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Politics of Russia’s elections
Mar 18, 2024

Politics of Russia’s elections

Despite Putin’s overwhelming victory in the recent Russian presidential elections, a growing shift in the social attitudes of the citizenry was witn

Polls, politics, and foreign policy: Bangladesh in perspective
Jan 12, 2024

Polls, politics, and foreign policy: Bangladesh in perspective

The dynamics that have shaped the recent Bangladeshi election will leave an imprint on the country’s bilateral ties, in turn affecting its developme

Pompeo meeting Jaishankar: What’s on the table for India & US?
Jun 26, 2019

Pompeo meeting Jaishankar: What’s on the table for India & US?

The bilateral ties have had their share of irritants on issues initiated after the Trump administration took office.

Pompeo’s visit set to temper tensions ahead of Modi-Trump meet at G20
Jun 26, 2019

Pompeo’s visit set to temper tensions ahead of Modi-Trump meet at G20

In New Delhi, the US Secretary of State will push for the prioritisation of long-term strategic potentialities over near-term economic upsets.

Pompeo’s visit to India: What lies ahead for India-US cooperation in the Indo-Pacific?
Jun 26, 2019

Pompeo’s visit to India: What lies ahead for India-US cooperation in the Indo-Pacific?

Both the countries regard each other as critical partners in their Indo-Pacific strategies.

Poor sanitation in Mumbai’s slums is compounding the Covid19 threat
May 16, 2020

Poor sanitation in Mumbai’s slums is compounding the Covid19 threat

‘One home, one toilet’ is the only lasting solution to combat the coronavirus in Mumbai’s informal settlements

Pop culture and strategic messaging: How Netflix got caught in the South China Sea dispute
Jan 03, 2022

Pop culture and strategic messaging: How Netflix got caught in the South China Sea dispute

China’s claims over the South China Sea are being pushed forward not just by military intelligence and show strength, but also by soft power

Popular resentment confronts China in Zambia
May 28, 2020

Popular resentment confronts China in Zambia

Perhaps the greatest cause of resentment comes from Chinese nationals taking up occupations at the bottom of the pyramid.

Population drives climate change: A myth or reality?
Jul 11, 2022

Population drives climate change: A myth or reality?

Is there a positive correlation between the rise of the population and the rise of carbon dioxide?

Population health in India: Challenges and strategies for improving public well-being
Jul 31, 2023

Population health in India: Challenges and strategies for improving public well-being

A comprehensive approach needs to be undertaken by raising awareness of rights and encouraging community involvement and self-reliance to improve the

Populism of the worst kind
Jan 03, 2018

Populism of the worst kind

Delhi must pay close attention to several pioneering initiatives undertaken by a number of Indian states to address service delivery challenges.

Populism will run out of steam
Mar 15, 2012

Populism will run out of steam

For a person who knows his business economics well, the Railway Minister obviously realises that he will need money to make that happen. That is why his speech contained so many references to the need for budgetary support from the government.

Porous borders: The Indo-Bangladesh challenge of human trafficking
Jul 30, 2022

Porous borders: The Indo-Bangladesh challenge of human trafficking

Both India and Bangladesh need to strengthen cross-border mechanisms to combat human trafficking.

Portends from Polls-2011: Performance and accountability
May 13, 2011

Portends from Polls-2011: Performance and accountability

With the decisive verdicts in these Assembly elections, and more Assembly elections slated in Uttar Pradesh and a host of others States before 2014 general elections, the voter has put Governments and leaders on notice, when it comes to performance and accountability.

Portents of revised LoC ceasefire
Jun 05, 2018

Portents of revised LoC ceasefire

The timing of the recent India-Pakistan agreement can’t be a coincidence, and the Modi government needs to watch its back.

