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AgustaWestland Row: India-UAE bilateral ties helped extraditions
Feb 11, 2019

AgustaWestland Row: India-UAE bilateral ties helped extraditions

What India can learn from its recent successes in extradition, is to see the best practices it adopted, and implement it in its pending extradition requests.

Air Pollution in Delhi: Filling the Policy Gaps
Dec 18, 2020

Air Pollution in Delhi: Filling the Policy Gaps

Delhi, a Union Territory that is home to India’s capital, New Delhi, is among the world’s urban agglomerations with the most toxic air. The magnitude of air pollution is massive. It causes devastating impacts on people’s health, the city’s environment, and economic well-being. Despite overwhelming evidence of the severity of air pollution and its consequences, however, India’s policy measures remain weak. This paper identifies the most

Alarming job problem: Time for investment in skills training
Dec 07, 2010

Alarming job problem: Time for investment in skills training

Today the two biggest countries in the world - the US and China - are playing in the world arena on their own terms. Jobs are, indeed, something to be worried about because not only is there a threat of a deflationary spiral in the US but there is also a huge fiscal deficit. This means austerity (decline in demand) and job losses.

Allies in focus: The US-Japan-Philippines Summit
Apr 16, 2024

Allies in focus: The US-Japan-Philippines Summit

The recent trilateral summit between Japan, the Philippines and the US reflects the shared interests to improve collective response and self-defence i

Almost covert, wholly illegal
Sep 05, 2011

Almost covert, wholly illegal

Even assuming that Gaddafi is gone for good, Libya's future still looks uncertain. If Libya becomes unstable, violent, or a fertile ground for radicals, it will raise questions about the wisdom of the entire enterprise.

Amid Changing Nature and Character of War, the Need for Tech-Oriented Military Commanders for India
Feb 17, 2023

Amid Changing Nature and Character of War, the Need for Tech-Oriented Military Commanders for India

It has historically been assumed that while the nature of war remains the same—i.e., violence inflicted on the adversary to bend them to one’s will—the character of warfare changes with technology, organisation, politics and culture. This notion has changed. Over the past decade, the nature of war has also changed, with increased use of non-contact and non-kinetic modes of warfare expanding the battlefield spatially and temporally.

Amidst global economic ruin, Indian story will be no different
Jun 09, 2020

Amidst global economic ruin, Indian story will be no different

National lockdown in four consecutive phases is already having a negative multiplier effect on the economy.

An A-SAT test ban can wait: India needs to widen kinetic A-SAT capabilities
Jan 25, 2023

An A-SAT test ban can wait: India needs to widen kinetic A-SAT capabilities

New Delhi aptly abstained from supporting the US-led resolution. It should not lose sight of the importance of an A-SAT triad.

An African millennial’s toolbox for the 4IR
Aug 16, 2018

An African millennial’s toolbox for the 4IR

African millennials need strategies to position themselves in such a way that they are able to take advantage of rather than suffer from the effects o

An evolving IOR and dilemmas in Sri Lanka’s security calculus
Jul 02, 2024

An evolving IOR and dilemmas in Sri Lanka’s security calculus

While Sri Lanka is pushing for domestic reforms and defence capacities to counter the emerging threats in the IOR, its strategic location subjects it

An incomplete transformation: Multilateral development banks and the green infrastructure gap
Aug 17, 2023

An incomplete transformation: Multilateral development banks and the green infrastructure gap

The global effort to meet the targets set by the Paris Agreement on Climate Change and the Sustainable Development Goals will depend crucially on reforming the structure of development finance. Mobilising private capital will be an essential part of this effort, and existing development finance institutions, led by the complex of multilateral development banks (MDBs), will have to re-orient their strategies and functioning to prioritise this mobi

An Underdeveloped Corporate Bond Market: The Achilles’ Heel of India’s Growth Story
Mar 11, 2023

An Underdeveloped Corporate Bond Market: The Achilles’ Heel of India’s Growth Story

India’s aspirations to become the third largest economy in the world by 2027, and a developed country by 2047, need to be backed by a liquid, deep, and well-functioning debt market—something that the country does not have. Banks in India typically lack the ability to sponsor long-term projects because their liabilities are of a relatively shorter tenure. An efficient Indian corporate bond market with lower costs and faster issuances could pro

An uphill battle: Syrian refugees in Germany want citizenship and political representation
Apr 17, 2021

An uphill battle: Syrian refugees in Germany want citizenship and political representation

Even though Syrian refugees have been integrated relatively faster in Germany, social integration continues to be a challenge in the labour market.

An uphill climb for a potential SCO terrorism list
Sep 19, 2022

An uphill climb for a potential SCO terrorism list

The SCO, to build any probable list against terrorism will have to build a consensus on how to define it.

Anaemia and malnutrition: A vicious cycle leading to child growth failure
Dec 06, 2021

Anaemia and malnutrition: A vicious cycle leading to child growth failure

India has a history of neglect in breaking the intergenerational cycle of malnutrition. About one in five women (18.7 per cent) of reproductive age (15-49 years) in India are thin, with a body mass index (BMI) of less than 18.5 kilograms per square metre.

