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366 results found

Crossroads of Artificial Intelligence: Higher Education and Research in India and China
Nov 11, 2020

Crossroads of Artificial Intelligence: Higher Education and Research in India and China

This paper offers a comparative study of India and China in higher-education reforms for the development of talent in artificial intelligence (AI), and in AI research. It analyses the AI development plans and strategies of the two countries, their automation readiness index, talent retention, and research output. The analysis is based on both primary and secondary sources including interviews, government and industry reports, and recognised ranki

Cyber adversaries may go after private sector systems: Experts
Jan 17, 2014

Cyber adversaries may go after private sector systems: Experts

Experts warn that while governments are getting better at managing cyber and internet threats, adversaries may go after private sector systems, in the absence of active public-private cooperation.

Cyber Mercenaries: The Failures of Current Responses and the Imperative of International Collaboration
Dec 11, 2023

Cyber Mercenaries: The Failures of Current Responses and the Imperative of International Collaboration

Digital adoption, hastened globally by the COVID-19 epidemic, brought along with it both benefits and threats, including concerns of safety and security of the cyberspace. Current geopolitical dynamics, ongoing strategic and economic disputes, as well as attempts by authoritarian regimes to preserve power have allowed companies with malicious intent—known as ‘cyber mercenaries’—to develop and deploy offensive cyber capabilities. The tools

Cyber Norms: लोकतांत्रिक इंटरनेट व्यवस्था के लिए साइबर स्पेस के मानक!
Jan 09, 2023

Cyber Norms: लोकतांत्रिक इंटरनेट व्यवस्था के लिए साइबर स्पेस के मानक!

इंटरनेट को ‘वाइल्ड वेस्ट’ मान लेना गलती है. अब वक्त आ गया �

Cyber Norms: लोकतांत्रिक इंटरनेट व्यवस्था के लिए साइबर स्पेस के मानक!
Nov 04, 2022

Cyber Norms: लोकतांत्रिक इंटरनेट व्यवस्था के लिए साइबर स्पेस के मानक!

इंटरनेट को ‘वाइल्ड वेस्ट’ मान लेना गलती है. अब वक्त आ गया �

Cyber Sovereignty: In Search of Definitions, Exploring Implications
Aug 17, 2023

Cyber Sovereignty: In Search of Definitions, Exploring Implications

The increasing dependence on the internet across the spectrum is pushing some states to adopt measures to exert their sovereignty over cyberspace. Certain global events have also acted as a catalyst for states to pursue cyber sovereignty. The involvement of multiple stakeholders and the borderless character of the virtual world have made sovereignty a complex affair in this domain. This brief seeks to illuminate the concept of ‘cyber so

Cybersecurity in an age of insecurity
May 31, 2018

Cybersecurity in an age of insecurity

Over the years, the variety and intensity of cyber attacks have multiplied exponentially, even as many states have been struggling to arrive at framework for cybersecurity.

CyFy 2019: Chairman’s message
Oct 15, 2019

CyFy 2019: Chairman’s message

CyFy in many ways is a platform that mimics the internet in its pristine prime. It is designed to be owned and curated by multiple stakeholders and pa

Data flow and privacy: G20 अध्यक्ष के रूप में भारत की डेटा प्रवाह और गोपनीयता में भूमिका!
Nov 11, 2022

Data flow and privacy: G20 अध्यक्ष के रूप में भारत की डेटा प्रवाह और गोपनीयता में भूमिका!

भारत को यह सुनिश्चित करना चाहिए कि data के सीमा पार प्रवाह प�

Data localisation in emerging markets: The case of Turkey
Oct 07, 2020

Data localisation in emerging markets: The case of Turkey

Data localisation requirements under Turkish law have so far been sector-specific and, hence, limited in scope.

