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1906 results found

Empowering the Global South: A call to action for COP28
Nov 30, 2023

Empowering the Global South: A call to action for COP28

COP28 must serve as a unifying forum with a targeted Global South focus agenda and should not continue to be hampered by the burdens of the past

Empowering village pradhans for good governance
Apr 06, 2013

Empowering village pradhans for good governance

It were thousands of village pradhans who had to be "empowered" as the nodal points most in contact with the people. Legislators and policy makers have to develop institutional mechanisms to liaise with the Pradhans who implement policy at the village level.

Empowering women in agriculture: A gendered approach to climate change and food security
May 27, 2024

Empowering women in agriculture: A gendered approach to climate change and food security

As we reel under the looming threat of climate change, empowering women in agriculture can help boost productivity levels and ensure food security.

Empowering women in the digital age
Jul 01, 2017

Empowering women in the digital age

While women's digital exclusion is relative to each G20 member state and its accompanying socio-economic context, it can be observed universally in varied manifestations.

Empowering women through supportive policy
Mar 07, 2024

Empowering women through supportive policy

Although strides have been made in women's empowerment, unpaid care work still tends to be undervalued and overlooked in mainstream economics

Encourage China to become a responsible power, says Japanese security expert
Nov 02, 2010

Encourage China to become a responsible power, says Japanese security expert

Control of China through cooperation could be a more effective policy given the size and closed nature of China's society

Energy News Monitor | Volume XIII; Issue 16 | Power news commentary
Oct 03, 2016

Energy News Monitor | Volume XIII; Issue 16 | Power news commentary

Energy: Power Ministry plans to shut coal-fired power plants with capacity of about 8000 MW.

Engagement with Africa vital for India's global power ambitions
Jun 25, 2013

Engagement with Africa vital for India's global power ambitions

The importance of today's Africa for India is self-evident. India's ambitions of being a global power cannot be achieved without the support of the African continent consisting of 55 countries. Nowhere is the importance of African countries felt more than on the issue of the expansion of the UN Security Council.

Engaging youth to power the Green Transition
Feb 22, 2024

Engaging youth to power the Green Transition

By unlocking the youth’s potential, we build a more prosperous, healthier, and empowering future for them, for the nation, and for generations to co

Engendering fintech lending to power women’s entrepreneurship
Jun 13, 2022

Engendering fintech lending to power women’s entrepreneurship

To boost women’s entrepreneurship in India, fintech lending should become more gender-inclusive.

Enhancing Aerospace Power Engagement Among the Quad Countries: A Roadmap
May 13, 2024

Enhancing Aerospace Power Engagement Among the Quad Countries: A Roadmap

The Indo-Pacific region is becoming the world's new strategic and economic ‘centre of gravity’. Indeed, the accelerated trajectory of the Quadrilateral Security Dialogue (Quad) in recent years highlights the region’s growing importance. The Quad countries have committed to a rules-based order and a free and open Indo-Pacific, and are aiming to develop resilience across domains, such as in the maritime space, to counter and deter aggressive

Ensuring security of supply in the Indian power system
Oct 21, 2021

Ensuring security of supply in the Indian power system

How can supply reliability be ensured in the Indian power system?

Erdoğan retains power in Türkiye
May 30, 2023

Erdoğan retains power in Türkiye

The final attempt to win the presidential elections by using a concoction of nationalism and religion helped Erdoğan snatch victory from Kemal Kiliç

EU-India free trade pact will power India's growth
Jul 05, 2013

EU-India free trade pact will power India's growth

A successful conclusion of the FTA with EU would go a long way in building international market confidence, giving much needed stimulus to the international economy. The loss of revenue from reduction in tariffs should be viewed in gains of transfer of technology, productivity increases and greater competition.

Exploring the hydropower potential in India’s Northeast
May 12, 2023

Exploring the hydropower potential in India’s Northeast

The Northeastern states of India have massive potential for harnessing hydroelectricity. While the government has rightly recognised this capacity as crucial to boosting the growth of the region, the pace of development has remained slow, and marred by many problems. This brief builds on the “43rdReport on Hydro Power” presented in Parliament in January 2019 by the Standing Committee on Energy, to assess the prospects of the hydropower sector

Fair share of nuclear power
Jan 17, 2006

Fair share of nuclear power

The Iran nuclear issue is touching yet another point of criticality. The build-up was evident to the naked eye, the crescendo almost predictable. It was six weeks ago that Secretary of Iran¿s Supreme National Security Council, Ali Larijani, expressed Teheran's frustration that EU-3 (Britain, France and Germany) was stonewalling in the negotiations, meandering into blind alleys, lost in thoughts.

Financially empowering urban local bodies to get India’s cities up and running
Jun 14, 2018

Financially empowering urban local bodies to get India’s cities up and running

The role of the State Finance Commissions between States and local bodies is supposed to mimic the role of Finance Commissions between the Centre and

For a strong and powerful India
Nov 17, 2015

For a strong and powerful India

India is now being recognized as the fastest growing country in Asia. Even PM Modi recently said that Indian economy is doing much better now. But India's soft underbelly should not be forgotten -- India has the highest number of malnourished children under- five years of age in the world.

