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923 results found

Pakistan General Elections 2018: What’s at Stake?
Jul 17, 2018

Pakistan General Elections 2018: What’s at Stake?

In well-functioning democracies where those who lose elections live to fight another day, the forthcoming general elections in Pakistan is a battle for survival for many of the main political players in the country. To begin with, the brazen intervention by the military establishment in the political process has left the polls little credibility. In many ways, the elections will set the future trajectory of politics in Pakistan. While the deck se

Pakistan’ Rigged Elections People have voted against the army but it still gets to cook up the next coalition
Feb 12, 2024

Pakistan’ Rigged Elections People have voted against the army but it still gets to cook up the next coalition

People have voted against the military’s political favourites but General Munir still gets to cook up the next coalition government

Pakistan’s Senate elections: Imran Khan and the army’s PDM dilemma
Mar 13, 2021

Pakistan’s Senate elections: Imran Khan and the army’s PDM dilemma

While the elections may be over and the PDM may have won this battle, the war continues to be fought.

Politics of Russia’s elections
Mar 18, 2024

Politics of Russia’s elections

Despite Putin’s overwhelming victory in the recent Russian presidential elections, a growing shift in the social attitudes of the citizenry was witn

President Obama and the Midterm Elections
Oct 22, 2010

President Obama and the Midterm Elections

A few days before President Obama's Indian visit, the US will witness midterm elections. If the opinion polls are anything to go by, the Democratic Party appears to be in trouble. However, Obama can utilize the polls to retool his strategy and win back the voters as Bill Clinton did in 1994.

Punjab elections: Some interesting departures
Feb 02, 2012

Punjab elections: Some interesting departures

The results of the Assembly elections in five States, including Punjab, will be out on 6 March. It remains to be seen whether Punjab will stick to history and vote out the incumbent Shiromani Akali Dal (SAD)-BJP government or whether history will be made and the latter will be re-elected.

Putin maintains firm grip on power ahead of 2024 presidential elections
Oct 19, 2021

Putin maintains firm grip on power ahead of 2024 presidential elections

The recent elections in Russia indicated that despite a minor fall in approval ratings, the United Party still enjoys huge support.

Reading the U.S. Elections
Nov 10, 2004

Reading the U.S. Elections

The current conventional wisdom now being voiced among American analysts is that the 2004 election is evidence of a conservative revolution in American politics. According to this view, the U.S. is now in the midst of a long-term shift to the right and the creation of an enduring Republican majority, akin to the Democratic majority coalition forged during the 1930s and the New Deal by Franklin Roosevelt.

Russia votes: State Duma elections 2021
Sep 16, 2021

Russia votes: State Duma elections 2021

As Russia prepares to vote, steps have been taken to maintain the status quo

Russia: The residual Cold War over democracy, elections and influence
Nov 02, 2020

Russia: The residual Cold War over democracy, elections and influence

The election of Trump in 2016 struck yet another blow to an already struggling US-Russia relationship, which has today reached the lowest point since

Similar narratives in India, US elections?
Nov 12, 2015

Similar narratives in India, US elections?

One can draw a range of parallels in the political discourse prevalent in the US and India. In this article, an attempt has been made to find parallels in the narratives that dominated the Indian general election of 2014, with the ones currently dominating the U.S. presidential election in 2016.

South Africa elections 2024: Political pluralism or fractured democracy?
Apr 15, 2024

South Africa elections 2024: Political pluralism or fractured democracy?

With an increasing number of political parties, the potential of coalition politics is an imminent reality in South Africa as it heads to the polls

South African municipal elections: Lessons for the ANC
Sep 09, 2016

South African municipal elections: Lessons for the ANC

The African National Congress (ANC) lost three important cities in the municipal elections.

Sri Lanka elections: Mahinda Vs Mahinda, still
Dec 10, 2014

Sri Lanka elections: Mahinda Vs Mahinda, still

It looks as if campaign fever for the January eighth presidential poll is yet to pick up a full fortnight after it all began. At this rate, the poll might conclude without the campaign reaching the conventional climax and the nation getting a new President or a President for a new term possibly without the usually high 75-per cent turnout.

Statistics indicate a historical result in the US elections
Sep 13, 2012

Statistics indicate a historical result in the US elections

Following the two national conventions held by the Republican Party and the Democratic Party, the race to the White House has gained more steam. It was an opportune time to take the debate on the US Presidential election

Taiwan’s 2022 local elections: What lies ahead?
Jan 30, 2023

Taiwan’s 2022 local elections: What lies ahead?

To emerge victorious in the 2024 presidential elections, KMT will have to assure its people that it is not pro-China and intends to preserve the statu

The 2014 elections could mark the start of 21st century politics in India
Mar 05, 2014

The 2014 elections could mark the start of 21st century politics in India

General elections of 2014 could well be the most interesting election they will witness in their lifetime. Several developments suggest that the elections could mark a big shift of the political paradigm and, in that sense, they could well mark the true beginning of 21st century politics in the country.