Data Protection: भारत के डेटा संरक्षण के प्रयासों में दुविधाएं
Dec 29, 2022

Data Protection: भारत के डेटा संरक्षण के प्रयासों में दुविधाएं

पिछले बिल की तुलना में डेटा संरक्षण का नया विधेयक (DPDPB 2022) ज़�

Data को लेकर अंतर्राष्ट्रीय राजनीति; सुरक्षा को चकमा देती नियंत्रण
Jan 10, 2023

Data को लेकर अंतर्राष्ट्रीय राजनीति; सुरक्षा को चकमा देती नियंत्रण

वैश्विक स्तर पर अलग-अलग सरकारें आम तौर पर नये क़ानूनों और

Debunking lynch mobs: An ethical approach to online harassment and free speech
Nov 03, 2016

Debunking lynch mobs: An ethical approach to online harassment and free speech

"Lynch mobs" on Internet exist and have real effects. But only way to effectively regulate is social regulation. And that too through an ethical appro

Digital biases: The chimaera of equality and access
Apr 22, 2021

Digital biases: The chimaera of equality and access

Online civic life across developing and developed countries has been adversely affected, with serious consequences to the offline world.

Digital Civics के माध्यम से ज़िम्मेदार युवा नेटिजन्स का पोषण!
Dec 12, 2022

Digital Civics के माध्यम से ज़िम्मेदार युवा नेटिजन्स का पोषण!

युवाओं को भारत के प्रभावी ‘डिजिटल सिटीजन्स’ अर्थात ‘डिज�

Digital Democracy: बेहद अस्थिर ज़मीन पर चल रहा है डिजिटल प्रजातंत्र
Jul 29, 2023

Digital Democracy: बेहद अस्थिर ज़मीन पर चल रहा है डिजिटल प्रजातंत्र

दुनिया के विकासशील या कम विकसित देश वैसी तकनीक के साथ जीत�

Digital divide: वित्तीय समावेशन में डिजिटल डिवाइड की पड़ताल!
Jul 27, 2023

Digital divide: वित्तीय समावेशन में डिजिटल डिवाइड की पड़ताल!

भारत में कमज़ोर और निम्न आय वर्गों का उत्थान सुनिश्चित क�

Do we need a new generation of Human Rights for cyberspace?
Oct 26, 2022

Do we need a new generation of Human Rights for cyberspace?

In the second part of a two-part series, it is argued that the debate—on whether the extension of cyberspace creates the need for a new generation o

Drones and India: Exploring Policy and Regulatory Challenges Posed by Civilian Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
Feb 06, 2015

Drones and India: Exploring Policy and Regulatory Challenges Posed by Civilian Unmanned Aerial Vehicles

This paper explores the ways in which UAVs are increasingly integrating themselves in civilian life, outlines the policy implications of this rapid proliferation, and identifies specific policy blind spots India must address.

E-commerce and the digital economy: How the G20 can help Africa overcome its digital divide
Jun 21, 2017

E-commerce and the digital economy: How the G20 can help Africa overcome its digital divide

Africa is facing a digital divide. Access to the internet and related digital services is low, and in most countries, the supporting regulatory framework is not in place; nor are the necessary data and logistics infrastructure. At the same time, there are various examples of e-commerce success stories across the continent; and the wide use of mobile phone technology has created many new opportunities for African entrepreneurs and consumers alike.

Emerging technologies and geopolitical contestation
May 07, 2019

Emerging technologies and geopolitical contestation

The battle for setting up the 5G network has become the latest flash-point for geopolitical competition between the US and China.

Equitable access for the education sector in a pandemic-stricken India
Jun 17, 2020

Equitable access for the education sector in a pandemic-stricken India

A pandemic-stricken India frantically grapples with a jolt to an education system that is seemingly ill-equipped to handle the transition to distance

Exploring net neutrality
Aug 12, 2014

Exploring net neutrality

With India seeking to connect the next billion, and becoming a key player in the global Internet debate, it is important to have clearly formed domestic policies. The combination of regulatory interest, corporate opposition and constitutional rights suggest that the time is right for a nuanced debate on net neutrality in India.

Fear and loathing of cryptocurrencies
Mar 04, 2021

Fear and loathing of cryptocurrencies

Governments must realise that cryptocurrencies were created as a reaction to neoliberal policies and wholly strive to understand how the state can bui

Few grains from the "Thousand Grains of Sand"
Mar 08, 2017

Few grains from the "Thousand Grains of Sand"

The Thousand Grains of Sands approach does enough to complement the opaque nature of the Chinese Politburo — closed yet calculating to raise its hoo

Fixing Cyber Vulnerabilities: An Agenda for the Quad
Feb 16, 2024

Fixing Cyber Vulnerabilities: An Agenda for the Quad

The COVID-19 pandemic sparked rapid digitalisation worldwide, with work-from-home interactions, online payments, and online consultations for various services becoming acceptable practices. While this shift in the manner and nature of work brought enormous benefits, crucially in terms of access, it has also increased the kind of cyber security threats that countries face, with vulnerabilities felt particularly in the health and financial sectors.