Andhra turmoil: Only Telangana creation can help
Jul 16, 2011

Andhra turmoil: Only Telangana creation can help

The Andhra crisis illustrates the inability of the UPA government to arrive at a decision in respect of the Telangana problem. This attitude of drift has been noticed for well over 50 years. And the Centre has shown little understanding while handling with socio-political issues of Telugu speaking districts of the erstwhile Madras Presidency.

Angola’s honeymoon with China ends but will that end its woes?
Jul 26, 2022

Angola’s honeymoon with China ends but will that end its woes?

Will Angola be able to develop its economy by improving governance, rooting out corruption, and rebalancing its relationship with China and the West?

Annual Outlook 2021: Silver Linings
Feb 11, 2021

Annual Outlook 2021: Silver Linings

One year after the first deaths due to COVID-19 were announced, the world is still grappling with the twinned health and economic crises resulting from the pandemic. At the start of 2021, it is evident that an uneven economic recovery has taken shape across the globe, with some countries — such as Taiwan and Vietnam — having experienced remarkably few cases, whilst others — namely, the US, India, Brazil, and parts of Europe — are still co

Another military coup in Sudan
Nov 08, 2021

Another military coup in Sudan

As Sudan’s dance with democracy was cut short by the recent military takeover, concerns have emerged as this puts regional security at risk

Anti colonial leader now holds neo colonial coat tails
Feb 22, 2013

Anti colonial leader now holds neo colonial coat tails

Did Mahatma Gandhi and Jawaharlal Nehru fight British colonialism? If they did, is it not ironical that New Delhi should be seen to be supportive of the French neo-colonial effort in Mali?

Anti-incumbency, political outsiders, and millennial presidents in Latin America
Sep 01, 2023

Anti-incumbency, political outsiders, and millennial presidents in Latin America

Latin America is increasingly proving that the old notions of ‘left’ and ‘right’ are no longer the principal themes in electoral democracy.

Applying the Gujarat Model: What  Modi's budget will offer
Jun 05, 2014

Applying the Gujarat Model: What Modi's budget will offer

Some economists argue there is an overlap between the demands of the stock market and the emerging aspirational classes. The new FM has said, sacrifices will have to be made to correct the fiscal path. The question is who will make the sacrifices -- big capital or ordinary people?

Apprehensive world leaders need not worry yet, the US’s peculiar political system will keep Trump in check
Nov 10, 2016

Apprehensive world leaders need not worry yet, the US’s peculiar political system will keep Trump in check

At the end of the day, Trump’s policymaking will depend on the team that executes it, and, as of now, no one has a clue about what this team will look like.

Arab protests: the American dilemma
Feb 11, 2011

Arab protests: the American dilemma

The current wave of protests sweeping across the Arab world has the Obama administration worried, particularly about Egypt. Interestingly, each protest in the region has targeted rulers who have been allied to the US for long. The US thus finds itself in a delicate situation.

Arab states and China tighten partnership at a time of turmoil
Jun 10, 2024

Arab states and China tighten partnership at a time of turmoil

China’s primary chase in West Asia remains economic and it will continue to push for economic integration despite the region’s challenges.

Are Anganwadis ready to provide quality early childhood education?
Jan 24, 2024

Are Anganwadis ready to provide quality early childhood education?

Increasing public spending on early childhood care and education and empowering India’s Anganwadis is important to ensure that quality early educati

Armed drones in Indian military: Can machines understand the rules of war?
Jan 11, 2023

Armed drones in Indian military: Can machines understand the rules of war?

Despite their growing usage in armed conflict, artificially intelligent unmanned combat systems raise questions of law, ethics and accountability

Armenia, India, and the possibility of an ‘Indo-European security supercomplex’
May 16, 2024

Armenia, India, and the possibility of an ‘Indo-European security supercomplex’

The emerging Indian-Armenian ties aim to forge geopolitical and geoeconomic pathways that align with their mutual interests and bolster strategic part

Artificial intelligence and personhood: Interplay of agency and liability
Mar 04, 2024

Artificial intelligence and personhood: Interplay of agency and liability

Questions around legal personhood for AI systems loom large given the potentially adverse consequences and the need to determine liabilities and remed

Artificial Intelligence in military operations: Where does India stand?
Aug 02, 2019

Artificial Intelligence in military operations: Where does India stand?

Policymakers must have a sound understanding of the objectives that AI seeks to achieve in the strategic context of India to disseminate artificial in

As China rises, will it become liberal?
Jun 26, 2013

As China rises, will it become liberal?

If China were to shape a world order that might be bereft of some of the universally accepted principles, it may be problematic for many countries, including India.

As China signals the coming of a combat-ready and modern military, India must take heed
Oct 30, 2017

As China signals the coming of a combat-ready and modern military, India must take heed

At the congress of the Communist Party of China last week, Xi Jinping announced reforms for the People’s Liberation Army.