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374 results found

High likelihood of China coming in to Indian Ocean, says Bengal Governor
Nov 27, 2013

High likelihood of China coming in to Indian Ocean, says Bengal Governor

West Bengal Governor M.K. Narayanan thinks that India must carve out an area of influence for herself as China has made it clear that it is not going to restrict itself to Western Pacific, and so, there is high likelihood that China will come into the Indian Ocean because of its interest in oil.

How electoral bonds distort India’s democracy
Mar 28, 2019

How electoral bonds distort India’s democracy

The early trends on electoral bonds suggest that the new channel would greatly undermine India’s electoral democracy by inviting unbridled corporate

India (re)discovers the Indian Ocean
Aug 23, 2019

India (re)discovers the Indian Ocean

Disputes with Pakistan and China limit India’s sea projection. But the country has a growing need to protect vital sea routes and this changes its approach. Ties with America and Russia influence New Delhi’s posture

India and a new Asian order
May 21, 2022

India and a new Asian order

India should join hands with Japan, South Korea, and Australia to collaborate on shared geopolitical and security interests so that it can counterbala

India and Australia: Building media resilience in the Pacific and Indian island states
Sep 19, 2023

India and Australia: Building media resilience in the Pacific and Indian island states

The Pacific and Indian Ocean islands states require support from external partners to protect the integrity of independent thought and defend themselv

India and Latin America: Where ignorance is not bliss
Sep 12, 2017

India and Latin America: Where ignorance is not bliss

India and South America have barely managed to maintain minimal bilateral ties for the last several decades. Absent strong ties in geography, what India and South America have instead is a shared post-colonial history. Colonised by European powers for several centuries, both began their journey as independent countries under conditions of underdevelopment and having inexperienced polities with a limited foreign policy agenda. Today, it is not onl

India and the U.S. can together make tech more accessible to all
Jun 20, 2023

India and the U.S. can together make tech more accessible to all

A strategic partnership of two great democracies will counter the rising influence of techno-authoritarians.

India as a peacemaker at the Global Peace Summit?
Jun 12, 2024

India as a peacemaker at the Global Peace Summit?

PM Narendra Modi has an opportunity to play peacemaker at the most important peace summit since World War II. India’s well-established relationship with Russia is the key.

India losing its clout in South Asia
Jan 08, 2014

India losing its clout in South Asia

Beyond personalities and politics, there is one basic question we need to ask ourselves: Why even 66 years after independence, is New Delhi's influence in its region shrinking instead of expanding?

India should stand behind Afghanistan
Dec 27, 2007

India should stand behind Afghanistan

India should invest more and invest it where it matters in Afghanistan to strengthen its presence and influence in a country which is struggling valiantly to initiate a process of nation-building against extreme odds.

India-Central Asia: Important to facilitate North-South trade
May 03, 2019

India-Central Asia: Important to facilitate North-South trade

There have been several changes in the political landscape in the geography of Central Asia — with the entry of China as a major player in funding infrastructure projects in the region, and the weakening influence of USA in the markets, along with the independence from Soviet Union.

India-China power play gets new life in Maldives
Oct 07, 2023

India-China power play gets new life in Maldives

The victory of a pro-China government in the Maldives offers Beijing an opportunity to restore its influence in the Indian Ocean region

India-Japan-Myanmar: Prospects for strategic connectivity
Jan 10, 2014

India-Japan-Myanmar: Prospects for strategic connectivity

As leading Asian democracies, India and Japan are perfectly poised to stake their claim in the sphere of geopolitical influence by increasing regional cooperation with countries like Myanmar

India-US cooperation in SA: Beyond what meets the eye
May 06, 2024

India-US cooperation in SA: Beyond what meets the eye

India, the world’s largest democracy, and the United States (US), the world’s oldest democracy, are heading to elections this year. The elections come when both democracies are increasing their cooperation in South Asia (SA) to maintain a ‘free and open’ Indo-Pacific and push back against an assertive and aggressive China.

