible scenarios that are likely to emerge.

Forward together we go in space?
Oct 13, 2014

Forward together we go in space?

With much fanfare, Indian Prime Minister Modi's trip to the United States came to a close September 30. However, beyond catchy slogans, are current Indo-US space cooperative initiatives living up to their full potential? Will space help India and the U.S. move forward together for a better world?

Four Walls and a Bubble: Coal and the ABC of India's energy security
Oct 27, 2014

Four Walls and a Bubble: Coal and the ABC of India's energy security

In all the hype and hyperbole about what to do with coal blocks, the plain fact is that the real danger lies in our coal reserves turning valueless for the country, of no benefit to the owner - the people of the land. They will be value less if we don't extract them before they turn un-burnable by climate action a few decades from now.

Four Years of a Military Despot
Oct 14, 2003

Four Years of a Military Despot

I have no problem with military officers running a nation as long as they are out of uniform and have won the mandate to do so. But when a military officer ousts a legitimate civilian government, refuses to shed his uniform and abuses the basic democratic right of franchise, there is a reason for the civilized world to be alarmed and ashamed. Such men are a blot on the democratic, civilized world.

France in Mali -Tragedy with much comic relief
Feb 11, 2013

France in Mali -Tragedy with much comic relief

After sending out confusing signal for months, France may have chosen the worst possible moment for intervention. Because its procrastinations allowed a whole range of potential opponents to mingle and be jointly prepared just in case the French did intervene.

Free speech, privacy and E-surveillance in the digital age
Feb 26, 2014

Free speech, privacy and E-surveillance in the digital age

In this digital age, how free speech is dealt with in a multipolar world, and the emergence of the new and complex forms of censorship were discussed in a talk on "Rethinking Media Freedom in the Digital Age" at the Observer Research Foundation.

Freeing of Textile Trade
Dec 28, 2004

Freeing of Textile Trade

The quotas in textiles, enforced under the Multi Fibre Agreement (MFA) which was signed in 1994, are going to be lifted on December 31, 2004 and the trade in textiles would come under the WTO directly. It means that all forms of protectionism applied to textile industries the world over, would have to go.

French envoys hopeful of COP21 success
Aug 06, 2015

French envoys hopeful of COP21 success

The COP21 was at the heart of the conversation on July 28 at the French Embassy in India, where the fifth in a monthly series of talks leading up to the Paris conference was held in partnership with Observer Research Foundation.

French officials in Syrian custody could rock Sarkozy's electoral boat
Mar 03, 2012

French officials in Syrian custody could rock Sarkozy's electoral boat

Should the story of the French in Syrian custody become public in France, the voters will ask: did the government sanction illegal entry of our soldiers into foreign countries? Is the Syrian rebellion an imported rebellion?

Friends for the future
Aug 30, 2014

Friends for the future

Although Modi could not make Japan his first foreign destination as PM, he has kept the essence of his promise that he would attach special significance to ties with Tokyo. His trip to Japan is his first bilateral diplomatic engagement outside the subcontinent.

From "Adi" Shankara to "Adi" Vasi
Dec 31, 2010

From "Adi" Shankara to "Adi" Vasi

The amazingly imbalanced judgement on Binayak Sen handed down by the Chattisgarh court has some lessons for all. Basically, intellectuals are being put on notice. Don't cross the Red Line otherwise this will be your fate.

From 'clash of civilisations' to 'clashes within civilisations'
Aug 09, 2014

From 'clash of civilisations' to 'clashes within civilisations'

If the ISIS is not brought under control, the chances are that it could spread to Pakistan, especially Waziristan, a tribal region which plays host to most terror outfits. This could in turn affect India by means of border infiltrations.

From an 'air of permissiveness' to a 'sense of security'
Jan 28, 2013

From an 'air of permissiveness' to a 'sense of security'

Better policing, if nothing else, could help eliminate the existing air of permissiveness and re-introduce a sense of security in women - and also in men - inside their homes and outside - than at present.

From Cold War to Hot Peace: Why BRICS matters
Jul 14, 2015

From Cold War to Hot Peace: Why BRICS matters

The 77-paragraph outcomes statement from the Ufa BRICS summit was inevitably going to be a list of ideas that would cater to different expectations and aspirations of each of its members.

