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Military reforms have put China’s combat capability way ahead of India’s
Feb 08, 2019

Military reforms have put China’s combat capability way ahead of India’s

Indian decision makers face two hard choices: either reduce the size of the Indian Army or significantly expand the defence budget.

Mobilising to a Victorious Insurgency: Locating Identity, Grievance, and Greed in the Taliban’s Strategy
Aug 11, 2023

Mobilising to a Victorious Insurgency: Locating Identity, Grievance, and Greed in the Taliban’s Strategy

Analysts attribute the fall of Kabul to the Taliban in August 2021 to various factors. These include geopolitical shifts, and the Taliban’s tactics of warfare. However, fewer attempts have been made to understand the Taliban’s victory through internal mobilisation. This brief attempts to fill the gap, and examines the role of identity, grievance, and greed in the Taliban’s mobilisation and its contribution to a successful insurgency. It out

Modi must moderate the Sangh
Dec 18, 2014

Modi must moderate the Sangh

Narendra Modi came to power with an unexceptional agenda: push economic growth; transform the infrastructure; bring about a social transformation. But this agenda appears to be in danger of being drowned out by a cacophony of voices from Hindutva organisations.

Modi shines on world stage, labours at home
Apr 30, 2015

Modi shines on world stage, labours at home

The Government's honeymoon is perhaps already over and realistically it has another 6 to 12 months to start putting flesh on the bare-bone schemes and ideas announced this past year. If these do not eventuate, one may well witness emptier stadiums abroad and hear shriller voices at home.

Mumbai terror attack: Six years later, are we ready?
Nov 27, 2014

Mumbai terror attack: Six years later, are we ready?

Terrorism follows no rules and is not likely to disappear suddenly. Counter-terrorism can be harsh but is required to follow some rules. We need state-of-the-art intelligence but we need the freedoms. It is always going to be a difficult choice.

Musharraf's Frankensteins Come Home To Haunt Him
Dec 30, 2003

Musharraf's Frankensteins Come Home To Haunt Him

The two assassination attempts in quick succession on Gen.Pervez Musharraf, the President of an Islamic state, who is a key ally of the United States in the war in Afghanistan, came at a time when the US-led coalition forces in Iraq were rejoicing over the capture of Saddam Hussein, the enemy number two only after Osama bin Laden.

Myanmar and India: A bridge and a gateway to the East
May 28, 2012

Myanmar and India: A bridge and a gateway to the East

As immediate neighbours, India and Myanmar have little choice but to engage each other closely. Such engagement needs understanding of each other's social and economic interests, and respect for each other's political and strategic concerns.

Narendra Modi and India’s new climate change norms
Jul 18, 2019

Narendra Modi and India’s new climate change norms

At the start of the republic, India found a normative voice on the global stage through its moral stand against colonialism. Now a rising India needs

Need to corporatise Indian cricket body
Jun 15, 2013

Need to corporatise Indian cricket body

A former Ranji cricketer and writer has suggested regulation of betting through a comprehensive legislation to clean up fixing-scarred cricket. He has also voiced the need for converting the BCCI into a corporate entity along the lines of Cricket Australia.

Need to rethink structural aspects of Bretton Wood Institutions
Mar 04, 2015

Need to rethink structural aspects of Bretton Wood Institutions

Even today, the ownership of the Bretton Wood Institutions (BWIs) continues to reflect the realities of 1943-44. Giving more voice to emerging economies will require ratification by the US Congress that has so far shown no sign of progress.

Nehru's realism
Nov 14, 2014

Nehru's realism

As India's most influential voice on foreign affairs in the run-up to Independence and its chief diplomat for the first 17 years of the republic, Nehru said and did things that can't be stuffed into one box labelled "Nehruvian".

Nepalese monarchy, a symbol of national unity still?
Oct 01, 2010

Nepalese monarchy, a symbol of national unity still?

Despite former king Gyanendra's attempts to revive the golden days of monarchy in Nepal, it will not be an easy return given the monarchy's past role in muzzling the voice of democracy.

New terror attack exposes India’s limited options
Feb 16, 2019

New terror attack exposes India’s limited options

Despite the severity of the attack and the pressure for action, New Delhi’s choices are much more limited than they may initially appear.

