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China’s State Responsibility for the Global Spread of COVID19: An International Law Perspective
May 23, 2023

China’s State Responsibility for the Global Spread of COVID19: An International Law Perspective

Three months since the World Health Organization (WHO) declared the outbreak of COVID-19 as a pandemic, the health crisis has wreaked havoc on people’s lives and livelihoods across the globe. Can state responsibility be apportioned for the pandemic, under the current international legal system? What would the elements of such responsibility be? This brief explores the concept of “state responsibility” under public international law and exam

Chinese reactions to Bhutan PM’s interview
Apr 14, 2023

Chinese reactions to Bhutan PM’s interview

The Bhutanese PM’s recent interview is being lauded by the Chinese as an attempt by Bhutan to move closer to China at the expense of India

CJ's impeachment case in Sri Lanka: Poised for interesting climax?
Jan 08, 2013

CJ's impeachment case in Sri Lanka: Poised for interesting climax?

In the CJ impeachment case in Sri Lanka, the options for the Government are fewer, while for the Chief Justice, it is still worse - when it comes to enforcing Parliament's will on the one hand and the judiciary's decisions on the other.

Community policing as a tool for internal security Management - Part 1
Jun 02, 2022

Community policing as a tool for internal security Management - Part 1

This two-part series examines the importance of community policing and how it can be useful in dealing with India’s internal security challenges.

Community policing as a tool for internal security management - Part 2
Jun 02, 2022

Community policing as a tool for internal security management - Part 2

This second part assesses the challenges of insurgency in the Northeast and the Left-Wing Extremism.

Concerted International Action Needed to Rein in Pakistan Terror Groups
Feb 17, 2009

Concerted International Action Needed to Rein in Pakistan Terror Groups

Notwithstanding the partial admission of the allegations made by India about the Mumbai attackers, Pakistan's complicity in allowing Lashkar-e-Tayyeba (LeT), the terrorist group behind the Mumbai attack, to retain most of its extensive infrastructure and capability to pursue its terrorist activities calls for an intense global scrutiny.

Contestation over Chandigarh: The prolonged inter-state dispute
Apr 19, 2022

Contestation over Chandigarh: The prolonged inter-state dispute

Would the longstanding dispute between the states of Haryana, Punjab, and Himachal Pradesh over Chandigarh ever be resolved?

Cordial yet cold: Explaining China's aversion to international sanction regimes
Nov 03, 2014

Cordial yet cold: Explaining China's aversion to international sanction regimes

China has sometimes been cordial to sanction imposers depending on the issue-salience of the sanction, yet its posture towards international sanctions regimes remains cold, especially when they conflict with its national interests.

COVID-19: Export bans, trade rules and international cooperation
May 23, 2020

COVID-19: Export bans, trade rules and international cooperation

World Trade Organisation rules are not pandemic proof, and have fallen short of addressing the ongoing disruption to global trade and commerce.

COVID-19: International and domestic challenges await Sri Lanka
May 15, 2020

COVID-19: International and domestic challenges await Sri Lanka

With Geopolitical Cold War 2.0 and domestic economic strain, President Gotabaya Rajapaksa has the two daunting challenges ahead of him. He would have

CPC’s tryst with private regulatory interventionism
Apr 06, 2023

CPC’s tryst with private regulatory interventionism

The array of financial institutional reforms proposed at the ‘Two Sessions’ is indicative of continued regulatory interventionism by the CPC

Creating a safer and innovative internet
May 16, 2014

Creating a safer and innovative internet

The Special Envoy for the Fourth Cyberspace Conference in Netherlands, Dr. Uri Rosenthal, says global efforts are required to help create "an open and secure internet that is an engine for growth and innovation and for the benefit of the people."

Cyber Mercenaries: The Failures of Current Responses and the Imperative of International Collaboration
Dec 11, 2023

Cyber Mercenaries: The Failures of Current Responses and the Imperative of International Collaboration

Digital adoption, hastened globally by the COVID-19 epidemic, brought along with it both benefits and threats, including concerns of safety and security of the cyberspace. Current geopolitical dynamics, ongoing strategic and economic disputes, as well as attempts by authoritarian regimes to preserve power have allowed companies with malicious intent—known as ‘cyber mercenaries’—to develop and deploy offensive cyber capabilities. The tools

Cyber Security & Internet Governance
Jul 16, 2013

Cyber Security & Internet Governance

With both the goods FTA and services FTA in place, India is well set on the path of a comprehensive economic partnership with ASEAN. India, whose services sector contributes about 55% to the country's GDP, has been keen to sign the services FTA with ASEAN as it will help the Indian companies tap the ASEAN markets easily.