India-US Defence Relations: In Search of a Direction
Jul 23, 2023

India-US Defence Relations: In Search of a Direction

The strong reactions to the non-inclusion of American firms in a major Indian military procurement tender, in the backdrop of proposed aggressive weapons sales by the Americans, paint a contrasting picture that could influence India-US defence relations in the near future. This Paper looks at the entire gambit of Indo-US Defence relations and, based on past experiences and ongoing deliberations, the challenges ahead.

India-US Defence Trade Continuity Under Trump
May 12, 2023

India-US Defence Trade Continuity Under Trump

This brief explores the factors informing the Donald Trump administration’s continuity on the US’s defence trade with India. The administration’s impetus to maintain US-India defence trade stems from factors like the ‘reverse revolving door’ policy that has increased the influence of US defence contractors, its ‘Buy American’ policy to boost US arms exports, and defence trade being construed as an incremental means to correct the bi

India’s growing strategic footprint in the Indo-Pacific
Aug 15, 2023

India’s growing strategic footprint in the Indo-Pacific

As a rising power in the Indo-Pacific region, India is expanding its outreach in Southeast Asia and the South Pacific exponentially

India’s Indian Ocean challenge
May 04, 2018

India’s Indian Ocean challenge

China and India compete for influence, nation by nation, throughout the Indian Ocean region

India’s IPEF Play: What New Delhi gets out of it
Jun 14, 2022

India’s IPEF Play: What New Delhi gets out of it

Despite the loopholes in the IPEF framework, nonetheless, it presents New Delhi with a chance to assert its economic importance and influence in th

India’s Stakes in Taliban-Ruled Afghanistan
Aug 01, 2023

India’s Stakes in Taliban-Ruled Afghanistan

The Taliban’s return to power in Afghanistan in August 2021 changed the strategic dynamics in the region. For India, the new regime and its attendant risks—especially the threat of terrorism—quickly put it in an unenviable position. This brief assesses India’s policy towards Afghanistan since August 2021. It will cover how India has articulated its Afghan policy, domestically and in multilateral organisations, and its incremental

Indira Gandhi assassination parade: Canada’s pandering to Khalistani elements has gone too far
Jun 09, 2023

Indira Gandhi assassination parade: Canada’s pandering to Khalistani elements has gone too far

The Canadian government, instead of robustly standing up to extremism, has found it easier to pander to some of the most violent and aggressive groups. This is partly because of how these extremist groups have increased their influence over state institutions

Indo-Pak relations and the Chinese model
Apr 10, 2012

Indo-Pak relations and the Chinese model

The pressures to change in Pakistan are real. It is not inconceivable that over a period of time, Islamabad will recognise that there are alternatives for Pakistan to exercise regional influence.

Invest, Indebt, Incapacitate: Is China Replicating Its ‘Xinjiang Model’ In BRI Countries?
Aug 21, 2020

Invest, Indebt, Incapacitate: Is China Replicating Its ‘Xinjiang Model’ In BRI Countries?

China has been aggressively promoting its Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) through massive investments in participating countries, as a means to further its strategic, economic and political goals. Such a strategy bears striking similarities to its policies in the Xinjiang province. This paper attempts a comparative study between Xinjiang and BRI countries in South and Central Asia to highlight the issues these states will likely face in the coming

Iran’s ‘resistance front’ and its bridge with South Asia
Dec 07, 2023

Iran’s ‘resistance front’ and its bridge with South Asia

The ongoing Israel-Palestine crisis adds to the wider Israel-Iran rivalry, with Tehran’s vocal promotion of an “Axis of Resistance” that is draw

IS Khorasan, the US–Taliban Deal, and the Future of South Asian Security
Dec 15, 2020

IS Khorasan, the US–Taliban Deal, and the Future of South Asian Security

The Taliban today undoubtedly has a stronger hold over how the US militarily plans to withdraw from the conflict in Afghanistan. This raises questions about the continuing challenges to security in South Asia—in particular, the influence of IS Khorasan (IS-K), the group’s Afghanistan avatar, and its rise both as an ISIS-aligned entity and a big-tent brand for various jihadist groups in the country. As the ‘Khorasan’ project of ISIS gets m

Is Maldives moving away from India?
Dec 27, 2012

Is Maldives moving away from India?

As 2012 draws to a close, the question uppermost in the minds of Maldives watchers is if the country was moving away from the strategic sphere of Indian influence, and has begun tilting towards China.