Obama's priority: Successful Chicago Summit, not Afghan peace
May 05, 2012

Obama's priority: Successful Chicago Summit, not Afghan peace

The basic purpose for Obama to have undertaken the nocturnal visit to Kabul is to show the Republicans as the misguided war mongers who thrust two wars on a nation in recession. True, Afghanistan was a war of choice but now unpopular at home. He would like to appear to be the leader who called back the troops.

On the 70th Anniversary, Abe Govt should rethink US bases relocation plan
Jun 22, 2015

On the 70th Anniversary, Abe Govt should rethink US bases relocation plan

Disregarding opposition from the local population in Okinawa, Tokyo continues to state that it will go ahead with its current base relocation plan to Henoko. Tokyo and Washington should comprehend that when constructing a military base in a democratic country, the popular will and voices of local citizens should be carefully considered and heard.

Pak Army should give up politics
May 11, 2005

Pak Army should give up politics

There is only one way in which Pakistan can survive as a nation-state. That is, the Pakistan Army will have to confine itself to being an armed force and not usurp the powers and responsibilities of the legislature and executive branch of the government. The mission objective of an armed force is to safeguard the integrity and sovereignty of the country and not run it. The people of Pakistan have a choice here.

Pak boat operation: Was there any other option with Coast Guard?
Jan 08, 2015

Pak boat operation: Was there any other option with Coast Guard?

No one really knew what had happened on the high seas off Porbunder on the New Year Eve, yet everyone had an answer within hours. The boat was apparently in the wrong place at the wrong time, and the choice was limited to take the challenge to its logical conclusion, including shooting it down or blowing up the boat as soon as possible. The Coast Guard acted on intelligence inputs. There is no "what if" in such circumstances.

Paradiplomacy in India: Evolution and operationalisation
Aug 24, 2017

Paradiplomacy in India: Evolution and operationalisation

Paradiplomacy as it is conducted by sub-state governments introduces the idea of decentralisation of political power to make regional governments prominent actors in the international sphere. This paper examines the scope for subnational diplomacy in India, as the country seeks to appreciate the significance of federalism and regionalism in promoting local interests, as well as identity, in current international politics. Regional governments ope

Paving the path for Rule of law in China - reform or empty rhetoric?
May 28, 2015

Paving the path for Rule of law in China - reform or empty rhetoric?

The survival of the Communist Party and its legitimacy depends on how seriously they understand the ground voices and act accordingly. The urgency to bring comprehensive judicial reforms may be a survival strategy.

Policy imperatives for India’s small farmers
May 23, 2023

Policy imperatives for India’s small farmers

This paper examines the various constraints faced by India’s small and marginal farmers, which severely affect the productivity of their lands, and thus their incomes. These obstacles cover the gamut of farming activities, from production to storage, and accessing markets. A recent government survey has said that four of every ten of the country’s farmers disliked farming, and would prefer another occupation if given a choice. While the gover

President Sirisena's global outreach commences on a positive note
Feb 19, 2015

President Sirisena's global outreach commences on a positive note

During the meeting with visiting Sri Lankan President Maithripala Sirisena, Modi has indicated he would like to visit Sri Lanka in March. During the tour, the Indian PM may also visit Maldives, Mauritius and Seychelles. The visit has the great potential for these nations to emerge as a collective Indian Ocean Rim voice.

RCEP: The best way forward for Modi's 'Act East' Policy
Jan 06, 2015

RCEP: The best way forward for Modi's 'Act East' Policy

In the light of the fact that India is not a member of the Trans-Pacific Partnership, it is important for the country to forge a deal in RCEP. In the current scenario, there have been increasing attempts by Indo-Pacific region members to voice growing concerns regarding Non Tariff barriers hindering trade prospects in the regional bloc.

Reading the U.S. Elections
Nov 10, 2004

Reading the U.S. Elections

The current conventional wisdom now being voiced among American analysts is that the 2004 election is evidence of a conservative revolution in American politics. According to this view, the U.S. is now in the midst of a long-term shift to the right and the creation of an enduring Republican majority, akin to the Democratic majority coalition forged during the 1930s and the New Deal by Franklin Roosevelt.