Cybernorms for a democratic internet
Oct 26, 2022

Cybernorms for a democratic internet

It is a mistake to frame the internet as a ‘Wild West’; it is time to demystify and de-obfuscate the role of nation states in the governance of th

Cybersecurity: The Internet of Risks
Sep 30, 2017

Cybersecurity: The Internet of Risks

International cooperation for cybersecurity is paramount in enabling all countries to make use of developmental potential of the Internet.

Data-driven policy recommendations to strengthen nutrition interventions in India
Sep 28, 2023

Data-driven policy recommendations to strengthen nutrition interventions in India

Data-driven, context-specific, integrated, and holistic policy interventions at the state level are needed to address acute and chronic malnutrition i

Deadly plane crash in Nepal: International concern over the safety of air service
Jan 27, 2023

Deadly plane crash in Nepal: International concern over the safety of air service

The recent plane crash in Nepal has exposed the cracks in the aviation sector. A complete overhaul is required.

Death for the dictator: Interplay of Pakistan’s politics, military and judiciary
Dec 17, 2019

Death for the dictator: Interplay of Pakistan’s politics, military and judiciary

As things stand in Pakistan, the army and the government claim to be on the same page. The judiciary — for now — is standing apart.

Deciphering the world: International Relations and history in India
Aug 21, 2023

Deciphering the world: International Relations and history in India

The disciplines of International Relations (IR) and History could be natural allies as both have much to gain from engaging with each other. A historically informed IR could provide a deeper understanding of the motivations of world politics, while ‘international history’ could offer a much needed comparative perspective to the manner in which history is approached. Focusing on what students of IR can learn about and from the study of history

Decoding India's stand on international sanctions
Dec 17, 2014

Decoding India's stand on international sanctions

The Modi government's policy of engagement, rather than isolation of sanctioned countries, is very much in line with its predecessor, United Progressive Alliance, led by Manmohan Singh. However, like Singh, Modi too has refrained from speaking on the issue of sanctions.

Decolonising Aid: Moving Beyond International Aid Intermediaries
Mar 18, 2024

Decolonising Aid: Moving Beyond International Aid Intermediaries

The international aid system is in need of reform. Despite rhetoric about localisation, a meagre 1.2 percent of international humanitarian aid directly reaches local actors. Overall, there is a lack of transparency and awareness in international policy circles on how funds flow from the donor level to the field. This brief argues that the issue is not just about a lack of capacity on the part of local actors—a sweeping statement often used by W

Deconstructing China’s Interest in the Niger-Benin Rapprochement
May 28, 2024

Deconstructing China’s Interest in the Niger-Benin Rapprochement

Beijing’s motivations concerning the conflict resolution in Niger include a mix of economic, political and reputational drivers.

Defining the protection of ‘the public core of the internet’ as a national interest
Jul 19, 2017

Defining the protection of ‘the public core of the internet’ as a national interest

The norm to protect the public core of the internet, originally advocated by the Netherlands Scientific Council for Government Policy, can be operationalised in two ways. Both a layered approach and a functional approach to defining the public core of the internet provide productive ways to discuss safeguarding the functionality and integrity of the core logical and physical infrastructure of the internet from unwarranted state interventions. Thi

Democratising the Internet: Landscape of digital markets and its impact
Sep 28, 2022

Democratising the Internet: Landscape of digital markets and its impact

Decentralising the internet has always been about letting users have more power. India must align its regulations with global efforts that govern citi

Deploying open government data for AI-enabled public interest technologies
Jul 21, 2021

Deploying open government data for AI-enabled public interest technologies

This effort should begin with a demand-side assessment of the Open Data ecosystem via consultations with AI innovators at startups, domestic corporat

Disaster resilient infrastructure governance and public health: The role of the international community
Feb 20, 2023

Disaster resilient infrastructure governance and public health: The role of the international community

As the frequency of climate-related disasters rise, there is a greater need for a compounded cooperative approach within the global community

Disruptors get the carrot and incumbents the stick as TRAI terminates interconnection charges
Sep 22, 2017

Disruptors get the carrot and incumbents the stick as TRAI terminates interconnection charges

While arguments over methodologies and calculations will find its way to the courts, the telecom regulator believes that symmetry in tariffs will bring about symmetry in traffic.

Do internet search engines stifle human cognition?
Feb 07, 2023

Do internet search engines stifle human cognition?

India must act fast to mitigate the high risks, ensure that search engines live up to their responsibilities, and be transparent