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1768 results found

Pakistan’s battered tribal regions set the stage for new Prime Minister
Sep 14, 2018

Pakistan’s battered tribal regions set the stage for new Prime Minister

Pakistan’s new Prime Minister, Imran Khan, faces formidable challenges. For now, the most difficult one may yet be mollifying his restive fellow Pashtuns who have suffered grievously in the Army’s anti-terror operations in the country’s tribal regions.

Pakistan’s economic challenges amidst political drama
Feb 10, 2024

Pakistan’s economic challenges amidst political drama

No matter the winner, Pakistan’s economy will make it difficult for the incoming government to meet election promises

Pakistan’s euphoria from Trump’s talks with Imran Khan may not last
Jul 31, 2019

Pakistan’s euphoria from Trump’s talks with Imran Khan may not last

Can Pakistan help the US tame the Taliban so that Trump can withdraw US forces from Afghanistan? That’s the price the US demands in exchange for aid for Pakistan’s floundering economy, but success is far from assured

Pakistan’s impulsive alliance: The Saudi angle
Jun 22, 2023

Pakistan’s impulsive alliance: The Saudi angle

Saudi Arabia has been seemingly distancing itself from Pakistan, as there have been various instances of it forging strategic business ties with India

Pakistan’s Imran problem: राजनीतिक बवंडर में पाकिस्तान और सत्ताधीशों की इमरान से अदावत!
Nov 18, 2022

Pakistan’s Imran problem: राजनीतिक बवंडर में पाकिस्तान और सत्ताधीशों की इमरान से अदावत!

हुकूमत और सेना पर इमरान के लगातार हमलों ने पाकिस्तान में �

Pakistan’s India policy: Hot words, cold feet
Apr 04, 2021

Pakistan’s India policy: Hot words, cold feet

If earlier the army would sabotage things, this time the civilians have done so.

Pakistan’s isolation is responsible for its recent rants at UNGA
Sep 27, 2017

Pakistan’s isolation is responsible for its recent rants at UNGA

Pakistan continues to live in its own world as was reflected in its PM’s statement that there is no role for India in Afghanistan. Many in Pakistan are now putting all their eggs in China’s basket. The Xiamen BRICS declaration, which listed Pakistan-based terror organisations for the first time, should be a warning to Pakistan than an isolated Pakistan would be of little use to even China.

Pakistan’s judiciary as a compliant arbiter of power
Apr 06, 2024

Pakistan’s judiciary as a compliant arbiter of power

As Pakistan ushers in a new executive, backed by a fractured legislature, its judiciary remains survivalist

Pakistan’s latest nuclear antics in the form of Full Spectrum Deterrence
Jul 24, 2023

Pakistan’s latest nuclear antics in the form of Full Spectrum Deterrence

Despite Pakistan’s deployment of a wide range of nuclear capabilities as part of its FSD strategy, there is no need for India to be alarmed

Pakistan’s marginalisation in South Asia
Sep 30, 2016

Pakistan’s marginalisation in South Asia

India is wise to emphasise the costs to Islamabad of its obstructionism. Pakistan cannot hold the future of South Asia hostage to its India paranoia.

Pakistan’s Nasr Missile: ‘Cold Water’ over India’s ‘Cold Start’?
Feb 01, 2019

Pakistan’s Nasr Missile: ‘Cold Water’ over India’s ‘Cold Start’?

Pakistan started developing the Nasr in the mid-2000s and the first report about the missile came out after a test firing in 2011.

Pakistan’s National Security Policy: A policy rooted in delusions and wishful thinking
Jan 21, 2022

Pakistan’s National Security Policy: A policy rooted in delusions and wishful thinking

Would the new NSP bring about much-required reform in Pakistan or will it just double down on its past rhetoric?

Pakistan’s National Security Policy: A yay or a yawn? (Part 2)
Jan 23, 2022

Pakistan’s National Security Policy: A yay or a yawn? (Part 2)

In the second of a two-part series, the NSP’s promises on the economy, security, India and terrorism are dissected through a critical lens

Pakistan’s National Security Policy: A yay or a yawn?
Jan 22, 2022

Pakistan’s National Security Policy: A yay or a yawn?

In the first of a two-part series, the NSP’s promises on the economy, security, India and terrorism are dissected through a critical lens

Pakistan’s offensive on Kashmir will persist. India must be ready
Oct 01, 2019

Pakistan’s offensive on Kashmir will persist. India must be ready

Islamabad will deploy all political and diplomatic tools to lobby in the West. But it senses failure

Pakistan’s polity in turbulence
Dec 07, 2019

Pakistan’s polity in turbulence

The Pakistani military might now try to focus on India so as to resurrect its diminishing credentials, especially as General Qamar Javed Bajwa will be under pressure. He will have to prove his worth by making sure the regional security environment deteriorates.