Riding the tiger
Apr 18, 2019

Riding the tiger

With elections in progress we find that our choices are extremely limited.

Rise of Microblogs in China – A Challenge and an Opportunity
Apr 14, 2023

Rise of Microblogs in China – A Challenge and an Opportunity

“The more the number of people, the stronger we are” Mao Zedong In recent years microblogs have emerged as a serious challenge for the Chinese government as they have become an effective means for common citizens to voice their opinions. With more and more citizens joining this new and still emerging media, the Chinese State is doing all it can to curtail freedom of expression. Although the government is trying to have absolute control over

Risk or Reward? – The Impact of Private Security Contractors and Militias in Afghanistan
Aug 11, 2023

Risk or Reward? – The Impact of Private Security Contractors and Militias in Afghanistan

To supplement the still lagging Afghan and ISAF security capabilities, alternative structures have been used or created, especially in rural or hard-to-reach areas. Two important groups among these are private security contractors (PSCs) and 'community defence' organisations or local militias. This paper assesses the impact of these entities on Afghan stability. Beginning March 19, 2003, the United States invaded Iraq, drawing both material an

Sanders narrows down the gap with Clinton
Jul 08, 2015

Sanders narrows down the gap with Clinton

Unlike the crowded and competitive Republican presidential nomination field, the Democratic field, for a long time, looked empty with only Hillary Clinton. The strong entry of Sanders in the Democratic nomination has given the American voters a fair choice between Clinton and Sanders' respective brands of politics.

Securing Afghanistan: Historic Sources of India’s Contemporary Challenge
Aug 11, 2023

Securing Afghanistan: Historic Sources of India’s Contemporary Challenge

This paper looks at debates from the days of the British Raj until now that have shaped India's strategic thought on Afghanistan. It highlights the impact of India's territorial construct on its strategic imagination and argues that India's Afghan policy is determined by its political geography. Afghanistan has proved to be a security lynchpin in South and A Central Asia over the last two decades. Home to a variety of militant networks with regi

Should parties announce PM candidates?
Jan 29, 2019

Should parties announce PM candidates?

The knowledge and understanding of the past and the fundamental of democratic practice do not put any constraints on political parties to declare thei

SIDS चा आवाज बुलंद करण्यासाठी हवामान वित्ताची पुनर्रचना करण्याची गरज!
Jun 14, 2024

SIDS चा आवाज बुलंद करण्यासाठी हवामान वित्ताची पुनर्रचना करण्याची गरज!

असुरक्षितता निर्देशांकांना प्राधान्य देण्यासाठी, लहान

South Asia South Asia Weekly 54
Jan 12, 2009

South Asia South Asia Weekly 54

It appears that the LTTE debacle and the protest voices emerging from Tamil Nadu as an aftermath has no effect on the bilateral relationship of India and Sri Lanka if a recent visit of the Indian Foreign Secretary Shiv Shankar Menon to Sri Lanka is any indication.

South Asia Weekly Report | Volume XIII-36
Sep 08, 2020

South Asia Weekly Report | Volume XIII-36

The talks must be viewed as an opportunity to transform the Afghan social and political landscape, by reflecting local voices – especially that of women, and other marginalised groups – in the agenda of the peace process.

South Asia: Ending, or losing, an ‘endless war’ in Afghanistan?
Nov 02, 2020

South Asia: Ending, or losing, an ‘endless war’ in Afghanistan?

“With improved implementation of the plan of action for South Asia, Trump has impelled the region to constantly recalibrate strategic choices while

South-South cooperation for maternal health: Advancing India's role
Apr 05, 2024

South-South cooperation for maternal health: Advancing India's role

With India’s assumption as the voice of the Global South, its progress in the maternal mortality ratio and maternal and child health can serve as a

Sowing the wind, reaping the whirlwind
Jun 19, 2022

Sowing the wind, reaping the whirlwind

The self-goal could have been avoided, but the ruling party saw the emerging warning signals with eyes wide shut. Some party sections clearly felt they were clever enough to run with the hare and hunt with the hounds, and that religious polarisation in domestic politics could work to electoral advantage even as the PM and his diplomats wooed the Muslim nations of the Gulf. Perhaps, they don’t recognise that we live in an interconnected world, w

Sri Lanka's post-war foreign policy in perspective
Feb 08, 2010

Sri Lanka's post-war foreign policy in perspective

President Mahinda Rajapaksa's choice of Russia for his maiden foreign visit after re-election has outlined the new set of priorities for post-war Sri Lanka

Taliban’s unending crackdown on Afghan female journalists
Jun 04, 2022

Taliban’s unending crackdown on Afghan female journalists

Afghan female journalists have no choice but to give up their profession as the Taliban increases pressure.