POSHAN Abhiyaan: Fighting Malnutrition in the Time of a Pandemic
Dec 14, 2020

POSHAN Abhiyaan: Fighting Malnutrition in the Time of a Pandemic

While India’s malnutrition rates have improved over the recent years, the country is still home to the largest number of stunted and wasted children in the world. To combat the dismal state of nutrition in the country, the government launched the Prime Minister’s Overarching Scheme for Holistic Nourishment (POSHAN) Abhiyaan (‘movement’) in 2017, a flagship mission that aims at a convergence mechanism for the country’s response to malnut

Poshan Maah 2023: Suposhit Bharat, Sakshar Bharat, Sashakt Bharat
Sep 22, 2023

Poshan Maah 2023: Suposhit Bharat, Sakshar Bharat, Sashakt Bharat

While progress has been made under Poshan Maah, India's size, diversity, and numerous challenges make it a persistent issue that demands constant atte

Positioning India at the helm of health diplomacy
Dec 22, 2023

Positioning India at the helm of health diplomacy

Incorporation of health diplomacy in the existing training institutions for diplomats and other professionals could add value to position India at the

Positioning The Resistance Front (TRF) in Kashmir’s militancy landscape
Dec 15, 2021

Positioning The Resistance Front (TRF) in Kashmir’s militancy landscape

TRF attempts to paint a secularised image to secure more recruits and resources. It is yet to be seen whether this strategy will help it gain momentum

Post Covid-19 world: How AI can ensure a more inclusive digital economy
Jul 30, 2020

Post Covid-19 world: How AI can ensure a more inclusive digital economy

Developing economies with large informal sectors can take advantage of the ‘impact sourcing’ model to create a digital economy where the low skill

Post COVID19 Green Mobility: Time for a long-term vision for Electric Vehicles in India
May 11, 2023

Post COVID19 Green Mobility: Time for a long-term vision for Electric Vehicles in India

The Electric Vehicle (EV) segment in India has gathered momentum in recent years, but a mismatch in intent and action has resulted in limited on-ground adoption of EVs. However, the expected growth of the automobile sector (especially in the personal-mobility space), due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and people’s increased understanding of vehicular emissions, creates immense scope for the exponential growth of the EVs industry in India. Ess

Post Doklam, army needs reforms that have been stalled for decades
Sep 02, 2017

Post Doklam, army needs reforms that have been stalled for decades

Instead of restructuring its existing combat forces, the army is merely tinkering around with the problem by shaving off marginal costs.

Post OBOR, should India relook its neighbourhood policy?
May 23, 2017

Post OBOR, should India relook its neighbourhood policy?

India needs to enhance its engagement with the neighbours to fulfil its vision for shared growth and prosperity – a key mantra of the nation’s neighbourhood policy.

Post Pulwama attack: 10 questions for the government
Feb 16, 2019

Post Pulwama attack: 10 questions for the government

The immediate consequence of the Pulwama carnage is the sense of fear developed in the State of Jammu and Kashmir.

Post troops withdrawal, regional mechanism needed to deal with Afghan situation
Dec 01, 2012

Post troops withdrawal, regional mechanism needed to deal with Afghan situation

Prof. Feng Zhongping, Vice President of the China Institutes of Contemporary International Relations, feels that US's rebalancing strategy in Asia is not entirely designed to contain China but also based on economic considerations.

Post-Balakot: Why India needs to modernise its forces urgently
Jun 19, 2019

Post-Balakot: Why India needs to modernise its forces urgently

There needs to be a technology acquisition drive to military modernisation plans.

Post-Benazir Pakistan may turn militant
Jan 05, 2008

Post-Benazir Pakistan may turn militant

At an Interaction of the ORF Chennai Chapter of the Observer Research Foundation on 5 January 2008, Mr K J M Varma, until recently the Special Correspondent of the Press Trust of India (PTI) at Islamabad, spoke on 'Pakistan after Benazir Bhutto'

Post-Budget uncertainty, global cues drives market sell-off
Feb 06, 2018

Post-Budget uncertainty, global cues drives market sell-off

Uncertainty in financial arrangements is crippling and its trauma lingers. The good news is that this sell off is temporary. Stock markets are now back to where they were just two weeks ago.

Post-China FTA, Maldives, India recalibrating ties
Jan 29, 2018

Post-China FTA, Maldives, India recalibrating ties

India’s concerns on Maldivian democracy and on the China front would remain, as standalone issues.