The 2020 US elections: What’s at stake for India?
Jun 12, 2020

The 2020 US elections: What’s at stake for India?

The dramatic change in just three months illustrates the unpredictable nature of US politics at an unpredictable time for the world — including Indi

The biggest winner of Brazil’s elections: The ‘beef, bible, and bullets’ movement
Oct 07, 2022

The biggest winner of Brazil’s elections: The ‘beef, bible, and bullets’ movement

The biggest takeaway of this election is that Brazil’s conservative political movement, underpinned by the “beef, bible, and bullets” trifecta,

The Colombian presidential elections: A consequential change?
Jun 24, 2022

The Colombian presidential elections: A consequential change?

The victory of left-wing senator Gustvao Petro indicates that Colombia is ready for unprecedented changes.

The election imbroglio: Pakistan’s general elections and the way forward
Feb 13, 2024

The election imbroglio: Pakistan’s general elections and the way forward

The 2024 Pakistani elections is a significant indicator of the increasing vulnerability of the military in the nation's political landscape and the po

The great American divide before the 2024 elections
Oct 05, 2023

The great American divide before the 2024 elections

The deepening of the divide between and within the US’s principal political parties foreshadows a deeply fractured presidential election

The Iran deal: Will it have an impact on US elections?
Jul 31, 2015

The Iran deal: Will it have an impact on US elections?

As the US Congress scrutinises the Iran accord, partisanship on Capitol Hill might reach new heights and it will capture headlines. Whether Congress passes the Iran deal or not, it will loom large in the election debates because of its connection to American and Israeli national security, though it is unlikely to be a real game changer in the elections.

The Kenyan elections: A surprisingly democratic and peaceful affair
Sep 13, 2022

The Kenyan elections: A surprisingly democratic and peaceful affair

The lack of political violence during the recent elections in Kenya spells progress for the East African country.

The last round of state elections before 2019: Four trends and takeaways
Dec 11, 2018

The last round of state elections before 2019: Four trends and takeaways

As for the Congress, how it chooses its governments and its allies henceforth is crucial.

The Muslim factor in general elections
Apr 20, 2019

The Muslim factor in general elections

There are many factors making the 2019 general elections a bit tricky, open and unpredictable. Muslim voting pattern is one such factor.

The outsourcing debate in the US elections
Aug 20, 2012

The outsourcing debate in the US elections

In the US presidential election, dominated by domestic issues and with little focus on foreign policy, outsourcing has emerged as a point of discussion. India is one of the top countries to which the US outsource work.

The South Korean elections: Another round of political logjam?
Apr 18, 2024

The South Korean elections: Another round of political logjam?

The victory of the Opposition party in the recent South Korean elections will force the President to focus more on the domestic agenda than on foreign

The Taiwanese Presidential elections could shape Asia’s future
Jan 11, 2024

The Taiwanese Presidential elections could shape Asia’s future

The world will be closely watching the Taiwan election as it will play a crucial role in shaping the power dynamics in Asia

The US elections and India-Russia relations
Sep 29, 2020

The US elections and India-Russia relations

India’s efforts to preserve the primacy of its partnership with Russia would be made much easier should Russia pay more heed to certain Indian conce

The ‘China Debate’ in Australia: Implications for the 2019 Federal elections and Australian foreign policy
Apr 17, 2019

The ‘China Debate’ in Australia: Implications for the 2019 Federal elections and Australian foreign policy

The most striking aspect of Australia’s ‘China Debate’ today revolves around the issue of political donations with claims that China is seeking

Towards public financing of elections and political parties in India: Lessons from global experiences
Nov 24, 2017

Towards public financing of elections and political parties in India: Lessons from global experiences

Democracy costs a lot of money. To fight elections and run their routine activities, political parties in India seek donations from all possible sources including ‘illegal’ and ‘interested’ money. This has serious ramifications in preserving the integrity of Indian democracy. An increasing number of countries, meanwhile, have taken the path of public subsidies and direct funding of parties and political activities — aiming to reduce dep

Transformative elections bring post-identity politics
Apr 23, 2014

Transformative elections bring post-identity politics

The 2014 general elections are all about the economy, jobs, good governance and rising aspirations. Survey after survey conclusively agree that for most voters what matters is stable employment, steady income, corruption free governance and a decisive leadership.

Transparent elections crucial to Pakistan
Feb 26, 2013

Transparent elections crucial to Pakistan

A free and fair election is critical for Pakistan to face the mounting challenges the country is grappling with, according to Mr Saad S Khan, a bureaucrat and scholar from Pakistan.

Turkmenistan’s presidential elections: No surprise in the offing
Mar 10, 2022

Turkmenistan’s presidential elections: No surprise in the offing

Will a new leadership bring about the much-required change in Turkmenistan as it battles a severe economic and food crisis?