From Dictatorship to Democracy, the Peaceful Maldivian Experience
Jun 03, 2010

From Dictatorship to Democracy, the Peaceful Maldivian Experience

The Vice-President of Maldives, in his address to the ORF faculty, recounts the long and bitter-sweet struggle against autocratic rule in his country. With an elected government now at the helm and democracy gradually taking roots in different spheres of society, he outlines the crucial challenges that lie ahead for the island nation.

From Down South With...
Mar 07, 2004

From Down South With...

If there is one thing on which all the ¿Dravidian parties¿ of Tamil Nadu stand united today, it is their criticism of the Union budget, presented by fellow Tamil leader Palaniappan Chidambaram. In doing so the DMK, the PMK and the MDMK, allies of the Congress at the Centre, have restricted their criticism to the proposed tax on the daily withdrawal of money from one¿s own bank account.

From Islamabad and After
Jan 07, 2004

From Islamabad and After

By delineating bilateral relations from the larger SAARC format, and at the same time taking them up after the Islamabad summit had addressed major agendas, India and Pakistan have done well for themselves and for the region ¿ without continuing to hold one the hostage of the other.

From Kunming Initiative to BCIM Corridor
Aug 31, 2013

From Kunming Initiative to BCIM Corridor

The BCIM Forum has come a long way, but there are still challenges. Clearing the geopolitical air may prove more beneficial on both domestic as well as international levels, than keeping them in the shadows.

From London to Sharm El-Sheikh
Jul 27, 2005

From London to Sharm El-Sheikh

Eighty-eight innocent civilians, about 60 of them Egyptians, and the remaining believed to be foreign tourists, were killed in three well-synchronised explosions by unidentified terrorist elements at the Red Sea resort city of Sharm el-Sheikh in Egypt on July 23,2005.The city is a popular tourist resort on the Red Sea at the tip of the Sinai Peninsula.

From MIC to NSIC
Oct 11, 2011

From MIC to NSIC

Nomenclature notwithstanding, the evolution of an Indian National Security Industrial Complex (NSIC) must be watched with interest and caution.

From Pakistan to Sharm El-Sheikh
Jul 27, 2005

From Pakistan to Sharm El-Sheikh

Tantalising tit-bits of information relating to the links between jihadi terrorists in Pakistan and Egypt and in Egypt and the UK have been given in an editorial on the Sharm el-Sheikh blasts carried by the "Daily Times", the prestigious daily of Lahore, on July 25,2005. The editorial titled "Terrorist Link Between Egypt and Pakistan " makes the following salient points:

From the blast in Lahore to Sri Lanka's conundrum
Jan 13, 2008

From the blast in Lahore to Sri Lanka's conundrum

Starting this week, ORF brings you the main events that have taken place in the week gone by in India's neighbourhood, from Pakistan, Nepal, Bangladesh, Maldives and Sri Lanka

From the Indus to the Nile - endless strife
Jul 11, 2013

From the Indus to the Nile - endless strife

In the 21st century, ideas and thoughts travel across the globe with considerable speed. And, areas inhabited by those whose ancestors belonged to ancient civilisations like our own are engaged in battles that are ideological and sectarian. Essentially, these are about dominance and reversion to a way of life pitted against those who want the systems changed.

FTA-fetishism to hurt Indian industry in the long run
Nov 16, 2015

FTA-fetishism to hurt Indian industry in the long run

FTAs have helped consumer well-being by increasing consumer choices at affordable prices. However, the problem is that for any government to sign an agreement of this character would necessitate a better feasibility study report that is more holistic in nature.

Funding Elections: Some Lessons from International Best Practices
Dec 01, 2011

Funding Elections: Some Lessons from International Best Practices

To ensure that the role of "big money" in influencing elections and policies is banished from the Indian polity, state funding, small donations, public subsidies, membership fees along with strict disclosure and reporting requirements must be encouraged and assiduously pursued.

Furthering Indo Pak Ties and the Importance of Track Two Dialogue
Jun 07, 2011

Furthering Indo Pak Ties and the Importance of Track Two Dialogue

There is an increasing realisation amongst the media community in Pakistan that their State had been actively involved in training India-centric terrorist groups within Pakistani borders, said a delegation of Urdu journalists from Pakistan who visited ORF.

Futile to expect India to sign NPT, says former Japanese diplomat
Feb 16, 2010

Futile to expect India to sign NPT, says former Japanese diplomat

Amb. Hiroshi Hirabayashi, former Japan's Ambassador to India and currently President, The Japan-India Association, was in ORF for an interactive session