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Indian government’s 2G restrictions in Kashmir fail to curb online extremism
May 27, 2020

Indian government’s 2G restrictions in Kashmir fail to curb online extremism

Amid the COVID-19 pandemic, extremist groups find workarounds to the digital blockade as ordinary citizens endure restricted access

India’s Move on Kashmir Puts Pakistan on the back foot
Aug 08, 2019

India’s Move on Kashmir Puts Pakistan on the back foot

India’s decision to revoke Article 370 giving special status to Jammu & Kashmir has put Pakistan on the back foot, dealt New Delhi back into the Sou

Informal modern education the only hope in present Kashmir crises
Sep 21, 2019

Informal modern education the only hope in present Kashmir crises

As Kashmiris stare at an uncertain future, mohalla schools have kept the lamp of education burning for the Valley’s children.

Inside Pakistan-III, The Kashmiri and Religious Politicians Perspective
Feb 24, 2004

Inside Pakistan-III, The Kashmiri and Religious Politicians Perspective

Amanullah Khan, chairman of the JKLF, is most unhappy with the peace process between India and Pakistan. For a man who knows what it means to be first used by a state and then unceremoniously disposed off after the state has achieved its purpose, Khan realizes that the peace process, if successful, is probably the end of the road for people like him. There was a time in the late 1980's and very early 1990's when Amanullah Khan was a really happen

Insurrection in the ‘other’ Kashmir
May 16, 2024

Insurrection in the ‘other’ Kashmir

Although the current uprising PoJK is predominantly centred around economic issues, there is a deeper underpinning of issues of political economy and

Internationalising ‘Kashmir issue’, the UNHRC way
Sep 19, 2016

Internationalising ‘Kashmir issue’, the UNHRC way

How to downplay the internationalisation of the Kashmir issue? Is it possible to contain the present crisis.

Internet restrictions to detention of politicians: 5 August continues in Kashmir
May 04, 2020

Internet restrictions to detention of politicians: 5 August continues in Kashmir

Months after 5 August has been a total waste — recruitments for government jobs continue to be on hold, investments from outside have not come and b

Introducing Kashmir to the New Geopolitical and Regional Realities
Oct 20, 2021

Introducing Kashmir to the New Geopolitical and Regional Realities

Militants, most probably backed by the Pakistani state, are trying to entrap India in a three-front war

Is aggressive nationalism over Kulbhushan Jadhav and Kashmir really the way to go?
Apr 19, 2017

Is aggressive nationalism over Kulbhushan Jadhav and Kashmir really the way to go?

Polarisation over Kashmir and Jadhav, and the rise of rhetoric in India and Pakistan, only serves to feed into the narrative of aggressive nationalism that’s taken centre stage in India’s political discourse.

Is the BJP fuelling Kashmiri separatism for electoral gains?
Aug 21, 2019

Is the BJP fuelling Kashmiri separatism for electoral gains?

For the BJP's electoral constituents across India – most of whom only conceive of Kashmir through the constant consumption of propaganda – Modi has scored a huge political win.

Is there an ISIS in Jammu and Kashmir?
Jul 29, 2015

Is there an ISIS in Jammu and Kashmir?

Pakistan, with its innumerable terrorist organisations, some of them now working on their own, would provide enough fertile ground for organisations like ISIS to thrive within and spread outwards from here. It must be remembered that Al Qaeda leadership is still based in the FATA of Pakistan from where it continues to give directions.

Jammu & Kashmir -- Moving on
Jun 21, 2012

Jammu & Kashmir -- Moving on

We need to do a few things to bring normalcy in Kashmir that go beyond tourism statistics. We need to keep Pakistan out of the equation. We need to genuinely empower the elected government and allow the State to be governed from Srinagar and not from Delhi.

Jammu & Kashmir: Another Wake-Up Call
Dec 08, 2004

Jammu & Kashmir: Another Wake-Up Call

In an article of November 22, 2004, on India-Pakistan relations (, I had written as follows:

Jammu & Kashmir bonds with India may deepen over time
Jul 22, 2019

Jammu & Kashmir bonds with India may deepen over time

Kashmir has this instant ability to exclude everything except the known and the immediate.

Jammu & Kashmir: An election of insecurities
Nov 23, 2020

Jammu & Kashmir: An election of insecurities

The upbeat mood that is usually witnessed during the election process is missing on the ground.

Jammu and Kashmir: On the Cusp of Change, But Challenges Remain
Jun 17, 2022

Jammu and Kashmir: On the Cusp of Change, But Challenges Remain

The recent killings of minorities, migrant workers, and local police officers in the Kashmir Valley have led to an impression that the security situation in Jammu and Kashmir is once again becoming uncontrollable. On ground, however, the situation is said to be firmly under the control of the Indian State. This does not mean that terrorism has been eliminated; small terrorist groups continue to operate and attack soft targets, heightening the sen

Kartarpur corridor, talks with Taliban, Norwegian ex-PM in Kashmir
Nov 29, 2018

Kartarpur corridor, talks with Taliban, Norwegian ex-PM in Kashmir

The BJP has made a mess of Jammu and Kashmir and India’s policy on Pakistan.