For power-starved J&K, is transfer of hydro power projects from NHPC to State a solution?
Aug 17, 2018

For power-starved J&K, is transfer of hydro power projects from NHPC to State a solution?

The enlarged footprint of projects in J&K, with one third of its installed capacity being in J&K has earned the NHPC the local sobriquet of th

From Kargil to Balakot: The continuing challenges to India’s modern air power
May 22, 2023

From Kargil to Balakot: The continuing challenges to India’s modern air power

Most leading air forces around the world were quick to learn from the experiences of the US Air Force between the Vietnam War in the 1960s and the Gulf War three decades later. This resulted in the widespread adoption by these forces of Precision Guided Munitions (PGMs) beginning in the mid-1990s. Only a few of these air arms, however, have matched the overall effectiveness of US air power, which combines aircraft survivability with weapon range,

Fuel Mix in Power Generation in India: Present and Future
Sep 26, 2022

Fuel Mix in Power Generation in India: Present and Future

Renewable energy and nuclear power generation capacity are projected to increase by leaps and bounds in 2032.

G20 should have demonstrated power of numbers and guided future of climate governance
Jul 10, 2017

G20 should have demonstrated power of numbers and guided future of climate governance

The alignment of G20 policies with the Sustainable Development Goals, and emphasis on energy security, is high on India’s climate agenda.

Gantz’s visit to India: Israel’s hand in building the Asian leading power
Jun 11, 2022

Gantz’s visit to India: Israel’s hand in building the Asian leading power

Israel can leverage the current geopolitical situation in bolstering the economic, strategic, defence, and cultural ties with India.

Gap, it is empowering women to shatter the glass ceiling
Nov 03, 2016

Gap, it is empowering women to shatter the glass ceiling

Some of key national imperatives to propel India into next wave of growth include creating employment opportunities for segments such as women workfor

Gas powers energy politics in Central Asia
Jul 23, 2007

Gas powers energy politics in Central Asia

The May 2007 summit at Turkmenbashi in Turkmenistan between Russia, Turkmenistan and Kazakhstan has once again brought the Central Asian Republics (CARs), especially Turkmenistan, in the limelight of international energy politics.

GCC and Central Asia Summit amidst great power competition
Aug 03, 2023

GCC and Central Asia Summit amidst great power competition

Amidst the fragile world order and great power competition, the recent GCC-CAR summit aims to strengthen political and strategic relations

Gendering the G20: Empowering women in the digital age
Jun 28, 2017

Gendering the G20: Empowering women in the digital age

Women make up a majority of the four billion people excluded from the digital economy. Policy narratives assert that the digital economy has the potential to transform the world of work. Conversely, there are concerns that the existing ‘digital divide’ within and across nations will simply exacerbate existing social inequalities and reinforce gender hierarchies. G20 member states have repeatedly committed to bridging pervasive gender gaps in

Generosity within BRICS offers China passport to power
Mar 07, 2013

Generosity within BRICS offers China passport to power

As the partner that stands to benefit the most from any expanded BRICS play, China needs to be singularly more magnanimous and mindful in accommodating the legitimate interests and aspirations of other member states.

Geo-strategic uncertainties will drive India and Japan to maintain balance of power in Asia
Jun 29, 2012

Geo-strategic uncertainties will drive India and Japan to maintain balance of power in Asia

The geo-strategic uncertainties that prevail in Asia will drive India and Japan increasingly in the direction of jointly addressing the need for maintaining the prevailing balance of power in the continent, according to scholars from India and Japan.

Going beyond SAARC power-grid
Nov 13, 2014

Going beyond SAARC power-grid

The Indian proposal for a SAARC power-grid, revived by Union Minister Piyush Goyal, has the potential to increase power-generation in South Asia. It also has the potential to reverse the way the South Asia thinks about itself - and the world thinks about South Asia, besides cutting oil bills of countries like India.

Great power berserk: Fair is foul, foul is fair
Jul 27, 2012

Great power berserk: Fair is foul, foul is fair

Has New Delhi forgotten its breast beating against cross-border terrorism in Kashmir atleast since 1989? How will it ever raise that issue again having voted along with the west which stands for cross border terrorism by US, France, UK, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Turkey against Syria?

Great power competition raises concerns within the ASEAN
Aug 16, 2023

Great power competition raises concerns within the ASEAN

The growing Chinese and US presence near the South China Sea raises concerns in the minds of the ASEAN countries as it might be signalling a potential

Great power politics and the tragedy of OBOR
Jul 12, 2017

Great power politics and the tragedy of OBOR

If OBOR is to be seen as China's 21st century Marshall Plan, the expanding economic influence would require deeper military commitments.

Great power politics is back with a twist
Dec 30, 2021

Great power politics is back with a twist

This year made it clear that the US-China strategic competition is not merely the figment of Donald Trump's imagination

Great powers and small islands: An update from the Pacific and its engagement with Australia
Dec 19, 2022

Great powers and small islands: An update from the Pacific and its engagement with Australia

In the first of a two-part series, an assessment is made about whether Australia’s place in the Pacific is as assured as once assumed

Great powers and small islands: The democratic powers need to “lean in”
Dec 19, 2022

Great powers and small islands: The democratic powers need to “lean in”

In the second of a two-part series, as the Indo-Pacific takes central focus in geopolitics, democratic nations must work to keep the region’s strate