Technodemocracy at Tangier
Jul 05, 2019

Technodemocracy at Tangier

Reverberations of post-colonial themes of finding ‘voice’ fuse with the leapfrog of technology for cooperation in the emerging world on achieving sustainable development goals - a report from the Conference on Technology, Innovation and Society at Tangier in June 2019.

The 'Sheikh Chilli' economics of Imran Khan
Nov 02, 2018

The 'Sheikh Chilli' economics of Imran Khan

A near-bankrupt Pakistan has only two choices. It can go to the IMF and suffer reforms. Or it can carry on with its lies, vagaries and economic wet dreams

The Case for a ‘Links, Not Dependencies’ Approach to EU Engagement in the Indo-Pacific
Aug 11, 2023

The Case for a ‘Links, Not Dependencies’ Approach to EU Engagement in the Indo-Pacific

Over the past year, the European Union (EU) increased its efforts to develop a more holistic approach to its engagement with the Indo-Pacific. Specifically, the EU has signalled a more concrete intention to integrate defence and security considerations into the policymaking process, with the publication of a regional strategy of engagement in September 2021. This brief aims to tie existing threads of EU diplomatic, developmental, and security pra

The centrality of historical female figures in the future fight for equality
Mar 08, 2021

The centrality of historical female figures in the future fight for equality

It is crucial that we tell our daughters of the countless armies of women who have raised their voices, who have raged, and fought, and sung.

The Draft Digital Personal Data Protection Bill 2022: Recommendations to the Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology
Jan 18, 2023

The Draft Digital Personal Data Protection Bill 2022: Recommendations to the Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology

The recommendations are based on a stakeholder consultation organised by ORF on 1 December 2022. Although the authors have made the best efforts to give voice to the concerns of various stakeholder groups, this is not a consensus document and does not attribute comments to, or claim to represent, the positions of any individual or organisation. All statements, assertions or factual errors are attributable only to ORF.

The last reform: ‘Regionalist logic’ for a new UN Security Council
Apr 14, 2023

The last reform: ‘Regionalist logic’ for a new UN Security Council

The United Nations Security Council, the UN's most powerful body tasked to maintain international peace and security, is failing in its mandate. Its rigid institutional setting, the privileged status of core UN members, and the continuing lack of voice of many countries, have increased the risk of dramatic and systemic failures and shaken the legitimacy and centrality of the UN in the international system. This paper proposes a new solution in th

The Makkah Declaration: rhetoric and reality
Dec 15, 2005

The Makkah Declaration: rhetoric and reality

King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz of Saudi Arabia is to be complimented for his vision and initiative. The vision that something was seriously amiss within the comity of Muslim nations, and the initiative to call them together in an extraordinary summit of the OIC (Organisation of Islamic Conference) to cogitate on the seriousness of the situation and to come forth with meaningful remedies.

The reading list of Xi Jinping
Jan 07, 2018

The reading list of Xi Jinping

It is well known that Xi Jinping is an avid reader because his speeches have often used quotes from Dickens, Victor Hugo and Paul Coelho. The very choice of the books has a meaning.

The realignment of geopolitics after the Taliban takeover and what it means for India
Aug 18, 2021

The realignment of geopolitics after the Taliban takeover and what it means for India

The burial of another superpower in the graveyard of empires resets the regional security balance in South Asia with New Delhi being left to make some

The slow return of Syria into mainstream West Asian politics
Dec 22, 2021

The slow return of Syria into mainstream West Asian politics

An attempt is being made to draw Damascus back into mainstream politics; however, the influence of foreign actors over the war-torn country will make