Framing multistakeholder conversations on encryption
Dec 06, 2016

Framing multistakeholder conversations on encryption

On August 12, 2016 the Observer Research Foundation convened the first in a series of multistakeholder roundtables on encryption. This report is the outcome of the discussion of issues and proposal of solutions conducted at the roundtable. Being a complex, technical-legal question around access to data for law enforcement, encryption has long been a contested issue. Creating best-in-class regulation on encryption will require targeted interventio

Going beyond third-party liability to regulate content: Examples from Germany and Singapore
Oct 08, 2020

Going beyond third-party liability to regulate content: Examples from Germany and Singapore

Given the complexities and the possible excess of making the Internet (more) fragmented, should we consider doing more than just demanding liability f

Graduating from emergency remote teaching to online higher education in India
Jun 03, 2020

Graduating from emergency remote teaching to online higher education in India

Even if a single student is left behind, the move to online teaching will remain unfair. In the longer term, the Central and state governments must co

How hypersonic weapons are redefining warfare
May 02, 2024

How hypersonic weapons are redefining warfare

Given the growing relevance of hypersonic weapons, India needs to accelerate its efforts in their development and in the deterrence of these weapons.

How Islamic State changed global warfare
Apr 03, 2018

How Islamic State changed global warfare

Use of weaponized drones, do-it-yourself armoured vehicles and a well-planned internet strategy have given Islamic State an unprecedented edge

Human Rights: क्या हमें साइबर स्पेस के लिए मानवाधिकार की नई पीढ़ी की ज़रूरत है?
Jan 09, 2023

Human Rights: क्या हमें साइबर स्पेस के लिए मानवाधिकार की नई पीढ़ी की ज़रूरत है?

दो भागों की श्रृंखला के दूसरे हिस्से में ये तर्क दिया गया

ICANN and GAC ? A Review of proposed byelaw changes
Sep 09, 2014

ICANN and GAC ? A Review of proposed byelaw changes

From an internet governance point of view, and the debate over the ITU staking its claim over managing the internet resources and taking over the ICANN functions, GAC's role is an important one, but which often finds itself as not having enough 'clout' in the ICANN decision making process.

ICT Adoption and Productivity Gains in Indian Manufacturing
Jul 28, 2023

ICT Adoption and Productivity Gains in Indian Manufacturing

Adoption of Information and Communications Technology (ICT) can affect the performance of firms in a variety of ways, including faster processing of information and products, the facilitation of changes in business practices and improved internal organisation and management. Indeed, much of the recent research on developed countries in this area has emphasised less the adoption decision per se than what adoption facilitates. In particular, ICT is

India and Cyber Power: भारत की साइबर ताक़त और प्रतिकार स्वरूप ‘ऑपरेशन’ की अनिवार्यता!
Dec 28, 2022

India and Cyber Power: भारत की साइबर ताक़त और प्रतिकार स्वरूप ‘ऑपरेशन’ की अनिवार्यता!

नेटवर्क की सुरक्षा के लिए रक्षात्मक साइबर परिचालन अर्था�

Indian government’s 2G restrictions in Kashmir fail to curb online extremism
May 27, 2020

Indian government’s 2G restrictions in Kashmir fail to curb online extremism

Amid the COVID-19 pandemic, extremist groups find workarounds to the digital blockade as ordinary citizens endure restricted access

Indian TechFin: क्या हमारे पास उपलब्ध नियम-क़ायदे पर्याप्त हैं?
Dec 28, 2022

Indian TechFin: क्या हमारे पास उपलब्ध नियम-क़ायदे पर्याप्त हैं?

भारतीय टेकफिन के उत्थान ने विनियामक चुनौतियां पेश की हैं

India’s crypto journey: Leading the global adoption race
Dec 07, 2023

India’s crypto journey: Leading the global adoption race

India, with its thriving startup ecosystem and growing smartphone and internet penetration, has the potential to position itself as a future crypto hu