Pakistan’s roller-coaster politics and the military’s primacy
Aug 16, 2022

Pakistan’s roller-coaster politics and the military’s primacy

The Pakistan army has honed its ability to keep a sword dangling over the head of every single politician to keep them compliant and obsequious.

Pakistan’s rupee volatility: A bumpy ride to the bottom
Jun 27, 2023

Pakistan’s rupee volatility: A bumpy ride to the bottom

Pakistan should be cautious of the excessive IMF lending as the large capital inflows can undermine the BoP viability in the long run

Pakistan’s Schools of Terror
Apr 10, 2023

Pakistan’s Schools of Terror

Terror training schools, teaching hundreds of new and young recruits in suicide missions and use of sophisticated weapons like AK-47, Mi-5 and Surface to Air Missiles (SAMs), have been active in many parts of Pakistan, including Punjab, North West Frontier Province (NWFP), Waziristan and Pak-occupied Kashmir.

Pakistan’s sea-based nuclear deterrent and its asymmetric escalation strategy
Aug 21, 2023

Pakistan’s sea-based nuclear deterrent and its asymmetric escalation strategy

This brief situates Pakistan’s pursuit of a sea-based nuclear deterrent within the context of its asymmetric escalation strategy. It does so by examining the role of Pakistan’s land-based tactical nuclear weapons in such strategy, as well as by raising questions about claims that India may be shifting towards a counterforce targeting strategy and thus endangering the survivability of Pakistan’s nuclear deterrent. The brief also reviews clai

Pakistan’s Senate elections: Imran Khan and the army’s PDM dilemma
Mar 13, 2021

Pakistan’s Senate elections: Imran Khan and the army’s PDM dilemma

While the elections may be over and the PDM may have won this battle, the war continues to be fought.

Pakistan’s tactical nuclear weapons limit India’s conventional military options
Jun 25, 2024

Pakistan’s tactical nuclear weapons limit India’s conventional military options

Pakistan’s TNWs could deter India's conventional military superiority, preventing territorial gains. The threat of tactical nuclear escalation might

Pakistan’s tragedy of errors: IMF et al.
Jun 21, 2023

Pakistan’s tragedy of errors: IMF et al.

Pakistan's borrowing history has discouraged IMF and its allies from providing fresh loans or restructuring existing ones.

Pakistan’s troubles are an opportunity to make it a normal country
Feb 06, 2023

Pakistan’s troubles are an opportunity to make it a normal country

Avoiding a debt default is virtually impossible, but this crisis can be an opportunity for Pakistan to redeem itself

Pakistan’s use of terror as a tool
Nov 24, 2018

Pakistan’s use of terror as a tool

Pakistan’s strategy of ‘bleeding India by a thousand cuts’ has been implemented by exploiting religious sentiments and whipping up passions on c

Pakistan’s ‘good’ and ‘bad’ terrorists
Mar 08, 2018

Pakistan’s ‘good’ and ‘bad’ terrorists

Pakistan is aware that its promises sound hollow, when those whom the UN designates as global terrorists, roam freely, give speeches and raise funds t

#Pakistan Politics: इमरान ख़ान को सत्‍ता से बेदख़ल करने के बाद विपक्षी एकता पर उठे सवाल?
Jul 31, 2023

#Pakistan Politics: इमरान ख़ान को सत्‍ता से बेदख़ल करने के बाद विपक्षी एकता पर उठे सवाल?

ऐसे में सवाल यह है कि क्‍या इमरान खान को सत्‍ता से हटाने क�

#Pakistan Politics: इमरान ख़ान को सत्‍ता से बेदख़ल करने के बाद विपक्षी एकता पर उठे सवाल?
Apr 12, 2022

#Pakistan Politics: इमरान ख़ान को सत्‍ता से बेदख़ल करने के बाद विपक्षी एकता पर उठे सवाल?

ऐसे में सवाल यह है कि क्‍या इमरान खान को सत्‍ता से हटाने क�

#Pakistan Politics: भारत के साथ कैसी होगी शाहबाज़ की केमिस्ट्री?
Jul 31, 2023

#Pakistan Politics: भारत के साथ कैसी होगी शाहबाज़ की केमिस्ट्री?

नए प्रधानमंत्री के समक्ष देश की आंतरिक और वाह्य चुनौतियो

#Pakistan Politics: भारत के साथ कैसी होगी शाहबाज़ की केमिस्ट्री?
Apr 11, 2022

#Pakistan Politics: भारत के साथ कैसी होगी शाहबाज़ की केमिस्ट्री?

नए प्रधानमंत्री के समक्ष देश की आंतरिक और वाह्य चुनौतियो

'Democratic deficit and economic hardships': The way forward for Pakistan
Mar 20, 2022

'Democratic deficit and economic hardships': The way forward for Pakistan

With the upcoming No-Confidence vote, Pakistan finds itself further embroiled in political and economic uncertainties.