Islamisation in Pakistan: A Case Study of Punjab
Jul 28, 2023

Islamisation in Pakistan: A Case Study of Punjab

Islam had reached Punjab along with the invasion of Muhammad Bin Qasim in the 8th Century. It spread in the province through the efforts of an array of Sufi saints who arrived in the province in the centuries that followed. Naturally, that meant that Islam in Punjab was deeply influenced by Sufi traditions. Today, both sides of the divided province are dotted with Sufi shrines or dargahs. The Sufi saints of Punjab have been venerated through the

Japan's security policy in the era of new geopolitics
Mar 26, 2015

Japan's security policy in the era of new geopolitics

Japan is facing extremely dangerous situation in North East Asia where North Korea is developing nuclear weapons. It is also witnessing China's excessive assertiveness in the East China Sea and the South China Sea. So, situations like these will influence the way Japan will shape its security policy, says eminent Japanese scholar Prof. Shinichi Kitaoka.

Japan’s Stakes in the Afghanistan Crisis
Feb 08, 2022

Japan’s Stakes in the Afghanistan Crisis

The Taliban takeover of Afghanistan in August 2021, just after the withdrawal of US-led troops, will have ramifications in Japan’s activities in the region. Since 2001, Japan has provided 759 billion yen (USD6.9 billion) to reconstruction efforts in Afghanistan. This, despite the fact that Japan does not share geographical proximity with Afghanistan and therefore has no direct strategic interests in the country. To be sure, Japan’s partners s

Jihad as a grand strategy
May 27, 2011

Jihad as a grand strategy

Pakistan has been using Jihad as a grand strategy for various reasons but primarily to influence events in its immediate neighbourhood, according to Dr Paul Kapur of the U.S. Naval Postgraduate School.

King Charles’ Jamaican farewell
May 11, 2023

King Charles’ Jamaican farewell

The growing numbers of former colonies transitioning to republicanism serve as a stark reminder of the waning strategic influence of the monarchy and

Left Wing Extremism in India
Dec 18, 2003

Left Wing Extremism in India

Left-wing extremists, popularly known as Maoists worldwide and as Naxalites1 in India--have been gaining in strength and influence since some time. Today, the menace of Left-wing extremism is the single internal security threat that affects the largest number of States in India.

LeT's social media warfare
Jul 03, 2013

LeT's social media warfare

Lashkar-e-Tayyeba is rapidly expanding its presence and influence in the social media networks. The group is using these networks to recruit tech-savvy younger generation not only from Pakistan but also from the Pakistani diaspora.

Maintaining momentum in India–Maldives relations
Jul 31, 2023

Maintaining momentum in India–Maldives relations

India must offer lucrative alternatives that focus on development and ensure early completion of its current projects to maintain its footprint in Mal

Mapping China, India, and Russia in President Biden’s Indo-Pacific Strategy
Feb 18, 2022

Mapping China, India, and Russia in President Biden’s Indo-Pacific Strategy

In its aim to expand its influence, the US is mindful of the threats posed by China and Russia while incorporating important partners such as India in

Marketing it differently? Chinese reimagination of BRI in Nepal
Sep 05, 2023

Marketing it differently? Chinese reimagination of BRI in Nepal

The inclusion of soft power initiatives under the BRI shows the urgency on the Chinese side to project the wheels of BRI as moving in Nepal

Mecca summit: Peace initiative or one-upmanship
Aug 18, 2012

Mecca summit: Peace initiative or one-upmanship

Any evaluation of Shia politics in West Asia would be flawed until it takes into account the considerable influence that the holy city of Najaf exerts on Baghdad, Teheran, the Hezbullah and the majority of Bahrainis.

Modi has a big hand in Obama’s success on the India front
Jan 21, 2017

Modi has a big hand in Obama’s success on the India front

Silencing both critics and skeptics, Modi had categorically stated that “relations between the two countries cannot be determined or be even remotely influenced by incidents related to individuals.”