Killing militants or killing militancy? The internet and Kashmir
Aug 03, 2020

Killing militants or killing militancy? The internet and Kashmir

If there is a learning to be made, it is that in the last one year, the absence of the internet has not helped in security, commercial, economic, heal

Life in Kashmir After Article 370
Jan 28, 2020

Life in Kashmir After Article 370

This special report analyses insights gathered by the author from different sections of the Kashmir public regarding the impact of the abrogation of Article 370 on their lives. The interviews were supplemented by secondary sources, primarily news reports in the national and international media after 5 August 2019, when the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)-led government of India abrogated the enforcement of Article 370 of the Constitution, which sinc

Looming threat of a post-Internet Kashmir
Nov 03, 2016

Looming threat of a post-Internet Kashmir

As Kashmir population becomes increasingly reliant on web, the Indian state ought to focus on addressing the deep-seated Kashmiri grievances.

Losing hearts and minds in Kashmir, the 'innovative' way
May 30, 2017

Losing hearts and minds in Kashmir, the 'innovative' way

Tomorrow, the use of human shields could become standard operating procedure. Instead of the difficult process of flushing out militants by armed assault, the army could line up civilians and use them to breach a position.

Making sense of the recent flurry of Chinese offers on Kashmir
May 09, 2017

Making sense of the recent flurry of Chinese offers on Kashmir

From offering to mediate on Jammu and Kashmir to expressing willingness to rename the CPEC, is China signalling a softening of its stance?

Media pictures: New currency of terror in Kashmir
Jul 24, 2018

Media pictures: New currency of terror in Kashmir

The aggressive photo strategy is fast morphing into a cultural tradition, creating false narratives by camouflaging the truth with heroic tales of the

Missing the big stick in Kashmir
Aug 29, 2016

Missing the big stick in Kashmir

Theodore Roosevelt in his famous dictum “speak softly, and carry a big stick,” spoke on Pakistan Occupied Kashmir and Balochistan.

Moderate voter turnout rekindles hope in Jammu and Kashmir
Dec 21, 2020

Moderate voter turnout rekindles hope in Jammu and Kashmir

That the turnout is despite the sweeping constitutional changes and the harshest lockdown that Kashmir has ever witnessed in its troubled history is s

Modi government chooses rhetoric over substance in Kashmir
Feb 09, 2018

Modi government chooses rhetoric over substance in Kashmir

Ideology and political gain seem to play a role in the Modi government’s Pakistan policy. If it was ideology, India ought to have declared Pakistan a state sponsor of terrorism instead of going around the world asking others to do so.

Modi government needs a fresh strategy for Jammu and Kashmir
Jun 18, 2018

Modi government needs a fresh strategy for Jammu and Kashmir

A plan is needed to deal with the changing nature of the militancy.

Modi’s Kashmir solution: An unchallenged master stroke
Aug 12, 2019

Modi’s Kashmir solution: An unchallenged master stroke

The scrapping of Article 370 and the bifurcation of Jammu and Kashmir exposed the internal contradictions and differences of the opposition.

Moving forward on Kashmir
Oct 01, 2004

Moving forward on Kashmir

In agreeing to explore with Pakistan a final settlement of the Kashmir question as part of a normalisation of bilateral relations, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh has pushed the India-Pakistan dialogue into what could be an exciting, if not decisive, phase.

Narco-terrorism in Kashmir — Pakistan’s new strategy
Dec 18, 2018

Narco-terrorism in Kashmir — Pakistan’s new strategy

The history of terrorism in the Valley indicates that the social disintegration of Kashmir directly as a result of Pakistan’s nefarious activities a

NATO arrives in Kashmir
Oct 28, 2005

NATO arrives in Kashmir

The North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) announced over the weekend a major airlift of relief supplies for Pakistan-Occupied Kashmir.

New complexity emerges with ISIS footprint in Kashmir
Nov 29, 2017

New complexity emerges with ISIS footprint in Kashmir

Kashmir is not new to ISIS flags being waved in the valley; however, the number of instances of this is negligible.

New Delhi’s options in the face of Beijing’s stance on Kashmir
Aug 23, 2019

New Delhi’s options in the face of Beijing’s stance on Kashmir

China’s bid to ‘internationalise’ the issue could push India to hurt its larger neighbour’s interests.

New Delhi’s recent Kashmir policy has hurt its international reputation but not its real position
Mar 02, 2020

New Delhi’s recent Kashmir policy has hurt its international reputation but not its real position

Externally, New Delhi has inconsistently wavered between attempting to influence the international debate on Kashmir and treating it as a purely domes

No consistency in Centre's Kashmir policy
Oct 25, 2010

No consistency in Centre's Kashmir policy

The integration of Jammu and Kashmir with the rest of India is the ultimate solution to the Kashmir problem, said Dr. Subha Chandran at an interaction on 'Jammu & Kashmir: Internal Threats and External Interests' at the ORF Chennai Chapter.

OIC and its views on Kashmir: India’s Achilles heel in the Islamic world?
Oct 14, 2019

OIC and its views on Kashmir: India’s Achilles heel in the Islamic world?

Influenced by Pakistan, OIC — a prominent organisation of Islamic countries — has consistently commented on the situation in Kashmir much to Indi