Modi in Maldives: Sets the ball rolling for restoring old ties
Nov 26, 2018

Modi in Maldives: Sets the ball rolling for restoring old ties

In his inauguration speech, President Solih referred only to India by name, and also reiterated that the Maldives was returning to the ‘India first�

National Approach to Naxal Issue Needed
Sep 14, 2005

National Approach to Naxal Issue Needed

The reluctance of, and inordinate delay by, the Union Government, to evolve a national approach and policy to tackle Naxalites of the Communist Party of India-Maoist (CPI-Maoist) is, indeed, baffling. Meanwhile, the Maoists¿ daring attacks, lethality, presence and influence have rapidly been rising; also, there is marked shift in their method of attack.

Navigating Contemporary Philippine Foreign Policy Under Marcos Jr.
Jun 20, 2023

Navigating Contemporary Philippine Foreign Policy Under Marcos Jr.

The Philippines continues to be embroiled in the overarching regional dynamics of Southeast Asia influenced by the intensifying power competition between its traditional ally, the United States and its largest immediate neighbour, China. Such geopolitical configurations have put significant pressure on the current administration of President Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr. to steer the Philippines through turbulent waters. Thi

Navigating the Indo-Pacific: Development Cooperation as a Diplomatic Tool
Apr 03, 2024

Navigating the Indo-Pacific: Development Cooperation as a Diplomatic Tool

Development cooperation has gained further currency in a post-pandemic world amid staggered economic growth and an increasing gap in financing the Sustainable Development Goals. As a strategic geographic expanse, the Indo-Pacific has witnessed an upswing in cooperation programmes under different modalities (North-South, South-South, and triangular development partnerships). This paper explores the role of development cooperation as a tool of dipl

Nepal’s Continuing Quest for Federalism and Peace
Aug 11, 2023

Nepal’s Continuing Quest for Federalism and Peace

This paper analyses the debate surrounding federal restructuring in Nepal and the position taken by various political stakeholders. It argues that an early political consensus on federalism is imperative; otherwise, the country may slip into greater ethnic conflict. Nepal is currently experiencing perhaps one of the most turbulent phases in its contemporary political history. In 2008, Nthe 240-year-old institution of monarchy—for long seen a

New Delhi’s recent Kashmir policy has hurt its international reputation but not its real position
Mar 02, 2020

New Delhi’s recent Kashmir policy has hurt its international reputation but not its real position

Externally, New Delhi has inconsistently wavered between attempting to influence the international debate on Kashmir and treating it as a purely domes

Northwest turbulence
Mar 04, 2015

Northwest turbulence

What Delhi needs is a strategy that will generate some influence for India in shaping the future of the critical northwest sub-region. Such a strategy will necessarily involve sustained dialogue with Pakistan, a recalibration of the Afghan policy, encouragement to the peace talks between Kabul and Rawalpindi and the readiness to engage all powers who have a stake in the region's stability.

Not promoting, not exporting: India’s democracy assistance
Dec 24, 2017

Not promoting, not exporting: India’s democracy assistance

India is commonly — and rightly — considered as a reluctant democracy promoter. But while sceptical about the motives behind Western attempts to promote democracy and about the effects of their democracy promotion efforts, India has since the mid-2000s moved warily to involve itself in “democracy assistance”. This article argues that New Delhi has engaged in these activities in the context of a wider shift in strategy, in parallel with t

Nuclear Developments in Iran: Comprehending the Indian View
Apr 21, 2015

Nuclear Developments in Iran: Comprehending the Indian View

This paper examines Indian policies and decisions on Iran's nuclear programme and reveals a number of critical factors which have influenced New Delhi on this matter in varying degrees.

Obama's 'reset' button with Russia jammed beyond repair?
Mar 18, 2014

Obama's 'reset' button with Russia jammed beyond repair?

In the end, every great power will have to accept the spheres of influence or "special interest zones" of other powers so that there are no clashes in interests. The world will have to adjust to polycentricism and to big powers occasionally rubbing against each other, even if there are no hot conflicts.

OIC and its views on Kashmir: India’s Achilles heel in the Islamic world?
Oct 14, 2019

OIC and its views on Kashmir: India’s Achilles heel in the Islamic world?

Influenced by Pakistan, OIC — a prominent organisation of Islamic countries — has consistently commented on the situation in Kashmir much to Indi